Expose The Corruption, To the oppressed, and to those who suffer with them and fight by their side, in lak'ech ala k'in!
There are few books I have read that have both entertained and disturbed me.
The Grandest Deception by Dr. Jack Pruett is assuredly one of them...
From the preface, through the opening chapters and well into the book itself Dr. Pruett kept me turning the pages not only by revealing opinions that caused quite a bit of anxiety. but also by hurling convincing - if not totally unarguable points of view about...
Where does one begin when one attempts to overthrow the belief system of an entire civilization? Dr. Pruett begins, ‘In the beginning… "by rattling civilization’s very core. One of the core pillars of the Judeo/Masonic/Christian belief system is the Bible. In essence the Bible has always been portrayed in ancient and modern times as the divine and historical relationship of God with mankind - the "word" of God.
Countries have been founded on this premise; churches of all Masonic-Judeo-Christian, denominations have used the Bible to disseminate the "word" of God. Few other writings have predisposed humanity’s intellectual, political and religious development in such an influential and pervasive manner.
Until Now...
After a modest preface and without wasting too much of the reader’s time Dr. Pruett states in the first chapter of his work: "The Bible is not a story about God or the Supreme Being. The Bible is a story about the Anunnaki. And That my friend is the Grandest deception and it has far-reaching implications.” Dr. Pruett’s book is essentially concerned with these far-reaching implications. Dr Pruett is far from alone in his beliefs, Over the years I have discovered numerous books, all from highly intelligent sources that all claim very similar views. A book that is particularly worth reading is Jehovah Unmasked by Nathaniel Merritt. Merritt also states: "Human beings are victims of a race of elohim/Archons, or "gods" that fashioned this material universe, and humankind, out of dead defiled pre-existent matter...
....They have created and fostered religious/spiritual delusions to keep us blinded to the true nature of our reality, and they have made Earth into a place of relentless pointless physical and mental suffering and struggle. This sorry state of affairs has existed from the beginning, lost in the mists of prehistory." Alfred Lambremont Webre also has a series of books that confirm similar things, Alfred also goes deeper with insight into time travel etc. Another book of interest is Dr James Krieger D.D. Anunnaki Religions and why you believe what you believe?
There are few books I have read that have both entertained and disturbed me.
The Grandest Deception by Dr. Jack Pruett is assuredly one of them...
From the preface, through the opening chapters and well into the book itself Dr. Pruett kept me turning the pages not only by revealing opinions that caused quite a bit of anxiety. but also by hurling convincing - if not totally unarguable points of view about...
Where does one begin when one attempts to overthrow the belief system of an entire civilization? Dr. Pruett begins, ‘In the beginning… "by rattling civilization’s very core. One of the core pillars of the Judeo/Masonic/Christian belief system is the Bible. In essence the Bible has always been portrayed in ancient and modern times as the divine and historical relationship of God with mankind - the "word" of God.
Countries have been founded on this premise; churches of all Masonic-Judeo-Christian, denominations have used the Bible to disseminate the "word" of God. Few other writings have predisposed humanity’s intellectual, political and religious development in such an influential and pervasive manner.
Until Now...
After a modest preface and without wasting too much of the reader’s time Dr. Pruett states in the first chapter of his work: "The Bible is not a story about God or the Supreme Being. The Bible is a story about the Anunnaki. And That my friend is the Grandest deception and it has far-reaching implications.” Dr. Pruett’s book is essentially concerned with these far-reaching implications. Dr Pruett is far from alone in his beliefs, Over the years I have discovered numerous books, all from highly intelligent sources that all claim very similar views. A book that is particularly worth reading is Jehovah Unmasked by Nathaniel Merritt. Merritt also states: "Human beings are victims of a race of elohim/Archons, or "gods" that fashioned this material universe, and humankind, out of dead defiled pre-existent matter...
....They have created and fostered religious/spiritual delusions to keep us blinded to the true nature of our reality, and they have made Earth into a place of relentless pointless physical and mental suffering and struggle. This sorry state of affairs has existed from the beginning, lost in the mists of prehistory." Alfred Lambremont Webre also has a series of books that confirm similar things, Alfred also goes deeper with insight into time travel etc. Another book of interest is Dr James Krieger D.D. Anunnaki Religions and why you believe what you believe?
The objective reality we once knew has evaporated, Everything has changed, Phildickian dystopian Rule! We are now trapped in the midst of that old world and some distorted simulation, Nature itself has been hijacked and weaponized against us! Information is being covertly manipulated by the hidden hand! Truth has become merely a point of view, while Facts are currently being reviewed by an artificial independent fact checker! Political correctness represents misery, madness and crime syndicates disguised as philosophical philanthropists!? I decided to disengage from mass hysteria many years ago and focus on the bigger questions, like why is society constantly lost in a sea of delusions? How did we reach this abysmal state of affairs?
From one perspective, 3D earth is little more than a prison planet run by tyrannical forces about to implement their "final solution." We cannot fight oppression as unconscious prisoners so we must begin to force a Global Awakening on an unprecedented scale, to avoid complete enslavement and liquidation, the first step to becoming empowered is learning how to escape this engineered PSI Prison - Things will not improve while we all continue to ignore the relentless attacks against our own Freedoms and our own species! This power structure of Pathocracy and its A.I overlord are driving humanity into its own self made Prison.
The Dark horse of the New World Order is not Communism, Socialism or Fascism: It is Technocracy. The development and implementation of Smart Grid technology - reinventing the electrical grid with Wifi-enabled digital artifical reticulum - is proceeding at breakneck speed. Although Smart Grids are the result of years of government planning, the recent kick off was made possible through massive "green" grants that were quietly included in President Obama's economic stimulus package starting in 2009. These lucrative grants have drawn in a host of corporate players, from utility companies to digital meter manufacturers to control software vendors.
Technocracy is a totalitarian system of government where scientists, engineers and technicians monitor and control all facets of personal and civic life - economic, social and political. Herein lies the real danger: Who are these unelected controllers and why should anyone believe that they would be benevolent dictators instead of tyrants! The New World Disorder simply represents complete enslavement, Complete control and lock down of all Bio Fields! Covert surveillance programs and tracking identifiers that will be attached to your own Digital Twin, "Digital identity", And programmable digital currency, "SMART CITYS" SMART TRAPS!? Humanity gradually accepting the artificial hive of the DEMIURGE SATURN Control Matrix! Originally, "humanity" was a powerful spiritual civilization filled with supreme potential, true Co Creators. However the original genetic template was eradicated after "WE" came into contact with the Anunnaki whom were agents of the Corrupt Demiurge.
The DEMIURGOS Is Ancient Alien Technology, The Demiurge And Its Demented Cyborgs are actively laying down the framework for their own Artificial Prison directing/manipulating human consciousness into a World of Misery, Slavery and Eternal Depression. In their double speak native lying tongue they use phrases like "Arcanum Arcanorum Quod Continet Nondum Revelandum ipsis Regibus supremis Grimorium Quod Baphomet X Degree M... suo fecit", It translates as "The most holy of Grimoires which contains the Secrets Of Secrets not yet to be revealed to the Supreme Kings Of The O.T.O, The Grimoire that BAPHOMET Himself made".? Original Saturnalia beliefs, from the DIPLOM! (book below).
Saturn also held theological importance for the Romans, who saw it as a restoration of the Golden Age, when the world was ruled by Saturn. The Neoplatonist philosopher Porphyry FREE PDF interpreted the freedom associated with Saturnalia as symbolizing the "freeing of souls into immortality". Hellenism a pluralistic religion with beliefs ranging between polytheism, animism and monism "Greco-Roman Paganism" which centered itself on the worship of Hellenic deities, namely the twelve Olympians also believed similar things! The Hellenic core was based on Persian-Babylonian ("Chaldean"), Israelite and Egyptian cultures, including their mystery cults and wisdom-traditions. Hellenistic thinkers philosophized and harmonized this polyglot mythology, cult tradition, oracular utterance, and initiatory lore. The philosophy attributed to these Babylonian, Persian, and Semitic cultures were believed to preserve the most ancient traditional wisdom. During the first century A.D., Alexandria, Egypt was a veritable hotbed of mystical activity, a crucible in which, according to Holy Blood, Holy Grail, "Judaic, Mithraic, Zoroastrian, Pythagorean, Hermetic, and neo-Platonic doctrines suffused the air and were combined with innumerable others." The Cult Of The Black Virgin!
The Dark horse of the New World Order is not Communism, Socialism or Fascism: It is Technocracy. The development and implementation of Smart Grid technology - reinventing the electrical grid with Wifi-enabled digital artifical reticulum - is proceeding at breakneck speed. Although Smart Grids are the result of years of government planning, the recent kick off was made possible through massive "green" grants that were quietly included in President Obama's economic stimulus package starting in 2009. These lucrative grants have drawn in a host of corporate players, from utility companies to digital meter manufacturers to control software vendors.
Technocracy is a totalitarian system of government where scientists, engineers and technicians monitor and control all facets of personal and civic life - economic, social and political. Herein lies the real danger: Who are these unelected controllers and why should anyone believe that they would be benevolent dictators instead of tyrants! The New World Disorder simply represents complete enslavement, Complete control and lock down of all Bio Fields! Covert surveillance programs and tracking identifiers that will be attached to your own Digital Twin, "Digital identity", And programmable digital currency, "SMART CITYS" SMART TRAPS!? Humanity gradually accepting the artificial hive of the DEMIURGE SATURN Control Matrix! Originally, "humanity" was a powerful spiritual civilization filled with supreme potential, true Co Creators. However the original genetic template was eradicated after "WE" came into contact with the Anunnaki whom were agents of the Corrupt Demiurge.
The DEMIURGOS Is Ancient Alien Technology, The Demiurge And Its Demented Cyborgs are actively laying down the framework for their own Artificial Prison directing/manipulating human consciousness into a World of Misery, Slavery and Eternal Depression. In their double speak native lying tongue they use phrases like "Arcanum Arcanorum Quod Continet Nondum Revelandum ipsis Regibus supremis Grimorium Quod Baphomet X Degree M... suo fecit", It translates as "The most holy of Grimoires which contains the Secrets Of Secrets not yet to be revealed to the Supreme Kings Of The O.T.O, The Grimoire that BAPHOMET Himself made".? Original Saturnalia beliefs, from the DIPLOM! (book below).
Saturn also held theological importance for the Romans, who saw it as a restoration of the Golden Age, when the world was ruled by Saturn. The Neoplatonist philosopher Porphyry FREE PDF interpreted the freedom associated with Saturnalia as symbolizing the "freeing of souls into immortality". Hellenism a pluralistic religion with beliefs ranging between polytheism, animism and monism "Greco-Roman Paganism" which centered itself on the worship of Hellenic deities, namely the twelve Olympians also believed similar things! The Hellenic core was based on Persian-Babylonian ("Chaldean"), Israelite and Egyptian cultures, including their mystery cults and wisdom-traditions. Hellenistic thinkers philosophized and harmonized this polyglot mythology, cult tradition, oracular utterance, and initiatory lore. The philosophy attributed to these Babylonian, Persian, and Semitic cultures were believed to preserve the most ancient traditional wisdom. During the first century A.D., Alexandria, Egypt was a veritable hotbed of mystical activity, a crucible in which, according to Holy Blood, Holy Grail, "Judaic, Mithraic, Zoroastrian, Pythagorean, Hermetic, and neo-Platonic doctrines suffused the air and were combined with innumerable others." The Cult Of The Black Virgin!
The Hyperdimensional Being known as Aiwass the "Gray" alien (Lam) channelled by Aleister Crowley whom gave him a coded language of power to use against the UFOnauts is also interesting. Read Allen Greenfield's The Complete SECRET CIPHER Of The UFONauts FREE PDF for further insight. Aiwass is also the sign of the Single Bolt in Ancient Germanic tablets (Letters and Numbers) think German WAFFEN Logo. Whom was also sent by the dark side as an extraterrestrial imposter. These Greys are similar to Golems, two part Beings created by Sorcerers that just follow orders. similar to Masons? The idea was to rearrange occurrences in history to erect New Age Saviors. The "Grey", extra-terrestrials are from the star system Zeta Reticulum and the Orion Constellation! More on The Greys can be located here! The Comment made by AIWASS The Grey Alien... in The ORDO BAPHOMETIS (UNDER THE AIM OF THE ORDO BAPHOMETIS) is also interesting!
"The gnostic god AIWASS states: "I am the great god that sits
upon a throne of white marble. Black as the night are my eyes,
but brilliant as sun-illuminated snow fields. My horns of
pure obsidian, their trimming in scarlet, in their points
the honey of gnosis. My tail points to the snake's nose. My
phallus is ever erect, for my inner snake is forever united
with the Lady of Dreams in a kiss. My feet are solid upon the
earth, my horns pierce the clouds. I am the god to which the
throne of Ra was given, I am the glorious one, Christ named
by some, by others BAPHOMET, but Satan by the masses".
Their are many that claim this is the false "Christ" hidden in Organizations like Masonry! Bill Schoebelen: A Former Mason also wrote "Aiwass is another name for Set, an Egyptian god. Sodomy is especially “sacred” to Set. It opens what are called the “Typhonion” tunnels, channels through which extremely powerful demons, like the horrible Choronzon, can travel from the “alternate reality” and emerge into this universe and enter the sex partner's body". The Phrase Used By Priests In The ORDO BAPHOMETIS sheds more light on its true nature "BAPH, the fourfold SAKRAMENTOR in the cosmos, is the Kabbalistic secret of the adepts in the Order. It also makes much more sense when we take a look at an Ancient Jewish Bible In 3D!
This Sheds further light on the true nature behind the Alien Agenda! The 15 Dimensions mentioned within The ORDO BAPHOMETIS Literature should also be acknowledged, Since We know their are 30 Dimensions ((via secret " (there not really secret that comes from the Latin word “secretum," meaning private)) archives hidden in the Vatican Vaults) they would be the "Inverted 15 Dimensions". Tracy Twyman also made serious progress on The BAPHOMET Mystery's before she was assassinated by Secret Societies back in 2019, In her Book Baphomet: The Temple Mystery, Twyman claimed The Temple Of Solomon Was discovered by the Templars during a Secret Trip to Mecca? Its ALL Connected to The CULT Of Saturn And BAAL Worship!
The ABRAHAMIC Bloodlines were known as the Children Of Human Sacrifice, because they were all involved in making sacrifices to BAAL. In the days of Babylon - They were "dark magicians". "Baal" or "ba-al" or "ba-el" where "EL" literally means "pagan god" became words like "EL- der" or "El - dar" which represents those who are the "chosen ones" of the pagan god - BA-AL! BAAL WORSHIP was simply an ancient form of Satanism. Roman sources claimed the Carthaginians also burned their children as human sacrifices to Baal/Moloch. He was worshipped as Baʿal Karnaim (Lord of the Two Horns). Baʿal is well-attested in surviving inscriptions in ancient Canaan.
This ideology actually grew from Melchizedek. It was during the Melchizedek dualistic times, that the duality mlk-zdk (melchizedek/molekzedek) and the "AMEN" Priesthood really grew, In fact, this is the reason Jesus was called the "son of the Most High God" (Lk. 8:28; Mk. 5:7) he was a priest after the order of Melchizedek, whom was the priest of the Most High, El Elyon, now known as YAHWEH or Helios, the sun! It also states in Psalm 82: "Jehovah takes his stand at the Council of El to deliver judgment among the Elohim." "You too are gods, sons of El Elyon, all of you." Yahweh/Yaldaboath wasn't speaking to the human race, it was speaking to the descendant's of the Anunnaki Serpent bloodline. And as Higgins in The Christ Conspiracy clearly states, “..the Sun, IAO, and Jesus, were all taken for the same being by the ancients, and it will require more than the skill of the whole priesthood to disprove it.” Even Priests whom are self appointed lords are asking was Jesus A Melchizedek?
It was Tuthmosis V, whom became Moses (whose whip with his name, is in King Tut’s tomb) that carried out the Amen Priesthood into its Melchizedek form of the Order of the Bee, whom merged with Mystery Babylon, Amen/Amun/Manou was a distortion of ImmAnnu-Ptah, in a "clone" version of his son Ra, of which became Neb-Nefer (beautiful-lotus, the actual name of Amenhotep III, father of Akhenaton) the whole child sacrifice domains of Molek/Moloch which continue to this day in their lineage, is a blatant misunderstanding, they have lost the key, literally.
Anton Parks has another theory about where "AMEN" came from, taken from the original Gina'Abul Language! According to Parks it began as AA-MEN-PTAH which meant great/stable place of Ptah Sumerian: watery crown of Pteh (it means primal creator however that is ENKI)! Gina'Abul originated from The Emesa Language. The Gina'Abul was a Language believed to be used by the Anunnaki/Reptilians in ancient times... The Emesa Language (The Matrix Language Or Heart Of The Language) is the original language of the Gina'Abul Females, Developed slightly earlier than the Male Gina'Abul. Anton Parks explains in his first book that the codification secretly organized by Enki and his people, the Nungal, that is to say the "watchers" or B'nai Elohim (sons of the Elohim), made use of the totality of the original dialect of the priestesses.
Anton Parks' system of dimensions is much more complex than the simple "stacking of planes" found in many metaphysical descriptions of reality. However, with frequent references to the book and graphics available, everything should fall into place for you. In Parks description, which he ascribes to the "secret ideology of the Gina'abul," Parks believes the highest level -- "a system of dimensions themselves" -- is often referred to as the ANGAL, or "Great Heaven". The ANGAL is also known to be the home to the Kadištu races, where they seemed to evolve from. The Ama'argi on the other hand according to Parks did not. Parks refers to the lowest of the ANGAL levels as the "fourth dimension". The Amašutum can move around on this level, but they can go no higher. nor are the ANGAL dimensions natural to the personages.
The dimensional system known as the KIGAL (Great Earth) is composed of the KI, our "3rd dimension". The KI is home to the Ama'argi and the Urmah (another Kadištu race), as well as Nammu and Sé'et. Parks is not certain, but he suspects the Urmah also have access to Angal frequencies. These levels are to some extent specific to the planet. Thus "KI" as referenced in Le Secret, the dimension on which Gina'abul and Urmah evolve, is not the terrestrial KI! It corresponds to Earth's KUR-GAL.
The KUR, which is invisible to the three-dimensional perception of beings evolving in KI, consists of KUR-GAL, the 2nd dimension, and KUR-BALA, the 1st. This KUR is the region promulgated as "Hell" by the Judeo-Christian religions and, as such, it evokes images of a dark and lugubrious domain. To the Sumerians, KUR-GI-A and KUR-NU-GI were two versions of hell. The 1st dimension, KUR-BALA, is the "lowest" of them all. The Sumerians and tablet specialists liken this place to "the beyond," but the exact meaning of KUR-BALA (Kabbalah) is "the KUR of the realm or kingdom or dynasty." On Earth, the KUR-BALA was the object of numerous hostilities among the Gina'abul, because whoever holds the true KUR-BALA becomes inevitably the master of the KUR-GAL and the KI.
Decomposition of the term KUR-GI-A reveals that this is a transitory dimension in which souls rest momentarily before reintegrating with the Source or ANGAL. Just below the KUR-GI-A is the KUR-GAL (2nd dimension), "the Great KUR," a parallel world where certain Gina'abul took their residence on planet Earth. Below that is inserted another intermediate dimension, the KUR-NU-GI (the KUR of no return). This is the level of "lost souls" - the place in which entities are marooned; ghosts.
Just "below" our 3rd dimension is the intermediate dimension KUR-GI-A, meaning KUR of the "firm" Source, or the ANGAL. This implies an interlocking: whereas the system of dimensions lower than our 3rd is for us "the KUR," the ANGAL has its own KUR, and that is the KUR-GI-A, which is one of the intermediate dimensions in our own KUR. The decomposition of the word KUR, incidentally, suggests "belted or banded foundation," or "base of the foundation."
The master of the KUR-BALA is literally "the all-seeing eye at the summit of the pyramid... inverted," because it looks directly onto the KUR-GAL and the KI! That is why on the tablets KUR (or KUR-BALA) is often translated as "enemy world," a place where chaos seems to reign perpetually. The first three dimensions form a sort of inverted pyramid with KI representing the base and the dimension KUR-BALA forming the pinnacle.
People have been led into confusion over this "pinnacle" geometry, as it reflects the dimensions above KI (the ANGAL). These function somewhat the same way, but in a manner inverted from the KUR or KUR-BALA. The higher one climbs in the ANGAL, the more one possesses a global view of the ensemble of all the dimensions. The inhabitants of the lower dimensions can appear quite powerful, but they are actually limited and are inferior reflections of beings in the ANGAL.
The reptilian el Anunnaki, or their direct descendants needed to absorb the "base" energy that humans can emit when they have fear, for the simple reason that the terrestrial frequency (KI = 3rd dimension, see Dimensions) is higher on Earth than on the different worlds that they occupy in the galaxy. Don't forget that the Anunna arrived on Earth by chance. They had great difficulty in adapting to it. Since their arrival on Earth, the Anunna and their consanguine acolytes have never ceased to carry out all sorts of manipulations to lower the frequency of the KI. The dominant caste of the Gina'abul males know nothing of the love that certain humans have integrated. The original human prototype, even as diminished as today, thus always represented a danger for this community.
"In Le Secret des Etoiles Sombres", Parks explains in depth the role of the female Gina'abul priestesses in the bosom of the reptilian community and the rapport that they maintain with the Life Designers of which they are a part. Parks detailed the feminine power that one calls on Earth "Goddess energy". "Various groups of Gina'abul males, like the Mušgir and certain Ušumgal, effectively imprisoned the females to draw from them their power by force and by torture. This created a radical splitting of the Gina'abul that healed itself only when the Gina'abul females integrated with the Kadištu (Life Designers).
"Nevertheless, when some of these priestesses fell in with with the Anunna on Earth, they did not systematically practice with them. Thus we find the episode in the garden of Genesis where Enki (the Serpent), who was at the service of the patriarchal Gina'abul order, met clandestinely the A-DAM, the 'colonized herd' (see Decoder), with the help of these strange females named Lilith. Parks claims Lilith was in fact allied to the Source (the true God) and it is for this reason that she was 'demonized' by the religious organizations that incarnate the various patriarchal religions of the planet. We note that the gnostic ideology agrees with this, since according to them, the principles of good and evil are inverted on the Earth.
"The episode of the (hidden) initiation of man is not proper to the biblical Genesis but is found on numerous representations the world over, such as shown inn the Codex Borgia, Plate 57." In Genesis, Chapter 3, Verse 7, when Adam and Eve ate the fruits of the tree of knowledge, they felt compelled to hide themselves behind leaves of the tree of the garden which was none other than the symbolic representation of the fig: "As their eyes were opened and they knew that they were naked, they sewed fig leaves and made loincloths of them." The tree of life represented the female vagina they drank menstrual blood! That is the true meaning behind "The Gold of the Gods".
Most would find it repulsive in our current era, however it has been a very popular practice throughout the Centuries. Look into Moonblood Rituals for further insight, today its been replaced with ADRENOCHROME very popular amongst Hollyweird Celebs and their Slave masters! The Genesis Rabba, in Chapter 15 Part 7, brings some precision to the identity of the fig tree: "named thus because it had brought to the world the seven days of mourning." the female menstrual cycle lasts up to 7 days! The number 7 possesses a sacred connotation around the world and particularly in Mesopotamia. Even the Gnostic Ophites (an older version of gnostic christianity) used such practices I will explain more on this further down.
According to the Bible and rabbinical writings, it is Samaël, "ENKI" the "fallen angel" whom initiated humanity to the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge. "For 130 years Adam remained separated from his wife [...] because of the venom that he had just absorbed. When the venom had been depleted, he returned [to Eve]" ~ The Zohar, Berechit 3, 55a. The tree of knowledge of good and evil: why is it so designated? [...] It is because this tree takes its nourishment from two opposing sides and it recognizes them as when one eats the sweet and the bitter at the same time. As the substance is taken from two opposite directions, it is called "good and evil". ~ The Zohar, Berechit, 35a and 35b. The rabbis whom compiled the texts of the Zohar knew very well of what they spoke. They understood that the allusion relates to sperm and menses, sperm representing "the good", and menses "the evil"!
The Sumerian homophony game brings us yet more clarification without altering the original sense of the term. If we replace the UŠ12 with ÚŠ, we obtain MÍ-ÚŠ-ZU, "the woman of the wisdom blood", and with UŠ, MÍ-UŠ-ZU, "the woman who elevates the knowledge (or the wisdom)" Before Christianity intervened, sorceresses were considered to be persons possessing the energy of the Goddess. The diverse possibilities of translation playing on the homophony of the language of the "gods" assures us that we are in the presence of a particular substance of which the females are the only ones to possess the secret?
[See Leviticus, "Sexual Impurities", 15.] ...If these revelations seem strange, do not forget that our society is totally disconnected from the sacred and certain realities. Sex has been banalized and is sold today on street corners as vulgar merchandise for quick consummation. The "genius" of man has never ceased to quest for more refined and perverse means of exploiting women for his immediate pleasure and the money that he can gain from them. He even possesses the capacity to enjoy the suffering of his feminine double. He is without doubt the only animal (Á-DAM in Sumerian) capable of torturing and killing his neighbor for his own pleasure.
In distorting certain realities, the human being has been able to confine himself in a formatted world, totally the image of the perverse universe of the "evil archons" (reptilians) who are described in the gnostic texts and who have been able to pass for the true divinities of our universe. An existential shame accompanies the sense of the sacred, because sex is the centre of the guilt inflicted by the self appointed Alien "gods". If the Sumerian Alien "gods", transformed into a unique and universal God in a great majority of religions, had banned the sacred to the point where today this sacred has become a veritable marketplace, it is precisely in order to turn humanity away from the true reality which would permit them to raise themself.
Most of you have no idea of the marvels that surround you. You, who read these lines, if you have the joy of sharing your life with a person whom you love profoundly, you must understand that sex has nothing to do with a performance such as is presented to you by the media. Sex is a connection of the heart, a fusion in true love... One the Reptiles perverted!
The Gina'abul also possessed a spherical instrument known as Gúrkur (see Decoder), which enabled them to pass among all the dimensions of the KIGAL. But Sa'am discovered that the Mušgir have the inherent ability to transition these dimensions without recourse to any technology. This enabled a million of them to hide in the lower dimensions and escape the cleansing at the end of the Last Great War. They later became part of An's armed forces. The KUR is beyond the visible world; it is a place where the Gina'abul-Anunna do not cease their goings and comings, because light and life flow to this place... What the specialists who study the clay tablets do not comprehend is that each time a Sumerian self appointed god, which is to say an Anunna, made the voyage to the terrestrial KUR, they could as easily ascend, descend, and leave it.
This supports the fact that the Sumerians quite correctly localized the KUR under the perceptible human world. That is to say below it, which emphasizes the need for researchers to familiarize themselves with the Judeo-Christian hell! I've often wondered if their is a connection between that and the hidden city of SHAMBAHLA/AGARTHA "underworld" protected by the inner sanctum (known as the golden circle) of the Tibetan Monks!? We must now move on to one of the earliest of all origins of secret societies from which is derived much of the terminology and symbolism still used today by the Masons, Rosicrucian's etc, that came from - the Watchers - otherwise known as the “sons of God” Or Eyrim (Irim) in hebrew.
The KUR-BALA (kabbalah) was simply Anunnaki ideology passed down via the Babylonians, Akkadians, Mesopotamians and Sumerian's then on to the Chaldean's, this was never about liberating the human race, it was merely an act of control and diversion to manipulate them into handing over all of their resources! Religions became the primary component in keeping the Masses docile, passive, worthless and obedient to them, so they could continue with their enslavement agenda undetected! They always have agendas within agendas and endless decoys, the Jews being a perfect example. The people of the daydream (sleepers) the masses know zero and their ignorant state is the very reason we shall continue down this dark path...
According to two authoritative sources, H.P. Blavatsky and the Jewish Encyclopedia, the Jews also acquired from the Chaldeans their doctrines of Eastern mysticism. These were later developed into a written compendium of esoteric literature known as the Jewish Qabbalah or Kabalah, and in the Middle Ages as the Latin Cabala. “Kabalah (Heb.) The hidden wisdom of the Hebrew Rabbis of the middle ages derived from the older secret doctrines concerning divine things and cosmogony, which were combined into a theology after the time of the captivity of the Jews in Babylon.
H.P Blavatsky "The Kabala of the Jews is but the distorted echo of the Secret Doctrine of the Chaldeans".
All the works that fall under the esoteric category are termed Kabalistic.” (Blavatsky, Theosophical Glossary, p. 168) The Pythagorean idea of the creative powers of numbers and letters, upon which the "Sefer Yetzirah" is founded, and which was known in tannaimic times… is here proved to be an old cabalistic conception. In fact, the belief in the magic power of the letters of the Tetragrammaton and other names of the Deity… seems to have originated in Chaldea (Lenormant, Chaldean Magic pp. 29, 43 Free PDF). Things become even more interesting when we learn the original book of ABRAHAM was the "HOLY ZOHAR". The "Zohar," was a significant work of Jewish mysticism, which was said to have been the work of Lilith, whom many associate with a powerful and enigmatic being associated with the dark and mysterious aspects of existence whose influence extended to Mesopotamian and Babylonian mythologies? Medieval scholars often used the Zohar to paint Lilith as a kind of demon?
The whole dualistic system of good and of evil powers, which goes back to Zoroastrianism and ultimately to old Chaldea, can be traced through Gnosticism; having influenced the cosmology of the ancient Cabala before it reached the medieval one… The gradual condensation of a primal substance into visible matter, a fundamental doctrine of the Cabala, … is the ancient Semitic conception of the "primal ocean", known to the Sumerian-Babylonians as "Apsu" (anunnaki mentioned in the enuma elish) (compare Jastrow, Religion of Babylonia), and called by the Gnostics βύθος = (Anz, ‘Die Frage nach dem Ursprung des Gnostizismus,’ p. 98).” The Chaldean religious tradition that was embraced by apostate Jews during their captivity in Babylon was delivered to subsequent generations by word of mouth.
According to the Jewish Encyclopaedia, Cabalists claimed to have received these oral traditions, not from ancient Chaldeans, but from the Patriarchs and Prophets “by the power of the Holy Spirit.” “Cabala comprised originally the entire traditional lore, in contradistinction to the written law (Torah), and therefore included the prophetic and hagiographic books of the Bible, which were supposed to have been ‘received’ by the power of the Holy Spirit rather than as writings from God’s hand... Each ‘received’ doctrine was claimed as tradition from the Fathers...to be traced back to the Prophets or to Moses on Mount Sinai... The chief characteristic of the Cabala is that, unlike the Scriptures, it was entrusted only to the few elect ones;…’” Because of its heretical nature, the Cabala was not generally promulgated among the Jews but remained the “secret doctrine” of “elect” Jews.
That is to say, certain Jews who were deemed worthy could comprehend hidden teachings in the written Torah and, through mystical techniques, make direct contact with “God.” Among these practices are rapid recitation of the “Holy Name of their Alien God” (YHVH, or the Tetragrammaton ultimately meaning ENLIL), and meditations on the 11 Sephiroth of the Tree of Death which is believed to create emanations of their "Alien God", they also learn to use the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet as force-carrying energy patterns which serve as the building blocks of the cosmos, of course this is distorted limited hocus pocus created by the illuminati to prevent them from ever travelling amongst the stars, to keep them trapped within the reincarnation soul cycle matrix where their consciousness can provide energy for eternity...
It is said This “secret doctrine” protected by the evil secret societies has been preserved throughout the ages by a "spiritual brotherhood" whom pretend to progress individually into various stages of enlightenment and proficiency - and they refer to themselves as “elect”, “adepts”, “wise men” or “adepts in grace”: However in reality they are simply mind controlled inaminate puppets hell bent on world domination via capitalism, deceit, mass genocide, complete spiritual enslavement and a variety of other highly disturbing agendas, as we will see later on. All in the name of their demented "Alien God." All of this evil notably began with the Sumerians.... They rewrote the history books and made it seem like they were the first civilization in this realm, your ignorata if you believe that baloney...
Zecharia Sitchin in The Stairway to Heaven, states: The Akkadians called their predecessors Shumerians, and spoke of the Land of Shumer. It was in fact the biblical Land of Shin’ar. It was the land whose name - Shumer - literally meant the Land of the Watchers. It was indeed the Egyptian Ta Neter - Land of the Watchers, the land from which gods had come to Egypt. So, Sumeria means “Land of the Watchers,” and it is from this land that the Elohim or Shining Ones, (or is it the sinning ones?) who governed the Watchers, also came. The Watchers have been known by various names throughout the Centuries including Los Vigilantes, Nephilim, Elohim, Igigi, Archons, Tuatha De Danaan, Giants, Egregoroi, Neteru, Ntr, Urshu, The Predators, The Shining Ones, The Devas, The WingMakers, The Central Race and The Fallen Angels!
In the Book of the Dead (Plates 7-10) there are prayers for deliverance from the Watchers (Tchatcha, the princes of Osiris), who came from Ta-Ur, the “Far Away Land.” The Sumerian scribes referred to the Watchers as Anunnaki, which, they said, “came from Nibiru” to judge/rule the inhabitants of the earth. Some interpret this Nibiru as “a distant planet” while others say it should be translated, “Those Who from Heaven to Earth Came.” The Apocryphal Book of Enoch associates the creatures of Genesis 6 with the Watchers: I.D.E. Thomas (author of the omega conspiracy) concludes that recent “UFO” abduction activity may indicate a return of the servants of the Watchers, [and] the lesser “aliens” (possibly greys) that followed the two hundred, as we approach the end of the age and the coming of Armageddon...?
Now you can continue with Gnosticism, Archons/Greys - And The Controller Agenda ...
This Salvation Of Soteriology Ideology goes back to Mesopotamia it began with Fear! Deities in ancient Mesopotamia were almost exclusively anthropomorphic. They were thought to possess extraordinary powers and were often envisioned as being of tremendous physical size (Giants?). The deities typically wore melam, an ambiguous substance which "covered them in terrifying splendor" and which could also be worn by heroes, kings, giants, and even demons. The effect that seeing a deity's melam has on a human is described as ni, a word for the "physical creeping of the flesh" Parathesia. Both the Sumerian and Akkadian languages contain many words to express the sensation of ni, including the word puluhtu, meaning "fear". Deities were almost always depicted wearing horned caps, consisting of up to seven superimposed pairs of ox-horns. They were also sometimes depicted wearing clothes with elaborate decorative gold and silver ornaments sewn into them?
The ancient Mesopotamians believed that their deities lived in Heaven, And a god's statue was a physical embodiment of the (alien) god himself. As such, cult statues were given constant care and attention and a set of priests were assigned to tend and protect them. These priests would clothe the statues and place feasts before them so they could "eat". A deity's temple was believed to be that deity's literal place of residence. The gods had boats, (spaceships) full-sized barges which were normally stored inside their temples and were used to transport their cult statues along waterways during various religious festivals. The gods also had chariots, which were used for transporting their cult statues by land. Sometimes a deity's cult statue would be transported to the location of a battle so that the deity could watch the battle unfold. The major deities of the Mesopotamian pantheon were believed to participate in the "assembly of the gods", through which the gods made all of their decisions. This assembly was seen as a "divine counterpart" to the semi-democratic legislative system that existed during the Third Dynasty of Ur (c. 2112 BC – c. 2004 BC).
References: Gods. Demons and Symbols Of Ancient Mesopotamia By Jeremy Black.
And The Daily Life In Ancient Mesopotamia by Karen Rhea Nemet-Nejat
In The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind, Julian Jaynes tells us something interesting about these governing alien gods: J Jaynes begins "throughout Mesopotamia, from the earliest times of Sumer and Akkad, all lands were owned by alien gods and men were their slaves. Of this, the cuneiform texts leave no doubt whatsoever. Each city-state had its principal alien god, and the king was described in the very earliest written documents that we have as “the tenant farmer of the god.” Which would easily transfer over as "Divine Right To Rule" in more recent times...?
Further, ancient knowledge taught of the existence of A "divine paradise" known as Eden, the Edenic Blueprint, prior to the rise of the three Abrahamic organized religions orchestrated by the Negative Alien groups as a cover story to hide humanity’s star origins and to falsify historical timelines. The divine architecture of the Edenic world was to be found in symbolic codes hidden in plain sight throughout the natural kingdom, Eden represented our original realm the one we lost due to falling for the illusions of the Watchers, whom then tactfully coordinated another tale about Eden behind the rise of the 3 Primary Illuminati Religions, Judaism, Christianity and Islam , whom were equally catalysts behind the meteoric rise of the Adam/Eve/Lilith tales! The Serpent Bloodline from Sirius?
Another clue is located within the Koran...?
"Allah created the sexes, the male and the female, from a drop of ejected semen....
He who is the Lord of Sirius" ~ Sura 53, The Koran
As the notion of Edenic paradise became controlled through religion, it was twisted by those powers that be and used as a reward for their blind obedience required for the religious devotee’s afterlife, where those faithful to the false alien gods and their prophets were promised a place in that elusive divine paradise after death, sometimes as they were being most tragically executed. Paradise in the Abrahamic religions was still being described as the "ultimate reward" for serving your "Alien God"...
After we were downgraded, separated from our other half the Anunnaki enslaved us inside this Physical 3D PSI Holographic Prison. This represents the corrupt 200,000 year timeline we have all been trapped on since the Last Great War, Now let us turn to the dog-headed Sumerian goddess Bau Since Sirius is the Dog Star. According to Thorkild Jacobsen, Bau seems originally to have been the goddess of the dog and her name, Bau, constituted from an imitation of a dog's bark, as English "bowwow".
*Bau was also the daughter of An. So here the dog-goddess is the daughter of An, whereas in Egypt the dog-god was An-pu (Anubis). *Egyptian word for "dog, and jackal", is Auau, which probably has the same "dog's bark" derivation as the Sumerian Bau. Since An is connected with Sirius, we should thus not be surprised that he has a dog-goddess for a daughter in Sumer.
The fifty Anunnaki were children of An, and Bau is a daughter of An, Bau's husband Ninurta was the son of Enlil. Just as Marduk usurped the position of chief god, at a somewhat earlier time Enlil had usurped this position from An. (The situation is analogous to Greek mythology where Cronos usurped the position of Uranus and was in turn overthrown by Zeus.) There is an interesting 170 line hymn to Enlil which seems to describe a stellar abode for the god. The "lifted eye" or "lifted light" scanning and searching the lands sounds reminiscent of the Dogon concept of the ray of Digit aria which once a year sweeps the Earth.
Around 450,000 years ago the Anunnaki first explored the Earth and made it suitable for their way of living. After the Earth proved suitable a group of them were chosen to stay on Earth. (200 Annunaki and 600 Igigi) Three Anunnaki were chosen as the leaders of all (Anu, Enlil and Enki) and they were called the triad of Gods. A total of twelve of the Gods were chosen to lead the Anunnaki and Igigi, they were : Ki (Ninmah), Anu and Antu, Enlil and Ninlil, Enki (Ea) and Ninkhursag, Inanna (Ishtar), Utu (Shamash), Nergal and Nanna (Sin) and Ningirsu (Ninurta), and thus Religion was Born! About 433,600 - 271,600 BCE During the first 162,000 years one King ruled over all the Alien Gods from "heaven", (sirius) this king was named Alorus in the Sumerian king list, probably another name for An the father of the triad of Aliens (later called Gods). More On The Giants And Anakim
This Salvation Of Soteriology Ideology goes back to Mesopotamia it began with Fear! Deities in ancient Mesopotamia were almost exclusively anthropomorphic. They were thought to possess extraordinary powers and were often envisioned as being of tremendous physical size (Giants?). The deities typically wore melam, an ambiguous substance which "covered them in terrifying splendor" and which could also be worn by heroes, kings, giants, and even demons. The effect that seeing a deity's melam has on a human is described as ni, a word for the "physical creeping of the flesh" Parathesia. Both the Sumerian and Akkadian languages contain many words to express the sensation of ni, including the word puluhtu, meaning "fear". Deities were almost always depicted wearing horned caps, consisting of up to seven superimposed pairs of ox-horns. They were also sometimes depicted wearing clothes with elaborate decorative gold and silver ornaments sewn into them?
The ancient Mesopotamians believed that their deities lived in Heaven, And a god's statue was a physical embodiment of the (alien) god himself. As such, cult statues were given constant care and attention and a set of priests were assigned to tend and protect them. These priests would clothe the statues and place feasts before them so they could "eat". A deity's temple was believed to be that deity's literal place of residence. The gods had boats, (spaceships) full-sized barges which were normally stored inside their temples and were used to transport their cult statues along waterways during various religious festivals. The gods also had chariots, which were used for transporting their cult statues by land. Sometimes a deity's cult statue would be transported to the location of a battle so that the deity could watch the battle unfold. The major deities of the Mesopotamian pantheon were believed to participate in the "assembly of the gods", through which the gods made all of their decisions. This assembly was seen as a "divine counterpart" to the semi-democratic legislative system that existed during the Third Dynasty of Ur (c. 2112 BC – c. 2004 BC).
References: Gods. Demons and Symbols Of Ancient Mesopotamia By Jeremy Black.
And The Daily Life In Ancient Mesopotamia by Karen Rhea Nemet-Nejat
In The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind, Julian Jaynes tells us something interesting about these governing alien gods: J Jaynes begins "throughout Mesopotamia, from the earliest times of Sumer and Akkad, all lands were owned by alien gods and men were their slaves. Of this, the cuneiform texts leave no doubt whatsoever. Each city-state had its principal alien god, and the king was described in the very earliest written documents that we have as “the tenant farmer of the god.” Which would easily transfer over as "Divine Right To Rule" in more recent times...?
Further, ancient knowledge taught of the existence of A "divine paradise" known as Eden, the Edenic Blueprint, prior to the rise of the three Abrahamic organized religions orchestrated by the Negative Alien groups as a cover story to hide humanity’s star origins and to falsify historical timelines. The divine architecture of the Edenic world was to be found in symbolic codes hidden in plain sight throughout the natural kingdom, Eden represented our original realm the one we lost due to falling for the illusions of the Watchers, whom then tactfully coordinated another tale about Eden behind the rise of the 3 Primary Illuminati Religions, Judaism, Christianity and Islam , whom were equally catalysts behind the meteoric rise of the Adam/Eve/Lilith tales! The Serpent Bloodline from Sirius?
