Artificial Reality Nothing is real in reality. All the intelligence, belief and wisdom in the world will not change this truth. The human race has prided itself on how many people, circumstances and outcomes it can control and manipulate to convey its synthetic power and conceal its deepest insecurities. All that shall remain of it is the watermark of its self-righteousness, insatiable appetites, veiled malice and egocentric conquests. Generations upon generations of human beings have come and gone, born with the greatest promise and buried with the greatest failure. A defeat most will not choose to acknowledge or claim. We are not real because we simply do not live in the present. We are the most elaborate lie ever created. We are given the extraordinary opportunity to thrive by evolving, transcending and sharing all we encounter. Yet, we are constantly seduced by our ego's incessant agenda. Our lives are truly not about helping others. They aren't even about helping our families or ourselves. They are about enabling an elusive network of sociopaths a very few are willing to identify, engage or oppose. The tragedy is that we don't even know or care enough about inequality and injustice to make a difference. The simulated life in which we participate is our security blanket. It gives us an artificial sense of comfort, safety, status and purpose. It gives us a permissible excuse and reason to never become who we are meant to be. In our hearts and souls we know our potential and ability. Yet, we lean upon our shortcomings and reservations to prevent ourselves from creating and living our destiny. Mediocrity and insecurity seals the fate of our ordinary and meaningless suffrage. No matter how we may spin our incomplete and unfulfilled lives with financial, educational or religious means, they are still a lie. The Dark Side Human beings exhibit characteristics that ultimately possess them for their entire lives. Many live with these conditions never knowing or understanding their dysfunctional nature and influence. Few are willing, open or authentic enough to identify and manage them. Even fewer are willing to transform them into opportunities to serve instead of being enslaved. This elaborate Matrix of personal weakness and limitation festers in the presence of human conceit, denial, doubt, cognitive dissonance, self-righteousness and fear. They are all qualities that originate exclusively from the dark side of our ego. Our ancient, reptilian mind is constantly seeking to take advantage and control of our life. We abide within a three-dimensional existence living a two-dimensional experience. What and how we identify and adopt as reality further strengthens the hold our ego has over us. It is a lifestyle that has been imposed upon us by a system of calculated progression, manufactured results, manipulated dynamics and engineered acquiescence. We are all caught in a spider web of deception. The very nature of the reality in which we exist is simply not conducive to truth, wisdom, community and above all else love. Eventually, we become accustomed, comfortable and compliant within the shadows of our lives. We cower in the dark waiting for a chance that will never come. When it does arrive, it is merely a mirage of opportunity and success that leaves us empty and unfulfilled. We are disassociated with ourselves and our truth, passion, love and destiny. When we are presented with opportunity, we perceive it as a fleeting dream or an exodus from the "almighty" reality. Our reliance upon the common and and familiar structures of mortal life, prevents any and all true evolution and expression we may ever experience. Seeing the Unseen Our visible world is less than 3% of the "known" universe. Our life is severely impaired by our archaic five senses. These expressions of our existence are the compass of our experience. They can also be the greatest diversions and inhibitors of our perception. As soon as we open our eyes, the alluring authority of visual reality compromises the balance between our senses. Our fascination and reliance upon sight instantly shifts our focus and awareness from a multi-dimensional possibility to a two-dimensional sentence. Our "blind" acceptance of reality confines us within our own invisible prison. Sight is the most manipulated sense in our common reality. We are profoundly dependent upon what we see. We choose to believe more effortlessly and absolutely in what is visible than what is felt or intuited. It deceives us with our own apathy, criticism, denial, selfishness and opposition. All that we yearn to achieve in our lives is surrendered when we don't choose to create or experience our lives to their fullest potential. The greatest weakness the human race believes to be its greatest strength is its mutual acceptance that life is measured by what we receive, not what we give. There is only one way to truly experience the unseen dimensions of the universe. It requires a synergy between our instincts and our intelligence. This opens the gateway of our enlightened emotional consciousness. The balance between our body, mind and heart creates the three-dimensional equilibrium necessary to generate the appropriate focus, energy and expression to relate with our intuition. Our intuition is the "lightening" bolt that connects us with our soul. Only when we have attained this four dimensional, electromagnetic nexus within are we able to live in union with the universe. All That Is True
The truth of the human race never has, is or will ever be found upon the printed line. Because of its inclinations toward control and manipulation, humanity continues to exist within the darkness of its own conditioned intelligence, devoted compliance and unbridled insecurity. The human race is more willing to relinquish its personal power to authority than stand for and in its own. Personal power has become an endangered human expression. The daunting fear of responsibility that seemingly accompanies its ownership has not just made it nearly unattainable; it has rendered it non-existent. Our perception of life and how we experience it is not our own. We are victims of an artificially imposed, media-driven deception. More often than not, our point of view is adopted instead of earned. Not just because we would choose to see it erroneously out of our apprehension for what "may" be true. It is mostly because we live in a false world, governed by false people with false intentions to gain false supremacy for false means. When we choose to establish and live our truth, it is a lonely, challenging and unfulfilling experience that yields very little "true" enlightenment in the "real" world. Our lives are lived primarily upon the lines of a story we accept as the standard reality. The majority of humanity reads and emulates their role with patriotic obligation and obedience. Freedom will never be found in becoming a pawn upon the chessboard of society. It is claimed in our dedication to truly live, love and be. We must break our program and transcend the illusion in which we are all cast. Only when we read between the lines of reality will our truth be found. Only then will we able to write our own lives. Only then will we be able to create the truth we are destined to be. Comments are closed.