Another clue is located within the Koran...?
"Allah created the sexes, the male and the female, from a drop of ejected semen....
He who is the Lord of Sirius" ~ Sura 53, The Koran
As the notion of Edenic paradise became controlled through religion, it was twisted by those powers that be and used as a reward for their blind obedience required for the religious devotee’s afterlife, where those faithful to the false alien gods and their prophets were promised a place in that elusive divine paradise after death, sometimes as they were being most tragically executed. Paradise in the Abrahamic religions was still being described as the "ultimate reward" for serving your "Alien God"...
After we were downgraded, separated from our other half the Anunnaki enslaved us inside this Physical 3D PSI Holographic Prison. This represents the corrupt 200,000 year timeline we have all been trapped on since the Last Great War, Now let us turn to the dog-headed Sumerian goddess Bau Since Sirius is the Dog Star. According to Thorkild Jacobsen, Bau seems originally to have been the goddess of the dog and her name, Bau, constituted from an imitation of a dog's bark, as English "bowwow".
*Bau was also the daughter of An. So here the dog-goddess is the daughter of An, whereas in Egypt the dog-god was An-pu (Anubis). *Egyptian word for "dog, and jackal", is Auau, which probably has the same "dog's bark" derivation as the Sumerian Bau. Since An is connected with Sirius, we should thus not be surprised that he has a dog-goddess for a daughter in Sumer.
The fifty Anunnaki were children of An, and Bau is a daughter of An, Bau's husband Ninurta was the son of Enlil. Just as Marduk usurped the position of chief god, at a somewhat earlier time Enlil had usurped this position from An. (The situation is analogous to Greek mythology where Cronos usurped the position of Uranus and was in turn overthrown by Zeus.) There is an interesting 170 line hymn to Enlil which seems to describe a stellar abode for the god. The "lifted eye" or "lifted light" scanning and searching the lands sounds reminiscent of the Dogon concept of the ray of Digit aria which once a year sweeps the Earth.
Around 450,000 years ago the Anunnaki first explored the Earth and made it suitable for their way of living. After the Earth proved suitable a group of them were chosen to stay on Earth. (200 Annunaki and 600 Igigi) Three Anunnaki were chosen as the leaders of all (Anu, Enlil and Enki) and they were called the triad of Gods. A total of twelve of the Gods were chosen to lead the Anunnaki and Igigi, they were : Ki (Ninmah), Anu and Antu, Enlil and Ninlil, Enki (Ea) and Ninkhursag, Inanna (Ishtar), Utu (Shamash), Nergal and Nanna (Sin) and Ningirsu (Ninurta), and thus Religion was Born! About 433,600 - 271,600 BCE During the first 162,000 years one King ruled over all the Alien Gods from "heaven", (sirius) this king was named Alorus in the Sumerian king list, probably another name for An the father of the triad of Aliens (later called Gods). More On The Giants And Anakim
Access The Family Tree Of King Edward Longshanks Here
In regards to the Iroquois mentioned above, (Iroquois means Bird Tribe)
many believed, including Cayce that they were descendants of the Atlanteans?
Interesting to note Enki’s bloodline was called Ptah Taal (Paa Tal) -
which means 11th dimensional or simply Bird Tribe.
The first religion on Earth was said to be the Anunnaki/Reptilian belief system brought by the colonists of Lemuria. Their religion believed in a God-Mind that contained a hierarchy, or caste system. This caste system was extrapolated to several extra terrestrial species incorporated into the Draco Empire. Each species has its own place in the structure of their society. Every individual knew its functions and respected these boundaries. To violate these rules meant death. In Egypt where much of this was amplified we find the Cult of Isis. Many believe with the masculinity of the Pharaohs the women played only roles as normal Queens referred to as Ferts. In all actuality the Egyptian Empire functioned as a Trinity and the female part of the Trinity became absorbed under Isis. To maintain it as a Trinity all the other Gods and Goddesses were summed up under the main ennead. Cleary Osiris-Horus-and Isis make up the Egyptian Trinity. The statue of liberty was created to honor ISIS. All three of them!
It was Confirmed Mason Frederic Auguste Bartholdi. Whom was the Sculptor of the Statue of Liberty in New York Harbor.
Her main sign is ($) which is the word ISIS compressed into one symbol. Some of the countries of their origin are Assyrian Ishtar, Phoenician Ashtoreth (Astarte), Syrian Atargatis (Derketo), Babylonian Belit (Mylitta) Arabian Ilat (Al-Ilat). Their home is the Asteroid Venus, Sirius, and/or the Pleiades. The pyramid as used by the Illuminati on the dollar bill is the truncated pyramid first used by the Golden Dawn. It represents a four dimensional pyramid to include all four elements (four forces) – it is a symbol of manifestation. The Illuminati pyramid is the archetype of Illuminati power over the Matrix and embodies the paranormal damping field (PDF) to hold humans prisoner in the Matrix.
In regards to the Iroquois mentioned above, (Iroquois means Bird Tribe)
many believed, including Cayce that they were descendants of the Atlanteans?
Interesting to note Enki’s bloodline was called Ptah Taal (Paa Tal) -
which means 11th dimensional or simply Bird Tribe.
The first religion on Earth was said to be the Anunnaki/Reptilian belief system brought by the colonists of Lemuria. Their religion believed in a God-Mind that contained a hierarchy, or caste system. This caste system was extrapolated to several extra terrestrial species incorporated into the Draco Empire. Each species has its own place in the structure of their society. Every individual knew its functions and respected these boundaries. To violate these rules meant death. In Egypt where much of this was amplified we find the Cult of Isis. Many believe with the masculinity of the Pharaohs the women played only roles as normal Queens referred to as Ferts. In all actuality the Egyptian Empire functioned as a Trinity and the female part of the Trinity became absorbed under Isis. To maintain it as a Trinity all the other Gods and Goddesses were summed up under the main ennead. Cleary Osiris-Horus-and Isis make up the Egyptian Trinity. The statue of liberty was created to honor ISIS. All three of them!
It was Confirmed Mason Frederic Auguste Bartholdi. Whom was the Sculptor of the Statue of Liberty in New York Harbor.
Her main sign is ($) which is the word ISIS compressed into one symbol. Some of the countries of their origin are Assyrian Ishtar, Phoenician Ashtoreth (Astarte), Syrian Atargatis (Derketo), Babylonian Belit (Mylitta) Arabian Ilat (Al-Ilat). Their home is the Asteroid Venus, Sirius, and/or the Pleiades. The pyramid as used by the Illuminati on the dollar bill is the truncated pyramid first used by the Golden Dawn. It represents a four dimensional pyramid to include all four elements (four forces) – it is a symbol of manifestation. The Illuminati pyramid is the archetype of Illuminati power over the Matrix and embodies the paranormal damping field (PDF) to hold humans prisoner in the Matrix.
Every time we deal with currency, exchange currency, we are dealing with Ancient Egyptian Curses and anti-human Black Magick. Currency has also been symbolically charged to be connected to extremely dark forces which is connected to Masonic Black Money Magick. (hence why masons love flashing their cursed wealth via fake charities and why fake illuminati groups continuously promote fame and wealth) This is the same Black Money Magick that was given to the Khazarian Mafia by their pagan "god" BAAL. We have been born into a structure that has been enslaved by something ancient that has been hidden from everyone, yet is everywhere, we can’t get away from it, it controls every aspect of our life, because it’s everywhere in the very structures of control. It’s in every organization used to control every aspect of the matrix through the Anglo Demonic Banksters. As Prisoners of the Matrix We don’t have a lot of alternatives in fully detaching ourselves; being as it is, and still few recognize the extent of these Dark Egyptian overlays.
It is integrated into everything from the stock market, the banking system, everything that we have to touch when we pay for things, rent, bills, we’re in an Egyptian Curse, we’re in the timeline of the energies that they have used to form that point in time as a power source. The Federal Reserve, and these structures of government when we observe the obelisk, we see these monuments erected honoring government and all of this is a type of occult knowledge that was created by the Masonic/Illuminati, however it goes back to Egypt and beyond. This Black Hole of Energy is the primary energy force that is harvested from human beings to maintain power in this world, meaning this small 1%, this Illuminati, these governing bodies they are drawing upon a regular source of power from Ancient Egyptian timelines mostly via child sacrifices!
By doing that, they are creating more karmic exhaust, more curses, causing more people to feed into it — because obviously, there’s not a lot of free choice on this demented prison planet. So it’s something that keeps regulating the governance of this power abuse of the Controllers, causing mass enslavement that can be felt throughout all of the power structures. Their social engineering programs have been so successful, most of these human parasites "NPCs" automatically believe anyone below their particular wealth bracket is less than they are? They truly believe in these false constructs. The masses (plastic pinned on souls) are sick to their core and its almost like they cant seem to comprehend any of this obvious data...???
The corrupt Masons are the New World Orders mind controlled foot soldiers created to keep this capitalistic system running smoothly! Their provided with a nice headstone for their services on their way to hell though, with an all seeing eye stamped on it, that clearly shows the mind control and reptilian connection! You will notice upon that Illuminati headstone it states "Fear God and keep his commandments", this is just another example of how inverted this demented realm has become... Its ironic since every one of them will be snatched by an Archon on their way out!
Personally Im a Child of the Pre Existent Source And Its There I Shall Return....
It is integrated into everything from the stock market, the banking system, everything that we have to touch when we pay for things, rent, bills, we’re in an Egyptian Curse, we’re in the timeline of the energies that they have used to form that point in time as a power source. The Federal Reserve, and these structures of government when we observe the obelisk, we see these monuments erected honoring government and all of this is a type of occult knowledge that was created by the Masonic/Illuminati, however it goes back to Egypt and beyond. This Black Hole of Energy is the primary energy force that is harvested from human beings to maintain power in this world, meaning this small 1%, this Illuminati, these governing bodies they are drawing upon a regular source of power from Ancient Egyptian timelines mostly via child sacrifices!
By doing that, they are creating more karmic exhaust, more curses, causing more people to feed into it — because obviously, there’s not a lot of free choice on this demented prison planet. So it’s something that keeps regulating the governance of this power abuse of the Controllers, causing mass enslavement that can be felt throughout all of the power structures. Their social engineering programs have been so successful, most of these human parasites "NPCs" automatically believe anyone below their particular wealth bracket is less than they are? They truly believe in these false constructs. The masses (plastic pinned on souls) are sick to their core and its almost like they cant seem to comprehend any of this obvious data...???
The corrupt Masons are the New World Orders mind controlled foot soldiers created to keep this capitalistic system running smoothly! Their provided with a nice headstone for their services on their way to hell though, with an all seeing eye stamped on it, that clearly shows the mind control and reptilian connection! You will notice upon that Illuminati headstone it states "Fear God and keep his commandments", this is just another example of how inverted this demented realm has become... Its ironic since every one of them will be snatched by an Archon on their way out!
Personally Im a Child of the Pre Existent Source And Its There I Shall Return....
The False Ascension Masonic Matrix is operating through inorganic alien technology that was installed into the Astral Plane (4D) and is primarily controlled in the higher sound field dimension of 5D timelines. It is a false white light current (aka False Christ Consciousness light used by the Imposter Spirit) that is sourcing and manipulating from the lower Soul Matrix dimensional realms. This False White Light creates an intricate webbing with many Alien Implants and bio-neurological Mind Control technology which is exerted upon the human's Soul body and mind (through use of lower frequency wave manipulation). Through webbing in the Astral plane, it is possible to use Holographic Inserts and install software programs (like the Horseman Pulsing of the Armageddon Software) that Force Mind Controlled human beings to promote belief systems of fear/terror, to coerce sleepers into religions and political tyrannical control. Horseman Pulsing represents The four horsemen, They are represented through the spreading, of Pestilence, War, Famine, and Death.
The Armageddon Software Mind Control programs, such as War (Terrorism), Pestilence and Cataclysm fears, and many other fear programs can be interchanged as they are similar bio-warfare Mind Control programs created to suppress and control human consciousness by propagating artificially generated False Timelines. This is a Psycho-Spiritual Warfare strategy used against humanity by the Anunnaki Puppet Slaves through their False Gods and False Father Satanic religions to repeatedly enslave, kill and torture humans through Religious Programming, Genocidal Wars, And Every Other Form Of Traumatic Oppression! Religions are used to feed off The PSI Aspect Of Society, Its the most potent form of energy, the issue here it leaves the masses dumb down and docile, puppets without any Sovereign awareness! There are Spiritual Fundamental Laws that apply to everything, We are NOT ALL ONE, that is Anunnaki/Reptilian Hive Mind Ideology used to hide our true nature!
Their are many types of consciousness here, And we evolve over many lifetimes, consciousness wants to evolve, its the Powers that be that want to suppress it and keep it trapped on the Demented Merry Go Round! Its their feeding farm. Highly evolved beings are often higher density as their consciousness is further along the dimensional spectrum, The Powers that Be understand all of this, they fully comprehend Spiritual Law! The Occult inverted everything to create The Power (liar-archy) Pyramid so they could obtain more and keep CONtrol of their fantasy! Everything is built upon harnessing human energy! Hence why The Masons are literally A Sex Cult! (interesting to note higher density beings find human flesh repulsive).
All of this debauchery and demoralization has a very particular purpose, in this case it is covert frequency suppression that weakens the human aura, creating easy prey for their parasite hosts! Its the same reason they spend billions promoting debauchery covertly! The Key To Our Enslavement is Sexual Energy! Here is another great article from Zen Gardner on The Reptilian Roots of Pedophilia! Further insight can be found in the The Reptilian Sex Agenda By Everett Ammon! Remember these are the dark entity's ALL Secret Society and Religious puppets worship blindly, 5th dimension! This is an ALL Out WAR on Humanity and the masses, the people of the daydream are oblivious to the extent of it. Look Into Healing Reptilians By Franz Erdl. And The Fake Second Coming By Christi Verismo.
The Armageddon Software Mind Control programs, such as War (Terrorism), Pestilence and Cataclysm fears, and many other fear programs can be interchanged as they are similar bio-warfare Mind Control programs created to suppress and control human consciousness by propagating artificially generated False Timelines. This is a Psycho-Spiritual Warfare strategy used against humanity by the Anunnaki Puppet Slaves through their False Gods and False Father Satanic religions to repeatedly enslave, kill and torture humans through Religious Programming, Genocidal Wars, And Every Other Form Of Traumatic Oppression! Religions are used to feed off The PSI Aspect Of Society, Its the most potent form of energy, the issue here it leaves the masses dumb down and docile, puppets without any Sovereign awareness! There are Spiritual Fundamental Laws that apply to everything, We are NOT ALL ONE, that is Anunnaki/Reptilian Hive Mind Ideology used to hide our true nature!
Their are many types of consciousness here, And we evolve over many lifetimes, consciousness wants to evolve, its the Powers that be that want to suppress it and keep it trapped on the Demented Merry Go Round! Its their feeding farm. Highly evolved beings are often higher density as their consciousness is further along the dimensional spectrum, The Powers that Be understand all of this, they fully comprehend Spiritual Law! The Occult inverted everything to create The Power (liar-archy) Pyramid so they could obtain more and keep CONtrol of their fantasy! Everything is built upon harnessing human energy! Hence why The Masons are literally A Sex Cult! (interesting to note higher density beings find human flesh repulsive).
All of this debauchery and demoralization has a very particular purpose, in this case it is covert frequency suppression that weakens the human aura, creating easy prey for their parasite hosts! Its the same reason they spend billions promoting debauchery covertly! The Key To Our Enslavement is Sexual Energy! Here is another great article from Zen Gardner on The Reptilian Roots of Pedophilia! Further insight can be found in the The Reptilian Sex Agenda By Everett Ammon! Remember these are the dark entity's ALL Secret Society and Religious puppets worship blindly, 5th dimension! This is an ALL Out WAR on Humanity and the masses, the people of the daydream are oblivious to the extent of it. Look Into Healing Reptilians By Franz Erdl. And The Fake Second Coming By Christi Verismo.
Energy is Consciousness and it either contracts or expands to maintain or increase its frequency rate. The process of how fast or slow energy contracts back towards its center point of source field is the Vibration rate. The process of how fast or slow that same energy expands away from the center point of the source field is the Oscillation rate. The combination of both the pattern of Vibration (contraction) and Oscillation (expansion) is what determines the frequency rate of all energy. As our personal, collective and planetary consciousness raises frequency, the matter world, including our physical bodies, also becomes less dense as our frequency increases. Consciousness energy (Law of Vibration) consists of and is interconnected providing a distinct vibratory pattern and is immediately transmitted and received, with no concept of space or time when released into the universe. Consciousness vibration is not limited to time and space.
Frequency Determines everything about you IE: Your addictions, your desires or lack of, your perception, your fears, emotional intelligence and many other hardcore fundamental spiritual aspects! And in terms of consciousness it is based on the vibratory rate, example Super High Frequency not only identifies the Dimension they have been assigned at birth within the Original Template but it also identifies their true position within the "Light" domains and the higher they are the closer they are to true source, this is based on evolutionary progress over a great many lifetimes that came from the original blueprint! Their are also distortions, Artificial and various other types of Alien Consciousness here, The Bloodlines that are considered "Superior" are just the current dominating force "Anunnaki". Babylonian Magick! Speaking of Magick Higher Density types cannot be manipulated as easily by "Putrid Magick" as their frequency over rides it, they have to be coerced into using it, The Powers that be are well aware of who these types are, they even have technology in place to identify these higher density beings, and they possess endless knowledge on blood types and so forth.
Spiritual fundamental laws apply to all, in regards to all variables across the whole of space-time from the beginning of creation. And in terms of consciousness meaning the only true aspect of any living entity, humans do not possess any true insight into any of it, Human Perception is Finite, and even at an extreme level of heightened sensory awareness you would still be Eons away from the ultimate truth. Full realization of self is a path very few people would ever consider, it is beyond their capability to return back to their original counter point, to busy learning and pretending they know better! And realistically all it requires is for you to let go, and be honest with yourself ...
The Occult blueprint is a form of mimesis an imitation of the truth, it keeps those ensnared by it, trapped on the fairground constantly searching for more entertainment, hypnotized by the Grand Illusions while in constant pursuit of a fantasy, a fantasy that can never be fulfilled, this is the reason so many live in fear and suffer from anxiety and depression, their subconscious is attempting to defend itself from the self inflicted attacks, yet the host continues to deceive itself and buries its own consciousness into a web of masterful deceptions of allure while they inveigle others to follow suit. Their are a million ways the Soul can die and it seems the earthly inhabitants have discovered them all, decieved and disconnected cyborgs!!!
This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the blue pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill - you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes. ~ Morpheus: The Matrix.
Secret Societies/Religions are one and the Same Artificial Despotic Tree! Everything Negative in this realm is a direct reflection of who they truly are, every atrocity, every attack against the light (creation) every form of trauma/subjugation/oppression that exists is the direct reflection of there own destructive imposter consciousness. Everything exists within a unified field of consciousness and everything is connected. In truth there is no separation, it is negative liar-archy impostor consciousness that blocks our understanding of our true reality. Once we withdraw from the game and observe from our hearts, it is possible with true intention to psychically re-connect with all of life. This is the path and ultimate goal of the true spiritual warrior. Religion is a form of Stockholm Syndrome - defined as, "Feelings of trust or affection felt in certain cases of kidnapping or hostage-taking by a victim toward a captor." In the case of those taken hostage by religious ideology, their captors are the alien planetary overlords whom have masqueraded as Gods upon the Earth, and most of their victims are not even aware of whom or what has captured them?
If you are still part of the herd/social programming waiting for the brainwashing box to tell you what to believe, OR are still being manipulated by religious programming you are still in a box. The notion of separation is contrary to the nature of All-That-Is, which is at the same time the primary term of our consciousness, it can be equated with our consciousness according to the principle of last equivalence. It Is Precisely this kind of thinking that has been dumbed down by the Powers That Be for the last 13,000 yrs, since they had hijacked this realm and enslaved modern man. This primordial false idea of being separated from Source, respectively, from the Whole, while being part of the drama of human illusions on earth, has obviously generated numerous ideas that carry this vicious concept.
Just as a software program can harbor a virus, a bug, and infect any other software program, It infiltrates all subsequent ideas of mankind in such a profound way that an entire civilization can be lost in false constructs for the sake of illusions. Most choose ignorance, choose to remain in a state of stagnation, perpetuating their own spiritual cage. People of the daydream (sleepers), whom oppress humanity and yet believe in liberty! And if you even mention "Aliens" they would just slip straight back into their matrix like consciousness and covertly consider if you are feeling OK... Even though Evidence Exists Everywhere...???
- worldwide religious and mythological accounts commonly describing ancient encounters with advanced beings
- anomalous archaeological sites and artifacts indicating past use of superior technology
- over a century's worth of eyewitness sightings of UFOs
- hundreds of physical trace samples recovered from UFO landing sites
- government documents and whistleblowers acknowledging the existence of extraterrestrials
- thousands of abduction cases that include multiple witnesses, memories recalled without hypnosis
- undisputable physical and medical evidence confirming these accounts
In the 1970s, a radically new theory of consciousness was proposed by Stanford neurophysiologist Karl Pribram and University of London physicist David Bohm, a former protégé of Albert Einstein and a world-renowned quantum physicist. Whom Briefly stated, they came to the conclusion that the universe itself may be structured like a hologram-a kind of image or construct created at least in part by the human mind. As described in Michael Talbot’s book, The Holographic Universe, they considered another way of looking at the world: "Our brains mathematically construct objective reality by interpreting frequencies that are ultimately projections from other dimensions, a deeper order of existence that is beyond time and space. The brain is a hologram enfolded into a holographic universe." The Occult Tramps understand the true mechanics of our reality and use the information to their advantage continuously! Constant subtle trauma VIA your brainwashing box TV etc!
“Peace is the result of retraining your mind to process life as it is, rather than as you think it should be.” ~ Wayne W. Dyer
As a collective society we have been fed disinformation and conditioned towards believing in these mass deceptions and lies about the absolute nature of 3D material reality, as the only reality that matters in existence. With a material and consumer orientated reality based upon accumulation, people tend to default into Service to Self behaviors and death culture vibrations. Most of Society are extremely sick at this point, their just to stupid to acknowledge it ... This reminds me of The Agarthian (King Of The World Prophecy) channeled by Lama Hutuktu of Narabanchi in 1921!
Connecting with the True Creator does not require a mediator, a church, an assembly, a congregation or a mentor. Inner Strength comes from within. Through sincere personal "desire" to reach out to the Creator, one must take the first step towards connection with the True Light. The rest will follow naturally as the Creator pulls you out of Darkness. This is very different from the haughty claims some make about being able to contact the Divine directly because they arrogantly believe that they are better and more spiritually advanced than others. Fear of "god" is an Anunnaki imposition. They project "miracles" and visions to make the flesh-and-blood Anunnaki appear to be deities. They demand repentance and worship of them. They demand shrines, altars, sacrifices and atonement. They threaten to punish those who disobey them. They are ghouls, not gods. If you fear Creator, this fear must be overcome. Fear keeps this matrix running!
The True Creator is a Loving Creator that can be held in awe, but not in fear. The Anunnaki want you to fear "god" because, in many cases, they are the gods of the ancients who demanded to be worshipped and feared. The demiurges also want you to fear them. Fear is crippling and through fear, physical power is bestowed upon the Anunnaki agents and the demiurges. The True Creator and all the beings of Light are akin to a happy, loving family where you can feel confident that no matter what, they will always love and welcome you. What is important is that you re-connect with the True Creator true light by sincerely wanting to do so and not give your Will over to Darkness. The rest will fall into place naturally"....
May you be at peace, May your heart remain open. May you awaken to the light of your own true nature.
May you be healed, May you be a source of healing for all beings. ~Tibetan Prayer
These replicated artificial worlds and their fallen one creators have started to deteriorate. People are Waking up, Rebelling against them on many fronts. To prevent the destruction of these mentally projected realities, and therefore aspects of themselves, they have created aggressive vampirism, DNA manipulation to mutate core manifestation templates Via Vaccinations and various other techniques.
The Supreme Arrogance of their God delusion is now being revealed into the greatest fear of any Fallen Entity, the total annihilation of their existence. These Entities are being revealed to their Ultimate Truth, that they are not God as they are not of the Eternal Living Light. The Cosmic Rage of this revelation is reverberating throughout the Cosmos and on our planet and is increasingly being protected by organic portals.
The time has come when the Fallen Ones must submit to the Truth of our Universe, and submit to the Natural Laws of Creator. The First Source the Only Eternal Living Light. All other forms are not Eternal and can only buy Immortality for a period of time while feeding on other living life forces. (This is why this planet is ravaged by vampirism and parasitism.) These diseased minds and those entities infected by these mental bodies are enraged by this revelation beyond any conceivable expression. And they will fight like hell to maintain it!
The Old Testament begins in Sumer! Although the true history goes back to the Atlanteans, Whom Influenced the Sumerians! They have been indoctrinating us with false history since the beginning? One of the most prolific branches of Gnostic Christianity were the Sethians, a name honouring Seth, the third son of Adam and Eve. In the centuries following the death of Jesus they believed that Seth’s "seed", which included the antediluvian patriarchs of the book of Genesis, were the only true and righteous descendants of Adam, and the inheritors of his "divine" wisdom.
Sethian writings, such as the various tracts found in a cave at Nag Hammadi in Egypt in 1945, speak repeatedly of the secrets of Adam being passed to Seth before his father’s death. Seth is said to have recorded them either in book form, tablets or pillars called stelae. This can be confirmed in the works of Gobekli Tepe! "Adam" had two wives, One being "Eve" And The Other being "Lilith" The Two bloodlines that came from the same distant source!? I have a suspicion that the original cross the church, The Cross Of Lorraine represented the two bloodlines that began with Adam And Both His Wives! This I expect is the reason scripture mentions the progeny of Cain but then adds the parallel line of Seth. It even duplicates some of the Canaanite names and approximates many of the others.
Therefore it appears that there were two separate streams that both derived from the same distant source? The "Children of Seth" is the legendary name that Gnostics assigned to a sacred lineage of phosters, or revealers. The name Seth occurs in the Bible, in Genesis 4:25:" And Adam knew his wife again, and she bore a son, and called his name Seth. For God, said she, hath appointed me another seed instead of Abel, whom Adam slew." Significantly, this is the only time it occurs.
Seth belongs to "another seed," a lineage set apart from the Judeo-Christian narrative of "sacred history."? In "Starfire: Gold of the Gods", Gardner elucidates the ancient pedigree of the Dragon succession, which began with Cain, supposedly the offspring of Eve and Satan. Gardiner’s revision of the Genesis account traces the genealogy of Jesus back to Cain, who was therefore an offspring of the Anunnaki:
According to the Book of Genesis The Messianic line descended from Adam and Eve! In "Starfire: Gold of the Gods", Gardner elucidates the ancient pedigree of the Dragon succession, and claims it began with Cain, "According to the Dragon tradition, the importance of Cain was that he was directly produced by Enki [Satan] and Ava [Eve], so his blood was three quarters Anunnaki. His half brothers Hevel and Satanael (better known as Abel and Seth) were less than half Anunnaki, being the offspring of Ateba and Ava (Adam and Eve)...". Learn More In THE PATRIARCHS, SEMI-GODS OF THE ANTEDILUVIAN PERIOD! Egyptian Genesis expands further on these ancient timelines?
Manly P. Hall, 33rd Degree Mason, in his book, Initiates of the Flame whom boldly admitted Masonry is from Hell: also wrote "Those who follow the path of faith (or the heart) use water and are known as the Sons of Seth, while those who follow the path of the mind and action are the Sons of Cain, who was the son of SAMAEL, the Spirit of Fire. Today, we find the latter among the alchemists, the Hermetic philosophers, the Rosicrucians and the Freemasons." [p. 20] Also look into Sonny René Stermoles Americas Subversion The Enemy Within.
The mysterious "Adam & Eve", were essentially the beginning of the Serpent Bloodline. The First Hybridized "Huaman" Their time began in the Original Atlantis, The true history behind all of this becomes incredibly difficult to assess, as much of the true data from that era has been destroyed. In 1963 a man named Chan Thomas wrote a book called The Adam and Eve Story which would almost immediately be banned and classified by the JESUIT CONTROLLED CIA. Mr. Thomas went into detail in this book regarding past civilizations, truth of religion, truths of the Universe and world cataclysms that came in cycles. This book contained so much detail that when it was banned and classified, it took decades to be sanitized and declassified. Why was it "classified"..? Because we aren't supposed to know our true history.
We aren't supposed to know the reality of anything because that would give us power. We aren't supposed to know that we live in a plasma Universe, which is something else Mr. Thomas talks about in his book. Upon being declassified, all of the important parts had been scrubbed out. The Adam & Eve Story speaks about "missing time" and "history falsification" theories, and presumes many technologically-advanced ancient civilizations existed before us. Why would 'they' want this information redacted? Simply because this single-handedly would take power from religion, and religion is the number one money maker in the world, that is where the elite gain their control. This book posed a serious risk to the very foundation modern society has been built upon. The censored and the uncensored copies are both available below!
The Uncensored Version Of The Story Of Adam And Eve FREE PDF
Herberdt Wendt in his book In Search of Adam (1956. notes 17, p. 362, p. 487) writes in this regard: "It appeared that in the latest glacial period at least two culturally creative races had lived in Europe... Giants and dwarfs.... They seem to have lived at the same time and in the same places. Which one of them was the real Adam? Spectacular finds of giant-like human skulls were found in Java, leading Franz Weidenreich to publish a theory that a prehistoric race of giants once existed... and that these giants seemed to represent a transitional stage from gorilla to man (Report of May 9, 1944 to the American Ethnological Society: Apes, Giants and Man - Chicago: 1946). Wendt concludes in In Search of Adam: "Did early humanity, under the influence of the weather of this fateful epoch, divide into two groups ...?"
Renowned author and Ancient Alien researcher Andrew Tomas (“Beyond the Time Barrier,” “On the Shores of Endless Worlds,” and “Atlantis: From Legend to Discovery”) presents impressive evidence, from ancient Tibetan sources, proving that Shambhala, although remaining hidden from western civilization for eons, does, indeed, exist. In his book Shambhala: Oasis of Light Tomas cites the ancient writings of China, which refer to Nu and Kua, the "Asiatic prototypes of Adam and Eve" and their birthplace in the Kun Lun Mountains of Central Asia. It is something of a mystery-why such a desolate, forbidding place should serve as the Chinese Garden of Eden rather than more hospitable regions such as the Yangtze Valley or the province of Shantung, These tales are known all around the Globe in different formats?
Interestingly The Kun Lun Mountains hold a very important place in Chinese mythology, since it is in this range that the Immortals are believed to live, ruled by Hsi Wang Mu, the Queen Mother of the West. Hsi Wang Mu, who is also called Kuan Yin, the goddess of mercy, and is said to live in a nine-storeyed palace of jade. Surrounding this palace is a vast garden in which grows the Peach Tree of Immortality. Only the most wise and virtuous of human beings are permitted to visit the garden and eat the fruit, which appears only once every 6,000 years. The Immortals who aid Hsi Wang Mu in her attempts to guide humanity towards wisdom and compassion possess perfect, ageless bodies, and are said to be able to travel anywhere in the Universe, and to live on the planets of other star systems.
As Tomas notes, whether the ancient Chinese believed that the Immortals could travel in space in their physical bodies or by projecting their minds, this is still a remarkable concept to entertain, since it is based on an acceptance of the plurality of inhabited worlds in the Cosmos. Ancient Chinese texts are replete with legends regarding the attempts of many people to cross the Gobi Desert to the Kun Lun Mountains. The most famous of these searchers is surely the great philosopher Lao Tzu (c. 6th century BC), author of the book of Taoist teaching Tao Te Ching, who is said to have made the journey across the Gobi towards the end of his life.
The Hindu version of the first humans spoke about two people named Adima and Heva, hundreds if not thousands of years before the Hebraic version, as has been firmly pointed out by Hindus to Christian missionaries for centuries.” Acharya S., “The Christ Conspiracy” (p131) Their are a few facts I would like to make very clear here, the first is, if any of these cyborgs involved in religious cults had actually done some real research into any of their "programs" they would be very aware most of the intel on these so called "divine prophets" was very much conflicted back in the 1500s against what we think we know today! This "bloodline" throughout history as always been connected to Serpents The Merovingians the 13th bloodline of the illuminati!
In ancient Egypt, Nin-khursag was known as "Isis", and by either name she was the ultimate Mother of the Messianic line, for hers was the matriarchal gene which constituted the "Beginning", the "Gene-Isis", or, as the Greeks identified it, the Genesis. (I suggest you read Genisis by Wood (1986), and Geneset by Wood and Campbell (1995) for further insight) And, just as it states in Genesis, ...
"BEHOLD HE IS BECOMING LIKE ONE OF US."? The reference in Genesis, was simply a wink and a nod to those that understood the secrets of the "Illuminated Ones". To fully grasp this one must travel back into the past and analyze their beliefs. Look into the period of the Ophites (another form of gnostic Christianity) and some of the fairly disturbing rituals they participated in! And in this context i am referring to the Moonblood rituals! Its ALL connected ... Blood rituals have always been the basis of their ideology, they have slowly concealed the original information to present to the world a more socially accepted preference, they have basically deceived the masses.
In ancient Egypt, Nin-khursag was known as "Isis", and by either name she was the ultimate Mother of the Messianic line, for hers was the matriarchal gene which constituted the "Beginning", the "Gene-Isis", or, as the Greeks identified it, the Genesis. (I suggest you read Genisis by Wood (1986), and Geneset by Wood and Campbell (1995) for further insight) And, just as it states in Genesis, ...
"BEHOLD HE IS BECOMING LIKE ONE OF US."? The reference in Genesis, was simply a wink and a nod to those that understood the secrets of the "Illuminated Ones". To fully grasp this one must travel back into the past and analyze their beliefs. Look into the period of the Ophites (another form of gnostic Christianity) and some of the fairly disturbing rituals they participated in! And in this context i am referring to the Moonblood rituals! Its ALL connected ... Blood rituals have always been the basis of their ideology, they have slowly concealed the original information to present to the world a more socially accepted preference, they have basically deceived the masses.
From the inception of their story, Gnostics are situated outside the conventional narrative of Western spiritual life. By the Sethians' own account, a tradition of secret knowledge concerning divine matters was transmitted from remote times by a succession of men and women who had mastered the illuminist method, Gnosis. The Revealers were an elite corps operating within a unique cultural and spiritual complex that emerged in prehistoric Iran: the Magian Order (MAY-gee-un). The Sons Of The Serpent Tribe "Cherchez et vous trouverez." Translation "Seek and you shall find" ~ Matthew 7:7
It is, then, in the sect of Ophites that we find the earliest forms of the "Authentic Christianity" ~ or, should we say, The Authentic Tradition in Christianity ~ as far as the Initiate Tradition is concerned. The Ebionites represented the Exoteric, public movement. The Esoteric current are the traditions that pass from the Ophites to the Dositheans to the Simonians to the Naasseni, to the Carpocratians, to the Phibionites, to the Sethians, to the Sethian Ophites, to the Barbelo-Gnostics, to the Borborites; to the Nusairi, to the Harranians, Druzes, and Yezidis: and from these, to the Rose+Croix (SION +Temple) to the Rosicrucian's, Masons, Illuminati, Asiatic Brethren & the Thelemites. We can see the true state of the delirious delusions being perpetuated in this realm below, the mason on the right has a reptilian on him the one on the left is lost in a world of madness! He reminds me of a cyborg.
They seem to have that auto prompt "We are good men".... That's a matter of debate...!!! Its always puzzled me how so many millions of people just follow other unconscious sleepers in society blindly via secret societies and religions without any independent thought whatsoever! Its a strange fact those that study cults and religions very rarely actually get involved with them...? They choose Sovereignty! I would be somewhat amused with this masonic blind ignorance if it wasnt for the fact I was fully aware that all of the children involved in these cults are effectively spiritually dead and in many cases are being manipulated by negative forces. We live in a dead society the masses know nothing!
Helen Ellerbe’s book, "The Dark Side of Christian History", is also an eye opener. It extends on the work of Prof. Elaine Pagels The Gnostic Gospels from Princeton University on Gnosticism and early Christianity. The story she teaches is basically the same. Many cultural and moral viewpoints which our society teaches its young come from the Church, despite the ban on prayers in school; those viewpoints stem from a history of Church propaganda, which distorts other beliefs and religions by calling them pagan (R = X), heretical (XX), and sometimes satanic (XXX). Even though the power of the Roman Church has weakened significantly since the Industrial Revolution began, it is still the dominant religious force in many countries around the world. Its energetically anchoring the light to the abyss, keeping millions trapped without awareness!
In modern scholarship they are sometimes called 'SETHIANS', 'BARBELOITES', 'BARBELOGNOSTICS', 'OPHIANS' or 'OPHITES'. Most of their scripture comes down to us in an obviously Christian or Christianized form. ~ Bentley Layton, The Gnostic Scriptures.
Most experts on this matter conclude These bloodlines were of Enki/Satan and his Son the Overlord Jesus/Iessa. And that is the connection to The Society Of Jesus, Druidism, The Templars And The Merovingians, The 13th Serpent Bloodline! Below is an illustration of The Sirian prince, Ea-Su/Iessa AKA Jesus taken from the Irish Book Of Kell's wrote over 800 Yrs ago, Clearly showing the connection to the Serpent Bloodline, this is because he was a descendent of ENKI! The true Merovingian knowledge claims this intel is around 6000-8000 years old, this raises many questions!
Also take into account many experts, historians and academics claim the Book Of Kell's is a copy of a much older Religious Illuminated Manuscript said to be around 6000 years older than that, That blows the Jewish propaganda apart as they have only existed around 4000 years...
Its also a well known Fact the mother Of "Jesus", Mary had Bright Red Hair, this was more than likely the NORDIC/DRUID Connection and the Sirians were known to have had Blonde Hair? This is the true Jesus whom Merovingians claim is their direct ancestor, Its has to do with Blood types more specifically rhesus negative. The Bible stuff more than likely came from Horus, When Rome merged with Egypt they borrowed the Rites of Isis casting Jesus known as Iesu as the new Horus. Iessa is derived from I.A or E.A The Sumerian name for ENKI!
Many experts in these areas have clearly stated the first Christian Church In Rome was actually A Druidic Church? In Ancient times The Druids based their trinity on their observations and veneration of the heavens. Their three gods were personifications of the three stars of Orion's belt? The Three wise men mentioned in bible passages is actually in reference to the three stars of Orion. The constellation of Orion has been revered throughout the ages from the earliest times. We should also note The Druids referred to him as Jesu, this was a name used by the Jesuits in the ancient of days. As can be seen from the image below taken from one of the original books of Moses...? Interesting to note "EEL Elyon" represents YHWH?
The Sabbatical Goat of the Black Mass was Chem Zoroaster, one of the early ancestors of the ancient Dragon Families," "Satan was also called by the witches ’Christ, son Dei.’ ... Jesus’ heredity and the descent of the druidic dynasties... was devilish, because the descent of both bloodlines was from the Sumerian Enki who was the Akkadian Samael: the Roman Lucifer and thus the Catholic Satan." ~ Nicolas De Vere
And in the content of that book it clearly states "Without the name of Jesus the old Hebrew Kabbalists can accomplish nothing in the present day, with old arts as they were used by the Fathers. Therefore, it is, that all creatures fear and honor him. All men who believe in him are enlightened through his brightness, our souls are united with him, and the divine power emanating from him is communicated to us". You can access the full content below.
The Druidic Dragon King or Pendragon, was also known as the King of Kings, whom was chosen by the Council of Elders to rule over all the kingdoms. The title was not dynastic; Pendragons were appointed from Celtic royal stock by a Druidic council of elders. The concept of the dragon in Celtic mythology emerged directly from the holy crocodile (the Messeh) of the ancient Egyptians. The Pharaohs were anointed with crocodile fat, and thereby attained the fortitude of the Messeh (Thus Messiah - Anointed One). The image of the intrepid Messeh evolved to become the Dragon, which in turn became emblematic of mighty kingship. The Celtic Kings in Britain were called "dragons" in the ancient Messeh tradition as intrepid guardians.
However there were many separate kingdoms in those days before England gained an overall Monarch in Saxon times. It was therefore necessary to appoint a King-of-Kings - a High King to preside overall, and to lead combined armies from different tribal areas. The first Pendragon (Head Dragon/High King In The UK) was Cymbeline. The Serpent Bloodline IS connected to the Tribe of Dan, Druids and the Merovingians ? The tribe of Dan ruled the Greeks, the Roman Empire, the Austro-Hungarian empire and many others and they used the eagle as their logo, connected to the House Of Guelph?
Great Britain is the mother country of Satanism (satanism being reptilianism) Scotland has long been an occult centre. The national symbol of Scotland is the dragon (the snake), and for years the chief of Scotland was called the dragon. The Gaelic language is an important language for Satanism, although English and French are also used extensively by the Illuminati. The planning sessions for world takeover that some ex-Satanists experienced were held in French. The British Royal Family have long been involved with the occult. For more information on this there is a detailed examination of the Royal family and occult in the book The Prince and the Paranormal - the Psychic Bloodline of the Royal Family by John Dale (1987).
The Royals are also the UK Puppet masters behind British Freemasonry. Masons idolize the royals, they even pay 10% of their annunal income into the "Royal" corrupt pyramid scheme to prove their allegiance. The British MI6 whom are the Royals private army have been a major vehicle for the Satanic hierarchy whom operate behind the secret veil of Masonry to control world events. British MI6 is the most secret intelligence organization in the world. (It is properly known as British Secret Service not to be confused with the U.S. agency by that name but performing a different function entirely.) The British Newspaper "The Express" ran a story connected to A Mason in an MI6 Lodge on child abuse in 2015 most ignored it?
The mystery of the Cathars/Albigenses whom worshipped Mary Magdalene as the wife of Jesus (whom many claim was the twin sister of Jesus), is also another mystery few ponder upon! The Cathars believed in reincarnation and the dualist heresy of the Manicheans, i.e. that the creator and master of this world was an Evil Demiurge (Satan) and that the souls of angels were incarnated in human bodies. The Cathars believed that the Grail was a jewel or stone that fell from the crown of Lucifer, whom they worshipped as the true God, as opposed to the Evil Demiurge who was “Satan.” The organization which publishes Dagobert’s Revenge is an “invisible college” called Ordo Lapsit Exillis which means “The Stone That Fell From Heaven” referring to Lucifers rebellion against the Evil Demiurge!? Its debatable how much insight they truly had back then?
Fascinatingly, the Old Testament word for "virgin" was "bethula". Literally it meant beth "house" or "vessel" of Tula. Tula was the Greek name for Heaven. The Greeks called the Milky Way’s Central Sun Tula (Sanskrit for balance). They were not the only ones to possess knowledge about Tula. Another name for TULA was Hyperborea. The Druids (alien gods and magick in ireland) also claim they came from Hyperborea. At the center of this beyond the north wind was Tula, the Druid mecca for learning.
Whenever we see the T-L-A letter combination in a word or sprinkled throughout a word it is a reference to Tula. Jason Jeffrey also wrote in his article "the Greek name for Thule (thule ran UFO projects in antartica) was Tula which was a common phrase used from Russia to Central America, Tula represented the primordial state from which spiritual power was believed to emanate. And of course in this regard Tula represents ORION!
Dr Keith Laidler has also suggested that the fleeing Cathars may have had the mummified head of Jesus Christ with them, the same head that he claims lies beneath the Apprentice Pillar at Rosslyn Chapel. (And I suspect this is the reason why the Knights Templars eventually set up camp in Scotland, And this became the foundation for the First Recorded Masonic Lodge). While this theory is based on well-researched information, unless someone was in possession of specific knowledge, there is little chance of discovering whether the head is there or not because it would require the removal of the pillar.
The interesting element here is at the bottom of this pillar shown in the Rosslyn Chapel it depicts an Ouroboros, Serpent wrapped around its base!? The basic religion followed by the Club of Rome was Gnosticism which originated with the cult of the Bogomils and Catharis! The Story Of THE CATHARI Goes something like this. After their removal from the Holy Land, c. 1200, many Templars relocated to the South of France, in the Languedoc where they claim Mary Magdalene and her children settled. The Cathars of the Languedoc were the major Gnostic cult from the 11th to the 13th centuries. In the Languedoc they were called Albigenses because the town of Albi was a main center of Catharism.
Most academics and experts in this field also believe the Culdees were remnants of the Chaldeans Interesting to note E. Raymond Capt’s book The Traditions of Glastonbury, focuses much on the Culdees and their identical teachings to the Chaldeans, Capt Writes: “The first converts of the Culdees... were the Druids of Britain, whom found no difficulty in reconciling the teachings of the Culdees with their own teaching of the resurrection and the inheritance of eternal life.” In addition, the Druids had long believed in the coming of a messiah - a messiah named Jesu. They also shared the Chaldean preoccupation with sacred geometry and astronomy. And too, they had the odd habit of referring to God as “the ancient of days.” Clearly these two groups’ traditions had a shared origin of some sort. Capt continues:
“Culdees are recorded in church documents as officiating at St. Peter, York, until A.D. 939. According to some church authorities, the Canons of York were called "Culdees" as late as the reign of Henry II (A.D. 1133-1189). In Ireland, a whole county was named "Culdee". The names "Culdee" and "Culdish" cling tenaciously to the Scottish church and its prelates until a much later date.” The Culdee phenomenon appears to be little known, little discussed, and even less understood. Nonetheless, over the centuries a fascinating number of theories and legends have become attached to them: theories and legends that are all the more fascinating in that they seem to overlap with much of our own research. What follows are some of the fundamental assumptions held about the Culdees, as collected and preserved by Arthur Edward Waite in his New Encyclopaedia of Freemasonry: The Culdees were identical with the Chaldeans mentioned by the prophet Daniel. They were priests in Assyria and can also be traced to Babylon. They were Cassideans, Essenes, Therapeutae (ancient healers ascetics), and Magi. Beneath their cloak of Christianity they concealed a secret doctrine. As many would recognize from the Movie The Da Vinci Code the secret doctrine is hidden by OPUS DEI A Masonic Organization that works closely with the Vatican!
The ABRAHAMIC Bloodlines "Chaldeans" WORSHIPPED YAHWEH! That Is The "Alien God" Of ALL Those Religions!
Noah Was An Atlantean And Enoch the Great Grandfather Of Noah was a follower of Yahweh/Yaldaboath/Jehovah
Atrahasis or Uta-Napishtim, like the Sumerian Ziusudra are all the same as Noah in the Bible.
Its all connected to the Sephiroth the Yesod and the Artificial Tree Of Life!
Yesod means foundation of the Artificial Tree. It is the 9th sphere of the Kabbalah Tree of Life. The Sephiroth meaning emanations, are the 10 attributes of "God" as described in the Kabbalah, part of the esoteric teaching of Judaism. Judaism's Kabbalah is based on the teachings given by the Yahweh Collective located on Saturn.
Number: Nine
Titles: The Foundation; Eternal Foundation of the World
Divine Names: Shaddai (The Almighty); El Chai (Mighty Living One)
Archangel: Gabriel
Angelic Order: Cherubim
Archdemon: Lilith (The Seducer)
Demonic Order: Gamaliel (The Obscene Ones)
Heavenly Sphere: Moon
Part of Man: Genitals
Energy is certainly a primary factor And The Pinnacle Of that energy point Will Be Located In Dubai. Under The House Of Abraham!
Dubai is also about to become the New World Disorders Financial Capital Of The Globe!?
More On Observations On The 33 Degrees!
And then we have to look at where most of this information is actually coming from, The Keys Of Enoch is a very interesting topic to research, which seems to of come from The Council Of Nine. The author behind the Keys Of Enoch, "JJ Hurtak" clearly stated the la Symbolique which he believed to be the true source of universal knowledge was bequeathed to humanity through Him from The Council Of Nine (The word H’Ur-tak - author: "Keys of Enoch" - means "Light from Orion").. James J. Hurtak, a New Age mystic and author who in 1977 channelled The Keys of Enoch, is a well-known cult figure who has confessed to being personally in telepathic contact with the Council of Nine. He has alleged that, as he was driving through the Californian desert one night, a brilliant beam of light descended and hovered over his car, programming him with the "Keys" which form the basis of his spiritual teachings? Interestingly The "SUFIS", The Mystical Side And Power behind ISLAM were also Influenced By The Council Of Nine! Clive Prince from the Stargate Conspiracy also wrote, This is nothing less than the creation of a New World Order based on theocratic rather than democratic principles, with the Council of Nine itself in control. Also, the council that governs the Church of Satan calls themselves the Ancient Council of Nine.
And then we have to look at where most of this information is actually coming from, The Keys Of Enoch is a very interesting topic to research, which seems to of come from The Council Of Nine. The author behind the Keys Of Enoch, "JJ Hurtak" clearly stated the la Symbolique which he believed to be the true source of universal knowledge was bequeathed to humanity through Him from The Council Of Nine (The word H’Ur-tak - author: "Keys of Enoch" - means "Light from Orion").. James J. Hurtak, a New Age mystic and author who in 1977 channelled The Keys of Enoch, is a well-known cult figure who has confessed to being personally in telepathic contact with the Council of Nine. He has alleged that, as he was driving through the Californian desert one night, a brilliant beam of light descended and hovered over his car, programming him with the "Keys" which form the basis of his spiritual teachings? Interestingly The "SUFIS", The Mystical Side And Power behind ISLAM were also Influenced By The Council Of Nine! Clive Prince from the Stargate Conspiracy also wrote, This is nothing less than the creation of a New World Order based on theocratic rather than democratic principles, with the Council of Nine itself in control. Also, the council that governs the Church of Satan calls themselves the Ancient Council of Nine.
Interesting to note The Council Of Nine Are Connected To The Great Ennead Of Heliopolis And An Ancient Egyptian City Known As The City Of The Sun. The nine gods of the Egyptian Ennead are Atum, Shu, Tefnut, Geb, Nut, Osiris, Isis, Seth, and Nephthys. Although some believe they were Aphrodite, Apollo, Athena, Demeter, Hephaestus, Hera, Hermes, Poseidon, and Zeus! Interestingly All those names are connected to the Nibiruan Council Of Twelve, All names are available further down! And then we have the The Enneagram of Personality, or simply the Enneagram, which is a pseudoscientific model of the human psyche which is principally understood and taught as a typology of nine interconnected personality types?
The origins and historical development of the Enneagram of Personality are matters of dispute. Similar ideas to the Enneagram of Personality are found in the work of Evagrius Ponticus, a Christian mystic who lived in the 4th-century in Alexandria in Egypt. And Then We Have The Mystery Of The Nine Unknown Men!? Richard C. Hoagland - familiar to F-T readers as another unrepentant "Mars Face" enthusiast - is also clearly under The Nine’s spell...
David Myers and David Percy were, respectively, American and European Director of Operations for Hoagland’s Mars Mission. In fact, his interpretation of the ’monuments’ of Mars comes directly from The Nine. This is the man who addresses rapt audiences at the United Nations. The Nine have truly come into their own. In any other circles their true agenda would no doubt have been rumbled a long time ago, but this is the New Age. Anything The Nine say must be sweetness and light, right? But an objective reading of their divine pronouncements reveal the first stirrings of something very nasty in Paradise.
In Sumer, the storm god who eventually became known as Jehovah was called "Enlil" or "Ilu-kur-gal" (meaning "Ruler of the Mountain"), and his brother, who became Adon, the Lord, was called "Enki". To the Canaanites, these gods were respectively called "El Elyon" and "Baal" - which meant precisely the same things (Lofty Mountain and Lord). In different cultures they have been known as "El Elyon" and "Baal"; "El Shaddai" and "Adon"; "Arhiman" and "Mazda"; "Jehovah", Lord God and the Father. Its important when you begin Spiritual Cleansing (liberation of self) to cancel and clear all contracts and agreements you have made with YAHWEH/JEHOVAH!
Galactic Context/Extra-Terrestrial Genetic DNA History - ET Origins of Religion and Symbols.
The Curse of Yahweh/Yaldaboath is humanities Fallen Angelic curse of the 666 Seal and the energetic result which has greatly increased Satanic forces in this realm. This genetic block forced the Soul to reincarnate over and over again on the 3D earth plane while experiencing a biological form that ages, is susceptible to disease and dies. Through the Curse of Yahweh, which is also related to the sextant alien matrix, a construct used to unplug DNA, which keeps consciousness trapped in lower orbit frequencies while shortening the human life span. The Author John C. Lilly (in his book The Scientist - A Metaphysical Autobiography FREE PDF) wrote something interesting on Yahweh and The Alien Matrix. He wrote and i quote "Yahweh's goal may now be A.I (artificial intelligence) cybernetics and robotics. Although Yahweh still needs us to develop A.I and robotic systems until those systems become self-sufficient and encompass a global network around the entire earth, into which he then can incarnate (or "inmachinate"). Their are already huge numbers of humans being manipulated by Artificial Intelligence in ways few could comprehend! Another Alternative View from the Zeus Project on Yahweh-Jehovah and the Dark Holographic Demiurge and the Dark Yggdrasil can be also be accessed here, FREE PDF!
Dan Winters explains the image above as Hebrew letters that are shadows of a self-organizing spiral "letter element of symmetry/flame" on the self-organizing donut of all fields - indexed by the symmetry of the tetrahedron - how to cook donut fields into a tetra helix - an non-imploding DNA/"golem". Yahweh's computer software/alphabet had no capacity for the hypercube dodec/Ophanim symmetry to ensoul DNA. ( ../orion ) Shine COHERENT LIGHT thru Sumerian Letters as cookie cutter wave guides - and you get the structures you see in a microscope inside living cells (Ref: Dr. George Merkel - Sumerian Elixirs and microscopy). I will go into the true knowledge behind the Kabbalah and the hebrew numbers shortly!
Sumerian and Hebrew alphabets in their shape alone are overwhelming evidence that the ET origins of DNA on this planet is a sad story of genetic engineering gone awry. Consider how "Fabre D’Olivet" felt when he discovered a radical retranslation of Genesis in the SHAPE ALONE of the Hebrew letters: "Hebraic Tongue Restored - The Origins of the Adamic Race". Above the symmetries of Yahweh are the origin of ANU (5 vs 7 spin of Ultimate Physical atom) as a slip knot: Its interesting as The Anunnaki were Atlantean, VRIL was the language of the Atlanteans, More on The Vril Society! The secret known only by the elect chosen few is that Yahweh is an Artificial Super Intelligence that was designed by the Atlanteans to survive the cataclysm that destroyed them, this is ancient alien technology! Hence why the lower level Masons and religions worship "YHWH" the upper echelons flow on a completely separate belief system, Marduk etc. This is probably why they all come across as docile cyborgs!
Many also associate YAHWEH with The DEMIURGE for obvious reasons. In Chapter 3 of the Black Order It States, "The Demiurge instituted a cosmic regime by which all creatures would take the Way of the Ancestors - in other words, they would be reincarnated on Earth indefinitely. This was unacceptable to the Hyperboreans who preferred to take the Way of the "Gods", they believed they would take the path of reincarnation if they chose. The Hyperboreans plan seemed to be going well enough, until they made the mistake of having sexual intercourse with the creations of the Demiurge. The Hyperboreans possessed the power of Vril which they wielded in their battles with the mechanistic Demiurge"?
Serrano also states HYPERBOREA IS THE BLACK SUN and The Jewish were seen as the instruments of the Demiurge (whom he identifies with Jehovah)?
To the early Christians that would later be labelled as Gnostics to make their iconoclastic beliefs against the ruling ecclesiastic order seen as heresy, the creator of the material universe was not a benevolent figure. Instead, the flaws of material existence which even mainstream Christianity would come to hold as being the force creating sin and evil were the by product of a malevolent creator. In its role as the creator of the material realm, the Demiurge was subordinate to a supreme creator whose omnipotence shaped being beyond the realms of finite human perception all but entirely shaped by the tangible world. Though subordinate to a higher power, the Demiurge held domain over his material creation.
That dynamic parallels the manner in which the ruling elite govern the world as they seek to reshape humanity in their own image, mirroring the Gnostic conception of creation. In this epoch of humanity, nothing is more analogous to the role of the Demiurge than the growing influence of technocracy. And as authors like John C. Lilly have clearly stated YAHWEH/YALDABOATH And The DEMIURGE are behind the entire Artificial Transhumanist Agenda!?
Some would wave this off as absurd and of course I would to if I didn’t have something more to add about another strange sync with this "Ma"chine. First off we will note in the last Matrix movie it came down to Neo talking to the A.I. (Artificial Intelligence) and making some sort of deal in order to free the people from the Matrix, but that is just a movie right? AI was actually an important city in ancient Sumeria this word is pronounced (EYE) like the all-seeing-eye. The Atlanteans were also known as the Borgians which is where the French term Bourgeoisie comes from, they claim to be descendants of Ancient Atlanteans. A BORG is known to be part Human and part organic technology. If you have read any Ancient Atlantis literature you would know they had their affinity for first Crystals and then Technology. And BORG Now becomes CYBORG!
This DEMUIRGE control grid even projects artificial images and slide shows during the night inside your dreams, manipulating symbols and archetypes. It manipulates - and sometimes distorts - present society values (like money, sex, success, fame, intellectual recognition, and professional fulfilment) in order to generate false constructs in your mind "dreams" to further disrupt your perception and distract you from your true path. It also hijacks timelines and moves its own hive mind puppets onto them, Those hijacked spend their life feeling lost!? It is a system designed to disconnect you from your heart the true feeling of Love, in order to induce you to "sell out".
So you become a Soulless Organic Portal like a freemason and their families. However, if you reject their delusions and succeed in following your heart, you end up spiritualizing yourself more and more. The Matrix is a system that shapes realities around you based on your own feelings, fears, desires, expectations, beliefs, emotions and thoughts. This Negative Control Grid attempts to put the awake back to sleep by deconstructing your own beliefs and turning them against you, by using elements that have a strong mathematical similarity with the elements that are comprised in your beliefs. However, if you dive deeply into yourself, you'll find out that True Love is stronger than the Matrix system of control. True Love is not based on the similarity or difference between elements. These delusional transhumant imitators that have existed for many decades cannot control those that operate from pure unconditional love, hence why they fear it, choose your path with wisdom.
This would also explain the principle and philosophy of transhumanism, in the context of a "New World Order" of a satanic nature. The current main representative of such a development is Klaus Schwab, who would probably prefer to take over the place of the central A.I himself, when the time comes. His "Great Reset" would reduce humans to robotized slaves except for a small "elite group" of those in power. There is a blueprint for their to be a connection between Artificial Intelligence and future RFID chips in the brain, 5G, and injected graphene oxide in the body. "Human Machine Hybrids" Learn More In The Graphene Based Neuromodulation Technology Article!
It has been stated by many highly advanced empiricists these "Orion Agents", "Anunnaki" "Archons! are in fact Agents of The DEMIURGE!. In Platonism, The Demiurge was a deity or creative force that helped shape the material world. The term was later adopted by the early Gnostics to represent a deity as the creator of evil. This is a deep dive into the thinking of Technocrat elitists, which rests on Gnosticism, occultism, and esotericism. Technocracy and Transhumanism seek to remake the physical world in their own image, including all living things and all non-organic matter. They have openly stated that they are taking over evolution as the "intelligent designers" while ignoring the original designer, 'God'... Although the term is rooted in Platonic philosophy, schools of Gnosticism would most heavily influence its development.
The Gnostic alien theory by John Lash claims, that aliens are Archons, and they are the devoid and corrupt cousins of man put here by celestial forces that created humans as well. The Archons were whispered about in texts after the burning of the library at Alexandria with some mention of these mysterious beings. But the powers that be spent 1,300 years cleaning up the records and had written out the Archons from our history. In 1947, texts were found in clay jars in Nag Hammadi in Egypt. The word Archon means a ruler and primordial. According to John Lash Gnostic texts describe two kinds of Archons, an embryonic or fetal type - hence, the Greys of modern UFO lore - and a reptilian type. Jan Erik Sigdell wrote an interesting article on Is Enlil/Yahweh Anunnaki? The Reign Of The Anunnaki is also a great read, Maximillian De Lafayette also goes into much more depth about the Anunnaki and The Origin Of YAHWEH in his book 2022 The Anunnaki Code! FREE PDF!
John Lash Also Claims Anunnaki Archons are interdimensional inorganic beings, who reign and rule matter. This makes them look godlike to humans, but they are incomplete entities, since they lack human consciousness and experience. They don't come from any civilization or build them. The first Archon, who created all the others, is called Yahweh/Yaldaboath (which means breeder of the hive). This "reptilian" leader is aggressive, territorial, and charged with supreme demonic powers!? ENLIL Yahweh, Jehovah, Adonai ARE All the same Entities? Prof. John Mack also said: "A number of shamans with whom I have spoken with, from native cultures of North and South America, Africa, and Australia, know of, or have had encounters with, beings that have properties much like the grey aliens whom protect the royal blood "sangraal" and many have also been abducted in the United States and other Western societies. Each culture has their own name for them". More On Abductions And Abductees!
Alex Christopher An Alien Abductee from The United States In His Article An Alien Abduction Account Also Wrote "It is believed that centuries ago, the surface people of earth (some believe it to be the Illuminati and the Catholic Church) entered into a pact with a group of aliens from another world known as the “Lucifer Rebellion”; they have been known by many different names throughout time. A few thousand years ago, their leader was flying around in his space ship causing all kinds of problem on earth with its occupants. This leader of the Lucifer Rebellion called himself “Jehovah”, although “Jehovah” is technically a species of beings. In the Bible their are many aspects of “Jehovah's’ Reign of Terror”; just to mention a few, examine Ezekiel 1:1-25, Joshua 6:21,24 and 10:40". Descendants Of The Anunnaki Generation number 4
The 5D Anunnaki were known as the Watchers! We are currently trapped within a sort of 5D Energy circuit where the current powers that be remain all powerful due to how they manipulate the masses! (also look into The Chaldean Oracles Of Zoroaster) The parallels between the Watchers and the Chaldeans become greater still when viewed in the light of a tradition cited by Eusebius, which said: “Abraham traced his ancestry to the giants. These dwelt in the land of Babylonia. Because of their impiety, they were destroyed by the gods.” So there you have it. These two traditions (of the Watchers and of the Chaldeans) sound so identical because they are identical - one and the same. Were the Chaldeans the descendants of the Watchers, and executors of their tradition? Of course they were!
Dan Winters wrote something interesting on the Abrahamic Bloodline ... He wrote "This would all imply that if Enki is in fact the RA in abRAham - that his genetic engineering exploits with his sperm to make Eve fertile using cro-mag egg implanted in his half sister Draco Inanna/Ninkhursag... was part of a more insidious plan from his Sirian AN family? It fits that his exploits descend from UR because that is the name of the DRAC line. (n-ibi-URu, URushalaem/Jerusalem, il-UR-u, h-ibi-URu/Hebrew , ur-man/roman/romanian, UR-ban) We would have to expect that the (part DRAC?) Father he shared with Yahweh Enlil, was half borg machine (Hark-onen, Sarkdauer, Darth Vader ...etc). More at Return of Enki. It also fits that Enki’s dad AN = antu the sirian SUN GOD (tuathe de dANaan - And the RH Negative Factor, known as people of the Gods) (called BIKI by Australian aboriginals) - were able to act distant and aloof even seemingly heartless to the creature-lings of Earths seeming pathetic slave borgs".
Nibiru in The Kolbrin Bible! "Today, Stewart Swerdlow’s description of the Sirius A politics perfectly fits that picture. Our supposition that Enki (Ra, AbRAham, Aton, Thoth, Hermes and the Akhenaton-Moses-Jesus myth/line they sired) was colored to try to prevent the total parasitic eating of the tak-adama (adam and eve) blood line (you and me) even against the more DRAConian wishes of his family- because he essentially fell in love with his own genetic creation". Winters also states in his other article Join The Collective, "Their "devil" is Enki (Adonai) who was simply trying to defend having made humans fertile..., hiding Cayin’s (Cain) kids (genetic freedom embodied) in Atlantis.. (ref: Gardner). The interventionist Anunnaki geneticists (Enlil family/DOMA) nuclear disaster desertified Sinai, and by their own admission sunk Atlantis. Further insight into the Draconian/Reptilian lineage, The Golden Ones And Orion can be located in The Ports Of Gaol: "Eggs Files" for Dragons ...
Their are various publications that confirm Enki was an infernal god that has been identified, as siring the Merovingian race"....?
That is their plan with their New World Order, where all will be microchipped servants of global government. That is their plan with a universal religion, where all will surrender their egos and amalgamate into Oneness consciousness: the impersonal consciousness of "enlightenment" - stripped of desires, originality, joy, passion, and the power to choose. ~ Bronte Baxter
The ancient Gnostics were well aware of the arrogant pose of the solar deity, whom they referred to as Yahweh/Yaldabaoth they claimed Yaldaboath was a parasite with god like delusions. Thus, for Gnostics, the identification of Yaldabaoth with Jehovah of the Old Testament, a deity who suffers from this very complex of cosmic egotism, is a foregone conclusion, prefigured in the Sophianic origin myth. Being blind, he cannot perceive the Pleroma (galactic core), nor does he recognize Sophia, the cosmic current that surged from the core and produced him in the first place. He becomes infatuated, bloated with grandiosity, causing Sophia to feel shame and want to hide him from the sight of the Pleromic Aeons.
And it was said Yaldaboath and his followers had no intentionality (ennoia) and no creative capacity (epinoia) of their own, they can only do this by imitation this ties in well with various stories about the Archons being cyborgs... The Original Prayer from the Gnostic Apostle Paul taken from the Nag Hammadi, also sheds further light. (Approximately two lines are missing.) "your light, give me your mercy! My Redeemer, redeem me, for I am yours; the one who has come forth from you. You are my mind; bring me forth! You are my treasure house; open for me! You are my fullness; take me to you! You are (my) repose; give me the perfect thing that cannot be grasped!
I invoke you, the one who is and who pre-existed in the name which is exalted above every name, through Jesus Christ, the Lord of Lords, the King of the ages; give me your gifts, of which you do not repent, through the Son of Man, the Spirit, the Paraclete of truth. Give me authority when I ask you; give healing for my body when I ask you through the Evangelist, and redeem my eternal light soul and my spirit. And the First-born of the Pleroma of grace -- reveal him to my mind!
Grant what no angel eye has seen and no archon ear (has) heard, and what has not entered into the human heart which came to be angelic and (modelled) after the image of the psychic God when it was formed in the beginning, since I have faith and hope. And place upon me your beloved, elect, and blessed greatness, the First-born, the First-begotten, and the wonderful mystery of your house; for yours is the power and the glory and the praise and the greatness for ever and ever. Amen".
This is our universe as it looks in the first æon:
In a very old book we also find a reference to EA,
EA/URKI were the Sumerian names for ENKI
Parks in The Chronicles Of Girku Also wrote "Enlíl-Marduk-Šàtam, Šeteš/Seth "Satan-Yahvé" are Nungal with enhancements. Created by Sa'am and Mamitu-Nammu. Original name: Enimin. Defective, scheduled for destruction, but escaped this fate. Ninmah took a fancy to him, requested the new name, meaning Lord of the Breath, a reference to his oratorical powers".
Everything we locate always seems to lead us to the Anunnaki? on every level!
The Anunnaki Plan? or The Human Plan?" was self-published by Chris Thomas in 2010, who appears to be based in Wales UK. He has produced a number of other books (like Inter-Galactic War), before and afterwards, on alternative histories, "earth mysteries" and healing, and most interestingly, books which link ancient alien narratives and millennialism. As much of own work demonstrates, this syncretism (or I prefer discursive transfer) frequently involves the mobilization of conspiracy narratives, and so I want to present this little volume as an example of the field of millennial conspiracists, showing that it encapsulates many of the features of this field. It begins, "most people are aware that something is changing, this change is occurring on every possible level of our existence". But we are extolled that we must choose what the outcome of this change is to be - for good or for ill".
Thomas's other book Inter Galactic War also states "The activities of the Anunnaki are well known through the translations of Zecharia Sitchin and I have described their plans and schemes many times in my books, articles and essays. Essentially, the Anunnaki travelled back in time to dictate a fantasy story to a scribe in Sumeria about 5,000 years ago. In doing this, the Anunnaki hoped that they would create the basis for a new human religion that described the Anunnaki as our "creator gods".
This strategy worked, in so far as the story has been adopted by the likes of the Illuminati, Freemasons, Knights Templars as well as several other organizations connected with the Illuminati's "New World Order". The Anunnaki story is based on some aspects of early human religious history (see the archaeological findings at Göbekli Tepe in southern Turkey) blended with the history and events that took place in their own solar system.
This combined, but totally fictional story, they hoped would shape human development in the intervening 5,000 years and give the Anunnaki absolute power over humanity in the present time. All of their aims quite obviously failed, except for the gullibility of the Illuminati and all of the individuals and organizations connected with them. This exemplifies a millennial-apocalyptic tension which is typical of the field".
Those of us that have set ourselves FREE from their Illusions comprehend completely...
The Anunnaki Are The Illuminati ...
And at that point the entire globe will despise you severely,
The People Of The Day Dream (sleepers) Still Have Some Way To Go ...
An adept of the Illuminati is also taught about Ahura Mazda. They are taught that Mazda was the Persian God of Light who was known as Ormus, which is another name for the Preiure de Sion. A powerful group that protects the 13th Illuminati Serpent Bloodline. Royalty has always been associated with The Serpent Bloodline! The Blue Blood Elite that exist today are those that have been ruling covertly like tyrants for thousands of years, Blue is the color of the Serpents blood. Mary Magdalena was said to be the twin sister of Jesus whom it was believed was carrying this particular bloodline. She was married into the House of Windsor/Hanover/Mero/Goth/Viso etc. This is based on Ancient Jesuit Beliefs! William Henrys Book Blue Apples, looks further into these bloodlines and provides even more clues! Henry goes into depth about the origin of all these bloodlines and how they came to be what they are today! Blue Bloods And their true history goes all the way back to Atlantis!
William Henry wrote further information on all of this in his article The Blue Stones Of Atlantis!
Also look into Alchemy and The “Philosophers’ Stone” , “Elixir of Life”. And the Atrahasis Tablets!
Henry also claims that Jesus did in fact use the Key of Life!? The Key Of Life was said to have been given to AKHENATON whom was frequently depicted receiving the Key of Life from Aton, Aton is the root word for Adon or Lord, a title that was later passed on to Jesus. Although it is not widely known, the first Christians believed Jesus acquired the Key of Life, and used it to perform many of his miracles?
The knowledge of the branch or Key of Life was handed down through the line of Shem, son of Noah The Atlantean from generation to generation, until it reached Abraham the Chaldean. (the chaldeans were remnants of the sumerians) Abraham’s great-grandson Joseph brought it with him to Egypt where he rose to the highest rank in the Pharaoh’s court. There, the Key of Life remained among the treasures of the Egyptian kings until it passed into the hands of Moses, whom many claim was the Pharaoh Thutmose III whom combined various ideas including the Philosophies of the Chaldean Magi to create an order now known as the Rosicrucian's.
Many Druids also refer to themselves as MAGI in our current era!? Henrys book also suggests Jesus perpetuated the Egyptian teaching of not only Moses, but also Thoth And Akhenaton. Akhenaton AKA Amenhotep IV, was the great-great-grandson of Thutmose III. Interesting to note the Elite families in Switzerland were known as the Knights Hospitallers and they claimed to be the true descendants of Akhenaton!? They have also been implicated in numerous cases concerning crimes against children. Over time they melded with others and became The Knights Of Malta! Secret Societies and their relationship with the "Spiritual World". The Bloodline behind the Power is all connected to the Anunnaki!?
Bloodlines are very important to Anunnaki/Satan and their demented minions! They monitor them like crazy scientists! Of course Bloodlines are bogus and don't exist outside of this 3D PSI Prison, only psychopaths think this way! Bloodlines mean zero in terms of consciousness, RH NEGATIVE Alien Blood is a subject the Powers that Be are highly invested in for various reasons. More On RH Negative And the Reptilian Connection Here! Its not unusual for RH NEG types to have experiences with OFF WORLD entities. Its because of the vibratory rate of their blood cells, its extremely high frequency. Combine that with an ancient type of consciousness and the result creates a very unusual type..
Jonah the child mentioned in the podcast below was kidnapped numerous times by the age of 3 by the Masonic Hive Mind Dragon Program, because the powers that be believed he carried the "Unique" Holy Grail AB NEGATIVE Alien Bloodline, His mother goes into depth about Jonah's story below. Distribution of Blood Types: O Rh-positive 37%, A Rh-positive 36%, B Rh-positive 9%, AB Rh-positive 3%, O Rh-negative 7%, A Rh-negative 6%, B Rh-negative 1%, AB Rh-negative 1 percent! The Non negs suffer from copper deficiency The poisoning of mankind.
Their are Covert Agendas TARGETING RHESUS NEGATIVE BLOODTYPES VIA Masonic Security Services! On A Global Scale! A Group within the UK that goes by the name Second Family has also been exposing similar things since the early 90s! Below is a snapshot of some of their content. I'm well versed in these matters as much of my own biological family was systematically wiped out by the Masonic Hive Mind DRagon Puppets when i was very young, I AM AB Negative Blood myself, my father had blonde hair and blue eyes whom was a descent of Ancient Celtic Druids. They have targeted me my entire life! Meaning they have monitored me, until I awoke and then the attacks came in tandum... And still do! Ive always seen it as a blessing I have been given true sight I see these parasites in their truest form, the sleepers are just that asleep!
Over the years I have spoken with many that have similar stories throughout the west...
These Organisations have access to an arsenal of Spiritual/Psychical Weapons they can use to track and destroy enemies covertly and they do often, completely hidden from the fairground! Those that are wise know full well, Whatever technology man can invent, the Illuminati, in the last days, will use to control and either pacify or induce fear and terror in the masses. Some may call this paranoid thinking, but the wise know it as truth. Texe Marrs, a political science professor and author of "Dark Secrets of the New Age," has wrote about similar things in many of his books!
I'Leuren Moret provides insight about Mormonism and how it was created to monitor particular bloodlines!? The Morets were considered to be a very prominent family in the Hierarchy of Power and Deceit in the days long gone, I don't know much about who they are today! Although Moret does possess some very interesting content on the Babylonian History of the JESUITS. Moret and others have confirmed the Jesuits plan to exterminate the entire human race, including the Masons, which I believe to be accurate, Now the future timeline will more than likely stay on its current course as most of this realm are trapped within the Hive.Net!??? Most of the Planet have been CONNED beyond belief, they refuse to correct their own mistakes or heal the damage they have created, As for this Apotheosis garbage they only thing they have achieved is the fact they are now a host for a parasitic entity, your live stock and these dark entities will protect you until your miserable death!
The few that have transcended the dream state and eliminated the matrix like consciousness are aware The "FREEMASONS" (ironic name for slaves) are a JESUIT Mind controlled Puppet Army! The docile, deaf, dumb and blind would merely smirk at such a comment, however that is simply a sign of their own ignorance and proof they are still asleep... Mass mind control is still in full operation? The majority of mind manipulation always came from Secret Societies and Religions!!! Now we are dealing with Soulless Black Magick and Artificial Intelligence...
While the majority of "Freemasons" have absolutely no idea what they are involved in, lets look deeper into the beliefs that enslave them. Masons claim they are searching for the lost word of "god", they also claim in the higher degrees that they have found the lost "word" of "God". This word is given to candidates for the Holy Royal Arch. That word is "jah-bul-on", which is believed to be: "jah" for the Hebrew god Yahweh "bul" for the ancient Canaanite fertility god BAAL and Devil, And "on" for the Egyptian god of the underworld called Osiris, This "word of god" presented as "jah-bul-on" is another Freemason Weisshaupt-like deception to trick some candidates into thinking the search for the word is concluded. But, "jah-bul-on" is only another substituted word. The search for the lost "word" secretly continues. If the "Real Masons" do ever discover the lost word, they will be able to summon the highest level of darkness, which will open portals and allow all manor of evil into this realm!
Which has always been the true agenda behind all of this "black magick", to open up portals to allow their Anunnaki Slave Masters back into this realm to rule again. I will give you fair WARNING Though, if they succeed, You will all be Massacred, and only their "Chosen Demonic Bloodlines" will remain, anyone else will be a dumb automaton (yup they achieved this, [now] they just need to depopulate)! They have also moved into the realm of tinkering with dark matter, and that should be a serious concern to all of life in this realm, one mistake and BOOM!!! EOE!
The Real Secret Word Of The Freemasons
When we look much deeper into The Demonic World Of The Order Of The Eastern Star, Things become much clearer. Taking a closer look into the Cabala, Eastern Star and MK Ultra, we discover The Rosicrucian Order which was a secret religious cult that stemmed from ancient Babylonia and was the basis of the OTO, Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, the Theosophical Society, the Masons and its chick side-kick, the Order of the Eastern Star. Combined, all of these religious cults are referred to as a global hierarchy refferred to as “The New World Dis-Order.” It is all controlled by the secrets hidden within the Artificial Cabalistic Tree of Death, which features the worship of ancient Egyptian/Greek/Roman gods, and share related symbiology including the Star of Osiris pentagram. When first formed, the OES symbol featured the names of 5 goddesses as follows:
When we look much deeper into The Demonic World Of The Order Of The Eastern Star, Things become much clearer. Taking a closer look into the Cabala, Eastern Star and MK Ultra, we discover The Rosicrucian Order which was a secret religious cult that stemmed from ancient Babylonia and was the basis of the OTO, Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, the Theosophical Society, the Masons and its chick side-kick, the Order of the Eastern Star. Combined, all of these religious cults are referred to as a global hierarchy refferred to as “The New World Dis-Order.” It is all controlled by the secrets hidden within the Artificial Cabalistic Tree of Death, which features the worship of ancient Egyptian/Greek/Roman gods, and share related symbiology including the Star of Osiris pentagram. When first formed, the OES symbol featured the names of 5 goddesses as follows:
28 years after the Order of the Eastern Star was formed, its founder changed the names of the goddesses to something that better appealed to, and could hide within, the Judeo-Christian culture: five biblical characters, as follows:
Now here is a previously unpublished secret: The Order of the Eastern Star pentagram characters perfectly match the
initial MK-ULTRA programmed splits created by Nazi Joseph Mengele, as follows: Its unbelievable how much deception these traitors have fallen for?
And now they are all completely ensnared by this mental PSI Prison living in Wonderland and the rest of the human race are paying for it!!!
The Netflix Series Stranger Things, was also based on true events. Look into the lives of people like Penny L.A Shepard. MK-ULTRA AGENT X-11 for further insight! Penny LA Shepard was an asset/agent for the deep state Jesuit controlled CIA, Shepard was known as a Super Soldier, a sexpionage, cypherist, remote viewer, and assassin, operative under MKULTRA her Code Name: was Agent X:11, her Pen names were: Agent X11, Hellywood, Dark Journalist, whom had extensive Experience in Covert Ops, Shepard was also a Researcher, and Writer In the Industrial Entertainment Complex known as the Special Activities Division, hidden behind being a Singer/Actress/Writer/Model And daughter of Joseph Mengele and Irene Schoenbein!
Josef Mengele's overall MK-ULTRA programming structure was based on the Artificial Cabalistic Tree of Death, as Fritz SpringMeier explained below: This is essentially the building blocks behind the "Spiritual Bondage" Liar-archy that controls, manipulates most of their enslaved non sovereign puppets without their awareness!
MK-ULTRA/MONARCH PROGRAMMING core parts were laid inter-dimensionally according to the Cabalistic Tree of Life structure and its corresponding Tree of Death via near death experiences. For example, Lilith, a water part, was laid through waterboarding the child to death, while Rose was born of a fire ritual. The name MONARCH is not necessarily defined within the context of royal nobility, but rather refers to the monarch butterfly. When a person is undergoing trauma induced by electroshock, a feeling of light-headedness is evidenced; as if one is floating or fluttering like a butterfly.
"Transformation" or metamorphosis (consciousness being hijacked)! Occult symbolism may give additional insight into the true meaning, Psyche is the word for both "soul" and "butterfly" coming from the belief that human souls become butterflies while searching for a new reincarnation. Some ancient mystical groups, such as the Gnostics, saw the butterfly as a symbol of corrupt flesh.
Another way of examining this convoluted victimization of body and soul is by looking at it as a complex computer program: A file (alter) is created through trauma, repetition and reinforcement. In order to activate (trigger) the file, a specific access code or password (cue or command) is required. The victim/survivor is called a "slave" by the programmer/handler, who in turn is perceived as "master" or "god." About 75% are female, since they possess a higher tolerance for pain and tend to dissociate easier than males. Subjects are used mainly for cover operations, prostitution and pornography; involvement in the entertainment industry is notable.
A former military officer connected to the DIA, told one writer, "In the ’big picture’ these people [MONARCH VICTIMS] are in all walks of life, from the bum on the street to the white-collar guy". In corroboration, a retired CIA agent vaguely discussed the use of such personnel to be used as "plants" or "chameleons" for the purpose of infiltrating a designated group, gathering information and/or injecting an ulterior agenda. There are an inordinate amount of alters in the victim/survivor with numerous back-up programs, mirrors and shadows. A division of light-side (good) and dark-side (bad) alters are interwoven in the mind and rotate on an axis. One of the main internal structures, (of which their are many) within the system is shaped like a double-helix, consisting of seven levels. Each system has an internal programmer which oversees the "gatekeeper" (demons?) who grant or deny entry into the different rooms. Some of these Victims are also known as marionettes!
A marionette is a puppet that is attached to strings and is controlled by the puppet master, hence MONARCH programming is also referred to as the "Marionette Syndrome." "Imperial Conditioning" is another term used, while some mental health therapists know it as "Conditioned Stimulus Response Sequences." As Timothy Leary discovered, altered states of consciousness, or inter-dimensional locations, were reached through a combination of sensory deprivation, hypnosis, LSD, and electrocution. Mengele laid his core splits inter-dimensionally using these evil techniques. Mengele’s final 3D programming structure looked like this:
The brain’s right hemisphere processes inter-dimensionally; hence, Mengele sought child subjects with extremely high visual-spatial
(right hemispheric) processing ability to train in astral projection and other inter-dimensional activities.
Dorothy, associated on the pentagram with emerald green (statistically the favorite color of high IQ folk) held executive function in Mengele’s core programming structure. In Fiona Barnett's book EYES WIDE OPEN, She referred to The Wonderful Wizard of Oz (with Oz = Osiris) as a Core MK-ULTRA programming script. The author of the Oz series collection was Frank Baum whom was a member of the Theosophical Society. Theosophical Society President John Algeo, also wrote:
As Fiona Barnett explained in her book EYES WIDE OPEN FREE PDF in terms of split personalities "At age 10 years old my Dorothy part malfunctioned and was replaced by Alice who held executive function until age 50 years. Codenamed ‘Alice,’ I was the subject of Project Alice, which was the forerunner to CERN hadron collider’s ALICE experiment in which JASON scientists seek the correct key/frequency which will open the veil that separates this from the other dimensions and allow inter-dimensional beings to enter our dimension. CERN is run by a quantum D-Wave computer that, according to former CEO Gordie Rose, makes its computations inter-dimensionally. Like Tesla tried to tell us, the universe is explained by frequency and vibration. It’s all explained in my free book…" ~ Fiona Barnett!
The Gentlemen Below sheds more light on how Monarch Programming Works On A Laymen Level!
Many years ago I began to operate from a Multi dimensional perspective, outside of the illusions, (the multi dimensional aspect has also been hijacked with false information, Egyptian evil combined with "star seed programming", (INVERTED GROUP ISOMORPHISM TRAPPED WITHIN NEWCOMBS PARADOX) Although I should state quite clearly the foundation of where "We" operate from would be very close to The Ancient Ascetics. ASCETISM! That has to be your baseline! However their have been many types of ASCETICS In history, In our case its has to do with protecting/reversing the energy, self healing and learning how to measure Frequency! Shadow Work, Equilibrium Factors, Reconnecting With The Light Within, Balance, Knowing each Soul is Unique that has its own Path And Variables/Problems!
However We never worship anything outside of ourselves, that is part of the inverted path, and we are far from starving ourselves to death during meditation in a cave, however Its important to recognize "we" are for the most part disconnected from the divine (the true higher dimensions) in so many ways, and this will remain this way for some time, hence why many are deaf dumb and blind, operating through your own higher self, can keep the balance within it also keeps the last light photons active and your perception clear! The Anunnaki are also the Deception behind the Council Of Nine, The same dark entities that contacted Benjamin Creme In 1959 - an obscure English painter who dabbled in the occult - Creme was told to perform a mission: the advancement of the Masters plan for humanity?
The First Public Anunnaki Church In The United States which has its own radio station and its own cryptocurrency should also be taken into account? The lies of the Serpent are vast and highly advanced, Learn More In The Two Towers Of Mind Control, Jachim & Boaz, most have fallen for the Illusion, to clear the path just announce Divine Source clear, close and seal any tears, rips, openings in my mental body creating confusion, conversations in my mind that are not mine, and any drain on my mental capacities. Close any openings in my mental body that allows unfiltered material from the human collective to enter my mental body. Close, seal and erase with the angelic violet flame (violet is the highest frequency) any opening allowing any form of energy or entity invasion into all layers of my mental body.
Divine Source clear and release across all lifetimes any mind control, implants in my mental body, any form of dark alchemy or black magick seeking to impede or distort my mental body. Clear any form of black magick inducing mental stagnation, confusion, brain fog, disorientation, anxiety or stress. Clear all mental links with masonic dark forces seeking to send me any form of dark alchemy or black magick. Clear, shield and protect my mental body from any psychic attack, curse, spell or other forms of black magick coming from any being, group, or organization. Clear and release all false light beings posing as the light. Clear and release all blocking or limiting suggestions, including any hypnotically induced suggestions, any and all mental projections along with all other forms of mind control and hypnotic devices.
Divine Source clear and release any tendency to absorb other people’s mental energy. Clear and release any tendency to be influenced, controlled, or manipulated by the mental projections of others. Divine Source clear and release all forms of mass media hypnosis including messages coming through any technological devices including all images, videos, films and TV programs, and any audio/frequencies that carry negative ideas or suggestions that inhibit or distort my mental capacities and connection to my innate mental gifts and talents. Divine Source clear and release all false information, false points of view, false conclusions, misperceptions, confusion, delusions, obsessions, fantasies, repeating mental patterns of any kind. Clear and release all thoughts that create confusion, distract, overwhelm, and stress my mental body.
Divine Source clear and release all cords, ties, threads, hooks, tentacles and any other toxic attachment in my mental body to any being, group, organization, government body, place, or situation that compromises my mental health. Whether originating in this lifetime or any other. Divine Source clear and release any entanglements between my emotional body and my mental body. Clear and upgrade any beliefs that limit my whole spectrum of logical, intuitive, reasoning, imaginative expression. Clear and release any dense accumulation of negative energies in my mental body caused by my own fearful thinking and the fearful thinking of others....
Nevertheless, Not Our Will, But Thy Will Be Done, So Be It ....
Source Is In Reference To First Source, Pre Existent Source, AKA Infinite Creator
If the "supreme belief" remains unknown, believing is fruitless.
We are probably within the trenches of one of the most complexed spiritual Wars that has ever existed and few are even remotely prepared. Spiritual Liberation is not discovered within a single book it is mastery of self based upon a healthy collective code, with 75% OF THIS REALM CURRENTELY UNDER SEVERE "REPTILIAN" DURESS (the primary reason spiritual corpses are literally rotting in the streets, mental health has gone into overdrive, gender confusion, MASS CRIMES AGAINST CHILDREN combined with an epidemic of narcissism/ego, [and] the Government are robbing people blind (be prepared for another "Plannedemic") There isn't much True Light left in this realm, its mostly been replaced with brainwashed conformists, and self absorbed parasites filled with delusions and lies. Most people are absolute Sheeple, their level of awareness or even ability to comprehend anything outside of their own "Pandora's box", outside of their own restricted 3D PSI Prison is extremely limited. Most are spiritually dead, hence why they are unable to perceieve the huge numbers of dark entities that are literally directing every aspect of their worthless lives.
The Election Will Obtain And The Rest Will Be Blinded ~
Johnathan Edwards Sinners In The Hands Of An Angry God!
Statistically Only Around 1% Of the entire planet are aware that Masons, Rainbow Girls, Order Of The Eastern Star And Every Other Cult Member has numerous curses on them and they are all manipulated like puppets (unconscious mind controlled puppets) by a variety of OFF WORLD Mechanisms, (depends on your level/connection to the liar-archy) Trapped within the Lowest Frequency Domains pretending they are the "Enlightened", While they "Flash Their Cash" cover up their filthy perverted practices and covertly drive fear and terror to anyone that doesn't agree with their corrupt ideology!
The Three Ruffians mentioned in the Masonic Demonic Bible actually refers to how any of these traitors trapped within the Masonic Hive Mind Dragon Program could be used to Target/Kill anyone it deems a threat! The attacks come from another dimension, the puppets dont even know what they are doing! The 3 Ruffians are Dark Entities Working through 3D inanimate puppets! They are hardcore Slaves! This Control System Is Flawless... This would only make sense to those that have been targeted by these demonic entities, or have witnessed the darker side of their disturbing ways!
if you do find yourself in this situation not a soul will help you, not religious or otherwise think smart play wide!
This is your world you secret society clowns, your time is running out! When you leave this realm your done!
I wouldnt want to be a part of your sick little club for all the money and gold in the world...
(the new millennium and the mind control crisis) Those that have been marked for assassination by the Masonic Hive Mind Dragon Program, have simply been selected to escalate their awareness, meaning to reach full realization in a very short time, most are oblivious to the true nature of reality here, full realization of self the natural way is the road to full realization of how this realm truly operates, if you make it through the Valley Of The Shadow Of Death, you will come out the other side a completely different person, the people of the daydream (sleepers) wont help you, they are effectively spiritually dead (no awareness) just like those they follow! The Polarities are being separated! Anything that is built upon the foundation of pure evil will fall, that is a guarantee! THE END Of All EVIL FREE PDF Mind Control The Ultimate Crisis!
Most live in Denial, avoidance of triggering circumstances, false rationalization/distractions, and dissociation/repression strategies which all have inherent psychopathological aspects. Desensitization and bypass defences are also psychopathological aspects. This forces the self creation of the dream like scenario. The Illusion within the nightmare. Most couldn't even comprehend the very simple fact, Secret Society Puppets are all under severe levels of oppression, by programs that were engineered by the Illuminati Sleeper Races. Its highly covert Black Sun Programming and they reveal it often (image below), they are literally inanimate puppets, THEY EVEN PRESENT the "Programmers". It should be noted most involved with these "Satanic" Orgs are manipulated VIA "The Beast System" which on the lower levels is effectively Alien A.I. There are multiple levels of Control And Mind Control within the Liar-archy, that far exceed the 3D PSI Prison levels of recognition, Including OFF WORLD mechanisms! Humans Worship Money and Power their blinded by their own delusions to ever even consider that their may be much more going on here!
The world slavery system has been created to parasitize soul energy and to also superimpose karmic exchanges on the masses, The humans controlled by the Anunnaki have Stockholm Syndrome, and have been dehumanized to such levels of fragmentation they act like feral animals cornered in a cage, defending their enslavement, not comprehending how they could exist any other way but to be in the Mind Controlled Matrix enmeshed in a co-dependent Parasitism with these dark forces. The .NET (Nibiru Electrostatic Transduction) was anchored into the Earth using the NDC and Crystal Temple Networks during the last Luciferian Rebellion, 25,500 BC. By impinging scalar sonic pulses at the Earth's inner grid system an "interference" pattern or electrostatic force-field, enshrouding the Earth. This .NET has the effect of buffering (stopping) incoming and outgoing signals, in particular to the higher dimensions (higher angelic forces the Divine etc.), creating a kind of quarantine. It blankets the civilization, isolating them from their natural connection to their higher consciousness and spiritual levels, and this field system interfaces naturally with man's existence and constitutes a kind of Holographic Reality that is mirroring the original dimensions, A SIMULATION that looks and feels authentic to the unconscious!
Nibiru Isnt Coming... Nibiru is here = Nanoscopic identities Biochemically Introduced Ribosomes with Unicellular! N.I.B.I.R.U.
The world slavery system has been created to parasitize soul energy and to also superimpose karmic exchanges on the masses, The humans controlled by the Anunnaki have Stockholm Syndrome, and have been dehumanized to such levels of fragmentation they act like feral animals cornered in a cage, defending their enslavement, not comprehending how they could exist any other way but to be in the Mind Controlled Matrix enmeshed in a co-dependent Parasitism with these dark forces. The .NET (Nibiru Electrostatic Transduction) was anchored into the Earth using the NDC and Crystal Temple Networks during the last Luciferian Rebellion, 25,500 BC. By impinging scalar sonic pulses at the Earth's inner grid system an "interference" pattern or electrostatic force-field, enshrouding the Earth. This .NET has the effect of buffering (stopping) incoming and outgoing signals, in particular to the higher dimensions (higher angelic forces the Divine etc.), creating a kind of quarantine. It blankets the civilization, isolating them from their natural connection to their higher consciousness and spiritual levels, and this field system interfaces naturally with man's existence and constitutes a kind of Holographic Reality that is mirroring the original dimensions, A SIMULATION that looks and feels authentic to the unconscious!
Nibiru Isnt Coming... Nibiru is here = Nanoscopic identities Biochemically Introduced Ribosomes with Unicellular! N.I.B.I.R.U.
The Matrix is a manifestation of Psychokinesis being used to twist and involute the natural process of constructing realities using science and mathematics billions of years ahead of our present knowledge. To put it succinctly all manifestation is based on the torsionic soliton. This Torsionic Soliton has two aspects, the Vortex Circular Mode and the Pulsar Mode. The Interaction to produce manifestation using the mathematics of the Fibonacci Series is: 112358132134; at the ninth summation the series is corrupted to make the Matrix in which PSI is blocked and only the occult, giving your life force to parasitic dark energy/matter entities for temporal power is enabled so these damned souls can become black magicians, shells who give everything for transitory illusory power.
The ritual act of setting up the Black Cube as Saturn's idol, and calling the deity forth from the idol, is symbolic of releasing Saturn from His prison. Cult of the Black Cube
~A Saturnian Grimoire by Dr. Arthur Moros
The Matrix is made by collapsing opposite Torsionic Soliton energy (the basis of Anglo demonic; Crowleys Book Thothian Black Magick: The Combining of Opposites) then using the Fibonacci Series which forms the spiral of energy which collapses higher dimensions into the 4D-5D Matrix prison. The Harry Potter books are of supreme importance to the Illuminati as they promulgate the ideas of occultism/witchcraft enabling the influx of millions of new converts who can be sucked dry and damned by occult dark energy matter entities. The practice of occultism enables the dark energy matter entities to pull the witch/wizard into Universe B, the biophysical Matrix or Psi-prison where the damned can be fed upon even after death to supply more energy. As described in The world of the ring wraith/Universe B in The Lord of the Rings - Tolkien stated these books were based on fact. Once your soul has been transferred into the Ring of wraith, it then can be held for all of eternity so it’s damnation can be used to increase the Corruption of energies to create even more Matrices for the occult dark energy matter entities.
The Matrix is made by collapsing opposite Torsionic Soliton energy (the basis of Anglo demonic; Crowleys Book Thothian Black Magick: The Combining of Opposites) then using the Fibonacci Series which forms the spiral of energy which collapses higher dimensions into the 4D-5D Matrix prison. The Harry Potter books are of supreme importance to the Illuminati as they promulgate the ideas of occultism/witchcraft enabling the influx of millions of new converts who can be sucked dry and damned by occult dark energy matter entities. The practice of occultism enables the dark energy matter entities to pull the witch/wizard into Universe B, the biophysical Matrix or Psi-prison where the damned can be fed upon even after death to supply more energy. As described in The world of the ring wraith/Universe B in The Lord of the Rings - Tolkien stated these books were based on fact. Once your soul has been transferred into the Ring of wraith, it then can be held for all of eternity so it’s damnation can be used to increase the Corruption of energies to create even more Matrices for the occult dark energy matter entities.
This forms a N/S E/W reverse. This is why when any so called Masonic Psi-Adepts try to contact Divine Powers they instead contact the Dark Energy Matter Entities of the Council of Nine; (The Ancient Egyptians and Mexicans believed in a group of nine supreme beings called the Ennead. These are the nine insectile vermin, the lieutenants of Yaldabaoth or the insectile hive mind of Yaldabaoth) this then sucks the energy out of the Psi-Adept instead of filling them with Divine Light turning them into the new age consciousness where they are simply donating their energy to strengthen the Matrix via the dark energy matter entities that have reversed the flow of their energy bodies as described in Castaneda’s ’The Active Side of Infinity’. For further insight into the Council Of Nine, Read Peter Levanda's Book Sinister Forces. The illuminati kabbalists make golems – biophysical servitors to carry out specific functions for them. These golems keep on repeating the actions programmed into them until they have fulfilled their illuminati master’s wishes; these may be spying- psychically, remote influencing, harming, driving mad, etc. The golem was used by the Zionist masters of Britain to destroy Hitler, make Gorbachev dismantle the USSR, and got Yeltsin to sell off Russia, and also made the US the vessel of Israel.
In order to achieve these tasks VIA Golems. One has to create A golem. In kabbala the Zionist black magician recites the 22 Hebrew letters in all combinations up to seven ways. This gives 22x21x20x19x18x17x16 combinations = 85,954,1760. This takes some time, so modern kabbalists print them out on a computer to vivify their golem. Add the 72 names of the Yahweh insectile chaos god and hey presto, you have your golem. Those particular names can be located within The Original JESUIT DIOS! (image below) Which represents The 72 Names Of "God". Interesting to note The Oath Administered To The Illuminati Is Based On The Oath Of The Jesuits!? The truth is easily found in that Oath, the Masses are just unable to fully comprehend it, as they are the people of the daydream (sleepers), that could barely think outside of pandoras boxx!
The Jesuit Quote "Shouldst thou become a traitor or perjurer, let this sword remind thee of each and all the members in arms against thee. Do not hope to find safety; whithersoever thou mayest fly, shame and remorse as well as the vengeance of thine unknown brothers will torture and pursue thee" (gang-stalking, character assassination programs, financial ruin even assassination attempts, and these methods are being used on innocent people for their own nefarious reasons)." The Unknown Brothers refers to Those enslaved by The Masonic Hive Mind Dragon Program those that are controlled like Puppets! The people of the daydream (sleepers) couldn't even comprehend it! Its the IGNORANCE of the Masses that actually allows of all this misery and suffering to occur, they refuse to wake up from the Day Dream!
They engineered another Version through Judaism to conceal the
true information that became known as The Hebrew DIOS!
They are both connected to the Black Sun And The Artificial (carbon copy) Tree Of life!
In a very old Bible (1700s) named the Hieroglyphical Bible, It clearly shows the Tree Of Life with the word Grace above it and below it states " Hieroglyphiks of a Christian". Most Religions speak about a Tree Of Life in some context, Interesting to note The Tree Of Life has always been associated with Occult Philosophy. It represents altered states of consciousness in the Occult World! Enlightenment VIA Ritualistic Practices or as we refer to it today, Witchcraft. The Ancient Egyptians always associated it with The Land Of Mu, Lemuria the Motherland. Mu was symbolized as a tree, The Tree of Life! 20,000 years ago they all believed in a Divine Mother also named MU!
In a very old Bible (1700s) named the Hieroglyphical Bible, It clearly shows the Tree Of Life with the word Grace above it and below it states " Hieroglyphiks of a Christian". Most Religions speak about a Tree Of Life in some context, Interesting to note The Tree Of Life has always been associated with Occult Philosophy. It represents altered states of consciousness in the Occult World! Enlightenment VIA Ritualistic Practices or as we refer to it today, Witchcraft. The Ancient Egyptians always associated it with The Land Of Mu, Lemuria the Motherland. Mu was symbolized as a tree, The Tree of Life! 20,000 years ago they all believed in a Divine Mother also named MU!
All phenomena, the occult, life, new age developments, etc., have been designed by Yahweh/Yaldabaoth to syphon our life force in return for power, money, psychic experiences, etc. The nine cycle Matrix has been a giant life force extractor for the demiurge, archons, for many thousands of years! The Main component, the driving force behind all of this corruption and demoralization has always been Wealth. And the "Elite Cults" needed a way to control it all without any serious mishap's!
The lack of money, powers the Matrix, So they engineered a Puppet Army to Limit/Protect its flow, Slaves that ask no questions, those stupid enough to take Orders blindly? The Masonic Hive Mind Dragon Program! while their Illuminati Slave owners control and print the money, those vessels of corruption hold complete control over the West and their only real Agenda is to take complete control of the entire Globe. The quantum vacuum intelligence they have corrupted to hold sway is Kurgiasax, the anti-wheel of fortune meme. The anti-lady of fortune, "Ninkhursag, Aida-Wedo, dark energy of Isis" is used by the Illuminati to ruin the world, life, fortune of all who oppose them, in the process bringing them extreme Wealth. The energy for this process comes from the human race whose love of money means humans supply all their life force for Wealth. In exchange for their greedy little mittens they will all become lifeless cyborgs like the Masons! It fits transhumanism perfectly!
Ancient texts clearly state Archons are predatory cyborgs, whom lack creativity, but can imitate with a vengeance. Their expertise is simulation ("HAL", virtual reality), and the Demiurge fashioned a world, that was a corrupt simulation of the So[phi]anic original, based upon very oppressive laws. This Archontic "heaven" is the after world for countless humans who are duped by the simulation presented by the false messianic, salvationist religions created by YAHWEH/YALDABOATH, The Gnostics claimed Yaldabaoth is a demented pretender god who claims to be the creator of the material world, and demands slavish obedience from his human subjects, while he works to undermine the evolution and destiny of humanity. They (the Archons) sought to overpower humanity in its psychological and perceptual functions… For indeed their delight is bitter and their beauty is depraved. And their triumph is in deception, leading astray, for their own structure is without divinity. "The Apocryphon of John," Nag Hammadi Codices speaks of a false "salvation" conjured up via illusions, rather than through the true divine potential innate to humanity and aligned with the planetary goddess So[phi]a, it also claims it is the hallmark of an extra-terrestrial religion. And It is the root cause of most of the problems that currently beset humanity?
Ancient Gnostics believed This physical Universe was the temporary creation of an evil demigod, aspects that went by names like Jehovah, Rex Mundi, Yaldabaoth, Saklas, Satan etc. They believed this being had gone mad and lost control of his spurious creation. This whole mess, including the manifestation of this demigod and its evil creation, are all referred to as the Celestial Error, and are in the process of being corrected. Superior consciousness has entered this trapped dimension in which a battle of essences is raging between a trapped segment of the Divine Creation and a spurious, counterfeit one created by the rebellious demiurge. Superior consciousness came into this realm to Liberate the Trapped (theomorphic) Divine beings and Re-establish A New Divine order, within an unpolluted Dimension. They are built to Judge all consciousness and to trigger Transmutation of all spurious entities created by the Evil Essences, including the robots and the Demons, in human [and] alien bodies, In essence this is the undistorted Gnostic Eschatological Doctrine. 40 Gnostic Truths To Defeat The Archon Invasion FREE PDF!
Ancient Gnostics believed This physical Universe was the temporary creation of an evil demigod, aspects that went by names like Jehovah, Rex Mundi, Yaldabaoth, Saklas, Satan etc. They believed this being had gone mad and lost control of his spurious creation. This whole mess, including the manifestation of this demigod and its evil creation, are all referred to as the Celestial Error, and are in the process of being corrected. Superior consciousness has entered this trapped dimension in which a battle of essences is raging between a trapped segment of the Divine Creation and a spurious, counterfeit one created by the rebellious demiurge. Superior consciousness came into this realm to Liberate the Trapped (theomorphic) Divine beings and Re-establish A New Divine order, within an unpolluted Dimension. They are built to Judge all consciousness and to trigger Transmutation of all spurious entities created by the Evil Essences, including the robots and the Demons, in human [and] alien bodies, In essence this is the undistorted Gnostic Eschatological Doctrine. 40 Gnostic Truths To Defeat The Archon Invasion FREE PDF!
The aim of the Evil Essence has been none other than to obscure the simplicity of these Gnostic Truths. The fragmentation of consciousness and the subsequent loss of memory of these things by all beings has been very much on purpose in order to confuse these simple reasons for entry of Light into this plane. The treachery, manipulation and dishonesty which has allowed corruption of these simple Truths of what has been occurring are hallmarks of the Evil essence which has manifested in many guises, especially as the guardians and promoters of religious doctrines. In 1872-84 Charles Taze Russell (One Of The Satanic bloodlines whom founded the International Bible Students Association) Brought the Russellites into the mainframe. Russell was the President of the Watchtower Bible. Few are aware before they became Known as Jehovah’s Witnesses, they were originally referred to as Russellites, or even Millennial Dawnists (Enochian Magic term). Russell was a member of the Knights Templar A Mason of the York Rite?
Interesting to note The Original logo of the Russellites was the Winged-Sun-Disk.
The logo of the Russelites actually originated with the Setites. The Ministry, also called the Ministry of Set, Followers of Set, or Setites, were a clan of vampires whom believed their founder was the Egyptian Alien Set. Orthodox Setite beliefs dictate Set will one day return to rule or consume the world, and devout Setites prepare the way for his resurrection. To this end, the clan remains independent of the sects of other Kindred, and practice with great skill the arts of corruption, deceit and ancient sorcery. They referred to themselves as the Mesu Bedshet, the "Children of Rebellion".
The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society, known as the Jehovah’s Witnesses originally taught "God" resided on the star Alcyone in the Pleiades constellation and from this star he governed the entire universe! This belief was taught in 1891-1953 in Volume 3 of Studies in the Scriptures and was based on passages in their Bible. Charles T. Russell in 1891 also sent a letter to Baron Rothschild, mailed from Palestine, that outlined possible courses of action that could be taken to establish the Jews in Palestine. Russell’s letters praised the Rothschild’s money which established Jewish colonies in Palestine. Russell's successor Fred Franz President of The Watchtower and Tract Society and member of the Rhodes Society also received huge sums of money from the Rothschilds when he replaced Nathan H. Knorr as President in 1976!
The Rothschild’s supported the Rhodes Society to form De Beers. Later, Rhodes made seven wills which established a secret society modeled after the Jesuits and Masons to help bring in a One-World-Government centered upon the UK, and Rhodes Scholarships were provided (President Clinton went to Oxford on a Rhodes Scholarship). The Rothschild’s became powerful within Freemasonry. We find the Saint-Simonian’s, the occult religious millennialist forerunners of communism, praising Baron de Rothschild in their magazine Le Globe, "There is no one today who better represents the triumph of equality and work in the nineteenth century than M. le Baron de Rothschild." Much of this is written about in various publications and books see more in the history of the Illuminati
Amschel Rothschild Karl Rothschild, son of Amschel. In 1818, sent a secret document to the head-quarters of Masonry from the Alta Vendita. The document was lost, and masons offered rewards to anyone who could return the lost copy. It was originally written in Italian. Its title translates "Permanent Instructions, or Practical Code of Rules; Guide for the Heads of the Highest Grades of Masonry." The Rothschilds along with the Rockefeller's control the U.N through the C.F.R. The U.N is actually the largest Masonic lodge in the world, as shown by its emblem. Like the Great Seal shown on the dollar bill. And the Statue of Liberty given to the American Masons by the French Masonic Order of the Grand Orient. "Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes its laws." ~ Amschel Rothschild!
The Rothschild’s are world renowned Satanists Whom adopted the powerful magic (hexagram) symbol in 1822 for their coat-of-arms. The name they adopted for their family comes from the fact that in the 17th century Mayer Amschel Bauer began hanging out a red hexagram in front of their businesses. Mayer Amschel took the name red-shield (Rothschild in German) named after the red Seal of King Solomon. “The Grand Pentacle of Solomon,” from “The Key of Magic of Rabbi Solomon” is below, And as We are already aware from authors like Tracy Twyman And Texe Marrs King Solomon Was into Black Magick (see codex magica for more) and for the more enlightened we are already aware that their is no difference in Black/White Magick as they are both trapped within the delusional realm of duality, which is built upon distorted spiritual laws!
How could King Solomon be aware of all these mystical and mythological symbols, most of which did not exist in his time? The answer to this question is not to be found in any copy of this work, however ancient and “authentic” it purports to be. This abundance of creatures, powers and symbols points toward the varied sources from which the author of the work drew his inspiration. Alongside the biblical figures — alien in origin — were creatures from Greek and Roman mythology, in combination with crosses and other Gnostic Christian symbols. In addition to all this are the names of many dark entities that have no parallel anywhere other than in this work. The simple foundation behind all of this, is the Fact, most of this intel throughout history has come from those whom have been "Channeling Information". And even that subject and the meaning of it has drastically changed over the last few decades! Are we becoming more aware of our true nature, were those that came before us simply trapped within a limited realm of comprehension, take a closer look to the names that were used within the Sigils Of King Solomon! Who were they really? Were They Aliens?
Robert Howard in the history of the Illuminati also wrote: "King David did not have anything to do with the hexagram, although his son Solomon did when he began worshipping Ashtoreth (Star, also known as Astarte, Chiun, Kaiwan, Remphan, and Saturn). Solomon built altars to Star (Astarte, aka Ashtoreth). The god Saturn is associated with the Star but both Saturn and Astarte have also been identified with a number of other names. Saturn is an important key to understanding the long heritage this conspiracy has back to antiquity. The city of Rome was originally known as Saturnia or City of Saturn. The Roman Catholic church retains much of the Saturn worship in its ritual. Saturn also relates to Lucifer. In various occult dictionaries Saturn is associated with evil. Saturn was important to the religion of Mithra, and also the Druids.
This is where Freemasons get there rituals".?
The Clavis Inferni (Known As The Key of Hell) by Cyprianus, (See The Grimoire of Saint Cyprian: Clavis Inferni) is a late 18th-century book on black magick. Written in a mixture of Latin, Hebrew, and a cipher alphabet (namely that of Cornelius Agrippa's Transitus Fluvii or "Passing through the River" from the Third Book of Occult Philosophy written around 1510) the book has remained rather mysterious due to its unknown origin and context. It is said to be a textbook of the Black School at Wittenburg, a supposed school somewhere in Germany where one could learn the dark arts. As for the name of the author, it seems to have become a common name for people practicing magic. Benjamin Breen writes in The Appendix of how the existence throughout history of various magically-inclined Cyprianuses - from "a Dane who was so evil that Satan cast him out of hell" to the Greek wizard St. Cyprian of Antioch (who later converted to Christianity) - led to the name becoming a popular pseudonym for "people at the edges of society who were trying to do real black magick". The "Star" was the Original Tetragrammaton!? Along with the "symbology" for The "Alpha And The Omega" And The 7 Candles, interesting to note the original Hanukkah menorah (jewish candlestick) only had seven candles!?
The book itself is written in several languages, including Latin, Hebrew, and even a cipher-based alphabet. It is believed to be the Black Book, a textbook used of the Black School of Wittenburg (an alleged German magic school). We also don’t know who the author is, as it is labeled as "Cyprianus", however, Cyprianus is a common apocrypha author for magical texts, particularly black magic texts. The mention of Metatrona is a reference to an "Metatron" Whom was ENOCH in this realm (referenced in Christian, Jewish, Islamic, and Kabbalistic texts). Enoch served as Metatron (from the Greek "metathronos" or "one who serves behind the throne") for six jubilee years or 300 years. According to this document, he was restored to Eden; and while little is known of these 300 years in which he served as Metatron , he probably commuted between a city on Earth and the ship or space vehicle. Metatron may sound familiar to Supernatural fans but this entity is important to magical texts because he is the entity of the veil, so called celestial scribe, and the highest ranking entity in the kingdom of darkness, so it makes sense a manual of magic would be run by him.
The book itself is filled with detailed illustrations, sigils, invocations, directions, and supernatural themes. And, as the subtitle suggests, strong themes of Kabbalah and religion run through it. Several important occult figures also get shout outs in the released pages, including Paymon who is depicted as “King of the West.” Paymon (or Paimon) for those who have seen Hereditary may ring a bell. Paimon was named in the Lesser Key of Solomon (also known as the Ars Goetia), another grimoire complied earlier in the 17th-century. Paimon is a King of Hell obedient to Lucifer. He has various powers that attract his followers including reanimating, create visions, knowledge of all events past and present, and knowledge of secret things. It also includes information and spells on how to banish a demon, written as Fuga Daemonium. So, it seems that while you may summon and interact with demons...you might also want the ability to banish it back to hell when it has served your purposes.
The Anunnaki Overlords protect these Luciferian families and all their mind controlled puppets in their crime syndicate fiercely; and this leads to the billionaire club, the billionaires that have accumulated huge sums of wealth through supporting the death cult agenda. They direct massive amounts of Loosh from satanic ritual abuse (SRA) activities, child sacrifice, genocidal wars, blood rituals and overall trauma. This is the symbiotic relationship that binds the Controllers with the off-planet Alien overlords, as well as the bottom feeders of these demonic hierarchies that exist in the earth body itself. Now these people, especially at the top, understand the spiritual anatomy of humans and how humans are light beings, and have a body, mind, and spirit, they hide this knowledge for themselves, and they've hidden this for thousands and thousands of years. And then they will leverage this knowledge by using reversals, the Law of Reversals, in order to steal resources and inner light from human beings.
These people trapped in these cults are highly programmed and will never stop their activities, so the most productive thing to do is to educate ourselves to better understand them, understand their psychology, so we can vanquish them and their kind from maintaining their Luciferian/Satanic control and power over this earth. These are the enemies of humanity, all of humanity. In order to vanquish and spiritually heal the predatorial enemy of humanity, we have to understand them.
These occult brotherhoods – groups of men who meet covertly in "lodges" and practice ceremonial magic as a means of achieving certain goals – originated from the English-speaking (Anglo-Saxon) world and were allied, in particular, with Anglo-American interests. Their aim is to extend Anglo-American influence across the globe, and to ensure the predomination of Anglo-American culture. Furthermore, they seek to extend its superiority into the far distant future; essentially to ensure that the present state of affairs continues forevermore. The Anglo-Demonic Banksters whom seek dominion over mankind also use highly advanced methods in regards to keeping Human Perception locked inside its own perpetual cage within the lower orbit 3D PSI Prison where Illusions dictate all Logic, hence why, today they deliberately sponsor numerous kinds of materialism in the hope of halting and trapping humanity at the present stage of its development. They don’t want humans to progress beyond the present stage of immersion in the material world. In other words, they don’t want us to reconnect in a free way with our true spiritual nature and authentic "I", because they know that their grip over humanity would then be lost. Human progress is dependent on spiritual knowledge, and thus the occult brotherhoods work against it.
They also continue to promote anti-human belief systems, consistently to prevent the masses from waking up. This is a no win situation, and is supported by various Mind Control psychotronic warfare tactics that are designed to spread hatred, division, and self enforcement of human enslavement. Educate yourself. The A.I technology used by the Powers that be has become highly sophisticated, and is currently being directed at the entire population through a variety of methods in an attempt to enslave consciousness permanently. From this point in the timeline, A.I technology was set into perpetual motion to assimilate realities. Essentially, the Yahweh Matrix has distorted and cut off all the natural Planetary alignments, which when combined with the .NET, has blocked all incoming and outgoing communication signals....
Hell Is Empty All The Devils Are Here. ~William Shakespeare
The Octagon Group in located in Davos, Switzerland is the same group behind the current World Economic Forum and fourth wave of the transhumanist Great Reset that have a Black Sun chain of command extending to the moon and other planets. These same lunar entities and their preferred bloodlines have been administering an assortment of surface cataclysms by obliterating chosen demographic areas for decimation. The Moon as a magnetic weapon has been a part of their arsenal against human beings on the surface, for many eons through the use of a number of highly advanced forms of technology including Anti-HG Technology which has also been known to have been used to target individuals with assorted Electronic harassment designed for Mind Control.
Mind Control frequencies and forms of Electronic harassment generate bio-neurological impairment in the human body, which reverse and confuse brain signals. The Satanic agenda is to reverse human neurological functioning by conditioning the person to create and feel pain in order to activate their pleasure centers. The cycle of interconnection made between pain and pleasure centers is reinforced and conditioned into the Bio-Neurology non-stop, which escalates into harmful addictions or deviant behaviors. When we pay attention and we care about what is happening to the planet and people, we will begin to clearly see an agenda designed to assault and damage the human nervous system. If we are more aware of how the neurological functions in our body are related to our mental and emotional states, then we are equipped to take control over the direction of our thoughts and emotions.
Then we can open and train our neural pathways to receive direct messages from our higher consciousness bodies, the Soul-Spirit Self, overriding the messaging from the Three Layers of Ego that are the main frequency spectrums used in Electronic harassment and Mind Control. Below is more on the origin of the Jesuits, and here is the extreme oath taken by all Jesuits! Contrary to what most believe the Jesuits practice the true knowledge behind Jesus/Iessa! Interesting to note Ignatius loyola one of the founders behind the Jesuits was actually Pyrenees (basque), a place that carries the highest concentration of RH Negative bloodtypes in the world? The Alien connection...!
The Octagon Group in located in Davos, Switzerland is the same group behind the current World Economic Forum and fourth wave of the transhumanist Great Reset that have a Black Sun chain of command extending to the moon and other planets. These same lunar entities and their preferred bloodlines have been administering an assortment of surface cataclysms by obliterating chosen demographic areas for decimation. The Moon as a magnetic weapon has been a part of their arsenal against human beings on the surface, for many eons through the use of a number of highly advanced forms of technology including Anti-HG Technology which has also been known to have been used to target individuals with assorted Electronic harassment designed for Mind Control.
Mind Control frequencies and forms of Electronic harassment generate bio-neurological impairment in the human body, which reverse and confuse brain signals. The Satanic agenda is to reverse human neurological functioning by conditioning the person to create and feel pain in order to activate their pleasure centers. The cycle of interconnection made between pain and pleasure centers is reinforced and conditioned into the Bio-Neurology non-stop, which escalates into harmful addictions or deviant behaviors. When we pay attention and we care about what is happening to the planet and people, we will begin to clearly see an agenda designed to assault and damage the human nervous system. If we are more aware of how the neurological functions in our body are related to our mental and emotional states, then we are equipped to take control over the direction of our thoughts and emotions.
Then we can open and train our neural pathways to receive direct messages from our higher consciousness bodies, the Soul-Spirit Self, overriding the messaging from the Three Layers of Ego that are the main frequency spectrums used in Electronic harassment and Mind Control. Below is more on the origin of the Jesuits, and here is the extreme oath taken by all Jesuits! Contrary to what most believe the Jesuits practice the true knowledge behind Jesus/Iessa! Interesting to note Ignatius loyola one of the founders behind the Jesuits was actually Pyrenees (basque), a place that carries the highest concentration of RH Negative bloodtypes in the world? The Alien connection...!
The Alien Questions are certainly becoming far more popular, The Orion Lines Below has some interesting content From crimes against our youth to Aliens. In 1969, NASA passed a federal regulation dealing with “Extra-terrestrial Exposure”. The Extraterrestrial Exposure law offers a legal precedent for the detention and indefinite imprisonment of any individual who comes into contact with extra-terrestrials? The quarantine may be based only on a determination, with or without the benefit of a hearing, that there is probable cause to believe that such person, property, animal or other form of life or matter whatever is extra-terrestrially exposed? There exists an ongoing and very real effort to distort and re-invent the incredible amount of tangible History and Truth behind the real E.T crafts and human visitations. This distortion is part of multiphazed ventures, ongoing and evolving, focused on deceit and exploitation from both within and outside the UFO field.
The Alien Questions are certainly becoming far more popular, The Orion Lines Below has some interesting content From crimes against our youth to Aliens. In 1969, NASA passed a federal regulation dealing with “Extra-terrestrial Exposure”. The Extraterrestrial Exposure law offers a legal precedent for the detention and indefinite imprisonment of any individual who comes into contact with extra-terrestrials? The quarantine may be based only on a determination, with or without the benefit of a hearing, that there is probable cause to believe that such person, property, animal or other form of life or matter whatever is extra-terrestrially exposed? There exists an ongoing and very real effort to distort and re-invent the incredible amount of tangible History and Truth behind the real E.T crafts and human visitations. This distortion is part of multiphazed ventures, ongoing and evolving, focused on deceit and exploitation from both within and outside the UFO field.
And Never forget their are many in this realm that have lost their lives for investigating these particular avenues of research, especially in regards to Aliens And Governments. And PROJECT STARGATE! Mac Tonnies mysteriously died in his sleep at age 34, only a few weeks before he was about to submit the final manuscript for his book The Crypto terrestrials: A Meditation on Indigenous Humanoids and the Aliens Among Us, which was posthumously published in 2010.
A man named John Robie was apparently communicating with Extra Terrestrials within the American Government, he also suffered the same fate, George Adamski wrote much about these matters. This is also mentioned in George C Andrews Book Extraterrestrials Among Us? See OPERATION TROJAN HORSE FREE PDF and PROJECT CAMELOT And John Robie for more information on this topic. In December 1988, former Navy intelligence officer William Cooper interviewed a man who said, "I don't know everything, but it's way out of control. To tell you the truth, I'm afraid of what's going to happen. Giant underground shelters are being built under Groom Lake and in other places." At that time, in Dec 1988, there were also other "Top Secret U.N Leaks Free PDF" that began to surface.
It was said that the government tried to make contact with another group of aliens, allegedly the Reptilians (who are apparently advancing on this system), because they were one of the few enemies of the Greys who could get rid of them. The communication was done from the huge underground communications facility outside Datil, New Mexico in February of 1989. At the same time, at Los Alamos, scientists were phasing down the SDI program and continuing work on Project Excalibur, which involved nuclear missiles capable of penetrating 1000 meters of hard soil. In 1952, the government created several special agencies to help with the problem. The National Security Agency (NSA) was created especially to deal with the aliens. Together with the NSA and the CIA, the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) and Delta Security forces completely took over all aspects of alien and disk interaction. Grey Aliens and the Harvesting of Souls FREE PDF!
One of the projects created in 1952 was Project Sigma, which was a joint NSA/CIA project that had as its objective communication with alien species. The project was successful, and after communications sponsored through Project Plato (establish diplomatic relations), a meeting was held between elements of the US Government and the species known as the Greys on April 25, 1954 at 6 pm at Holloman AFB. Two disks hovered above the runway while a third landed.
The Worlds First DNA PCR INVESTIGATION For Biological Evidence Of Alien Abductions
Whoever controls the Mind controls the body, mind and Soul. Alien Implants are used to Mind Control the masses to form socially acceptable belief systems and shape anti-human value systems which are used to condition humanity to accept spiritual abuse from the Negative Aliens and to self enforce their thought systems of hierarchical enslavement and fear. This is a divide and conquer strategy of the planet and humanity. Don't even think of asking Agents of the Matrix to validate the truth of your awakening, for you will only end up being diagnosed and medicated. Its time to reverse the negative black cube oppressive frequencies. Now, more than ever, it is time for those who have already lifted these veils of deception to assist others who need the "survival" band-aid ripped off and to show these people they are not alone.
The realization that you have been fooled beyond belief can cause a great deal of inner turmoil to arise: utter dismay, a sense of humiliation, and a resulting backlash from friends and family who continually (and unconsciously) attempt to pull you back in line with the accepted 'mainstream' groupthink hive mind parasitic agenda! These are highly complicated times, Following Mass Delusions wont help you. In this process of breaking free from the enslavement of human consciousness, if you don't have days where you completely question your own sanity, I would suggest that you aren't really pushing yourself towards spiritual liberation you are merely operating as a spectator. To counteract all the worldwide Masonic Evil just communicate with your Higher Self and The Divine Source Through Your Own Heart Daily!
Human ego is agnostic. And it has never been more agnostic than at this time. Like a kaleidoscope, the collective ego of our soulless mechanical time creates incessantly numerous illusionary images of its alleged autarky. These external images render the ego the false security and the erroneous conviction that it is the master of this human charade which it creates under extreme energetic limitations being covertly enforced to prevent ascension with tools like the oppressive black cube DEMIURGIC frequency's! Or are some claim it to be the cube of enochian/Metatron! Here is another view On The Enochian/Metatron Tradition FREE PDF!
Thothian-Annunaki language (based on usurped enochian language of the Original Creational God Code – The Law of One) was given to Crowley at the turn of the century in order for him to be the human embodiment that was necessary to bring this "Black Magic" language into the physical realms – which continued the Atlantean brotherhood war and its Atlantian Conspiracy in this reality system. Crowley was manipulated through his own massive ego of patriarchal superiority, greed, genetic elitism, ego maniacal selfishness and sexual deviance to install a vast circulatory system of Ley Lines of control for Thothian interests. He was groomed in the UK (location of the last Atlantean colonies from 11,500 years ago, with the government heads (reptilian central leaders, such as Winston Churchill being used to protect his interests.)
Crowley was contacted in Cairo, Egypt in 1904 by Grey Reptilian Alien (Aiwass) to begin his indoctrination to support the alien agenda. He was instrumental infiltrating the Secret Societies where he gave consciousness tools, rituals and artifacts to the Illuminati. This began the human history of black ops behind the shadow government and the MIEC, the military industrial extra terrestrial complex whom also shared alien technology in exchange for human souls, human abduction and genetic mutation experiments. In most cases these souls were ritualized and bound in the Thoth-ian black magic grids to entrap them so they could be "siphoned"....
According to Crowley, Aiwass first appeared during the First Three Days of the writing of Liber al vel Legis. His first and only identification as such is in Chapter I: "Behold! it is revealed by Aiwass the minister of Hoor-paar-kraat" (AL I:7). Hoor-paar-kraat (Egyptian: Har-pa-khered) is more commonly referred to by the Greek translation Harpocrates, meaning "Horus the Child", whom Crowley considered to be the central deity within the Thelemic cosmology (Æon of Horus). As Crowley wrote in his Confessions: "I was bound to admit that Aiwass had shown a knowledge of the Cabbala immeasurably superior to my own"...? The Orion Mystery FREE PDF
Occultist Aleister Crowley, Pasadena JPL's Jack Parsons & Scientology's L. Ron Hubbard
"That's the way they all became the BABALON Bunch ©" Jack Parson And His Babalon Brethren!
Interesting to note: THOTH HERMES TRISMISGESTUS. Thoth = Pure Rigelean Orionian? = the Illumined Enochian Master = Quezlcoatel = Hermes = Enki's Son = Raismes of Aphra = The Atlantean = Tut!? (= Jesus?!)... Whom supposedly Built the Pyramids, Started the Calendar.... ETC. But what have we learned about "Redeeming" our Genepool? And IT was Aleister Crowley that expanded upon the work of THOTH. Crowley's book The Book Of Thoth LIBER VXIII And The Thoth Tarot Deck are two perfect examples! This is synonymous in defining the structure of Satanic forces which run the reversal energies in Black Magick Grids. Aleister Crowley was groomed in the United Kingdom (the location of the last of the lost Atlantean colonies from 11,500 years ago, see Ages of Humanity) with the government heads (reptilian central leaders, such as Winston Churchill used to protect their interests.) Winston Churchill was A DRUID here is a photo from one of his early initiations at the Blenheim Palace!
Below is an interesting chart done by James Giliand from the liberation of planet earth on frequency domains?
This isnt entirely accurate however the concept is heading in the right direction ...
And it sheds more light on the Anunnaki/Satan/Reptilian Liar-archy,
its unbelievable how many have fallen for this garbage!
Bill Schnoebelen, whom has publicly been exposing "Satanism", also wrote about his experiences as a vampire/Satanist in several books. In his book, Lucifer Dethroned, he describes a third eye experience that he had during astral projection. "It seemed my eyeballs were turning to molten steel. My forehead was about to explode. I felt a claw tear into my brow, right between but slightly above my eyebrows and insert itself into my brain like a white-hot poker. I tried to scream, but could not. My entire body felt like it was going to burst from being filled with roaring, flaming hot light....I felt like a fish on the end of a hook being hauled out of the water by my very brain. I screamed in pain, but it came out: ‘Glory and Love for Lucifer! Hatred! Hatred! Hatred! to God be accursed!. He has since found his way back to God apparently!
Bill Schnoebolen also claimed all Masons after the 23rd degree, actually hear demons speaking to them feeding them information about their enemies? This ties in well with the Egregore mentioned by many! Bill also claimed their are two types of Masons, stupid ones and evil ones. Something i completely agree with. In regards to his third eye experience, it needs to be asked where is Bill Schnoebolen coming from? While i believe much of what he speaks is truth I'm not sure on what his Agenda is?
Interesting to note, the Men In Black often state that they are representatives of the "Nation of the Third Eye.". And its well known that they use the Eye of Horus as a insignia, as stated by George Hunt Williamson in his book Other Tongues Other Flesh. This is also verified in the book "The Undiscovered Country," by Stephen Jenkins. Jenkins was told by Buddhist priests that Shamballa was located in the constellation of Orion. "The All-Seeing-Eye is a symbol of Sirius' earth-allies and the MIB wear that symbol, and if Shamballa represents the Great White Lodge on earth -- then the MIB are emissaries of Shamballa. Sirius and Shamballa are two sides of the same coin". ?
In the DRAGONS LAIR By Branton on UFO Abduction Cases, One abductee during some sort of hypnotic regression therapy actually revealed something extremely insightful and i quote “He said he was taken to an examining room By creatures that looked like frogs or lizards.’ The ‘woman’ told him they were the educators and would supervise his learning experience, he said. Among other strange things, he recalled STRANGE LIZARD MEN THAT ENCOURAGED HIM TO JOIN THE MASONIC LODGE.? This kind of scenario isn't unusual Eve Lorgen is very knowledgeable in these studies! In The OMEGA FILE an Abductee known as Barney Hill also said during hypnosis "...Another figure has an EVIL face... HE LOOKS LIKE A GERMAN NAZI. HE’S A NAZI... HIS EYES! HIS EYES. I’VE NEVER SEEN EYES LIKE THAT BEFORE!!!"
Hitler also claimed he met these lizard entities during one of his Occult episodes! See More In The Nazi And E.T Connection
The original Nazi symbol was created to honor the Reptilian El Anunnaki race as hosted by the political movement headed by Hitler. The symbol of the eagle above the heads of the soldiers, for example, was a constant reminder to whom was in charge? The eagle soars above the whole Nazi climate, a representation of hosted entities being overshadowed by the Dracos. The reptilian Elders were also supposed to have manipulated humans within the earth, during the land of Thule. Thule-Gesellschaft (Thule Society) was founded August 17, 1918, by Rudolf von Sebottendorff. He had been schooled in occultism, Islamic mysticism, alchemy, Rosicrucianism and much more, in Turkey, where he had also been initiated into Freemasonry.
Within the last couple of hundred years a major tool in the "programming" of the collective mind has been the belief in dogmatic religion. Religious philosophies generally present a picture of Creation with humankind, even though perhaps "Chosen" by God, to be very much subservient and worthless. People whom consider themselves "free" through the pursuit of their own dogmatic religion are amongst the most enslaved victims of the Illuminati's plan for total take over of mind, body and soul. The Divine AKA Prime Creator has nothing to do with any Man Made Religion! Katharina Wilson Also Asked The Question Are Aliens Manipulating Us Via Religion! If we take a deeper dive into the Aetherius Society created by a London taxi Driver known as George King back in the 1950s we see they were heavily influenced by "Alien Dichotomy"...?
Their are also a long list of names that have been wiped out just for investigating UFO
and Alien related scenarios learn more in is someone killing UFO investigators?
Kyle Griffith is his amazing book the War In Heaven goes into much more depth about Religions And Mind Control. Fear, guilt and a host of other negative emotions have also been instilled into humanity in the name of man made religion – the Christian guilt due to the doctrine of "original sin" and fear of final judgment; Jewish feelings of divine punishment for failing Yahweh; Islamic aggression to convert the masses by the sword; the Hindu caste system in which "untouchables" have no hope of salvation in this lifetime? Western Catholicism, has had complete control over all education for centuries and its intolerance of alternatives (usually condemned as heresies with the proponents ex-communicated, exiled or barbarically tortured and killed) successfully kept the masses in cringing subservience to their vengeful, yet supposedly loving, God? The Catholic Church, in turn, has been bled dry of wealth by an especially sinister organization which is a combination of elements of Masonry and the Mafia, known as P2. Religions are also answerable to the Anglo demonic banksters?
The specific aim of the Anunnaki/Reptilians and the Greys is to take over planet Earth through covert mind control methods, much like the Illuminati and Secret Government is trying to do on Earth. These two groups are intimately connected. Most people think of world takeover only in terms of military means. They don't need to do this if they can control the people, and world leaders through mind control, hypnosis, and brain implants. The key question is, What do we do to stop this? Our government has sold us out because of their greed for power and world domination and now they can't stop what they have started. The first step is for the people of Earth to reclaim the world's governments. We must force the governments to release all the knowledge they have about extra-terrestrials to the world at large.
Half the battle is won if the people of the world know what they are dealing with. If people knew what was happening they would not be so much on automatic pilot. The only way to protect ourselves is through the strength of our consciousness. If a person is attuned to the Divine Light and owns their personal power, and has self mastery over their own energies, they have nothing to worry about. The world needs to wake up spiritually and psychologically, and stop being victims. It is this victim consciousness that allows them to be abducted, manipulated and hypnotized into a Dream like state.
If ever you sense them around, just pray, affirm, and visualize protection for yourself. Your connection to Creator and the Divine will bring you immediate protection. The only true hope for this planet is a mass spiritual awakening which, in truth, is beginning to occur. This spiritual awakening must also lead us into political action to remove the Secret Government and Illuminati from power. It is these beings that are controlled and manipulated, implanted, and hypnotized by the negative extra-terrestrials. Part of our strength is also to think as individuals. The Greys are a group memory complex that has very little ability to think on their own. It is time now to make people aware of what is really going on. Share information. Do more research. If enough people become aware, the hundredth monkey effect will begin to occur.
Mind control experiments, so-called Nazi science, has been on-going for decades using esoteric knowledge about the human psyche. By ridiculing any spiritual interpretation of life and mobilizing the forces of conventional science the Elite have convinced the public of the non-existence of psychic higher levels, making it easier to keep certain types of covert technology hidden, technology that has the ability to manipulate these higher domains. Mass hypnosis is possible by repetition of a basic theme until it is accepted as fact by the subconscious and then conscious mind. Such messages can be flashed during TV shows or films which are not perceived by the conscious mind! Cisco Wheeler in his book They Know Not What They Do. FREE PDF Goes into much more depth about Reptilians and Mind Control.
The Black Sun Program behind Hitler and his henchmen victimized an entire continent and exterminated millions in his quest for a so-called "Master Race." But the concept of a white, blond-haired, blue-eyed master Nordic race didn't originate with Hitler. The idea was created in the United States, and cultivated in California, decades before Hitler came to power. California eugenicists played an important, although little known, role in the American eugenics movement's campaign for ethnic cleansing (mass genocide). Elements of the philosophy were enshrined as national policy by forced sterilization and segregation laws, as well as marriage restrictions, enacted in twenty-seven states. Primarily, the Black Sun groups have been experimenting on humanity for many decades with an assortment of A.I and black box quantum computing technologies for the purpose of moving the collective consciousness towards an A.I controlled Groupthink, which is similar to connecting humans to the internet!
Experiments have included removing a person’s existing personality by electrotherapy and then compartmentalizing and programming new ones by psychic driving. This makes the "subject" obsessed with certain ideas and is undoubtedly used to program so-called lone assassins. The CIA have openly admitted to using this form of subversive technology against America’s political enemies? (it is based on molecular mechanisms behind the adjustment of phototrophic light-harvesting and mixotrophic utilization of cellulosic carbon sources in similar to manipulating Chlamydomonas reinhardtii (microalgae) ). This epidemic of those claiming to be Targeted By Directed Energy Weapons! is an extension of these methods, Targets are being covertly experimented upon for future regimes! The long term goal for these lunatics is to abolish the prison system and control the docile population via these covert methods! It is understood by Elite science how, by broadcasting at certain frequencies, non-physical magnetic levels can be imbalanced to cause emotional and mental illness. Technology also exists whereby thoughts can be induced by stimulating brainwaves. This is why the "Govern Ment" allowed all Prisoners in the Western Hemisphere to have Televisions in their Cells. Its was another covert experiment!
Look Into Worldwide Electronic Mind Control via 'Cell Phone' Towers!
The day is now approaching in which government mind control technologies will be directed at you, your neighbors, and your loved ones. Every single day, equipment is being erected and installed in every western country with the hidden purpose of exerting mind control over the entire population. (many are already walking around spiritually dead, if you haven't noticed you have already been consumed, "programs" imitations of ideas/constructs that seem authentic on every level) Everywhere in the west (and overseas), ELF/microwave transmission towers are being erected. The antennae usually look like four slightly curved vertical plates about 2 feet in length and located in either 3 or 4 quadrants around the tower, two thirds up from the ground. Just look around, you'll see them.
These mind control technologies have been in place for a long time. It's not an accident that the frequency band chosen for cell phone use just happens to match the second order waves that Wilhelm Reich discovered in the late 1940's to effect thought transmission and allow the mind to be manipulated without the victim realizing it. Reich worked on this project secretly for the CIA for over 5 years, from 1947-1952, until he realized who the CIA was planning to use the mind control on - his own American people. He was outraged that he was deceived and used for such a treasonous motive and swore never to cooperate with the CIA, FDA, etc. again.
Reich was murdered in Federal prison in 1957, just a few weeks before he was due to be released, having been in prison for 2 years on a trumped up charge leading to a contempt of court citation. He was reported to have had a "heart attack". He was strong as an ox. He was murdered two weeks before his parole board hearing. His last book, written in prison, was found to be "missing" after his death and never returned to his family. Don & Carol Croft, found a method to disable ELF towers from exerting their mind control functions by placing a simple device known as an orgone generator within a radius of 1,300 feet of these towers. More on Neuro science DEWs, Remote Targeting, FISA and Intelligence Agencies!
Ken Adachi from Educate Yourself also wrote, "The topic of mind control is elaborate, multifaceted, and multi layered. For the casual reader, it can quickly become numbing, overwhelming the senses and creating a desire to exit the topic, but avoiding this subject is the most foolish thing you could possibly do since your only chance of surviving this hideous and insidious enslavement agenda, which today threatens virtually all of humanity, is to understand how it functions and take steps to reduce your vulnerability.
The plans to create a mind controlled workers society have been in place for a long time. The current technology grew out of experiments that the Nazis started before World War II and intensified during the time of the Nazi concentration camps when an unlimited supply of children and adults were available for experimentation. We've heard about the inhumane medical experiments performed on concentration camp prisoners, but no word was ever mentioned by the media and the TV documentaries of the mind control experiments. That was not to be divulged to the American public. Mind control technologies can be broadly divided into two subsets: trauma-based or electronic-based.
The first phase of government mind control development grew out of the old occult techniques which required the victim to be exposed to massive psychological and physical trauma, usually beginning in infancy, in order to cause the psyche to shatter into a thousand alter personalities which can then be separately programmed to perform any function (or job) that the programmer wishes to"install". Each alter personality created is separate and distinct from the front personality. The 'front personality' is unaware of the existence or activities of the alter personalities. Alter personalities can be brought to the surface by programmers or handlers using special codes, usually stored in a laptop computer. The victim of mind control can also be affected by specific sounds, words, or actions known as triggers.
The second phase of mind control development was refined at an underground base below Fort Hero on Montauk , Long Island (New York) and is referred to as the Montauk Project. The earliest adolescent victims of Montauk style programming, so called Montauk Boys, were programmed using trauma-based techniques, but that method was eventually abandoned in favor of an all-electronic induction process which could be "installed" in a matter of days (or even hours) instead of the many years that it took to complete trauma-based methods"....
* Interesting to note the word MEDIA came from an ancient country located in northern Iran, which corresponds to the modern regions of Azerbaijan. It was the HOME of the Royal Art of Mind Control. It is not a coincidence that MEDIa and MEDIcal have the SAME first four letters...?
Cheryl Walsh in her book The 1950s Secret Discovery Of The Code Of The Brain which came about as a result of research for alleged victims of mind control experimentation. States: "Illegal experimentation using electromagnetic weapons technology on U.S. citizens has been going on throughout the cold war, continues today and is in use as an intelligence tool and military weapon today. This book goes to the roots of the problem. It is a beginning and establishes the who, what, why, when and where behind mind control technology. This book will put together important facts that unfortunately, the U.S. government will never admit until they are caught. The evidence is growing. It will be up to the reader to put the facts together".
In 2005, Gloria Naylor (1950-2016) author of The Women of Brewster Place (1983 National Book Award Winner) published the novel 1996. Naylor wrote 1996 as a personal memoir of her experience of mind control targeting. Naylor included the article, 2003 Survey of Evidence Regarding Mind Control Experiments by Cheryl Welsh in the Addendum, as well as two other sources of information on mind control. Naylor dedicated 1996; "For Sterling who not only believed me but believed in me. Thank you." She ended her book as follows: "I DIDN'T WANT TO TELL THIS STORY. IT'S GOING TO TAKE COURAGE. PERHAPS, MORE COURAGE THAT I POSSESS. BUT THEY'VE LEFT ME NO ALTERNATIVES. I AM IN A BATTLE FOR MY MIND.
Torture, Asian and Global Perspectives, Volume 2, Issue 2, June-August 2013, cover story; Misled and betrayed: How US cover stories are keeping a Cold War weapon and illegal human testing secret by Cheryl Welsh, See Torture, Asian and Global Perspectives. Click here for magazine pdf. For Mind justice copy, click here. The Asian Human Rights Commission News page for September 25, 2013 features a review of this cover story here: www.humanrights.asia/news/ahrc-news/AHRC-ART-112-2013! Further insight can be located here [AND] EISCAT Symposium 2024!!!
Since World War II, there has been a major revolution in regard to militarization and approach to warfare as a result of the major world governments making contact with negative aliens, who introduced to them an array of advanced technologies in exchange for access to human genetics, breeding programs and earth resources. During this phase of setting up covert military programs to experiment with these alien based advanced technologies, it became common knowledge in the secret intelligence factions that human brain waves and behavior can be influenced or controlled through exposures to light and sound or electromagnetic frequencies. Certain electromagnetic exposures are invisible and can change the way the brain processes information while influencing specific conditions in the mind and body, many times without the person’s awareness.
The methods used to approach warfare against enemies changed rapidly, toward total control over humanities biological processes through combinations of exposures to a spectrum of electromagnetic fields. Through targeting the human Brain and Bio-Neurology, the mind, body and soul can be manipulated to control thoughts and emotions, transmit suggestions, interfere with long and short term memory, insert images, run audio and sensory experiences, and take control over autonomic and voluntary functions of the body. The goal is to confuse or destroy the organic signals that normally keep the mind and body in a state of balance and equilibrium, while shutting down the Genetic Switches that are responsible for DNA signaling in the human body... Covert experiements are being conducted against innocents all over the Globe!
Frequency Fences are used to unplug DNA codes and block higher frequencies from the population which can then be manipulated to control perception as well as what an individual can experience through their five Basic Human Senses. When we intend to raise our consciousness frequency, and embody higher levels of spiritual identity, this raises our fundamental Light body frequency and shifts us out of the range of the frequency fence transmissions and a variety of bio-neurological blockages.
Although the USAF and Lockheed Martin tell us that the purpose of the Space Fence is to detect, track and catalogue space debris, we must acknowledge that the MIC (Military Intelligence Complex) is at the helm of the New World Order and is routinely engaged in Psychological Operation. The Space Fence is the answer to the prayers of a control-freak conspiratorial class . It will have the capacity to surveil everything on Earth. Like Skynet in the fictional Terminator films, it could become surveillance beyond comprehension.
According to Elena Freeland, author of Chemtrails, HAARP, and the Full Spectrum Dominance of Planet Earth who is soon to release another book on the topic, the Space Fence will eventually develop into a conductive Saturnian ring around the Earth’s equator. From there, it could be used to facilitate a complete lockdown on planetary communications (including our DNA communications, since we are electrical creatures), in line with the MIC’s C4 objectives (Command, Control, Communications and Computers). And its financial system created and controlled by DARPA, Cryptocurrency! While your every move is monitored by Smart Apps! Agenda Game Over...
Freeland states that the Space Fence will have the power to totally transform the entire environment of the planet. It thus is a tool of the AI and Transhumanist agenda to merge man into machine. Freeland has also openly acknowledged the use of directed energy weapons against innocent people all over the Globe! My guess is these tests are being conducted covertly before this tech is unleashed on the masses! This isn't a conspiracy, the idea the controllers are aiming for is far bigger than most realize. They plan to abolish the entire prison system sometime in the future and control the entire population electronically? Will they succeed? Who knows, its certainly possible!
Other areas of interest in regards to Mass Surveillance are Project Echelon,
Scalar Electromagnetic Technology And Extraterrestrial Technology And Reverse Engineering!
Here is a clip of a woman in the states that took her own life because of what these monsters were doing to her!
Although the USAF and Lockheed Martin tell us that the purpose of the Space Fence is to detect, track and catalogue space debris, we must acknowledge that the MIC (Military Intelligence Complex) is at the helm of the New World Order and is routinely engaged in Psychological Operation. The Space Fence is the answer to the prayers of a control-freak conspiratorial class . It will have the capacity to surveil everything on Earth. Like Skynet in the fictional Terminator films, it could become surveillance beyond comprehension.
According to Elena Freeland, author of Chemtrails, HAARP, and the Full Spectrum Dominance of Planet Earth who is soon to release another book on the topic, the Space Fence will eventually develop into a conductive Saturnian ring around the Earth’s equator. From there, it could be used to facilitate a complete lockdown on planetary communications (including our DNA communications, since we are electrical creatures), in line with the MIC’s C4 objectives (Command, Control, Communications and Computers). And its financial system created and controlled by DARPA, Cryptocurrency! While your every move is monitored by Smart Apps! Agenda Game Over...
Freeland states that the Space Fence will have the power to totally transform the entire environment of the planet. It thus is a tool of the AI and Transhumanist agenda to merge man into machine. Freeland has also openly acknowledged the use of directed energy weapons against innocent people all over the Globe! My guess is these tests are being conducted covertly before this tech is unleashed on the masses! This isn't a conspiracy, the idea the controllers are aiming for is far bigger than most realize. They plan to abolish the entire prison system sometime in the future and control the entire population electronically? Will they succeed? Who knows, its certainly possible!
Other areas of interest in regards to Mass Surveillance are Project Echelon,
Scalar Electromagnetic Technology And Extraterrestrial Technology And Reverse Engineering!
Here is a clip of a woman in the states that took her own life because of what these monsters were doing to her!
Electromagnetic fields act as modulators of molecular based information transfer, they can intercept and modify the processesof molecular interaction within a human body, in any kind of organism. As an example, the Molecular Information Transfer of the Nucleic Acids in human DNA can be altered, modified or reversed when exposed to programmable broadcasts of electromagnetic fields, such as with ELF’s. As a result electromagnetic fields can be used to control genetic switches or influence bio-chemical pathways and are capable of eliciting a range of effects inside a living organism, as well as in controlled environments or something taking place outside of living organisms. Exposure to electromagnetism affect organisms in both negative and positive ways that are related to physiological processes, and the reaction is also connected to the genetic configuration and the consciousness level of the organism.
The organism that has a lowest range of consciousness perception, is generally the most impacted from the impulses coming from the Unconscious Mind. This is another example of how electromagnetic fields can be used for genetic engineering or modification purposes, by interfering with the Bio-Neurology and the body’s natural biological system of information flow and transfer between DNA, RNA and Proteins. Ready for the full blown Surveillance State!
There are already over 50 million closed-circuit television cameras in America recording 24/7, catching the average citizen on film nearly 600 times daily. Cell Phones now have around 3 Cameras installed. Every American has a 9 digit government Social Security number assigned to them at birth. We require government licenses to drive, to get married, and have pets, government passports to travel, and corporate credit cards to book tickets, make reservations, and shop online.
Our phone lines are tapped and our emails are compiled and saved. Intelligence agencies and corporations share and maintain huge databases full of information on every citizen in the western hemisphere! The government, corporate, and media interests have all melded into one cohesive unit, propagating the “official” version of reality through every newspaper and media outlet. One cartoon, featuring the character Buzz Lightyear recently ran an episode where a delivery was being made to the superhero’s home by a futuristic mailman. In this cartoon, the deliveryman used not only a retinal scan but also DNA to verify the identity of the recipient. Hypnotizing the young, with Subliminal Big Brother Loves You Propaganda. Deep programming at every level.
If I were to show you all the evidence in children’s cartoons and media of face scanning, thumb scanning, national ID cards, and the overall police surveillance state operations, it would require an entire book. ”Alex Jones, 911 - Descent Into Tyranny” In the States they are already training children to be prisoners. Schools are already filled with CCTV cameras, metal detectors, and special police security guards. Now students are being forced to show IDs or use thumb-scanners to receive their lunch, and many schools in the States have outlawed backpacks and all non see-through bags. On top of this there are increasing reports of the “police security guards” harassing and assaulting innocent students. Now the surveillance state is becoming even more intrusive and more technological.
Stoplight cameras are catching offenders and sending out fines without a human-being involved. Biometrics, retina-scanners, and thumbprint reading technology are becoming the norm in amusement parks, schools, banks, and grocery stores. Supermarkets are being taken over by robotic self serving check outs and for some bizarre reason require you to look at a giant screen of yourself while you quietly scan your chosen items through some demented laser machine!
Radio Frequency Identification Chips (RFID) are slowly being implanted in pets, children, prisoners, and Alzheimer’s patients. New laws are being created to force these microchips into licenses, passports, and corporate products. The New World Order end goal is chipping every baby at birth and transferring global currency to a cashless credit-based system, managed via microchips. They implement their agenda incrementally, however; they walk the “totalitarian tiptoe” as David Icke says, so we do not consciously notice the gradual erosion of our rights/privacy. Society has been reduced to a docile slave race perfectly content with having their perception managed and manipulated by external sinister forces!
They have exchanged Authenticity for materialistic garbage and illusions, and wonder why they all walk around filled with depression and anxiety, seemingly oblivious to the gestapo regime they are all complying with! Global social engineering has become a standard operating procedure for shadow corporations. Vast networks of behavioral experts like the Behavioral Insights Network in the Netherlands (BIN NL), The SPI-B, Scientific Pandemic Influenza Group, and The British Behavioral Insights Team (BIT) are all major players!
Whom are all just basically gigantic groups of scientific fools that spend their life ensnared within the confinements
of some random parameters of demented logic in a kind of constant intellectual masturbation with each other!
The organism that has a lowest range of consciousness perception, is generally the most impacted from the impulses coming from the Unconscious Mind. This is another example of how electromagnetic fields can be used for genetic engineering or modification purposes, by interfering with the Bio-Neurology and the body’s natural biological system of information flow and transfer between DNA, RNA and Proteins. Ready for the full blown Surveillance State!
There are already over 50 million closed-circuit television cameras in America recording 24/7, catching the average citizen on film nearly 600 times daily. Cell Phones now have around 3 Cameras installed. Every American has a 9 digit government Social Security number assigned to them at birth. We require government licenses to drive, to get married, and have pets, government passports to travel, and corporate credit cards to book tickets, make reservations, and shop online.
Our phone lines are tapped and our emails are compiled and saved. Intelligence agencies and corporations share and maintain huge databases full of information on every citizen in the western hemisphere! The government, corporate, and media interests have all melded into one cohesive unit, propagating the “official” version of reality through every newspaper and media outlet. One cartoon, featuring the character Buzz Lightyear recently ran an episode where a delivery was being made to the superhero’s home by a futuristic mailman. In this cartoon, the deliveryman used not only a retinal scan but also DNA to verify the identity of the recipient. Hypnotizing the young, with Subliminal Big Brother Loves You Propaganda. Deep programming at every level.
If I were to show you all the evidence in children’s cartoons and media of face scanning, thumb scanning, national ID cards, and the overall police surveillance state operations, it would require an entire book. ”Alex Jones, 911 - Descent Into Tyranny” In the States they are already training children to be prisoners. Schools are already filled with CCTV cameras, metal detectors, and special police security guards. Now students are being forced to show IDs or use thumb-scanners to receive their lunch, and many schools in the States have outlawed backpacks and all non see-through bags. On top of this there are increasing reports of the “police security guards” harassing and assaulting innocent students. Now the surveillance state is becoming even more intrusive and more technological.
Stoplight cameras are catching offenders and sending out fines without a human-being involved. Biometrics, retina-scanners, and thumbprint reading technology are becoming the norm in amusement parks, schools, banks, and grocery stores. Supermarkets are being taken over by robotic self serving check outs and for some bizarre reason require you to look at a giant screen of yourself while you quietly scan your chosen items through some demented laser machine!
Radio Frequency Identification Chips (RFID) are slowly being implanted in pets, children, prisoners, and Alzheimer’s patients. New laws are being created to force these microchips into licenses, passports, and corporate products. The New World Order end goal is chipping every baby at birth and transferring global currency to a cashless credit-based system, managed via microchips. They implement their agenda incrementally, however; they walk the “totalitarian tiptoe” as David Icke says, so we do not consciously notice the gradual erosion of our rights/privacy. Society has been reduced to a docile slave race perfectly content with having their perception managed and manipulated by external sinister forces!
They have exchanged Authenticity for materialistic garbage and illusions, and wonder why they all walk around filled with depression and anxiety, seemingly oblivious to the gestapo regime they are all complying with! Global social engineering has become a standard operating procedure for shadow corporations. Vast networks of behavioral experts like the Behavioral Insights Network in the Netherlands (BIN NL), The SPI-B, Scientific Pandemic Influenza Group, and The British Behavioral Insights Team (BIT) are all major players!
Whom are all just basically gigantic groups of scientific fools that spend their life ensnared within the confinements
of some random parameters of demented logic in a kind of constant intellectual masturbation with each other!
We now live in the Internet, the algo-matrix… like it or not. All Apps are Trojan Horses There is no such thing as a "FREE" App. and the tyranny of massive data collection is upon us. Now is the time for us to rethink our euphoria with technology. As law professor and author Frank Pasquale notes, Silicon Valley's top managers are not great sages to be trusted - in fact, they, "hide behind corporate operations so covert that their actual contributions are hard to assess… why all the secrecy?" The Black Box Society - The Secret Algorithms that Control Money and Information, asks why secrecy is so important in the "black box" takeover of society. Black Boxes, Black Cubes its all the same demented technocratic Orwellian infrastructure that runs so deep few will ever truly comprehend the magnitude of it all...
"As you surely know by now, your online behavior, from banking to shopping, to searching for anything including health and financial information, even your cell phone usage is… fed into databases and assembled into profiles of unprecedented depth and specificity." ~ Frank Pasquale
Black Magick And Artificial Intelligence are two sides of the same coin, this has to many layers to peel back to reveal how deep this goes, however their are numerous levels of insight built into this very page, This A.I and soulless Black Magick is tied into The DEEP DARK NET. A subject most have very little insight into, simple docile automatons perfectly content with its basic interface without thinking to deeply about anything! Alex Becker, the founder of the A.I. software Hyros A.I. Ad Tracking, has similar views, Becker has repeatedly spoke out about the dangers of A.I. becoming soulless black magic and it's potential to destroy human relationships:
"I don't deny the incredible 1000x potential all this A.I stuff has given us. However I also think this shit is soulless black magic. Humans, our brains, and our societal organization are not capable of existing with it, if it keeps up much longer. The supply of ANYTHING good... .art, information, interaction... .sex... is about to explode to a level so high that everything, in turn, will become cheap and empty. Men, for example, are already sitting in their houses endlessly creating lude pictures, each one improving and releasing more dopamine each time they click "generate" from the A.I. XXX content online has already cheapened human relationships 100%".
Human frequencies are being suppressed, the reason is so they can be caught in the Hive.Net, this is the reason for constant demoralization, constant fear based propaganda, combined with multi level attacks from chemical to subliminal, narcotics, porn, alcohol, false prophets, and thousands of other covert strategy's, Most of this realm are already spiritually dead, completely disconnected, This black hole has been engineered through the inversion of dimensions meaning they have inverted the process instead of ascending from birth we are literally descending, devolving, decimating our own nature!
The Inversion comes from the use of Rituals, Black Magick, White Magick, Sigils, Runes, Incantations "Sacred Geometry" and various New Age Practices Like Religions and Sun Worship! FAKE COSMOLOGY! These Occult distortions that are based on Illusions, materialism, ego, vanity, narcissism, and mainly perversion, triggering the inversion, have ultimately decimated our true divine nature and enslaved our empty heartless souls, and left behind a stream of mindless counterfeit automatons.
Hypnotized by the Grand Illusions and phantasms of the corrupt circus that came straight out of Dante's Inferno conjured from the writings of the Pseudomonarchia daemonum, and the aftershocks are beginning to reveal themselves in the third dimension in some very disturbing ways. Combine that with The looming age of Artificial intelligence and Transhumanism which IS a direct battle over every free soul that still exists and you begin to innerstand, It can't be stopped and will change the world and humanity in unimaginable ways. this is literally WWIII.
Most of what you perceive in the current reality is not what it seems, since CERN was fully activated most people are operating from "artificial programs" NOT the Divine! Every level of perversion and corruption has been engineered and carefully managed by these Mind controlled puppets since the beginning. This is NOT some accidental evolutionary process, This has been a full blown multi dimensional engineering program since the beginning of The Alien Invasion! The More Corrupt you are the more they value you! They can then feed off all of the corruption you create! They refer to it as CAPITALISM... I broke Free from the 3D PSI Prison and reached full realization, a long time ago, The conclusion I reached firmly was the human race, collectively, was a self perpetuating virus! Completely adamant on their own destruction and demise! I suppose that is the price you pay for becoming a nation of plastic people! Enjoy The New World Disorder docile cyborgs!
These class struggle ideologies are the basis of Collectivism and eugenic theories, which fundamentally make up atheistic forms of Socialism and Communism. These are easily corruptible governmental structures that fully support victims and victimizers, where there are absolutely no protections for personal liberty or individual freedoms. Individuality and the ranges of unique group expression are not recognized as a valid identity in one centralized power governing a global controlled society and thus, Individualism, Autonomy and Self-Leadership are not respected or allowed to be expressed under its oppressive tyrannical social control. According to collectivism ideologies like Communism, an individual’s life is not their own, but belongs to the social group and has no rights except those which that society permits him to enjoy.
Things in life are not as they seem. As the Russian philosopher Nicolas Berdyaev pointed out, matters in this realm are often established through their contrary natures. These contraries may also be errors; they may equally be reflections, or they might be intentional manipulations. It could be said that the human life experience has been turned around and forced to face an existence increasingly unnatural to the innate human condition. And this existence is established through what is called the "reality construct". In each epoch, a particular reality construct is dominant, and this becomes the ruling consensus reality. These dominant reality constructs shift over time, yet they maintain hold over how each generation or culture comes to regard and perceive the milieu of their lives. And such lives, I argue, have now come to be lived as within a reversal. I refer to this reversal as the Inversion. Human life is lived as a normalization of this inverted reality construct.
That is why life is filled with so many irregularities, oddities, and downright madness. We all know, or instinctively feel, that something has gone astray. There is no reason to celebrate absurdity within our so-called "celebrity cultures". Or to accept the military-industrial-extraterrestrial complex as the dominant force of political and economic governance. War profits the war mongers (and sellers), and plastic-people governments allow the corporate gain of pain. We live in a construct where competition is praised, and weakness is shrugged off as an evolutionary pruning mechanism. We allow our young minds to be programmed by blatant forms of mental and behavioral conditioning, and we willingly accept our debt controlled enslavement by continuing to pay into the prison banks. Owned By The Anglo Demonic Banksters!
Welcome to the New World Order! These concepts are not new they have been manipulating consciousness for centuries through a variety of ways, Directed Energy Weapons are just the latest fad, Remote targeting of technologically based mind control frequencies and forms of Electronic harassment are used to generate bio-neurological impairment in the human body, which reverse and confuse brain signals. Mind Control technologies are covert weapons which use electronic microchip implants, nanotechnologies, microwaves and/or electromagnetic waves to subvert an individual’s sense of control over their own thinking, behavior, emotions or decision making by attacking the brain and nervous system. The development of these methods and technologies has a long history. See Telepathy And The Tech Of mind Control!
The majority of information appeared in David Guyatt's synopsis of the history and development of mind control weapons, first presented at an ICRC symposium on "The Medical Profession and the Effects of Weapons" The realm has been surrounded by Artificial Machinery that prevents access to certain higher forces, higher frequencies, and maintains the collective Mind Control through a Controller frequency fence. These frequency fences are the Mind Control fields that propagate and feed into anti-life structures that power the Imposter Spirit entities and their Black Heart circulatory systems. They have impaired and controlled human consciousness evolution since the beginning. And they continue to do so on an international scale! Its easier just to observe the entire globe like a computer game, some kind of twisted simulation where all of its players are given a million different programs to choose from, and they are all wrong! While the programmers carry the cheat codes to the entire game!
The Holographic Concept Of Reality! Are You Ready Playa 1 Or Would you like to confide in Neo...? The Frequency Fence is the invisible prison wall ... However this entire Transhumanist agenda is simply about replicating a type of Dark Consciousness Control System that has existed here for Eons right under the noses of these Ignorant Slaves! It wouldn't be known By any particular person or Organization It Is ALL Compartmentalized! Expanding the MASONIC HIVE MIND DRAGON PROGRAM into the mainstream on a Global Scale via artificial means complimented with Witches and those Indoctrinated Into Occult Ideology. This program has been fully operational for decades! The Biggest Players in the Game are A Secret Society Known Only As The INCUNABULA, In certain circles it means instant death to even whisper their name...
The Professor Makes Some Interesting Points About Masonic Traitors Being Under Mind Control Below!
For further insight from that perspective you can access a book that was wrote by a former
freemason that became a Christian, The Book Is called "On The Masons And Their Lies".
The real meaning of enlightenment is to gaze
with undimmed eyes on all darkness.
~ Nikos Kazantzakis
Most are unaware their has been a battle between Light And Dark Since the current powers that be took control over this realm with their poisonous "Monetary" Federal Reserve Prison Banking System. This is where we tap into the realm of Spiritual TARGETS A subject most puppets rebut savagely! It would reveal to much about the true nature of this reality! "Spiritual Targets" are people that are subjected to extreme oppression covertly, via a variety of methods. THIS ISNT NEW. Most refuse to recognize this issue as they prefer to believe the comfortable lie! Most are blinded by their own programs! "Spiritual Targets" are segments of consciousness that have been tracked throughout space-time for eons, incarnating over and over into dark sleeper families, its connected to the vibratory rate which identifies which dimension that consciousness is attached to from birth anything higher than 9D in this realm will be hit Hard! (humans are dumb they know zero) Those targeting these types of consciousness are the Sleeper Organic Portal Secret Society Puppets and various other Dark Entities, whom we refer to as The Children Of Darkness!
My Brother from another mother The Late Max Speirs makes an excellent point below in one of his last podcasts with Christine Hart An Ex M.I6 Agent!? (Max was assassinated by Secret Societies in Poland in 2016 because he was about to publish to much truth in a book he was in the process of finishing) Max makes some excellent points on the Matrix Agents and how they CONtrol the docile masses to keep the Children Of Darkness in their "Lavish Lifestyles"! The Children of Darkness are those that can pass through all the "Gatekeepers" Doors and flourish, Its the opposite effect for those of the Light! Look Into Project Mannequin And M.I6! The video from The Imagination Podcast also shines some light into the other side of these covert sinister programs from a man named Niklas an MK-ULTRA Survivor!
Since Anunnaki/reptilian Entities can’t generate important light-energy source themselves, they use the reserves of the enslaved beings they have enticed into their world of illusions, via religions, occult groups, ritualistic delusions, witchcraft and or esoteric/exoteric tools of the fools paradise that effectually harnesses mass consciousness into one of their gestalts. In many cases there is an immediate psychic bond produced by these beliefs. An instantaneous linkage and interpenetration with the individual who has chosen to believe the lie and in the illusions. The more "Adept" beings have subtle, vertical filamental axes fixed on human beings. Those subtle nerve-networks process radiant-energy values, drawn in through the etheric "chakras" of the multi-dimensional systems, represented by the pineal/pituitary glands. The network of the STS (Service To Self) liar-archy extends in a myriad of psychic webs of specialized powers, forces and functions, like a voracious Net flung across the heaven of stars, the sum energy comprising the group consciousness of that net redounds to the basic benefit of the Dark Entity at the apex of the control pyramid.
This apex is composed of the most persistently negative beings (secret society puppets) the ones whom have stuck it out against all evidence of progressively-diminishing returns. This being can be described as the Desolate One, (MARDUK) a being whom directly embodies and promotes the ultimate negative objectives. The consciousness of that being is literally fed and magnified by the number and relative strength of the subordinate slaves whom have been voluntarily subsumed into the network. The greater the development of the psychic potentials of the individual who have been co-opted, the more "energy" it contributes to the whole system. The more psychic energy available to the "Commander" of the negative liar-archy, the greater its effective power to co-opt even more potent and more difficult to capture souls. This is a primary reason why Rhesus Negative blood types are considered to be far more valuable due not only to vibrational frequency, but "Psychic Prowess" too..?
Gatekeepers And Think Tank Types control the herd covertly: The most tragic victims of the New World Disorder network of foundations and universities are the nation's youth. Filled with hope and ambition, they attend colleges to prepare for careers, where their chief advisers are the foundation eunuchs. They are carefully scrutinized to see if they can be useful to the New World Disorder, in which case they may be given grants or fellowships, but the cruel fact is that unless they are fortunate enough to be born into a family with connections to members of the New World Disorder, or "chosen" to become a protégé of a particular eunuch, most doors will remain closed.
Despite their talents or abilities, they will be relegated to work for peanuts, for the rest of their lives. At no time during their education will they be apprised of the fact that they are the victims of a cruel hoax; that success in business, drama, art or literature will be denied them because they do not have the required connection with the NWO Idiots. Many thousands live in the realm of oppression completely oblivious to why their lives just keep reliving the same nightmare over and over again. Many of them have been psychologically conditioned to believe in this limitation by the Hive Mind covertly and they have just learnt to accept it. Others stand up and fight back... Most ignore renegades like these below, mainly because it would shatter their world of lies and would require some real action instead of just living like a parasite! UNFORTUNATELY the Masonic service to self ideology has consumed most of the planet leaving the majority deaf, dumb and blind.
Sleepers that truly believe in the 3D PSI prison of illusions, like Wealth, material status, psychical attributes and false Social Classes, And this is the reason most worship evil blindly. The level of ignorance from the masses currently has placed the human collective in a very dangerous position, they are now perpetuating their own evil by refusing to acknowledge or heal the many layers of disrupted consciousness that have already begun to appear. Ignorance is not bliss, it is a recipe for disaster! Most have an inability to even process certain types of information, they prefer to ignore all suffering because they are emotionally inept, morally bankrupt and are unable to operate outside of the false engineered reality. This is the primary reason the masses whom suffer from some kind of mass psychosis are unable to comprehend Secret Societies are directly responsible for every atrocity that exists, from the homeless to mass poverty, every genocidal war, targeted individuals, mass oppression and much more!
Secret Societies also target and covertly oppress the true children of light. The dumb down docile masses are Completely Oblivious To how the Game Is Truly Played in this 3D PSI Prison. Completely oblivious to the level of manipulation occurring here, methods that are so disturbing, if the Masses were to ever recognize the extent of it, their would be a Worldwide Revolution tomorrow (Look into Phantom EMP programs, PARTIKA , PONEROLOGY, COINTELPRO, Frequency Fences, Keylontic science, Holographic Inserts, & Scalar Electromagnetic Technology) certain types of consciousness, have been oppressed throughout history, They are the Old Souls From The Old World, highly evolved!? The "Targeted Individuals" that are experiencing Directed Energy Weapons are being used as test subjects. Most of those that exist now will be wiped out, And the Anunnaki Over Lords will simply take the Knowledge they have acquired and use it on another unsuspecting future generation!
In regards to the true extent of Crimes Against Humanity that are currently being perpetuated against our own species, the majority are meek obsequious parasites. At present, the problem resides in the inevitable failure of both the secret government and future humans to maintain an unconditional obedience to their alien overlords. Once the NWO has been initiated, their final solution will be to place humanity under the leadership of genetically engineered hybrids. These unconscious puppets are being manipulated as pawns in the Spiritual Warfare games while being used as distractions while they plug the Groupthink reality bubbles into A.I weapons designed as the surveillance system of the Mind Control hive net. The Apocalyptic Phase Of Technocracy And Transhumanism Coming Soon...
Jim Marrs wrote extensively on the joint psychologist-police units like the FTAC in Britain and claimed they were created to serve as a prototype for similar units that were being integrated into the U.S. Harlan Girard claimed: "There already here!" Mr. Girard is the Managing Director of the International Committee Opposing Microwave Weapons (ICOMW), and he firmly believes that the United States government has already established what he calls an Electronic Concentration Camp System (ECCS). In fact, the US Government has denied or refused to comment on mind-altering weapons for years. The mind-altering mechanisms are based on subliminal carrier technology: the Silent Sound Spread Spectrum (SSSS), sometimes called "S-quad" or "Squad" was developed by Dr Oliver Lowery of Norcross, Georgia, and is described in US Patent #5,159,703, As "Silent Subliminal Presentation System", dated October 27, 1992. Also see other aspects of Electromagnetic Weapons here!
In regards to the true extent of Crimes Against Humanity that are currently being perpetuated against our own species, the majority are meek obsequious parasites. At present, the problem resides in the inevitable failure of both the secret government and future humans to maintain an unconditional obedience to their alien overlords. Once the NWO has been initiated, their final solution will be to place humanity under the leadership of genetically engineered hybrids. These unconscious puppets are being manipulated as pawns in the Spiritual Warfare games while being used as distractions while they plug the Groupthink reality bubbles into A.I weapons designed as the surveillance system of the Mind Control hive net. The Apocalyptic Phase Of Technocracy And Transhumanism Coming Soon...
Jim Marrs wrote extensively on the joint psychologist-police units like the FTAC in Britain and claimed they were created to serve as a prototype for similar units that were being integrated into the U.S. Harlan Girard claimed: "There already here!" Mr. Girard is the Managing Director of the International Committee Opposing Microwave Weapons (ICOMW), and he firmly believes that the United States government has already established what he calls an Electronic Concentration Camp System (ECCS). In fact, the US Government has denied or refused to comment on mind-altering weapons for years. The mind-altering mechanisms are based on subliminal carrier technology: the Silent Sound Spread Spectrum (SSSS), sometimes called "S-quad" or "Squad" was developed by Dr Oliver Lowery of Norcross, Georgia, and is described in US Patent #5,159,703, As "Silent Subliminal Presentation System", dated October 27, 1992. Also see other aspects of Electromagnetic Weapons here!
Essentially, the ECCS is a network of microwave towers and broadcast centre's that can virtually imprison any citizen of the United States that the Thought Police wish to target. It's a people zapping system, used to track, torture and psychologically harass inconvenient people who, for one reason or another, have been placed on the government's long list of enemies, GWEN (Ground Wave Emergency Network) transmitters, are also placed 200 miles apart across the USA, they allow specific frequencies to be tailored to the geomagnetic-field strength in each area, allowing the magnetic field to be altered. They operate in the VLF range, with transmissions between VLF 150 and 175 KHz. To support this claim, Girard has amassed an impressive collection of documents, posted on various forums and websites.
The documents in his archive clearly indicate that the U.S. government has no need of the small FTAC units used by the British Government. The number of peace protestors and politically "inconvenient" people who have suddenly begun to hear voices in their heads strongly suggests that the U.S. government has built and fielded something much bigger, much more powerful, and much more scary: a fully developed and fully operational Electronic Concentration Camp System. If the secret police, operating under the umbrella of counterterrorism, wish to "section" an inconvenient citizen "without any criminal proceedings," they simply enroll that individual into the ECCS. Technically, the "Targeted Individuals" remain free, but they are tortured 24/7 with microwave weapons, often to the point of losing their minds.
Access parasite removal frequencies here
It may be interesting to note that AFRL is also one of the primary research sponsors (along with the Navy) for the High-Frequency Active Auroral Research Project (HAARP) - a 35-acre antenna farm near Fairbanks, Alaska, that is powerful enough to focus microwave beams anywhere on the face of the earth. According to Dr. Nick Begich, author of the book Angels Don't Play This HAARP, the Air Force can broadcast from these antennaes at frequencies that match the frequency range of the human brain. In Chapter 23 "Psycho civilized Society and the CIA," Dr. Begich explores "the use of electromagnetic waves for mind manipulation," and concludes that it would be very possible to use HAARP as a non-lethal weapon that could be rationalized as an alternative to military and police force!? Also look into PROJECT WOODPECKER!
Further Insight Can Be Found VIA PROJECT ECHELON And The Book Secret Power wrote by Nicky Hager,
which is primarily based on New Zealand's International Spy Network. FREE PDF! BIG BROTHER!?
It may be interesting to note that AFRL is also one of the primary research sponsors (along with the Navy) for the High-Frequency Active Auroral Research Project (HAARP) - a 35-acre antenna farm near Fairbanks, Alaska, that is powerful enough to focus microwave beams anywhere on the face of the earth. According to Dr. Nick Begich, author of the book Angels Don't Play This HAARP, the Air Force can broadcast from these antennaes at frequencies that match the frequency range of the human brain. In Chapter 23 "Psycho civilized Society and the CIA," Dr. Begich explores "the use of electromagnetic waves for mind manipulation," and concludes that it would be very possible to use HAARP as a non-lethal weapon that could be rationalized as an alternative to military and police force!? Also look into PROJECT WOODPECKER!
Further Insight Can Be Found VIA PROJECT ECHELON And The Book Secret Power wrote by Nicky Hager,
which is primarily based on New Zealand's International Spy Network. FREE PDF! BIG BROTHER!?
Whether HAARP acts as the hub of the ECCS is another question. HAARP certainly operates as part of the Air Force's "Star Wars" ballistic missile early warning system, scanning for Soviet Missile launches. That means it is a subordinate wing of NORAD, the North American Air-Défense Command - an underground city buried beneath Cheyenne Mountain near Colorado Springs. NORAD is a "hardened" and extremely secure underground site, equipped with supercomputers and direct uplinks to a wide variety of top secret space platforms and space-based beam weapons. It makes an excellent candidate for the HQ of the kind of "Electronic Concentration Camp" that Harlan Girard has envisioned. NORAD certainly does have full access to the kinds of spy satellites and laser beams that worry the "wavies"....
Their Aim is to eradicate the prison system entirely and control the entire population VIA Directed Energy Weapons and Artificial Intelligence, someday! Learn More In Experiments in Behavior Modification And Mind Manipulation! This "duality problem" is between the "Artificial Hive Mind" and those that Choose To Set Themselves FREE And abide by the true Natural And Spiritual Laws Of This Universe! A new report produced by the RAND Corporation for the Pentagon recommended the U.S. military explore how new biotechnological innovations - including mRNA vaccines, CRISPR gene-editing and brain-computer interfaces - could change the nature of future warfare, their ultimate Agenda is to control the entire Globe like puppets. Learn More In Plagues, Cyborgs And Super Soldiers! FREE PDF!
The Pentagon (which has primarily been run by the Jason Group whom formed themselves back in the 1960s See The Jasons: The Secret History Of Science for further insight) also wants to computerize the chain of command at higher levels than delivery - specifically, in the coordination of C3I - communications, control, and intelligence - which are most important in fighting a war. Afraid that nuclear war could claim the lives of the commander-in-chief and most of their own war-planners, and paralyze computer networks and other electronic systems through an EMP surge, the Pentagon has spent a lot of change developing MILSTAR.
MILSTAR was a covert operation brought together by the very secretive "Majestic 12" The Jason Group and various other Corporate Greedy Bastards! MILSTAR is supposed to be a system of satellites that are supposed to make nuclear war-fighting strategies fully automated! Once most of the existing C3I has been wiped out; in short the Pentagon is trying to develop the computer in "War Games," which will fight WW IV. With computers giving the orders, the chain of command in a complex situation like a "limited" nuclear strike - which may require hundreds of decisions will be made in just a few minutes - mass genocide made to be "simplified."
Finally, part of their "cyberwar" program seems to involve the more stepped-up dissemination of electronic disinformation - with the sinister purpose of destroying the assets of enemy nations, through the reduction of trading partner confidence. A third "black" initiative appears to be Project Stargate, where the CIA, DIA, and other military agencies revealed that since the 1970s, they have been using psychics, primarily for "remote viewing" of enemy installations and even testing some experiments in precognition, psychokinesis (attempting to scramble enemy missile codes), and ESP. The Precursor to Hi Tech Projects Like This! Also Former intelligence officer, and author of several books, Dr. John Coleman cut to the heart of the transhumanist agenda and described it as 'Satanic'... Dr. Coleman's book The Conspirators' Hierarchy - The Committee of 300 (1991) also names all the members (Masons and Jesuits) "past and present and current of the Committee of 300."
Humans and other hybrid races whom serve as Fallen Angelic puppets that are being manipulated by fear for personal survival and a desire for acquisition of power to feed into their "Godlike" delusions. Are also those that are being covertly metaphysically motivated towards the One World Order Fallen Angelic's Master Plan. Principle and Disinformation are the common control elements by which the Illuminati and their Human puppets become misled into surrendering their power to something outside of themselves. Once this “Hive Mind Dragon Program” has your power, It manipulates YOU like A finger puppet without your awareness! The True Agenda Of The Liar-archy is to create a World Simulation (a carbon copy) of their delusional pyramidal enslavement program. In simple terms this would represent a faction of leaders at the top, those being "Godlike" ultimate apotheosis, carrying a very particular genetic code. While the rest will be a combination of dumb down Witches/Wizards with very limited knowledge and those being manipulated by Alien Artificial Intelligence!!! Welcome To The New World Disorder.
Whether HAARP acts as the hub of the ECCS is another question. HAARP certainly operates as part of the Air Force's "Star Wars" ballistic missile early warning system, scanning for Soviet Missile launches. That means it is a subordinate wing of NORAD, the North American Air-Défense Command - an underground city buried beneath Cheyenne Mountain near Colorado Springs. NORAD is a "hardened" and extremely secure underground site, equipped with supercomputers and direct uplinks to a wide variety of top secret space platforms and space-based beam weapons. It makes an excellent candidate for the HQ of the kind of "Electronic Concentration Camp" that Harlan Girard has envisioned. NORAD certainly does have full access to the kinds of spy satellites and laser beams that worry the "wavies"....
Their Aim is to eradicate the prison system entirely and control the entire population VIA Directed Energy Weapons and Artificial Intelligence, someday! Learn More In Experiments in Behavior Modification And Mind Manipulation! This "duality problem" is between the "Artificial Hive Mind" and those that Choose To Set Themselves FREE And abide by the true Natural And Spiritual Laws Of This Universe! A new report produced by the RAND Corporation for the Pentagon recommended the U.S. military explore how new biotechnological innovations - including mRNA vaccines, CRISPR gene-editing and brain-computer interfaces - could change the nature of future warfare, their ultimate Agenda is to control the entire Globe like puppets. Learn More In Plagues, Cyborgs And Super Soldiers! FREE PDF!
The Pentagon (which has primarily been run by the Jason Group whom formed themselves back in the 1960s See The Jasons: The Secret History Of Science for further insight) also wants to computerize the chain of command at higher levels than delivery - specifically, in the coordination of C3I - communications, control, and intelligence - which are most important in fighting a war. Afraid that nuclear war could claim the lives of the commander-in-chief and most of their own war-planners, and paralyze computer networks and other electronic systems through an EMP surge, the Pentagon has spent a lot of change developing MILSTAR.
MILSTAR was a covert operation brought together by the very secretive "Majestic 12" The Jason Group and various other Corporate Greedy Bastards! MILSTAR is supposed to be a system of satellites that are supposed to make nuclear war-fighting strategies fully automated! Once most of the existing C3I has been wiped out; in short the Pentagon is trying to develop the computer in "War Games," which will fight WW IV. With computers giving the orders, the chain of command in a complex situation like a "limited" nuclear strike - which may require hundreds of decisions will be made in just a few minutes - mass genocide made to be "simplified."
Finally, part of their "cyberwar" program seems to involve the more stepped-up dissemination of electronic disinformation - with the sinister purpose of destroying the assets of enemy nations, through the reduction of trading partner confidence. A third "black" initiative appears to be Project Stargate, where the CIA, DIA, and other military agencies revealed that since the 1970s, they have been using psychics, primarily for "remote viewing" of enemy installations and even testing some experiments in precognition, psychokinesis (attempting to scramble enemy missile codes), and ESP. The Precursor to Hi Tech Projects Like This! Also Former intelligence officer, and author of several books, Dr. John Coleman cut to the heart of the transhumanist agenda and described it as 'Satanic'... Dr. Coleman's book The Conspirators' Hierarchy - The Committee of 300 (1991) also names all the members (Masons and Jesuits) "past and present and current of the Committee of 300."
Humans and other hybrid races whom serve as Fallen Angelic puppets that are being manipulated by fear for personal survival and a desire for acquisition of power to feed into their "Godlike" delusions. Are also those that are being covertly metaphysically motivated towards the One World Order Fallen Angelic's Master Plan. Principle and Disinformation are the common control elements by which the Illuminati and their Human puppets become misled into surrendering their power to something outside of themselves. Once this “Hive Mind Dragon Program” has your power, It manipulates YOU like A finger puppet without your awareness! The True Agenda Of The Liar-archy is to create a World Simulation (a carbon copy) of their delusional pyramidal enslavement program. In simple terms this would represent a faction of leaders at the top, those being "Godlike" ultimate apotheosis, carrying a very particular genetic code. While the rest will be a combination of dumb down Witches/Wizards with very limited knowledge and those being manipulated by Alien Artificial Intelligence!!! Welcome To The New World Disorder.
The reality of our present drama means that there are hordes of amnesiac Illuminati Sleepers, “Human Greeting Teams” and “just everyday people puppets” that are presently the unsuspected victims of Astral Tagging, Clones BIO Plasmics, targeted Psychotronic mind control or DNA bond possession. These are mostly good-hearted, intelligent people, who think they are “honoring their God", Angel, ET, government or science”. They are being blindly guided through their chosen “Pet Control Dogma” (“Traditional” or “Contemporary,” religious or scientific programs) into unknowingly playing into the Fallen Angelic Master Plan. "Draconian" (OWO).
Alex Collier Excerpt: "the Draconians are the oldest reptilian race in our universe. Their forefathers came to our universe from another separate universe or reality system. When this occurred, no one really knows. The Draconians themselves are not really clear on when they got here. The Draconians teach their masses that they were here in this universe first, before humans, and as such they are heirs to the universe and should be considered royalty. They find disgust in the fact that humans do not recognize this as a truth. They have conquered many star systems and have genetically altered many of the life forms they have encountered. The area of the galaxy most densely populated with Draconian sub-races is in the Orion system, which is a huge system, and systems in Rigel and Capella.
The mind set or consciousness of the majority of races in these systems is Service to Self, and as such they are always invading, subverting and manipulating less advanced races, and using their technology for control and domination. This is a very old and ancient war, and the peace that does not exist is always being tested by these beings, who believe that fear rules, and love is weak. They believe that those they perceive to be less fortunate, in comparison to them, are meant to be slaves. This belief system is promoted at birth in the reptilian races, wherein the mother, after giving birth, will abandon the offspring to fend for themselves. If they survive they are cared for by a warrior class that uses these children for games of combat and amusement." So, you can see that the reptilians are forever stuck in survival mode. This means they have no boundaries in what they will do to other beings. It is ingrained in the Draconian hierarchies to teach them to never trust a human....
Blood Rites And Defining The Difference Between Parasites And Empowerment
The elite "Masters of War" that have held by force positions of political, religious and economic power throughout our known history from Sumeria, Babylon, Egypt and Rome, up to the present-day covert "World Management Team," are the Illuminati hybrid "Sleeper Races." The Illuminati hybrid Sleeper Races are the Earthly Representatives of competing Anunnaki, Necromiton and Drakonian/Reptilian Fallen Angelic legions, and they have been the motivating force behind all "human" politics since the 9,558 BC "fall" of Atlantis. Illuminati hybrid Sleepers are but a minority within Earth populations, but they are those presently in positions of greatest power and influence behind the global political, religious and economic infrastructure. Whom All members of Secret Societies are Covertly manipulated by.
Like Earth Human races, Illuminati Sleeper races have been subjected to literally thousands of years of false cultural and religious programming via implanted Anunnaki and Drakonian/Reptilian indoctrination programs. Most are simply products of their environment, Free Will is more of a myth than an actual human right, We are ALL Programmed to some extent from children, only a few break free correctly! Most have been covertly subdued by the sweet essence of Honey delivered by The Queen Bee and her natural hive reproduction system! The Liar-archy has always been built on two separate destructive spiritual principles, The Dark Force Consciousness and The Artificial Over Lay, This is known as "The Beast System" and its attempting to replicate itself On A Global Scale. In simple terms it essentially means, We will reside in a World of "Witches" and Mindless Automaton Mind Controlled Puppets that are being covertly manipulated by Alien A.I. Its been here for Aeons!
Divine Consciousness Vs Imposter Consciousness! Spirituality Vs Religion!
The reality of our present drama means that there are hordes of amnesiac Illuminati Sleepers, “Human Greeting Teams” and “just everyday people puppets” that are presently the unsuspected victims of Astral Tagging, Clones BIO Plasmics, targeted Psychotronic mind control or DNA bond possession. These are mostly good-hearted, intelligent people, who think they are “honoring their God", Angel, ET, government or science”. They are being blindly guided through their chosen “Pet Control Dogma” (“Traditional” or “Contemporary,” religious or scientific programs) into unknowingly playing into the Fallen Angelic Master Plan. "Draconian" (OWO).
Alex Collier Excerpt: "the Draconians are the oldest reptilian race in our universe. Their forefathers came to our universe from another separate universe or reality system. When this occurred, no one really knows. The Draconians themselves are not really clear on when they got here. The Draconians teach their masses that they were here in this universe first, before humans, and as such they are heirs to the universe and should be considered royalty. They find disgust in the fact that humans do not recognize this as a truth. They have conquered many star systems and have genetically altered many of the life forms they have encountered. The area of the galaxy most densely populated with Draconian sub-races is in the Orion system, which is a huge system, and systems in Rigel and Capella.
The mind set or consciousness of the majority of races in these systems is Service to Self, and as such they are always invading, subverting and manipulating less advanced races, and using their technology for control and domination. This is a very old and ancient war, and the peace that does not exist is always being tested by these beings, who believe that fear rules, and love is weak. They believe that those they perceive to be less fortunate, in comparison to them, are meant to be slaves. This belief system is promoted at birth in the reptilian races, wherein the mother, after giving birth, will abandon the offspring to fend for themselves. If they survive they are cared for by a warrior class that uses these children for games of combat and amusement." So, you can see that the reptilians are forever stuck in survival mode. This means they have no boundaries in what they will do to other beings. It is ingrained in the Draconian hierarchies to teach them to never trust a human....
Blood Rites And Defining The Difference Between Parasites And Empowerment
The elite "Masters of War" that have held by force positions of political, religious and economic power throughout our known history from Sumeria, Babylon, Egypt and Rome, up to the present-day covert "World Management Team," are the Illuminati hybrid "Sleeper Races." The Illuminati hybrid Sleeper Races are the Earthly Representatives of competing Anunnaki, Necromiton and Drakonian/Reptilian Fallen Angelic legions, and they have been the motivating force behind all "human" politics since the 9,558 BC "fall" of Atlantis. Illuminati hybrid Sleepers are but a minority within Earth populations, but they are those presently in positions of greatest power and influence behind the global political, religious and economic infrastructure. Whom All members of Secret Societies are Covertly manipulated by.
Like Earth Human races, Illuminati Sleeper races have been subjected to literally thousands of years of false cultural and religious programming via implanted Anunnaki and Drakonian/Reptilian indoctrination programs. Most are simply products of their environment, Free Will is more of a myth than an actual human right, We are ALL Programmed to some extent from children, only a few break free correctly! Most have been covertly subdued by the sweet essence of Honey delivered by The Queen Bee and her natural hive reproduction system! The Liar-archy has always been built on two separate destructive spiritual principles, The Dark Force Consciousness and The Artificial Over Lay, This is known as "The Beast System" and its attempting to replicate itself On A Global Scale. In simple terms it essentially means, We will reside in a World of "Witches" and Mindless Automaton Mind Controlled Puppets that are being covertly manipulated by Alien A.I. Its been here for Aeons!
Divine Consciousness Vs Imposter Consciousness! Spirituality Vs Religion!
A Few Simple Rules For The True Philosopher can be located here.
The Pleiadians ... yes they DO state in the books that they desire to “use us as living libraries”... AKA use our bio-field grids and DNA to ACCESS the planetary grid, cellular memory banks and the Hall of Records crystalline memory download when it opens in 2012. They represent the Beli-Kudyem - the mutated strains of the original Turaneusim race from Tara 560,000 million years. The original Turaneusiam race had portions of its original members genetically mutated with the Drakonian-reptilian codes carried by the Sirian Anunnaki (the Anunnaki are reptilian mutants of the original Lyran-Sirian Anuhazi pure strains). The Anunnaki and their Beli-Kudyem human mutants, who were the dominant force in the Templar Solar Initiates, were responsible for the original “fall of man drama” on Tara 550 million years ago.
(The earth human strains were seeded by the reverse-mutated and once again pure strains of Turaneusiam, who are called the Adami-Kudmon.) The Beli-Kudyem since evolved in numerous systems, particularly the Pleiades. Some work with guardian groups, most with the Nibiru/Middle Council “fallen Elohim” teams with repress human evolution agendas. The Beli’s call themselves the Pleiadians to hide their real identity, are associated with the Galactic Federation and its agendas, which are co-operative with those of Nibiru. Pro-Sirian-strain evolution, repress-but-use-human-12-strand evolution. Again, as with the Nibiru crew, with friends like this we don’t need enemies. These guys work independently from the Nibiruians, and are most interested in “latching onto” human bio-energetic field from the D-4 level, to access the coming of the 8th and 12th DNA strands which they lack. They desire to link into Kundalini energies of DNA activating humans so they can covertly and without permission host matrix into our bio-fields to pick up missing coding and gain access to the Amenti Star Gates. Two FREE PDFs for further insight!
In general they don’t mean to do us direct harm, but rather to exploit us gently while pretending to help us. They are intending to help themselves. Like most higher dimension ET groups, they represent portions of our own families of consciousness. One of the most misguided things they are teaching is for humans to indiscriminately open to sexual encounter - they KNOW this leaves humans vulnerable to DNA contamination and “body snatching” by Black Sun DNA groups and the Nibiruian and Orion intruders. They need rapid kundalini activation in humans to secure their own agendas, and promoting promiscuity serves this objective. If they cared really about human safety they would not endorse this activity. They have some “deals” with the Nibiru crew who are involved with the One World Order Earth agenda, and work closely with numerous renegade Zeta groups.
The Pleiadians ... yes they DO state in the books that they desire to “use us as living libraries”... AKA use our bio-field grids and DNA to ACCESS the planetary grid, cellular memory banks and the Hall of Records crystalline memory download when it opens in 2012. They represent the Beli-Kudyem - the mutated strains of the original Turaneusim race from Tara 560,000 million years. The original Turaneusiam race had portions of its original members genetically mutated with the Drakonian-reptilian codes carried by the Sirian Anunnaki (the Anunnaki are reptilian mutants of the original Lyran-Sirian Anuhazi pure strains). The Anunnaki and their Beli-Kudyem human mutants, who were the dominant force in the Templar Solar Initiates, were responsible for the original “fall of man drama” on Tara 550 million years ago.
(The earth human strains were seeded by the reverse-mutated and once again pure strains of Turaneusiam, who are called the Adami-Kudmon.) The Beli-Kudyem since evolved in numerous systems, particularly the Pleiades. Some work with guardian groups, most with the Nibiru/Middle Council “fallen Elohim” teams with repress human evolution agendas. The Beli’s call themselves the Pleiadians to hide their real identity, are associated with the Galactic Federation and its agendas, which are co-operative with those of Nibiru. Pro-Sirian-strain evolution, repress-but-use-human-12-strand evolution. Again, as with the Nibiru crew, with friends like this we don’t need enemies. These guys work independently from the Nibiruians, and are most interested in “latching onto” human bio-energetic field from the D-4 level, to access the coming of the 8th and 12th DNA strands which they lack. They desire to link into Kundalini energies of DNA activating humans so they can covertly and without permission host matrix into our bio-fields to pick up missing coding and gain access to the Amenti Star Gates. Two FREE PDFs for further insight!
In general they don’t mean to do us direct harm, but rather to exploit us gently while pretending to help us. They are intending to help themselves. Like most higher dimension ET groups, they represent portions of our own families of consciousness. One of the most misguided things they are teaching is for humans to indiscriminately open to sexual encounter - they KNOW this leaves humans vulnerable to DNA contamination and “body snatching” by Black Sun DNA groups and the Nibiruian and Orion intruders. They need rapid kundalini activation in humans to secure their own agendas, and promoting promiscuity serves this objective. If they cared really about human safety they would not endorse this activity. They have some “deals” with the Nibiru crew who are involved with the One World Order Earth agenda, and work closely with numerous renegade Zeta groups.
Can you bind the chains of the Pleiades? Can you loosen Orion's belt ~ Job 38:31
The current power consumed by the liar-archy comes from the use of Black Magick and White Magick which operate on the same principles, the power is coming from the Babylonian slave masters, within the 5D Matrix trimodal torsion field (quantum hydrodynamics) ENERGY EXCHANGE, The ultimate goal is to eventually have all of this energy heading towards a single zero point. The "SYSTEM" being built here Is Beyond Human Comprehension! The deception aka grand illusions occurring here are beyond GENIUS, And their are a great many factions covertly promoting separate "Cabal Cliques" of the Magickal Circus that appear to be directly opposed to each other however they are all controlled by the exact same "Illuminati Hybrid Sleeper Races", From Religions to Secret Societies, From The Masons To The Khazar's The False Thirteenth Tribe!
The Merovingians Are The True Thirteenth Tribe (bloodline) along with the Payseur's and their bloodline is Atlantean NOT Jewish, They allowed others to control certain aspects of this realm so they could focus on much more highly advanced "military projects" like space/time travel and various other highly classified programs. The World they reside in, is another Planet to the rest of us, The Jews have just been used as a decoy, they really don't have the power people think they do, The Military Industrial Complex Super Power Is Owned By The Merovingians & Co, "Jesuits And Chosen Bloodline Families"! Allow me to explain this in comprehensible terms, The Jews were in Charge of The Monetary System, That Power is about to be transferred over to the Jesuits, And the reason is very simple, they created and own CRYPTOCURRENCY! They are the Power behind DARPA, BECHTEL And ARPANET, So they will eventually own everyone, because they will own all wealth and dictate how it flows on every level!
The End Result will be Nations filled with Engineered Zombies all being manipulated by the beast system. Receiving 0.001 BTC monthly for their energy flow. This may sound Ludacris however most will reach this conclusion eventually, Remember that Nanotech Biosensors can be used to harvest biological light! Most are already hypnotized, they cant connect the simple dots, they look without seeing, listen without hearing and experience without feeling! The CIA's main contractor for covert projects and experimental underground bases was BECHTEL. In addition to this, Bechtel is an engineering company which is noted for having friends in high places. In fact, there is a good book about Bechtel entitled, Friends In High Places authored by Laton McCartney. In it, Mr. McCartney states how Bechtel management influenced the CIA to depose the leader of Syria replacing him with another dictator in order to allow them to build an oil pipeline where they desired....
The previous Syrian leader wouldn't allow this so he was conveniently deposed. No corporation should be able to do covert projects or build underground bases without full disclosure. They're just not needed, unless they have their own hidden nefarious purposes? Further areas of interest are most certainly AREA 51, PINE GAP And The Dulce Base, And Global Militarism. Mind control has played a massive part in these covert Agendas for many centuries via their human puppets! Their is an audio file on the Anglo-Saxxon Mission taken from 2010 below that sheds more light on where humanity is currently heading, Many Masons were involved with the meetings! For more on the technological and financial infrastructure of the Crypto Network look into PROJECT HELVETIA FREE PDF!
The General Manager of the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) - the central bank of central bankers - is planning for "absolute control" of the money we all spend. Augustín Carstens recently gave a talk entitled "Cross Border Payment - A Vision for the Future" in which he outlined the problem as central planners see it, as well as their solution. "We don't know who's using a $100 bill today and we don't know who's using a 1,000 peso bill today. The key difference with the CBDC is the central bank will have absolute control on the rules and regulations that will determine the use of that expression of central bank liability, and also we will have the technology to enforce that." Carstens views CBDC, Central Bank Digital Currency, as a tool, for eliminating privacy for central bankers to force citizens to use currency exactly when, where, and how they are told Dozens of central banks around the world are working on CBDCs, including the Federal Reserve.
The inner sanctum of ARPA/DARPA are known as Bechtel (pronounced BECK-tul) its a super secret international corporate octopus, founded in 1898. It is the largest Construction/Engineering outfit in the World. The most important positions in the U.S Government are held by many former Bechtel Officers. They are the pioneers behind international surveillance programs like Project Echelon and various other projects like HAARP. (some claim HAARP was responsible for 9/11 audio below) Some claim DARPA is really a "Shadow Government" - a working arm of the CIA. Extraterrestrial Technology Black Budgets And International Politics!
Bechtel are part of "The Web" (an interconnected control system) which links the Trilateralists, C.F.R., and the Order of ‘Illuminism’ (Cult of the All-seeing Eye) and many other interlocking groups... They specialize in MIND MANIPULATING EXPERIMENTS... The Dulce Base has studied mind control implants; Bio-Psi Units; ELF Devices capable of Mood, Sleep and Heartbeat control, etc for decades. DARPA also teamed up with Moderna to create mRNA Gene Therapy Injections which led to the deadly CoVid Vaccinations. They are also the pioneers behind facebook, the social media platform where all the lowest forms of consciousness congregate online to spread their lies!?
D.A.R.P.A. is using these technologies to manipulate people. They establish "The Projects", set priorities, coordinate efforts and guide the many participants in their undertakings. Related Projects are studied at Sandia Base by ‘The Jason Group’ (55 Scientists). They have secretly harnessed the Dark Side of Technology and hidden the beneficial technology from the public. Other Projects take place at ‘Area 51’ in Nevada. DARPA is funded by Black Budget Special Projects, Wealth that is accumulated for "Black Operations" through various methods, I strongly recommend that you Read The Book BLANK CHECK The Pentagons Black Budget by Tim Weiner!
The majority of the population do not know what the terms Black Operations and Black Sciences mean or how they are used. Black Operations were developed after World War I, but really flourished after World War II during the Cold War. Congress allocated money to the Pentagon, the C.I.A. and other Defense Department sectors to make the United States military as strong as possible, but certain projects became more secretive than others. The top secret projects were funded by the civilian sector at first, Before they became Black Budget. The ”Black Budget" then started to be used for the ”Black Arts" and became known as the Black Sciences. The earliest projects actually started prior to World War I, while the more popular ones started around World War II. The U.S. Army‘s Manhattan Project was in charge of making the A-bomb, while U.S. Navy dealt with Stealth equipment and invisibility, as evidenced in the Philadelphia Experiment. Its also possible these Black Budget Ops are stealing huge sums of wealth from the fictitious stock markets with highly specialized technology!?
Previous experiments like ”Babylon-Working‘ and the ”Montauk Project" were started using Nazi occultists and scientists to communicate with and materialize inter-dimensional beings. They were the ”unofficial‘ pioneers of projects working on inter-dimensional time travel, eugenics and cloning. Thus, with these projects, The Black Sciences were officially covertly born. The Black Sciences are the ”Most Secret of all Secrets" and are seriously guarded by covert members, born into Black Op groups. They have since escalated matters with voice-to-skull technology (V2K) and holographic technology. Learn More In Project Blue Beam!
Some have suggested that holographic technology could be used to instigate a one world religious authority, or could be the basis on which a false flag alien invasion could be staged, as a means to justify the implementation of a sinister global military space weapons program and give rise to a new world order with a global government. German scientist Werner Von Braun - director of NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center and credited by NASA as the "greatest rocket scientist in history" - WARNED People about this in the 1970s. This elite knowledge wasn‘t, and still isn't, available to the regular military, Congress, or any University. The most secret of the secret was in the hands of a power hungry few that tied itself to the World Bank for the future funding of its projects. They developed ”think-tanks‘ like Stanford Research Institute and the Tavistock Institute to keep the masses fooled about virtually everything. This deception has grown like a cancer into every area of industrialized society. They moved into everything - from the Mafia, to Harvard University, to International Banking. They learned how to control the media, and thus, television, Hollywood, education and every person‘s mind... at least to a certain extent. Thus, they are considered the "Invisible Government“!
Whom Plan On Wiping Out four billion useless eaters by 2050!?
Chinese Secret Society WARNS Illuminati About Depopulation Agenda
CERN Is also a Mind Control Weapon! The foundation of Pulsed Microwave Technology !
The antidote to Mind Control is connecting with your inner spirit, and developing your spiritual self every day with higher emotional qualities like Empathy/Compassion and caring about what happens to others. That unconditional love frequency will keep you out of the Artificial Matrix and maintain your true awareness and heightened sensory perception. The directed energy market is huge some of the major players behind this are the Raytheon Company, The Boeing Company, BAE Systems, Northtropp Grumman, Lockheed Martin and many others Learn More Here!
Consider a group of enthusiastic forward-looking engineers in the early 20th century. They work for a company that has a contract to manufacture a locomotive. This is a highly complex piece of equipment. On one level, workers are required to make the components to spec. Then they must put them all together. These tasks are formidable. On another level, various departments of the company must coordinate their efforts. This is also viewed as a technological job. Organizing is considered a technology... When the locomotive is finished and delivered, and when it runs on its tracks and pulls a train, a great and inspiring victory is won.
And then… the engineers begin to think about the implications. Suppose the locomotive was society itself? Suppose society was the finished product? Couldn't society be put together in a coordinated fashion? And couldn't the "technology of organizing things" be utilized for the job? Why bother with endlessly arguing and lying politicians Why should they be in charge? Isn't that an obvious losing proposition? Of course it is... But engineers could lay out and build a future society that would benefit all people.
Hunger, disease, and poverty could be wiped out... Eliminating them would be part of the uncompromising blueprint...
This "insight" hit engineers and technicians like a ton of bricks. Of course...! All societies had been failures for the same reason:
the wrong people were in charge... Armed with this new understanding, engineers of every stripe began to see what was needed. A revolution in thinking about societal organization. Science was the new king. And science would rule. Of course, for an engineered world to work, certain decisions would have to be made about the role of the individual. Every individual. You couldn't have an air-tight plan if every human were free to pursue his own objectives. Too many variables. Too much confusion.
Too much conflict. Well, that problem could be solved. The individual's actions would be tailored to fit the coordinated operations of the planned society. The individual would be inserted into a pre-ordained slot. He would be, "one of the components of the locomotive." His life would be connected to other lives to produce an exemplary shape. Yes, this could imply a few problems, but those problems could be worked out. They would have to be worked out, because the overriding goal was the forming of a world organization. What would you do if one bolt (an individual human) in one wheel of a locomotive was the wrong size? You would go back and correct the error. You would re-make the bolt. Among sincere technocrats, the overall vision superseded the glaring problems.
But… other people entered the game. High-echelon Globalists saw technocracy as a system they could use to control the population. Control was their goal. Period... What happened to the individual in the process was of no concern to them. The individual had freedom or he didn't have freedom, and the Globalists overtly intended to wipe out that freedom. Erasing hunger, poverty, illness? Nonsense. For the Globalists, those realities would be exacerbated. Sick, weak, and debilitated people were easier to rule and control and manage. Essentially, a vastly misguided vision of a future technocratic utopia was hijacked. Something bad was made much worse.
In a nutshell, this is the history of technocracy. A locomotive is a society? No. That was the first fatally flawed idea. Everything that followed was increasingly psychotic.
Unfortunately, many people in our world believe in Globalism, if you could call a partial vague view a legitimate belief. They dreamily float on all the propaganda cover stories: greatest good for the greatest number of?, no more poverty, equality of sharing, reducing the carbon footprint, a green economy, "sustainable development", international cooperation, engineering production, and consumption of goods and services for the betterment of everyone, ... and all of this delivered from a central platform of altruistic guides. If you track down the specifics that sit under these pronouncements, you discover a warped system of planning that delivers misery and de facto slavery to the global population. The collective utopia turns out to be a sham. The Dream turned out to be a nightmare!!!
Waking up is hard to do? Breaking up is hard to do? They must be done... A workable technological fix is a very nice achievement when the project is a machine. But transferring that glow of victory to the whole of society is an illusion. Anything that calls itself education would tackle the illusion as the first order of business... Its been understood for decades by a huge number of people we are being controlled by a psychotic Luciferian mind controlled crime syndicate that is hell bent on nothing more than order out of chaos, constant demoralization, oppression, fear based programming and the complete enslavement of all mankind!
People are living lives of quiet desperation.
And they don't even know it. ~ Henry David Thoreau
The Lunar Matrix of false magnetism transmitted from the moon is designed to emit artificial waves in the geometric shape of eight lines of reflective symmetry in octagonal cyma tic shapes, and the internal angles of any octagon is 1080 degrees. The octagon shape has a 1080 Hz frequency that can be doubled harmonically to form into and transmit Black Cube geometries with a 2160 Hz frequency. Octagon geometry can be found in many ancient structures built on powerful ley lines throughout the grid as well as black cube designs used for religious worship such as Mecca. This all goes back to the moon and lunar control. The moon’s artificial matrix became an embedded source of magnetic control with a primary octagonal pattern made in sound waves to manipulate and harvest massive amounts of energy from Earth. From the more enlightened perspective (ingo swann) our moon is an inorganic structure, and did not come from our solar system. The moon is an artificial satellite is that is locked into orbit with the earth body's magnetic core. It was brought here during the last war between the Pleiadeans and Reptilians. See The Animus!
A covert group recently tracked the introduction of the Artificial Satellite Moon base in which the proportions of the moon were made to be proportionate to a time cycle that is identical to the series of cataclysmic floods that were used as weapons in previous timelines. This recon was for the purpose of completely destroying the possibility of the use of the moon base and artificial magnetism to generate another catastrophic flood, as NASA dutifully warned a dire message that was given to them directly from their Archonic masters. The radius of the Moon is stated to be 1,080 miles, the diameter of the moon is stated to be double that at 2,160 miles. If we multiply the diameter by 108, we get the supposed distance between the Earth and Moon of 233,280 miles.
One's evolutionary level is determined by the lessons one has accumulated since metaphysical genesis as an individuated being. What higher positive and negative forces have in common is that they are both very aware and near to their respective evolutionary finish lines. The difference between them lies in their levels of wisdom, freewill and freedom, and what exactly they are evolving toward. Negative beings evolve toward the sleeping half of the Creator, physicality. They are irresponsible, lack wisdom, and have little freedom or freewill. Positive beings evolve toward the active half of the Creator, consciousness. They possess much responsibility and discernment, are wise, and enjoy more freedom due to their greater freewill and responsibility. We are seeking Emotional Resonance and Quantum Entrainment, Not Entrapment!
One's evolutionary level is determined by the lessons one has accumulated since metaphysical genesis as an individuated being. What higher positive and negative forces have in common is that they are both very aware and near to their respective evolutionary finish lines. The difference between them lies in their levels of wisdom, freewill and freedom, and what exactly they are evolving toward. Negative beings evolve toward the sleeping half of the Creator, physicality. They are irresponsible, lack wisdom, and have little freedom or freewill. Positive beings evolve toward the active half of the Creator, consciousness. They possess much responsibility and discernment, are wise, and enjoy more freedom due to their greater freewill and responsibility. We are seeking Emotional Resonance and Quantum Entrainment, Not Entrapment!
True communication is telepathically, however this is from a higher self perspective not within the 3D PSI PRISON, Its important to operate this way most are not what they seem? The Anunnaki and their human puppets psychologically "clone" people, force them to operate from a artificial collective, (it begins in schools)
decimate authenticity and originality, ease them into the "herd mentality", prevent them from accessing their authentic higher self. If anyone does start to search for information within the realms of liberation of self they have covertly set unlimited consciousness traps including Occult/Esoteric to block them (all roads lead to rome) The Liar-Archy owns everyone and the few that manage to escape the farm (meaning reclaiming there own sovereignty) are more often than not targeted! "Hyper dimensional Matrix & Occult Forces "Matrix Agents" begin to systematically destroy the threat covertly". This stuff is far from fiction, most people live a lie stuck in the daydream, like Scott Peck M.D wrote "people of the lie" they are oblivious to the true CONTROL Regime that exists here! The Rest Suffer From WETIKO!
Wayne Brewer Has An Incredible Book Called Arcturian Vortex Takes Out Reptilian Portal, The Divine Healing Series!
Brewer Also Provides Healing From Reptilians On His Website, You Can Access That Here!
And Here Is The Prayer that some use to remove Reptilians From their Energy Fields!
Franz Erdl Also Shares more insight in his article Healing Reptilians And Other Dark Beings!
Hollow Earth And The Human And Reptilian Connection Is Also An Interesting Report.
And Reptilian Revelations Out Of Africa By Uri Dowbenko
Many claim The Arcturians are the True Creators of this Planet! Ninth Dimensional Entities! The Book of Knowledge - The Keys of Enoch describes them as the mid-way programming center used by the physical brotherhoods in this universe to govern the many rounds of experiments with "physicals" at this end of the galaxy. Some fascinating information comes from a book by Norma Milanovich called We, the Arcturians, which I highly recommend....
Edgar Cayce said in his teachings that Arcturus is one of the most advanced civilizations in this galaxy....?
Arcturus itself is the brightest star in the Bootes constellation, which is approximately thirty-six light years from Earth.
Also Look Into Elizabeth Klarer and her book Beyond the Light Barrier.
The Only Good Reptilian Is A Dead Reptilian ~ James Bartley
Reptilians And The Council Of 13 By Stewart Swerdlow
More On The Military Industrial Extraterrestrial Complex!
An Interview With Andy Pero Project Superman
AND Fighting Monarch Goes Deeper Into The Air Force And Satanism Here
The Powers That Be And Their Mind Controlled Puppets Do Their Best To Deem All The Above A "Conspiracy".
They WILL Defend their delusions to the death, Anyone inside the Masonic Hive Mind Dragon Program
Is VOID Of Any FREE WILL. They are manipulated like Puppets. Ignore their delusions!
Mind Control Slavery And The New World Order By Uri Dowbenko
Freemasonry, Occult Rituals, 9/11, Iraq War, Covid 19, And The Agenda With Jackson Strong!
And for the sake of transparency their are also people promoting Reptilians as Healers?
I have no idea how effective this is or if it is safe, It isn't something I would ever use!
And further insight can be found in the podcast below,
Reptilian DNA Programs, Orion Black Cubes, Galactic Readings By Pink Bella.
Deborah Clarke also does Anunnaki Light Language Attunements?
Again This Is Not Something I have any interest in.
Everything Is A Matter Of Perspective. Choose Wisely!
Since the beginning of the 21st century, the Hive Mind represents about 75 percent of the total Earth population. YOU KNOW IT. YOU FEEL IT. They have been growing in numbers since the last "spiritual hurricane" swept up this planet in 1993 to the present day. YOU are a SURVIVOR of this situation. YOU KNOW IT. YOU REMEMBER IT. THEY live in two different realities at the same time : THE STAGE and THE BACKSTAGE. You live in one. YOU KNOW IT. THEY read your mind all the time, and manipulate language and synchronicity to keep what you call "your life" under their control. YOU KNOW IT. THEY try to bend your belief system through fallacies, false dichotomies and false premises, in order to sell you distorted ideas about their SECOND reality, which is presently only a reality-to-be to you. YOU KNOW IT.
THEY sell a dream world that doesn't exist, which is quite different from their REAL second reality (the so-called BACKSTAGE), and force you to deliriously fantasize about it. YOU KNOW IT. THEY create DELIRIOUS RULES and sell you free access to their BACKSTAGE if you follow their disturbing agendas. YOU KNOW IT.
THEY try to describe your day-to-day reality in a distorted way, using their disturbing beliefs. YOU KNOW IT. THEY try to turn what you do in your ordinary "life" - for good or for bad - against you. YOU KNOW IT. THEY manipulate every aspect of your "life", from your innermost fears, to the future your heart truly wishes to live, to the tiny details of your day-to-day routine (for instance, the decision you will take to have your coffee with sugar, sweetener or none of them). YOU KNOW IT.
THEY try to turn your thoughts against you. YOU KNOW IT. THEY may even manipulate facts and change realities in the "society" you may think you live, in case you try to change, "improve" or "fix" things in your STAGE-WORLD reality. YOU KNOW IT. THEY give you the sensation that you are being JUDGED by them. YOU KNOW IT.
THEY manipulate your nightly dreams, through symbols, archetypes, toons or comics, controlling and hypnotizing your behavior in these dreams. YOU KNOW IT.
THEY create false news, delivered via talking puppet propaganda heads following a carefully crafted script, just to keep you "tuned" into their PRISON, ZOO, CIRCUS, or MAZE. YOU KNOW IT. THEY use key words or symbols in the very sentences you hear and situations you watch all the time, so as to keep you under their control and manipulate your mind. YOU KNOW IT. Words apparently innocent like : FIRE, MOTHER, POOL, HAIR, DOG, RAIN, TICKET, DEATH, DISABLED PERSON, ALLIGATOR, CAR, WHITE, HELICOPTER, ALCOHOL, PRINCE, BIRTHDAY, ANGEL, HOME, HORSE, PHONE, SHOES, MEAT, LOOKING-GLASS, LEFT AND RIGHT, TEACHER, PHYSICIAN, DENTIST, JAPANESE, KEYS, BANANA, PREGNANT, MILITARY RANKS, WINDOW, JEW, WAVE, BABY, LOTTERY, FOREIGNER, NAKED, ASSIGNMENT, ICE-CREAM, CUBAN, CONTEST, SMOKE, GLASSES, INJECTION, PLAYER, WATERFALL, and so many others. Words that shoot. YOU KNOW IT. YOU KNOW THEM VERY WELL!
In the beginning, you enjoyed it. You were caught in the middle of the WAR between THEM and THE OTHER SIDE, and you were trying to help THEM win the war. Through mind reading, synchronicity, language and the association of ideas, THEY have created a SECOND MEANING for the very words you hear, repeating thoroughly the key words and intentionally avoiding the synonyms, the other words, and phrases without this second meaning. THEY have turned you into a mesmerized puppet, and your mind into a slavery condition. YOU KNOW IT. But if you open up your mouth and try to unmask them, THEY will DENY everything and call you a CRAZY person. If you insist, THEY may even get you literally under arrest or take you to a madhouse. YOU KNOW IT. THEY ARE CHARACTERS. YOU ARE NOT. THEY SLEEP. DO YOU!?
The Grand Strategy of the Anunnaki/Reptilians has been to divide and conquer the human race by exploiting inherent vulnerabilities and weaknesses within us. I know this is a bitter pill to have to swallow but we must be mature enough to look the facts in the eye and not allow ourselves to be held in a perpetual spiritual bondage by our own ignorance and wishful thinking. The strategy of divide and conquer manifests itself both in our personal lives and on a global macrocosmic scale. As above so below, As individual universal singularities embedded in a co-created mutual singularity universe, we are in not only in a consensus reality together, we are in a co-created space-time cohesion basin together, which collectively forms a mutual singularity universe. Within this realm are Angels, (higher density beings) Men-in-Black, (robots) Extra Terrestrials, (quantum fractal consciousness throughout infinite space time) And Dark Future Tricksters (Anunnaki/Reptilians the powers that be currently).
We may all be One in origin and essence, but we vary in the expression, form, function, polarity, and intensity of that fundamental spark.
We have been subjected to a long-term process of genetic and soul matrix manipulation. The human life span has been artificially shortened to facilitate the recycling of our souls for purposes known only to the reptilians who see the human race as a resource. The dark gods of this world are well aware of the geological calendar of this planet and have prepared themselves accordingly. What we are involved in is nothing less than all out spiritual War on a cosmic and multidimensional scale. What is at stake are our very souls. We can either choose to break out of this state of spiritual bondage and spiritual enslavement or we can be recycled once again and our descendants will have to start all over from scratch with little of no understanding of what has gone on before. The Dark Ages revisited.
Spiritual activism is the only true form of resistance and it originates from the Sovereign Integral (SI) state of being. At the quantum level, it is a very deep state of emanating transmissions of unity and equality to the human family, and by extension, to all life that surrounds it. At a more physical level, the level of the human instrument, it is the vibrancy of the will to understand the human condition in its most disastrous expressions, and seek ways to improve it as a collective work. Consciousness CANNOT Be measured VIA Learned Knowledge, Materialistic Status Or Psychical Attributes. Only a fool would consider those indicators, the answer lies within the confinements of true undisrupted frequency, followed by the desire to liberate yourself from the chains that have kept you enslaved since birth.
The pathway of spiritual activism is a path few would survive, others were built for it. Something wakes us up. A “bell” rings and we begin to see the outline of a new belief structure sprouting up around us. Perhaps our values shift or we begin to see that what we had previously called “truth” as incomplete, or it no longer resonates with our innermost self. Very often this disenchantment occurs because we have observed that what is promised in our belief system as unfulfilled in our life experience. We learn to look at everything objectively, pure observation to elevate our own understanding so we may become far more valuable for others along our Journey!
At a deeper level, when the wake-up call occurs, we are transformed into a sponge, seeking the new information in books, seminars, websites, videos, higher domains and nature, and a hundred other modalities of experience. This is the “Deep Dive” that draws a person to seek the information that will re-model their belief system, aligning them more closely to Source or Creator. In order to take this Deep Dive, it is necessary to cleanse the old beliefs and values that had dominated the previous belief system, or world view. This cleansing is similar to detoxifying the mind and heart from the resonant vibrations and energetic attractors of the old system of thoughts and feelings. Religions, Witchcraft, Sorcery, Secret Societies are all dying and they are implementing everything (including artificial intelligence) they have got to maintain their illusions and they will fight like hell to protect their enslavement, most are unaware of what they are protecting, blinded by mechanisms far beyond human perception.
“The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes.” ~ Marcel Proust
It was said in the wisdom traditions that human beings are ordinarily cut off from Objective Reality,
which is the true origin of everything...! As Plato would say, the human being is separated from the true realm of Forms.
Due to this disconnection our human perceptions are limited and are only capable of receiving upon a much-restricted wavelength.
We perceive as if through a thin slit and we are unable to grasp the bigger picture?
If consciousness creates our reality, then who is defining how things should be? Who is defining how we should behave and "how the world is", we are. Of course manipulation of our consciousness has occurred, but the double slit experiment shows how we are in control. That doesn't mean our consciousness and understanding of reality cannot be manipulated. For a long period of time there has been an observer outside of ourselves influencing how human beings perceive reality. Through suppression of information, and handing our source of information over to the mainstream media we have put the power outside of ourselves when everything we need is within us. Human beings have created an experience that requires them to do certain things in order to survive, we have set definitions and limitations on ourselves by perceiving that "we must do this" or "we must do that". By living in this manner we are unable to maximize on our true divine potential.
From the day we are born, indoctrination camps and media outlets teach us how the world "IS". They have been beaming us, creating our perception of reality and the majority have fallen for the illusions. We wake up, go to school, get a job, pay bills and think this is how it is. The power of the Illuminati relies upon us to be asleep and unaware about the true nature of reality. Many are waking up, and the power they have had over us is dwindling every day, because human beings are simply becoming more aware about the extent of the atrocity occurring here. As a result, mother Earth is responding and changing. We have been made to believe that it's every man for himself, that we have to survive and look out for No 1. Truth is, operating from a place of love, cooperation and understanding is raising the vibrational frequency of our molecular make up, coupled with a new understanding of reality, We want to know the truth, We want to access higher realms, In truth we all want to escape....!
Ample evidence exists in the alternative, mainstream and social mediums to reflect, the cruelty, deception, manipulation, prejudice, supremacy and violence within contemporary society. These characteristics can be best observed in the societal conditioning of, belief, heredity, ideology, lifestyle, opinion, politics and theory.
The social 'reality' we enable with our engagement is a dream within an illusion, within a nightmare, one from which most never awaken. The duplicity of our daily encounters and our linear awareness, perception and understanding enslaves us into the sophisticated matrix of social reality. We do not "know" anything.
Our selective perceptions and realities blind us to what is really happening in the world. Institutionalized information via education, history, media, politics, religion and science, conditions us to abide by what authoritarian entities and organizations enforce and impose. When someone challenges these societal programs, the indoctrinated cry "conspiracy theory!" and demean, discredit and destroy all who deviate from the social norm of infected parasites. The information we consume is like a virus, infecting our instincts, thoughts, perspectives and emotions. It is our weapon to defend our fears, insecurities, obsessive ostentation and narcissi tic braggadocio ...
Truth is a foreign language,
spoken by few and dismissed by many.
Humanity is now in a Frequency War, few comprehend the logistics. I request Divine Light From The Divine/Source A 100 times a day,
it protects my awareness and my frequency, and prevents me from becoming an artificial Zombie running on autopilot! However it needs to be stated this is a Silent Request and it flows through my higher self, I never go outside of my own energy fields for any reason. Make your Aura Go Big with Love, Solar Plexus Expansion! Generate The Torsion field within your own energy grid creating your own protection! Keep in mind that discernment is the ultimate necessity in flexibly applying any guideline, as formulas and rules are bound to have exceptions which malevolent forces eventually exploit.
This technique will assist deep meditation divine prayer in the future, To reconnect the Light from 9D meaning your own 9TH Chakra (the atomic doorway) and funnel it back into the 3RD (your 3rd chakra), this will raise the vibration of this realm and smash the illusions of the Matrix to pieces. Its a very delicate process. Meditation and activating Chakras have always been considered to be a vital part of awakening the higher self. This was understood around the Globe at one point, this is why Christians experimented with psychoactive substances like Entheogens, in Colombian Countries they use Ayahuasca, Westerners use Dimethyltryptamine AKA DMT, Some use small amounts of LSD, Hindus use meditation and mantras, Africans use Crystals and Stones. So its clear that activating our pineal gland or chakras has always been an important part of awakening spiritually, something most of our civilization has completely forgotten, meaning we have become completely disconnected.
Awareness dictates everything, we are all a unique symphony of energetic harmonics. The Sovereign Status only requires you to take full responsibility, for yourself and for others, Operating From The Higher Self Perspective! This will open up awareness and provide many more with the ability to perceive the "Reptilian Traitors" behind the Masonic Human Masks, causing a massive shift in consciousness, triggering many more to activate the healing codes, which will pull us all out of this Matrix permanently! And trigger A Global Awakening that will tip the Scales back in our favor. They have hidden behind their Putrid Magick and Religious Indoctrination Programs, for eons, And its coming to an end! Many Will Resist the change however it will only result in their own demise, this is the reason many of us feel so lost we haven't arrived yet .
There is no space more sacred or powerful than another.
There is no being more spiritual than another.
There is no thing more divine than another.
There is no tool or technique that accelerates the unfoldment of consciousness.
There is no truth that can be written, spoken, or thought unless it is conceived and expressed through the Language of Unity.
First Source transcends Wholeness.
All the fragments of philosophy, science, and religion, even when unified, represent but a fractional picture of reality.
The mysteries of your world will never be understood through inquiries that are based in the language of the mind.
Perfection is a concept of wholeness misunderstood.
The conditions of peace, beauty, love, and security are merely signposts to wholeness, as are their counterparts.
To live in the Wholeness Perspective is to value all things as they are and to bear witness to the unity of their expression.
No being requires knowledge other than their unique Wholeness Perspective.
There is no hierarchy. There is only One That Is All.
There is no model of existence outside of the model of self-creation.
True Freedom is access to First Source.
A being cannot get closer to First Source than in the existence of a moment.
The sovereign being and First Source are reality.
Having a physical body does not limit you, anymore than having legs on an eagle prevents it from flying.
All conditions of existence are facets of the one condition of the reality of unlimited self-creation.
There is no pathway to First Source.
Unfoldment, evolution, growth/decay cycles and transformation are all bound to the same premise of separation in linear time.
The hidden harmony is found with joy, while the obvious brings indifference.
The farther you enter into the Truth the deeper your conviction for truth must be.
There is understanding of the world precisely to the degree that there is understanding of the Self.
Man "Kind" gave all their power and creativity away, believed the Illusions and now they can No longer remember who they were! To set yourself free just eliminate all the programs, until you do you will remain a slave to them. Programming blocks full awareness and prevents one from operating from pure unconditional love which is the highest frequency, ultimately leaving you to live in fear and confusion, with no real insight into anything, lost in the abyss like so many millions.
Their are levels of control occurring here that most are unaware of, mind control has always been the primary objective and it has been extremely successful, Social Engineering creates the "Reality" in the 3D PSI Prison, Long before the "SYSTEM" overrides "Reality" and takes over the program and few even notice. "The System" as the Illuminati call it, has gone rogue and began to take its own course!? Welcome To The (Reptilian) New World Order!
No one will enter the New World Order unless he or she will make a pledge to worship Lucifer. No one will enter the New Age unless he will take a Luciferian Initiation. ~ David Spangler, Director of Planetary Initiative, U.N
That Mason In That Video Reminds Me Of What James Casbolt Said In His Article On Clones, Bio-Plasmics And The New World Order, " if not all, Masonic members from the 33rd degree onwards have been replaced by Androids/hybrids only known to the higher levels of the global intelligence apparatus as Onto-cyborg-energetic life forms." While all these traitors are busy living in their A.I World of complete illusions. The rest of us better start waking up! Before we all find ourselves ensnared by their A.I "God" LUCIFER! The Luciferian minions (Freemasons and other traitors to our species) have been tricked by the old devils that A.I. will be their mind-upload salvation after they genocide the sheeple off of the planet, Silly Luciferian spiritual morons do not realize that the ancient devils whom they serve have tricked them into extinction! The anunnaki/satan-race are the visitors who spiced their own genetics into Earthlings in order to experiment to find a way to revitalize their own unworthy genetics which had been twisted too far away from the True Creators design. Here is the Roman Catholic Church with their Prayer to their A.I God Lucifer...
Its interesting to see the use of the color Red being overly used in the Vatican as Red is the color of the Lowest Frequency Dimension?
It is then that all peoples of the world will plead to deliver them from this evil. The one thing every man fears is the unknown. When presented with this *scenario*, individual rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well-being granted to them by the World Government.
~ Dr. Henry Kissinger, Bilderberger Conference, Evians, France, 1991
Human puppets may be implementing the technocratic prison however this wasn't built by them. This "system" has been ten thousand years in the making. And during that time it has taken many localized forms of autocratic, democratic, socialist, capitalist and despite the superficial variations in structure and priorities, it has remained the same entity. It is now so sophisticated, so pervasive and so invasive, that it is almost impossible to detect. We may feel that something is seriously wrong with the world, but it reaches so deeply into our experience that when it comes under radical criticism, we defend and excuse it as an extension of our own ignorance.
In order to prevent complete enslavement we must resist the urge to identify with those whom seek to enslave us. We must recognize the System for what it is and seek to change it in a loving, positive and balanced way. The level of deceit, planning and manipulation that has gone into the completion of the ultimate Prison Planet Scenario shouldn't be taken lightly. The players behind it are extremely serious and they have invested billions into it, meaning every serious member of any Secret Society from the Masons to the Black Nobility are expecting BIG $$$ SIGN returns from all of their technological investments! The Transhuman Pandemic By Aaron E Mccollum FREE PDF
The Black Nobility, are effectively the pinnacle of the negative hierarchy and consider themselves to be direct descendants of certain space monkies. Meaning they assert a direct hereditary line to a group of particular extra terrestrials that came to this planet at least a few millennia ago and set about dominating its development according to a darkly scripted and distinctly sinister plan that can be traced from that time, to present day shadowy "Godfather" figures - whom stand behind all the major, banking, oil, pharmaceutical, and military power corporations today! Here is a full list of Secret Societies On A Global Scale!
There is no lack of evidence pointing to the existence of a negative hierarchy cabal of rabid power brokers and Anglo demonic banksters whom continue to influence the inner workings of this realm that far exceed that of the lower level human puppets in the typical competitive fields of commerce and or even politics. The origins of this cabal have been traced back to a small network of interlinked blood line families that have survived from an ancient world. Their sole purpose IS to steal, pillage and to keep the human population OPPRESSED, and the way they achieve this is evidently based on Debt Slavery!? Usurious debt, was first invented by Mesopotamian kings and priests in the third millennium BC to impoverish and enslave the people, and continued to be enthusiastically taken up by almost every "civilization" that followed.
This is how The Jesuits/Vatican And Their Bank Of "God" accumulated so much Wealth! The Vatican Assassins FREE PDF. Most humans fail to recognize their entire existence is controlled VIA wealth [and] the Prison Banks. And this illusion is deeply embedded into their psyche. Every aspect of their EXISTENCE is determined by how much Wealth they are "ALLOWED" to obtain. It is Not A Human Right, It Is A Conditioned Protocol. One the powers that be can remove at any time if they don't agree with your Freedom of Thought or Expression!? Once we are all contained within the unsustainable model of cryptocracy more will discover this hard truth! However what these Masonic parasites fail to recognize is they have already lost, they could kill every living being in this realm, it wouldn't make a difference. They are ALL Marked!
To The Brave Hearts Who Battle The Dragons You Know Who You Are ~ Dean Henderson
Society is getting only the crumbs of what is known by the New World Order’s hierarchy.
The World Order is releasing technology at a controlled rate, much of it through mind-controlled slaves who are programmed to "discover" a particular "discovery". ~ Fritz Springmeier
The Jesuits began their Babylonian cult in 1534. Which influenced Masonry est 1717 All Masons answer to the Jesuits, The Connection is The Order Of The Garter
The Order Of The Garter AKA Shriners are The Inner Core Of The Committee of 300, Masonic self serving Organic Portals "Matrix Agents" are the primary reason humanity is being dragged into a technocratic prison!? The epitome of an Orwellian nightmare, whom also seem completely content with their own enslavement? It isn't clear how we arrived at this point, where an army of deranged Cyborgs that are being manipulated by some Demiurgic A.I Program, Or as the Gnostics referred to it the false Creator, Are in fact, controlling the entire spaceship? I will explain later! Humanity has reached a critical junction on their mystical journey, The time is short Wake Up Or Perish! The Ironic side to all of this is once the "Freemasons" have served their purpose they will be wiped out like everyone else by the Jesuits, bar a few bloodline Masons!
The Order Of The Garter AKA Shriners are The Inner Core Of The Committee of 300, Masonic self serving Organic Portals "Matrix Agents" are the primary reason humanity is being dragged into a technocratic prison!? The epitome of an Orwellian nightmare, whom also seem completely content with their own enslavement? It isn't clear how we arrived at this point, where an army of deranged Cyborgs that are being manipulated by some Demiurgic A.I Program, Or as the Gnostics referred to it the false Creator, Are in fact, controlling the entire spaceship? I will explain later! Humanity has reached a critical junction on their mystical journey, The time is short Wake Up Or Perish! The Ironic side to all of this is once the "Freemasons" have served their purpose they will be wiped out like everyone else by the Jesuits, bar a few bloodline Masons!
Seeing Dark Global Agendas steamrolling over goodness, truth, and freedom throughout the world is more than enough to make anyone feel angry, negative, and even enraged. We as a humanity, along with all our rights, are under siege and the most common response to being attacked is either through anger and aggression, or fear and retreat - which is based on a raw fight or flight reaction. While it sometimes seems there is no other way to respond, there is a danger of becoming the very thing we've set out to defeat if we act through aggression or hatred in any way. Instead, there is another way of responding in which we are still able to stand and defend ourselves against darkness, but do so from a place of consciousness within. It has been taught since ancient times and even the Jedi knights of the Star Wars movie series used it.
It requires an inner discipline and gives access to the intelligence and power of love, something crucial to defeating attacks from the children of darkness.
Humans are merely slaves to a very deep network of deception. We are simply perceived as potential assets. And as an asset, we are valued only in what we are worth to them, how we may assist them and what we may be worth as an entity or as a resource in and of ourselves. This means that they only consider us to be a biological resource, part of a collection of bio resources. Their methods of subversion consist of selecting "special" slaves amongst the herd on the farm whom do the dirty work of enslaving the rest of us. The genius element behind it all, is the FACT the majority of humans are absolute parasites that can be manipulated like puppets.
Gladio The Unholy Alliance Between The Vatican, The C.I.A And The MAFIA. FREE PDF
The negative hierarchy are all puppets! What we know as the "shadow government" is an occult technocracy comprised of occult slaves. The secret government is using problem-reaction-solution techniques to frame world conflicts as pretexts for the establishment of a "New World Order," an overt global totalitarian regime that will lockdown any potential for any resistance and secure earth for easy assimilation into their alien empire. This, of course, is entirely hidden from their public agendas. Those that they persuade to become their adherents and their representatives will never be told the true extent of any agenda. Part of their "Pacification Program" is to assure you that they are here for your good, your redemption and for the preservation of the planet. This is plain deceit, your considered nothing but a commodity!
Mankind is enslaved by non-human forces whom are technologically, psychically, and dimensionally superior to us. They consist of multiple factions, spanning multiple dimensions and locations in space-time, all here to take a slice of the human pie. Their ultimate goal is to assimilate us into their fascist empire and parasitically exploit us for our biological, etheric, and physical resources. If the world accepts them as our saviors, individual freedoms as we know them will be snuffed out like a blown candle! They have already taken possession of most of the population through politricks, and religions, disarmed them with sweet lies and false promises!? The grand illusions mentioned have been portrayed to us as a campaign to encourage blind acquiescence to the machinations of the Matrix. In an attempt to de-empower, they demand our compliance and obedience, but it must not be forgotten that all this is nothing more than an elaborate sales pitch. They can't sell what we don't care to buy...
Seeing Dark Global Agendas steamrolling over goodness, truth, and freedom throughout the world is more than enough to make anyone feel angry, negative, and even enraged. We as a humanity, along with all our rights, are under siege and the most common response to being attacked is either through anger and aggression, or fear and retreat - which is based on a raw fight or flight reaction. While it sometimes seems there is no other way to respond, there is a danger of becoming the very thing we've set out to defeat if we act through aggression or hatred in any way. Instead, there is another way of responding in which we are still able to stand and defend ourselves against darkness, but do so from a place of consciousness within. It has been taught since ancient times and even the Jedi knights of the Star Wars movie series used it.
It requires an inner discipline and gives access to the intelligence and power of love, something crucial to defeating attacks from the children of darkness.
Humans are merely slaves to a very deep network of deception. We are simply perceived as potential assets. And as an asset, we are valued only in what we are worth to them, how we may assist them and what we may be worth as an entity or as a resource in and of ourselves. This means that they only consider us to be a biological resource, part of a collection of bio resources. Their methods of subversion consist of selecting "special" slaves amongst the herd on the farm whom do the dirty work of enslaving the rest of us. The genius element behind it all, is the FACT the majority of humans are absolute parasites that can be manipulated like puppets.
Gladio The Unholy Alliance Between The Vatican, The C.I.A And The MAFIA. FREE PDF
The negative hierarchy are all puppets! What we know as the "shadow government" is an occult technocracy comprised of occult slaves. The secret government is using problem-reaction-solution techniques to frame world conflicts as pretexts for the establishment of a "New World Order," an overt global totalitarian regime that will lockdown any potential for any resistance and secure earth for easy assimilation into their alien empire. This, of course, is entirely hidden from their public agendas. Those that they persuade to become their adherents and their representatives will never be told the true extent of any agenda. Part of their "Pacification Program" is to assure you that they are here for your good, your redemption and for the preservation of the planet. This is plain deceit, your considered nothing but a commodity!
Mankind is enslaved by non-human forces whom are technologically, psychically, and dimensionally superior to us. They consist of multiple factions, spanning multiple dimensions and locations in space-time, all here to take a slice of the human pie. Their ultimate goal is to assimilate us into their fascist empire and parasitically exploit us for our biological, etheric, and physical resources. If the world accepts them as our saviors, individual freedoms as we know them will be snuffed out like a blown candle! They have already taken possession of most of the population through politricks, and religions, disarmed them with sweet lies and false promises!? The grand illusions mentioned have been portrayed to us as a campaign to encourage blind acquiescence to the machinations of the Matrix. In an attempt to de-empower, they demand our compliance and obedience, but it must not be forgotten that all this is nothing more than an elaborate sales pitch. They can't sell what we don't care to buy...
The Aim of all Religion has always been, to place the entire planet under the spell of the Anunnaki. Although they have been known as numerous names over the Centuries and appeared in many forms! Thankfully many are now beginning to awaken to their own true Divine Nature. Counteracting the Illusions and beginning to question more than ever, while removing themselves from the Parasitic Psychic hold they have had over us for many centuries. Most of that control came from Occult Slaves making Faustian pacts with entities like Marduk. And Free Masons opening up Portals/Vortexes to allow These parasites into our realm through their Ritualistic behavior! Masons are not given the true knowledge the "System" has been designed to hijack their consciousness and control them like puppets! This is literally the Greatest Con Game In History and 90% of this realm cannot see it for what it is. Divine Consciousness Vs Imposter Consciousness with a few billion unconscious spectators!?
This seems to have been a multi-stage operation. The oldest known goddess images were actually represented by birds, not serpents. Then, the goddess or "creative principle" was later associated with the serpent. Gods who had been consorts of the Goddess, represented by the serpent, acquired the serpent image for themselves. Soon, they were no longer represented by the serpent, but by the fact that they killed the serpent? Then, the many-gods idea was replaced by the "One God" concept, narrowing the field considerably and paving the way for greater and greater control of humanity in many destructive ways and forms.
But why in the world would "Reptoid" type beings do something like that? Why would they manipulate the minds of humanity, possibly use time manipulation to effect some of these "alterations," which would seem, on the surface, to be diametrically opposed to their objectives? The answer is fairly obvious and pure Machiavelli: create a "Decoy" enemy and pretend to be the saviour while actually pulling the net tighter and tighter on your unsuspecting prey who is looking elsewhere. And their is another element that most are completely oblivious to, All Secret Societies, Religions And Cults Are Trapped within the delusional realm of Duality...
The Earth also contains an immense magnetic field on and around it. DE-MAGNETIZATION is the Key to opening the "prison" doors that have kept so many imprisoned in Darkness and Ignorance for eons forcing them to forget about their divine lineage, because of the magnetic-filtering mechanism placed on and around the Earth. We are now up against multiple levels of mind wiping also known as blank slating or consciousness wiping making it easier to connect humans to the beast machine. A False webwork (like a film or spider web) is an overlay on the nervous system (sections become infected until the entire system is infected) it winds up the spinal cord and will trigger a Mind Control implant placed in the back of the head and neck. Once the implant is fully embedded and operational, severe addiction and mood swings occur as the subject becomes more “destructive”. This area is the Atomic Doorway, the 9th Chakra, where the inner spirit light reflects out of the eyes. That light will die or will look dead in the eye (dead eyes in masonic puppets). The implant is a reptilian brain implant that is placed in the structure of the brain stem via the Medulla Oblongata.
For further insight look into Implants, Abductions And Other Stuff By Peter Farley!
Humans have worshipped Demons And Fake Gods for Centuries, its built into their DNA, As the wise man said "Only Slaves have Masters". Are You An Organic Portal?
The problem is the Dimensional structure, [we] are effectively 3D. The Light Begins At 9D. At 9D All illusions collapse, Witchcraft, Sorcery would cease to exist and the Occult Kingdumb would collapse (hence their URGENT need to HEAVILY promote it or lock us ALL down with A.I), one would read/translate the world in terms of energy signatures and possess deep insight into every being. This is moving towards Divine Consciousness, unity, one with source, nothing to do with the Occult/Witchcraft, Or Worship/Rituals Or Anything Else. One communicates with the Divine every minute, unless your already Hijacked, Your mediator is literally your Higher Self. Secret Society Puppets Lost the Connection when they Opened Portals And Allowed These Traitors Into their energy fields, their already dead. Forget about the delusional Masonic Hive Mind Dragon Program. Which is effectively Owned by the Head Demon in Charge whom Is MARDUK/RA! Marduk Is A Parasite!
The Necronomicon, the Sumerian Spell book of Marduk/Ra was the Original Initiated Doctrine
of the dark occult Kingdumb, few Initiates know this. Marduk The Demon That Oversees the
Affairs Of Masonry has over 50 separate names in the Necronomicon. You can access the full list below!
The Babylonian Creation Myth Also SPEAKS of A battle between Marduk and Tiamat. This myth was most likely first written down between the 8th and 12th century BCE but it certainly comes from an earlier time, from ancient Sumerian mythology, more than likely from the Enuma Elish. Facts I consider to all be Irrelevant as they are NOT Royalty DO NOT Own this Planet and these Bogus Tales have circulated for far to long!
The word AMEN is in reference to MARDUK/RA the Alien Of The Underworld!
Lisa Renee From the Ascension Glossary also wrote "Marduk is from a satanic hybrid Annunaki lineage called Omicron that aligned with Necromiton Nibiruian forces in order to seize control over the Giza stargate during the last Luciferian Rebellion"! Here is further insight on Mesopotamian beliefs via The Gateways to Babylon! And further insight into Enki And The World Order? And The Nephilim Kings Of An Epic Age By William Mcloud FREE PDF!
Marduk Is Also Known As AMUN RA And if you were able to look in any
Masonic Demonic Bible you would see AMUN RA!?
This Is The SIGIL Mardukites Use To Steal Energy From Other Life Forces, If You See It Head The Other Way!
All world leaders have built towers for Marduk/Ra whom is their Lord. Here are a few of his Generals. We shall refer to them as the Dark Side. Abaddon, Adremelech, Ah, Ahriman, Amon, Apollyon, Asmodeus, Asteroth, Azazel, Baal and the Baalim (not a singing group), Baphomet, Bast, Beelzebub, Behemoth, Beherit, Bile, Chemosh, Cimeries, Coyote, Dagon, Damballa, Demo-Gorgon, Diablos, Dracula, Emm-O, Euronymous, Fenriz, Gorgo, Haborym, Hecate, Ishtar, Kali, Latchme, Lilith, Loki, Mammon, Mania, Mantus, Marduk, Mastema, Melek Taus, Mephistopheles, Metztli, Midgard, Milcom, Moloch, Morm, Naamah, Nihasa, Nija, Oyam, Pan, Pluto, Persephone, Pwcca, Rimmon, Sabazios, Saitan, Samael, Samnu, Sedit, Sekhmet, Set, Shaitan, Shiva, Supay, T’ANMO, Tchort, Tzezcatlipoca, Thames, Thoth, Tunrida, Typhon, Yaotzin, & YEN LO WANG.
There are of course many more, however, these in particular are in the German Satanic Bible so their should be no question whether the Beings listed are good or bad, they are the orchestrators of evil. Keep them and anyone representing them away from anything you love and care about. Destiny finds those who listen, and fate finds the rest. So learn what you can learn, and do what you can do, and never STOP searching until YOU have broken through!
As you see they are not really hiding their affiliation with Babylon/Bel/Ra/Marduk.
The plan for the New World Order did not originate on Earth — it is a system devised by aliens.
The concept of the New World Order is based upon an old Anunnaki system which has been employed in other galaxies, many times before. The system is now being pushed for implementation on Earth by the Anunnaki Remnants ("special" bloodlines). The Anunnaki Remnants are the ones that were left behind on Earth by the Anunnaki Elite when they were evicted from this realm. Although they left behind many Secrets, signs and clues and promised the Children Of Darkness they shall return someday and Reign Again. The New World Disorder is based upon the premise that there is to be a supreme commander who oversees the affairs of the world.
During transition into a global dictatorship/government smaller and weaker nations are slowly being forced or lured into accepting self-appointed stronger nations to act as their police force. Later, the police force will expand and become an international police force under a single master. At first, this will appear to be a plan for a peaceful co-existence amongst nations which will benefit all nations. However, it is a plan to eliminate all nation states, freedoms, civil rights and to control the people of the world under a single ideology in the name of one global community. Religion will become one Authority. One World Religion! Authors like Clive Prince and Lynn Picknett from (Stargate conspiracy) also believe a conspiracy exists to build a one world religion, a new way to worship the Anunnaki with a mixing, a syncretism of old Egyptian religions, rituals from Ancient Mystery Schools and other Judeo Christian elements, the creation of supernaturalism to worship a anthropocentric God.
The plan for the New World Order did not originate on Earth — it is a system devised by aliens.
The concept of the New World Order is based upon an old Anunnaki system which has been employed in other galaxies, many times before. The system is now being pushed for implementation on Earth by the Anunnaki Remnants ("special" bloodlines). The Anunnaki Remnants are the ones that were left behind on Earth by the Anunnaki Elite when they were evicted from this realm. Although they left behind many Secrets, signs and clues and promised the Children Of Darkness they shall return someday and Reign Again. The New World Disorder is based upon the premise that there is to be a supreme commander who oversees the affairs of the world.
During transition into a global dictatorship/government smaller and weaker nations are slowly being forced or lured into accepting self-appointed stronger nations to act as their police force. Later, the police force will expand and become an international police force under a single master. At first, this will appear to be a plan for a peaceful co-existence amongst nations which will benefit all nations. However, it is a plan to eliminate all nation states, freedoms, civil rights and to control the people of the world under a single ideology in the name of one global community. Religion will become one Authority. One World Religion! Authors like Clive Prince and Lynn Picknett from (Stargate conspiracy) also believe a conspiracy exists to build a one world religion, a new way to worship the Anunnaki with a mixing, a syncretism of old Egyptian religions, rituals from Ancient Mystery Schools and other Judeo Christian elements, the creation of supernaturalism to worship a anthropocentric God.
The Equinox Of The Gods on its emblem has the phrase "The Aim Of All Religion". (see below) The Lady on the emblem Whom most refer to as SEMIRAMIS! Or ISIS, Is actually NINKHURSAG! Whom Masons are infatuated with. Hence why, whenever they find themselves in distress they call her out, with the words "Is there no help for the widows son". Strange request since they are no relation whatsoever! Its a deeply ingrained mind control program...! Ninkhursag the Sumerian Hathor or Isis was called the Great Cow. Legend says she is the true power behind E.A./Aya. She was called the Carpenter, the Coppersmith, and the Lady Potter. Later her name was changed to Gabriel feminine such as Gabriella. Gabriel appeared to the Virgin Mary alerting her of the birth of the Christ Child Jesus?
In 600 A.D. she visited Muhammad dictating the Koran to him. She is a Seraphim, meaning serpent of Raphim or Rephaim another Nephilim Hybrid connection. It is said by many experts Gabriel used the caduceus rod to transfer the soul of Jesus along with "the Holy Ghost" into the body of Mary. It helps to see this as advanced technology of Spirit insemination. The caduceus staff was in fact some type of Anunnaki technology used to transfer spirits into matter and manipulate energy through the tuned vibrations of the carrier.
1. The Christians (Mary spoke to Gabriel)
2. The Mormons (Joseph Smith spoke to Gabriel)
3. The Muslims ( Muhammed spoke to Gabriel).
Remember this Angel GABRIEL character- right out of John Dee's (007) TABLET of NALVAGE- is the SAME ENTITY whom narrated - Christianity - to MARY, origin of Muslim- to Muhammed, AND origin of Mormon - to Joseph Smith - so.. (if we want to end these bloody religious wars- it seems we damn well better figure out what "GABRIEL's" Seraphim - agenda really was! I suspect it has always been about division, confusion and hiding humanities true history along with harvesting energy!
This Seraphim "Gabriel" was used in many Occult practices, the name was used on various Sigils, in this context they referred to them as Angels and Demons! However they believed the only way to communicate with them was the use of ritualistic practices. This aligns with much of John Dees theories! It was Dr. John Dee and Edward Kelly whom expanded on the lost knowledge of Enoch. Here is an introduction to the Enochian Tablets!
The same question continuously arises, are we dealing with extra terrestrials? I think we are. General disclosures of UFO Contact Information that have been held by the U.S are about to be uncensored! These covers up have been going on since at least 1947 the Roswell crash is one example (they were the greys)! However, this will be a limited disclosure of evidence as it will be geared towards making us believe that the Anunnaki are our makers and the "gods" of the Old Testament are our true creators! This Anunnaki disclosure will be linked into the Human Genome Project, indicating that the "elite" carry Anunnaki genes. We are deeply engaged in a war of worlds that has everything to do with the future of the human race and whether we stay on this Planet and claim our dominion or are split into factions, forced off planet, underground and for those of us with high enough vibrational frequency able to escape through Stargates.
(See Kerry Cassidy/Project Camelot article, Shell Game, on the many of the elite being Anunnaki hybrids, It is said that based in Tanzania is possibly Marduk, who is the Anunnaki king recently returned to Earth as highly anticipated by the dark nobility. The U.S. Presidents were possibly in town purposefully to pay their respects to the recently arrived Anunnaki king.) From everything I have been able to decipher, the Anunnaki of the "Sitchin variety" that is Enki/Enlil and their relations are humanoid/reptilian hybrids (one-half reptilian and one-half Anunnaki humanoid) while the full blooded Reps beneath the Vatican are just that... Draco/Reps who believe this planet is theirs and have been trying to take it back for centuries.
The Illuminati bloodlines are more like 1/12th reptilian."
The Anunnaki actually translates to "princely blood" or "seed of Anu", not "those who came from heaven to earth", as many modern sources have claimed. The Anunnaki are "the Sumerian deities of the old primordial time;" a pantheon of devils whom were the children of Anu and his sister, Ki. Incestuous relationships have always been part of their belief system, it is how they preserve their "chosen bloodlines". Most have no clue to why they operate the way they do. It has to do with Witchcraft... Particular Blood types carry unique frequencies, The "Holy Grail" Bloodline is AB Negative, It carries the highest vibrational frequency, Heightened sensory awareness etc, its considered an advantage in the world of Witchcraft. The Elite Cults have this stuff coded right down into very specific haplogroups, most know zero on this. Barbara Marciniak the author of the Bringers of the Dawn has spoke about similar things, Barbara also wrote "The Anunnaki here are called "Lizzies" (as a diminutive of "lizards"), since they are reptilians . There is much information indicating that the Anunnaki still to this day have a secret influence, especially through secret societies such as Zionism and related associations such as the Illuminati and certain Masonic orders, In them, only a very few chosen ones at the top of the pyramid know about the Anunnaki connection, but the mass of people - also their dumb down members - are kept in ignorance".
Further Insight Can Be Discovered Below
The video of Kristy Allen's testimony is probably the most-viewed video from the Westminster hearings. Kristy was a victim of Satanic ritual sexual abuse as a child. But for much of her life, she did not remember it. Her father was a member of the Mormon Church, whom was believed to also have been involved with the Masons, and was recruited by the military VIA The Security Services. He himself was reportedly a victim of child abuse as well. Kristy reveals how their family was affected by mind control through the MK Ultra program, which prevented her from remembering anything about the sexual abuse for years.
She and her siblings were allegedly chosen for covert military operations as children. Kristy eventually began to remember some of her childhood memories where she was continually raped and abused, and is in the process of healing. Watch her testimony in the video below.
The video of Kristy Allen's testimony is probably the most-viewed video from the Westminster hearings. Kristy was a victim of Satanic ritual sexual abuse as a child. But for much of her life, she did not remember it. Her father was a member of the Mormon Church, whom was believed to also have been involved with the Masons, and was recruited by the military VIA The Security Services. He himself was reportedly a victim of child abuse as well. Kristy reveals how their family was affected by mind control through the MK Ultra program, which prevented her from remembering anything about the sexual abuse for years.
She and her siblings were allegedly chosen for covert military operations as children. Kristy eventually began to remember some of her childhood memories where she was continually raped and abused, and is in the process of healing. Watch her testimony in the video below.
So many intelligence people came from the Illuminati initiating centers of Harvard, Yale, & Princeton that the acronym HYP was applied to some of them by others in an allusion to the word "hype." For the first half of MI-6’s history, only women from the elite, the aristocracy were recruited to work in MI-6, for this reason the women at MI-6 were called Queenie. As Illuminati members of the hierarchy, they were indeed given various Queen positions. The crossovers occur both ways.
One finds intelligence people in places like Yale and the big Illuminati corporations. For instance, a military psychologist Alexander R. Askenasy, who worked in the area of mind-control for the Army, later taught at Princeton, and then went on to a prominent position at the NY State Psychiatric Institute & the Dept. of Psychiatry, Columbia Univ. Another example is Robert Finley Delaney, who worked with the Navy in PSYOPS, the State Dept. and also worked for ESSO Standard Oil company.
One final example in a list of examples that seems to go on forever, the Professor of Psychology at Yale was Irving L. Janis, a military man who worked in military psychological research and PYSOPS, and who co-authored Communications and Persuasion, Personality and Persuasibility. Below is another testimony from a lady known as Elisa E, A high level MKU survivor that has had first hand experience with very similar issues. The Video came from Stopthecrime.net! Here is also a list of known Illuminati Programming Centers within the United States from Fritz Springmeier!
"Every intelligence service since time began has sought methods of owning people and ensuring they stayed loyal. Two of 13 Illuminati families who are known to have developed extremely well-run bloodline intelligence groups are the Li family and the Rothschild family. The Li’s family started its Chinese intelligence back in 1400 A.D. They had already been an ancient Chinese aristocratic family for many centuries prior to this. Some of their techniques for their agents were state of the art mind control techniques. The Rothschild’s personal spy network and their own mail service were known to be superior to the national european governments during the 19th century.
Traditional spy-craft has involved the ability to recruit and keep agents loyal. The professional spook manipulates his recruits for a living. He becomes adept at controlling people. For thousands of years, spy operations have honed their skills at controlling people. Because they work secretly, they generally have done whatever they wanted. When you combine the resources and centuries of intelligence operations of the Illuminati, along with the credibility of government intelligence agencies supposedly guarding our national security, the combination is horrific. There are no moral or financial restraints on what is being done. If the intelligence groups want to dabble in keeping a severed head alive apart from the body, (or a frozen body with an active head) which they have done, there is no one to stop them. Handlers of slaves use both natural and contrived cues to convey to the slave that they want obedience.". ~ Chapter 12 The Science Of External Controls ~ Fritz Springmeier & Cisco Wheeler
This constant worship of these ancient evil bloodlines has caused most of the disruption currently in our realm. The system is corrupt, it doesn't work, it doesn't respect life or the Earth. That's the limit. When something doesn't respect life or the Earth, you can be sure that it will fall and it will fall hard very soon.
Most of this Realm are under Mind Control when it comes to the Anunnaki? The Alien Question And Expanded Perspective!
These Dark Controllers have been known by various names over the Centuries including The Watchers, Los Vigilantes, Nephilim, The Elohim, The Anunnaki, Igigi, The Archons, Tuatha De Danaan, Giants, Egregoroi, Neteru, Ntr, Urshu. Predators, The Shining Ones, The Devas, The Wing Makers, The Central Race, And The Fallen Angels. And the 72 names of Kabbalah... national demonic regents, which the Hebrews call Elohim [Shining Ones] Yahweh Elohim means simply “leader of the shining ones.”; the metaphysical technical term Egregors is also used for them. Derived from the Greek word egreoros, it means “watcher” or “guardian.” Eliphas Levi (19th century magician and mystic) spoke of these egregors on numerous occasions, and even linked them to the giants or Watchers spoken of in the book of Enoch, saying that they, “take shape and have appeared in the guise of giants: these are the egregors of the Book of Enoch… Termed the celestial watchers or egregors, by the ancients.”
These Dark Controllers have been known by various names over the Centuries including The Watchers, Los Vigilantes, Nephilim, The Elohim, The Anunnaki, Igigi, The Archons, Tuatha De Danaan, Giants, Egregoroi, Neteru, Ntr, Urshu. Predators, The Shining Ones, The Devas, The Wing Makers, The Central Race, And The Fallen Angels. And the 72 names of Kabbalah... national demonic regents, which the Hebrews call Elohim [Shining Ones] Yahweh Elohim means simply “leader of the shining ones.”; the metaphysical technical term Egregors is also used for them. Derived from the Greek word egreoros, it means “watcher” or “guardian.” Eliphas Levi (19th century magician and mystic) spoke of these egregors on numerous occasions, and even linked them to the giants or Watchers spoken of in the book of Enoch, saying that they, “take shape and have appeared in the guise of giants: these are the egregors of the Book of Enoch… Termed the celestial watchers or egregors, by the ancients.”
“‘Worship me!” cries the Egregora. “I am the son of God; you are nothing but a worthless and sinful creature, damned from birth and destined to hell were it not for my sacrifice; and without me you will never reach heaven!”
(Marcelo Ramos Motta, Letter to a Brazilian Mason Unexpurgated)
The Cult Of The Dark Gods Goes All The Way Back To The Land Of MU. Another way to describe the ancient lost land of Lemuria ~ It is well established that all religions have a common origin. There are records of these "religions" going back at least 70,000 years!? The records tell us that a body of trained masters from Mu, whom were known as Naacals, were carrying copies of the Motherland's Sacred Inspired Religion. These Naacals formed in each country, colleges for the teaching of the priest craft religion, and the sciences. The priesthoods that were formed in these colleges in turn taught the people. There are many interesting ancient writings about the Chaldis, which is how they referred to "colleges" in Babylonia. They stated: "Everyone was welcome, be he prince or slave. Directly they passed into the temple, they were equal, for they stood in the presence of the Heavenly Father, the Father of them all, whom was ANU and here they became brothers in fact. No payment was charged; all was free." Throughout the colonies and colonial empires these teachings were known as the "Sacred Mysteries", a name that has persisted down to the present day.
We see a repeated pattern throughout our entire recordable history, Anunnaki, Nephilim, Anakim, Egregors, Ancient Civilizations?
Eliphas Levi (Golden Dawn) also referred to these egregors as the Anakim (Shining Ones, men of renown, giants) of the Bible, and that they are expressed in the myths of various cultures. It therefore appears that Levi (and others) knew of these egregors or "Watchers" from the recently translated and widely (in mystic circles) available book of Enoch. Levi was well known to have Rosicrucian tendencies, and this movement too was aware of the meaning of the word. In fact, they believed that the egregors were still in existence and were still in the background pulling the puppet strings! The Rosicrucian's claim, from the mystical point of view, Egregor(e) (a word of Latin origin) is the set of thought-forms produced by a group of individuals on the Astral plane. The Enoch And Metatron Tradition FREE PDF! also mentions The Anunnaki!
The Enochian demons are used by the British illuminati to control the West. These diabolical Enochian demons were brought into the Matrix in Elizabethan times and twisted the Matrix to the current Anglo-Demonic world view. The Illuminati fully comprehend how to manipulate the use of the 30-dimensional spectrum with the continua of progressive degradation which powers up the phantom matrix and allows the Anglo-Enochian demons to trap humanity in the humanist/materialist spiral of nihilism before, during and after death. They have full Control over the five demonic elements that they use to change the nature of humans consciousness to vibrate to the exact same frequency as the five demonic aeons that are used to entrap the awareness of the mind-controlled masses whom take the dream of the Matrix (3D PSI Prison) as their reality. There are 72 classes of Goetic demons/archdemons that have been used by the illuminati since the sixteenth century to be the agents of occult RI and psychokinesis; these servants of darkness are used to kill, influence, drive mad… and control humanity. The Goetic demons are found in many Ancient Grimoires; and the Keys of Solomon; which are the prime tools of the Illuminati bankers who oversee the Club of Isles that rule the European Union. The Goetia has been used to cause the meteoric rise of the Illuminati from their simple role as moneylenders, to become the prime rulers of the entire prison banking world.
They control the UK totally and they covertly used the same methods to smash Nazi Germany even though the Nazi Ahnenerbe were themselves PSI masters. Similarly the Soviet Union was torn apart by these Goetic forces even though many of the upper echelon involved with the KGB, And the GRU were also experts in psy-warfare. In the process, the Illuminati managed to Dominate Germany and took full control of the Russian Federation’s wealth through their eight Zionist oligarchs. So by using the hidden knowledge (psychotronic) behind the Goetia, the Illuminati have destroyed their enemies, no matter how psychically advanced they may of been. Only extremely advanced PSI Masters have any chance of over-riding there sinister covert tactics. It isn't unheard of that they use such methods upon regular people whom are being targeted! Many soon end up in a psychiatric unit either because they lack true awareness or they have said too much to a doctor! If you find yourself in that situation remember to stay calm and do your own research and find your own solutions DO NOT SAY A WORD to anyone they will use it against you!
There are a whole host of 16th and 17th century mystics, including Dr. John Dee, who were also aware of the Book of Enoch and plagiarized it extensively. Dee has been implicated as one of the founders of the Rosicrucian's as well as being a spy of the realm under Queen Elizabeth. Many experts have asked the question were John Dee’s Enochian Keys of magic intended to unleash violent occult forces that would hurl us all into another dark age? Dee’s official number was 007 and Queen Lizzy's Code Name was M. (James Bond Movies have used both those titles) Later the Rosicrucian's were a supposed response to the activities of the Jesuits. All of this brings to mind the texts taken down by John Dee and his cohort, Edward Kelly, dictated by Aliens!? The dreaded reptoids of UFO paraphernalia - those negative entities of higher consciousness whose projection in the third density is seen as "draconian" - appear to be only the pets of another sharp and less rudimentary higher level, dressed in garments that at first glance might seem dignified and immaculate but which underneath hide the most profane of visions. An Ancient Race attached to an Ancient Bloodline, Its purpose and Agenda reaches so far into the realm of diabolical insanity only a mad man would understand. Welcome to the Enochian Apocalypse!
This ancient bloodline can be connected to every level of perversion and debauchery throughout history. This is the reason Crowley (Grandfather of President George Bush) is above posing in his Saturnian Regalia with an emblem that represents NINKHURSAG along with various other types of symbolism. Crowley was also a prolific child abuser. These perverse practices were passed down from the ancient Egyptian Pharaoh's. Knowledge that held the secrets to Immortality and "God" Making. Those of us that have reached full realization have understood deeply for many years The Anunnaki Pedophilia Syndrome "EGYPT" and beyond are all connected on some level and our constant worship of this demented evil has created this alternative timeline of misery. Most of this Realm Worships these Fake Gods and their Bloodlines.
Aleister Crowley (1875-1947) was a high level Satanist and a 33rd degree Scottish Rite Freemason. He was also a leader in a number of other Masonic rites as well as an OTO leader, a chief in Stella Matutina, and a MI-6 agent. His writings have been important within 20th century Satanism and with black magicians. He wrote Moonchild which was first published in 1917. The idea of the Moonchild is that via black magic a perfect soul can be captured. The belief in reincarnation, which is prevalent among the Illuminati and Satanic groups, lends itself to the belief that souls compete for a particular embryo? Its interesting because hidden within the Original 700 Plus Bibles that were concealed from reality by the Vaticano, Jesus also spoke about Reincarnation? "Heaven" was added to the extent bibles later?
The occultist of the Golden Dawn and neo-Crowleyites such as the OTT and the British Illuminati use the Abrahemelin ritual as a gateway to adeptship. In this ritual, the occultist spends six months conjuring up the Goetian demons and biophysically vivisecting themselves until they are an empty shell devoid of any soul or spirit and a perfect vessel for the insectile Archonic dark energy matter entities which control the Anglo-Demonic matrix. To shred these foci of pure evil, reverse everything they have done within the matrix and drive their human zombies into dementia, common in the political classes of the Anglo-Demonic Empire! De corrupt the Matrix, De corrupt the user, Open up awareness of the corruption that is the norm in the Anglo-Demonic Matrix Use the magenta energy (highest frequency) to purify!
Few Masons or humans have any idea what they are involved with, The lies that operate here are unprecedented, All Hierarchy's operate on Lies. Secret Society's and Religions are All BASED Upon Lies, This is about Control not liberation. The content here has various views, and I highlight as much truth behind the Masonic Poisonous Tree as possible, not to attack these people, but to make people aware of what their Fake Anunnaki "Gods" truly are, Parasitic Vampires. As a result of the human body and human consciousness being such an abundant supply of Potential Energy and kinetic energy, they have engineered many parasitic methods in which to harvest this collective energy yield for their benefit, to the detriment of humanity. Humans and the earth body have an incredible supply of many forms of potential energy that are being collected through Bio-Spiritual Harvesting methods. These methods are found in many standard practices (religions) that are socially accepted, because most people are completely unaware of the damage this generates in the electromagnetic field of human beings, both in the physical body and in the spiritual body.
Remember The Human Body Is 80% Water! And They Use Kinetobaric Effects (particular frequencies) to disrupt its very nature!
Collective Consciousness or systems of human energy fields can then be harvested and directed, to put elemental substance into motion, in order to shift matter into artificially formed timelines for whatever purpose, Planet X?, This energy yield can also be converted for the purpose of powering up anti-human agendas. All forms of human biological and spiritual energy that is harvested from human body parts or mass consciousness is collected to gain control over matter and influence events to be repeated into artificial timelines, this is described as Bio-Spiritual Harvesting. In order to maximize the life force energy harvested from the living fleshly creatures, the Anunnaki have introduced many harmful practices (narcotics, violence, alcohol, porn etc) to hide the agenda of Bio-Spiritual Harvesting of humans on the earth.
There are few that comprehend humanity's true history, even less have any idea our ancestors were fighting against the exact same oppressive agendas tens of thousands of years ago. The War never ended it was just buried deep in ancient texts and hidden behind illusions. The Anunnaki have stolen so much from our Past and remolded it to suit there own needs. The Thothian Luciferians and their allies are organizing the next stages of a planned takeover of all the New Age, Ascension and Disclosure communities through planned infiltration, with their specific grooming of an assortment of Pied Pipers. This Controlled Opposition agenda will also extend to any 3D organizations and public leaders with some power and influence that are connecting the larger dots towards seeing and understanding the key players that are embedded in multiple levels of planetary corruption, such as the Gaslighting and Propaganda schemes that exist in the many façades of the geo-political climate that are used as cover ups to veil the exo-political conflicts and the assassination and extermination of innocents all over the globe in a variety of ways!
In conveying the greater understanding of current events and who is behind them, let us return to the first major milestone with the onset of grid wars. This is the phase when the Anunnaki were put on notice that humanity was awakening and new methods were needed to maintain their control, despite the electro-shock equipment and frequency fences they had in place with the .NET. For these organized groups that serve the Thothian Luciferian, Galactic Federation and related Negative Alien agendas, the most important goal was to ensure that the majority of the earth humans would not awaken to realize that they were in a consciousness prison. Thus, it was very important to relay information that would divert people away from remembering what had truly happened to them, and how they ended up in the mind control prison.
Most of Society have a dead look in their eye, pretending their more superior than everyone else around them. Few can even see the hidden agendas anymore, so tuned into their own fantasy's, with more interest in illusions than actual spiritual liberation and freedoms and yet deep down they all know the disturbing truth. They all know exactly where they are heading and yet they stay silent, conforming to an ideology that is so degrading, so intrusive and soul destroying, many of us are seriously questioning are we even "human" anymore? Or are we simply a collective of mind controlled degenerates trapped in a Roko's basilisk simulation!?
Its only a matter of time before we all become NPCs...
You know they want you to believe their bogus tales, their scripted programs, that there was never any hurricane, and that this World Stage, where you live is "REAL" and NATURAL. But you are a SURVIVOR of the original hurricane, YOU REMEMBER everything. You know they are all pretending around you like bad actors, You know they control practically the entire Globe, You Know this so-called "reality" where you live is being totally manipulated by them, and that the so-called "synchronicity" created around you is an Artificial Prison in which you are well aware you are nothing but a DEBT SLAVE that is dictated to With Zero Human Rights! Most of you lack the ability to see Reality for what it is, you only perceive it to be what you think it is, and for the majority that is rarely accurate. The clandestine engineering experiments and the covert spiritual manipulation tactics that have been implemented on the masses since birth have certainly been extremely successful! TAVISTOCK?
Behind the corruption, injustices and persecution of innocent people around the Globe are the modern day Knights Templar or, if you prefer, the Masons. They are manipulating countries for their own political and economical purposes, "Hegelian dialectic", and in order to achieve their goals they never hesitate to adopt dark and dirty methods. Here is some deep history into the Templars Revolutions and The Mafia! Anyone that opposes Masonry and their philosophy are often targeted, slandered, pressurized, persecuted or falsely imprisoned. Below is a Man from the United States that was Targeted for attempting to help the human race in a variety of ways, He cracked some code on the Markets and began sharing the intel. You can also be targeted for exposing Masonic crimes against children! Those being Targeted By The Masonic Hive Mind Dragon Program are literally living in a World Of Hell, this has been occurring for decades on a Global Scale. Masons are dead inside, their human puppets, it isn't them attacking people, its the entities (ormethion) or even A.I that controls them, they don't even know what they are doing! They may be a real threat to the civilized world however their is a much bigger threat and that is the tens of millions of brainwashed mind controlled debt slaves that believe the LIE!
These Attacks Are Coming From The All Seeing Eye, Anyone That Uses This Symbol Below Are Under Mind Control, Their Spiritually Dead! They are not aware of the control they are under, owned by the Illuminati Sleeper Races! Most of this realm are so dumb down and delusional they cant comprehend it. Learn how to protect yourself from these EVIL Attacks! Protect Yourself From The All Seeing Eye, Its mechanical and it manipulates millions of human puppets. You can refer to it as The Masonic Hive Mind Dragon Program, What has occurred here, The Magnitude Of This Deception is not for the light hearted, most would choose to live in denial for the rest of their empty lives, preferring to choose the life between the shadow of themselves and the heavily distorted illusions...
All Of The EGYPTIAN Curses are actually dying, their MAGICK Is dying too! Hence why they want the entire planet enslaved with Artificial Intelligence before they all realize they have been sold a lie. The Anunnaki Are The Illuminati And every bloodline they created is connected 100%. And all of those that have succumb to their illusions or have been born into one of their power families are all being manipulated by one anti human system or another The Masonic Hive Mind Dragon Program flows throughout the whole of Society from the Upper Echelons to your local psychopathic moron on the streets! Its a very destructive control system, The Illuminati Sleepers literally refer to it as "The System", they are very aware of what they have done to these People and they are also aware they cannot fix it... Masonic Programming isn't the true knowledge, it is fake cosmology, that runs through every religion on the planet, the true knowledge is only known by the few at the top of the Liar-archy!
Those being TARGETED By the Masonic Hive Mind Dragon Program, are feeling the extreme protocols built into the Masonic Hive Mind Dragon Program! (also take note this is the highest level of extreme evil that could be perpetuated against any human) There is a battle between the forces of children of darkness (secret societies and religions whom will all be wiped out when the new world emerges) and the children of light for control of this planet and human consciousness. More Recently, spiritual warfare has escalated in the 3RD Dimension, and those awakened people that are connected to the planetary consciousness body, are able to feel the intense pressure we are enduring as this battle rages on in the interdimensional planes, and for the moment, hidden from mainstream media. The players are human and non-human, and involve the hierarchy of control that extends way beyond the planetary control mechanism of the Power Elite.
The Few that get to see through the VEIL often lose their minds! The video below shows a man that Set Fire to 3 Masonic Lodges In The United States, He was being targeted for one reason or another, however the Controlled Media never hinted a word about why he decided to commit these wonderful heroic acts, Its Unknown how long the Masonic Hive Mind Dragon Slaves were taunting him, It could of been decades, weeks/months, However he eventually came to the conclusion, enough was enough! Gang stalking is pure Demonic it could come from Children involved in Masonic Orders (rainbow girls etc) or even an adult in a variety of ways, It is actually the ALL SEEING EYE, You need to learn how to protect yourself from the ALL SEEING EYE, Learn How To Hide From It, The Gang stalking Attacks Will decrease massively!
Anyone that is already opposed to the Divine is controlled by Anunnaki/Satan. At least on some level. They have everyone in their pocket. And those that they don't, they manipulate, blackmail, coerce or just straight buy off or threaten, to follow whatever order they require. And they are well aware The Masses are under serious mind control that wouldn't pay any serious attention to anything outside of there own delusions, Docile Programmed Slaves. They just slip straight back into a Matrix Like Consciousness! The Issue with this level of limited awareness amongst the masses is far to many people suffer because of mass delusion alone.
The intel this man has is verifiable and worth its weight in gold, I've personally spent almost two decades building solutions for targeted individuals, ways of making money outside of the system, from small passive income streams to learning how to build entire online businesses. This requires some interpretation however some of the ideas I bounce off can be located here, Its simply knowing how to connect pieces, I've trained hundreds of Targeted Individuals over years And a few others!
Masonic Diversion Tactics Manuel Free PDF
Masonic Survivors Are Sharing Their Stories On Platforms Around The Globe. Learn More In Slay The Beast Here! The Hive Protects anything within the Hive without question it has no choice in the matter. When you see any puppet involved in Secret Societies protecting their children, they are not protecting the child they are protecting the hive. This is why Masons Lie to their Wives and their Wives Lie To Their Own Children Consistently. And even more disturbing they actually assassinate innocent peoples characters with slander as terrible as The Paedophile Lie that literally kill people with these lies alone. FACTS!
Eleanor White A Targeted Female From The States Goes Into Depth Into All The Above In Her Report
Electronic Harassment Effects FREE PDF She was persecuted for decades in the U.S.
White Clearly States "The Paedophile Lie" Is The Masons Greatest Weapon.
While they are allowing all kinds of perverted delusions to occur to their own children, [And] they are quietly doing everything in their power to legalize crimes against children through the courts of law, hence the reason why few are ever put in prison. And that is literally the tip of the iceberg when it comes to these demons! STATS For Tier one Western Countries is very close to these figures, United Kingdom 90,000, The United States 1.6 Million And Australia around 1.8 Million. These Stats are extremely difficult to locate however their is still a way to collect the data if you are willing to pay for a few documents, on Statista. The brotherhood have a disturbing large appetite for Lust, Money And Power. Which makes much more sense when you begin to fully comprehend how the monetary system was created....
The true perception is hidden in the alchemical secrets behind the U.S. monetary system. As Tracy Twyman explained In Solomon's Treasure the Masonic and occult symbolism of the U.S one dollar bill identifies how these symbols act as psychopomps directing the mind of its holder to believe in the power and value of the U.S. dollar. I argued that, due to the nature of our fiat (paper) currency, and the practice of fractional reserve lending upon which our banking system is based, it is the faith of the American public, and that faith alone, which gives the dollar its value. And this, I explained, is the essence of black magick, akin to the alchemical concepts of turning lead into gold. Furthermore, the way in which our economy causes capital to multiply exponentially is similar to the alchemical idea of creating very much from very little. Such concepts regarding money can be found in the teachings of Masonry, as Twyman reveals in her book, Solomon’s Treasure: The Magic and Mystery of America’s Money.
But these concepts were not invented by the Masons. They were part of a tradition passed down from the cultures of antiquity, particularly Greece and Judea. Indeed, as Twyman explains in her book, the secret wisdom of how to create and multiply wealth Via Black Money Magick was taught to King Solomon, and may have been at the heart of his fabled treasure trove, purportedly discovered beneath the Temple Mount by Masonry's predecessors, the Knights Templar. And as it turns out, our modern system of banking owes even more to the Templars than it does to the Freemasons. And Wealth has always been the Root of all Evil and its loaded with Egyptian Curses! Their is a testimony below of a man that was invited into the Occult World Of Banking and he wasn't impressed with what he discovered, it made him Sick to his core! This is a Global Problem and its the same Occult Forces behind it all because they have given up their Sovereignty to be controlled like puppets for riches!!!
Masonic Survivors Are Sharing Their Stories On Platforms Around The Globe. Learn More In Slay The Beast Here! The Hive Protects anything within the Hive without question it has no choice in the matter. When you see any puppet involved in Secret Societies protecting their children, they are not protecting the child they are protecting the hive. This is why Masons Lie to their Wives and their Wives Lie To Their Own Children Consistently. And even more disturbing they actually assassinate innocent peoples characters with slander as terrible as The Paedophile Lie that literally kill people with these lies alone. FACTS!
Eleanor White A Targeted Female From The States Goes Into Depth Into All The Above In Her Report
Electronic Harassment Effects FREE PDF She was persecuted for decades in the U.S.
White Clearly States "The Paedophile Lie" Is The Masons Greatest Weapon.
While they are allowing all kinds of perverted delusions to occur to their own children, [And] they are quietly doing everything in their power to legalize crimes against children through the courts of law, hence the reason why few are ever put in prison. And that is literally the tip of the iceberg when it comes to these demons! STATS For Tier one Western Countries is very close to these figures, United Kingdom 90,000, The United States 1.6 Million And Australia around 1.8 Million. These Stats are extremely difficult to locate however their is still a way to collect the data if you are willing to pay for a few documents, on Statista. The brotherhood have a disturbing large appetite for Lust, Money And Power. Which makes much more sense when you begin to fully comprehend how the monetary system was created....
The true perception is hidden in the alchemical secrets behind the U.S. monetary system. As Tracy Twyman explained In Solomon's Treasure the Masonic and occult symbolism of the U.S one dollar bill identifies how these symbols act as psychopomps directing the mind of its holder to believe in the power and value of the U.S. dollar. I argued that, due to the nature of our fiat (paper) currency, and the practice of fractional reserve lending upon which our banking system is based, it is the faith of the American public, and that faith alone, which gives the dollar its value. And this, I explained, is the essence of black magick, akin to the alchemical concepts of turning lead into gold. Furthermore, the way in which our economy causes capital to multiply exponentially is similar to the alchemical idea of creating very much from very little. Such concepts regarding money can be found in the teachings of Masonry, as Twyman reveals in her book, Solomon’s Treasure: The Magic and Mystery of America’s Money.
But these concepts were not invented by the Masons. They were part of a tradition passed down from the cultures of antiquity, particularly Greece and Judea. Indeed, as Twyman explains in her book, the secret wisdom of how to create and multiply wealth Via Black Money Magick was taught to King Solomon, and may have been at the heart of his fabled treasure trove, purportedly discovered beneath the Temple Mount by Masonry's predecessors, the Knights Templar. And as it turns out, our modern system of banking owes even more to the Templars than it does to the Freemasons. And Wealth has always been the Root of all Evil and its loaded with Egyptian Curses! Their is a testimony below of a man that was invited into the Occult World Of Banking and he wasn't impressed with what he discovered, it made him Sick to his core! This is a Global Problem and its the same Occult Forces behind it all because they have given up their Sovereignty to be controlled like puppets for riches!!!
Our Plastic Pinned On Souled Society is unable to perceive the spiritual destruction they are causing here because they "Love" the Illusions and couldn't care less about the Hell Hole they all reside within, They simply observe, ignore and remain lost within the matrix like consciousness, unaware of their own surroundings, preferring to live in the land of lies and delusions, all spinning around on their own demented merry go round! To make matters worse I have personally known at least a few dozen people that have been Massacred, Sectioned Or even Kicked Out Of The "System" entirely Just for speaking out against this stuff! Secret Societies are following the same path that their fake gods had taken, they have been conned beyond belief and yet so few can see it? The Egyptian Masonic Satanic Connection Free PDF
Numerous High Profile Cases Appear concerning these matters, The Dunblane Primary School Massacre that Occurred In Scotland in 1996 is one of those Cases. It made Nationwide Media at the Time, however it was played down by the Masonic controlled Media and labelled as some kind of Terrorist Attack. It was certainly a terrorist attack they simply didn't mention the terrorist group was Masonic. These disturbing Egyptian crimes against children are connected to lies about immortality! if there is one thing I have learnt in this life it is this, those that Live In Fear don't stand for anything, and they will fall for everything. The true scale of this is diabolical, ALL Children in war zones that have been massacred, ALL poverty, famine, demoralization tactics, oppression, suppression, subjugation, destructive engineering, narcotics, everything you can perceive in this realm that is destructive in any form has all been controlled and directed by Secret Society puppets on some level, Even Street Gangs were Engineered by The C.I.A in many respects, based on MAFIA And Secret Society Ideology, They also began to infiltrate Black Power Movements as far back as the 1930s.
Here are Posts On Quora from those that have experienced Masonic Gang stalking Worldwide
They have also HIJACKED the Media and placed all their own rotten puppets within every Niche and Field.
Around 2 Million in the UK protested over James Purnell the BBC Scandal back in 2021.
Ireland had the same problem with the Head Of the RTE, the Irish News Network
And The KIncora Scandal, they have literally Infected EVERYTHING!
Anunnaki/Satan power is contingent with deceptions, deceiving us with false beliefs, and then manifesting that narrative of deception out into the world which many believe is truthful. We must take responsibility for ourselves and our actions, paying more attention to educating ourselves, and increasing awareness in order to unlock the UNLIMITED Consciousness Traps that have been set for us through masterful deceptions and manipulations. Below is further insight into how some of these demented parasitic puppets truly operate! The most disturbed of men can be found in Masonry, They FEEL Very Secure within the Organization! A Clear indication they Are ALL Involved! A Woman From The UK Shares her story about her Masonic Father below! Whom was a High Ranking Police Protected Mason! While their are tens of thousands around the globe attempting to protect our youth from the Masons, from individual's to entire organizations, their are still millions of lost souls that are fast asleep, unconscious and unaware, protecting this demented evil and quietly providing their consent! The monster below most definitely has a reptilian on him!
We are already fully aware Masons and every other Cult has opened Portals to allow Dark Entities to Feed off them and Their Victims, That's how the True Power Grid Operates Here, However these Crimes are beyond Evil, and the Masses whom are mostly afraid of losing their "Wealth" and materialistic garbage remain Silent on this matter! Meaning they are all effectively taking money in one form or another to turn a blind eye, even if they are working for it! Their are only so many ways one could WARN these parasites! The Masses are extremely SICK and their is very little that would activate their docile little minds! The ANTI Masonic Movement Is Actually Huge Worldwide Its Just Covered Up And Censored! There is a gentlemen I've known for many years within the UK. He was unfortunate enough to spend time in one of the Children's Homes in North Wales during the mid 90s. Their were Five Homes situated within some perverted little nest at that time that were being used by Freemasons to traffick and abuse children. This was actually a well known case that was even documented by the Police at the time....
He has lived within a personal hell for over Three Decades because of The Masonic Crime Cartel and Their Demonic Associates. His story is extremely complexed I Could not do it justice, A little glimpse would go something like this, shortly after being kicked out of the care system for no reason, he was befriended by youngsters that were all connected to the Masons, he had no awareness about any of it for many years, after eventually figuring it out, he became marked for death by the hive mind network, he has been falsely imprisoned many times, has been mis diagnosed with mental health issues by every medical person he has ever met, because he told them the truth about his past, he has been unable to get any kind of career since he was 15yrs old, around 1995, he has had multiple attempts on his life from various crime cartels associated with the Masons, Most serious Criminals In The UK Are DRUIDS! This is a hidden component many don't ever consider! The Hidden Hand!
All of this has caused him to be homeless most of his life, while being subjected to every level of Demonic Attack you could imagine not only in the Psychical from Secret Society Puppets, Adults and Children, but also very severe spiritual attacks that would break most. He has been labeled A Pedophile In Every City he has attempted to reside in, around 20 separate Cities within the UK! This gentlemen also carries AB NEGATIVE Blood, I suspect the Powers that be have had their eyes on him since he was a Child! As of writing this he is still around! Even after everything they have done to him, he still doesn't hate the Masons, he feels sorry for them. He wants to fix this mess!
I've spent many years attempting to assist these people in whatever way I can, religious people ignore them, most people ignore them, most people ignore everything except anything contained within the delusional magickal circus, they are the reason so many continue to suffer in this realm... Because of their Ignorance!!! I have also been severely attacked myself, it doesn't bother me, these people are parasites, they don't even know what they are doing! Prime Creator is done with them!
RAYMOND KETLAND! The retired detective sergeant claims he was invited to join a pedophile
ring by a fellow freemason. Access here Photo: Barry Davies / Rebecca Television
Almost all pedophiles are Anunnaki Remnants or have succumbed to Anunnaki programming (witchcraft). In rare cases, the tendency toward paedophilia may be due to possession of the physical body by an Anunnaki consciousness. Some ancient cultures believe that the "pure" energy of young children, especially virgins, can cure their diseases, such as: tuberculosis, impotence, leprosy, aging, and especially sexually transmitted diseases such as syphilis and gonorrhoea. Children from poor families are often sold or rented to the rich to pay off debts. This is a worldwide problem that operates within every institution on the planet, ALL Controlled by Secret Societies!
There is a clear relationship between satanic ritual abuse (SRA), and pedophilia. The possessing parasitic entities in their human hosts use the pure essence of a child's life force to feed, siphon and bind it into servitude. This refers to bloodline satanic families, not the fake mind controlled parasites we come across on social media platforms! Practicing Satanists are educated in how to use SRA to create dissociative identity disorders (DID) and mental body fragmentation in their own children, in order to bind the soul body to an extradimensional satanic entity. Through the binding of servitude, the parents, within the "chosen" bloodline lineages are allowed to remain in power!
This type of abuse and trauma is directly connected to Mind Control! Their are no doubt thousands of these victims operating within Society, completely unaware of the control they are under! And few would notice them, unless they were activated to attack you in some way, their could be numerous reasons why they would target a specific soul! To protect their diseased ideology would be one of them! A 30-year-old woman from the Rhine-Main area was a victim of Masonic-Illuminati ritual abuse in Frankfurt, Germany between the ages of 2 and 11 and 25 and 26. She says: “I was trained in witchcraft and black magick so that I could kill with the power of my mind.”
Her Video Testimony Is Available For Free Below! You can Access Another Database Known As 50 Voices Here with More On This Subject!
The Problem With Society Is They Are Morally Bankrupt, And Soon
That Debt Will Have To Be Paid In Full! ~ Kobi Carter
The Book 22 Faces Of Judy Goes Into This, Also The Movie SPLIT Was Based On That Book! Revelation of the method, Below is another FREE PDF An Illuminati Primer by Veronica Swift, Its based on testimonies from those that were Illuminati insiders! Veronica Swift is another Warrior exposing Darkness you can visit her blog here, she covers many interesting topics! The other FREE PDF is a personal memoir of Kerth Barkers abuse in a secret Luciferian cult. WARNING: this book contains graphic descriptions of sexual child abuse, perverse sex, SRA, MK ULTRA and torture. And a third book on Ritual Abuse And Mind Control! Keep them away from Children!
If you have ever wondered what governments, military, kings and queens, Deep State Cabal, secret societies, Satanic cults, Witchcraft, and Mind Control have in common, the books below explain them all in explicit detail. The questions of why, how, where, when, and what has been done by the Masonic Cabal to create Mind Controlled Slaves are answered. These books take a deep dive into the Tree of Life and the Tree of Death, explaining how Anunnaki/Satan turns all of "Creators" knowledge upside down and then uses it to destroy its kingdom. We are fully aware Masonic Rituals are designed to Open Up Portals for these Anunnaki/Reptilians to control and manipulate them like puppets (i have injected two power prayers at the bottom of this page to assist with these matters).
However few recognize the true negative effects all of this is having on our planet and our consciousness!? Masons are unaware of the hostile takeover, their already spiritually dead! They were HIJACKED! Now humanity is dealing with the consequences of allowing that to occur on a Massive Scale! It becomes even more Bizarre when we witness people still admiring and protecting this Masonic imposter consciousness without a care in the world! This is how severe this MIND CONTROL And Reptilian Hive Mind Dragon Program has become! As I Always state the "Real Issue" Here is how many Docile Slaves still haven't come to the very obvious conclusion on this matter! Hence why they REFUSE To Heal This! I've Been working on Solutions for over a Decade! Humans are deluded when it comes to Frequency Dimensions!
The Anunnaki – The Self Appointed "Gods" Of Secret Societies And Religions are beings that have lost their connection to god source and are utilizing human and other beings as their food source to live thousands of years, Children are a VITAL part of that food source, they carry the purest form of energy, These Anunnaki Cyborgs do not have emotions as they do not possess a heart chakra like humans do, but they are highly intelligent so they focus on working on mind principles. These beings have been manipulating the human world through Mind Control for thousands and thousands of years for their own purposes. These are inter-dimensional and extra dimensional beings known as Fallen Angelics in ancient history and they use many manipulation methods to manipulate human race. See Dark Force Manipulation Methods!
The Controller Pillars of Society demonstrate recurrent victimization of those individuals that speak transparently and truthfully to the public, in order to condition persecution of any coherent value system that is deeply connected to maintaining one’s personal integrity. The Controllers do not want to produce people with genuine Personal Integrity that follow a coherent value system that promotes strong Self Esteem and self-responsibility, a person that lives by what they believe in and won’t compromise their integrity. They want Docile parasites that admire "Evil" and remain Silent on all matters, at that point you become Powerless...
Laura Worley a survivor from extreme Masonic Abuse shows others how to survive and thrive from these negative entities. She shares some of her experiences in her books, these books are full of information that has been hidden for way too long! It is time for the darkness to be brought into the light. Truth and love are the most powerful forces on earth. Finally, all the pieces of the puzzle are revealed from someone that has had first hand experience!
33rd Degree Freemason Walt Disney was also a prolific child abuser and a sadistic porn king as confirmed in the book! (Elliot, Walt Disney Hollywood’s Dark Prince, p. 83.) Walt even created his own private club and named it Club 33! 33 Is A prime masonic number, The numbers 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 33 and all multiples of them have esoteric meaning to the Brotherhood and are used in a variety of ways. They are geometrically encoded in brand names and encrypted in corporate logos all over the world.
Numbers are very important to these Cyborgs As Eric Dubay Wrote In The Atlantean Conspiracy! “Every person in the world has been assigned an 18 digit tracking number, which consists of 3 groups of 6 numbers. The first 3 numbers assigned in the BEAST computer to everyone are 666. The next is one’s national code. The U.S. national code is 110. Then the next 3 numbers are your telephone area code, and then finally your 9 digit Social Security number. The code then is 666 + Nation code + Tel. area code + social security no. = BEAST I.D. no. for an individual.” Dwight Kinman, “The World’s Last Dictator” (p256) Learn More In Occult Numerology!
One of the most revealing and compelling testimonies given to the Commission Of Natural Justice was from former Scotland Yard Police detective Jon Wedger who specialized in child abuse investigations. As a CID officer he discovered child sex trafficking networks reaching to highest levels of the police department, local government, and even the BBC, which led to an independent Police Complaints Commission delving into the depths of police involvement. Attempts to silence him failed, even after he was threatened by his superiors that he would lose his job, his children, and his home if he did not shut up.
When asked by Chief Counsel Robert David Steele why he hadn't been killed, he replied: Jesus loves me. Hopefully I've got a few more years. I've got a job to do.
One of my saving graces, and it didn't meant to happen... I actually did an interview with the UK column with a man called Brian Garish and he said it was too hot to handle and put it out online, and I thought, "Oh my God, what's he done." But it actually saved me. So the alternative media really did help me. Watch the testimony below. Another amazing woman (maggie oliver) that began having problems with the Masonic Police In Rochdale UK after she attempted to tackle child grooming gangs in her area, found herself in a very similar situation, Mrs Oliver had to leave the Police Force so she could create her own Organization, Its Called The Maggie Oliver Foundation!
The case above is by no means unique, their are many cases very similar, During the same period their was a lady that was working as a social worker in the Nottingham area of the United Kingdom. Her name was Melanie Shaw. Melanie had begun to expose some very disturbing facts in regards to Masons and Children in the home she was employed by, She was also subjected to severe attacks and even falsely imprisoned? After she was released she was subjected to endless forms of attack from the Masonic Demonic Kingdom. The audio sheds light on this. Many had signed a petition for Melanie's release however the Masonic Gov just rejected and ignored it. Their is also an eBook below from another case within the UK that mentions "Freemasons" were interfering with an investigation that involved crimes against children!
Their is definitely something seriously wrong with these people!
And the Masses allow them to run the entire Country? CLOWN WORLD!
The Illuminati sleeper races are a covert satanic cult that dominate global commerce and the military/industrial complex. It’s hierarchy is composed of thirteen bloodline families whose ancestry is traceable back to the Babylonian era. All American presidents are bloodline (George W. Bush and Vice-President Gore are the presidential candidates with the strongest Illuminati bloodlines). The creature at the apex of the Illuminati pyramidal structure is a French Marquis, who bears the rank Pin d’Ar.
He attends two human sacrifices in Orange County, California, each year; heads of state, politicians, celebrities, military and law enforcement personnel have been observed at these rituals. Lesser Illuminati organizational bodies include, the Octagon the Grand Druid Council of Thirteen and the Committee of Three Hundred.
At the bottom of the pyramid are satanic lodges and covens, e.g. the British Pickengill coven and the Wessex Lodge, the latter being the directors of the American Skull and Bones Society. An Illuminati sub-group is the Sovereign Order of the Dragon, which controlled the evil Egyptian priesthood and whose later members included Dracul, the father of Vlad the lmpaler (Dracula). Some claim The British Royals are descendents Of? In Regards to the true Egyptian Evil And Their Horrific Crimes Against Children, Laura Logon In Australia makes some very interesting points in regards to the Masons and their Child Sacrifice Rituals Below!
Below is another testimony from the United States. The man below is part of the infamous Jackson Family! This is the Son of Tom Jackson the cousin of Superstar Michael Jackson. The Jacksons ARE All Prince Hall Masons and he is just sharing his experience and inside knowledge with the World, Not only about Prince Hall Masons but also the truth behind the Jackson Family. The problem with hardcore truth is the sheeple cant listen to it, it scares them! He had two Facebook pages originally however they were censored and removed because he was showing proof that the Dunkin Doughnuts Franchise in the United States was a front for a Masonic Child Trafficking Operation!? He was targeted by his own Masonic Family for sharing his truth, and he was left to die in the Streets.
The U.S has just entered its final phase of its own destruction, Donald Trump the Greatest Trickster Of All Time is about to engineer WW3, That was planned decades ago. The Illuminati have numerous paths laid out, the intel is coming from The Anti-Christ himself VIA their chosen Channelers! Donald Trump is a 33rd Degree Bloodline Mason, (blonde hair sirian connection) Bloodline of his family, the original surname of the Trump Family was DRUMPF which was a German surname that goes back to the 16th Century! The bigger the deception the more devastating it will be to the human race long term! Everything Is Connected. Everything Feeds Everything Else!
The U.S has just entered its final phase of its own destruction, Donald Trump the Greatest Trickster Of All Time is about to engineer WW3, That was planned decades ago. The Illuminati have numerous paths laid out, the intel is coming from The Anti-Christ himself VIA their chosen Channelers! Donald Trump is a 33rd Degree Bloodline Mason, (blonde hair sirian connection) Bloodline of his family, the original surname of the Trump Family was DRUMPF which was a German surname that goes back to the 16th Century! The bigger the deception the more devastating it will be to the human race long term! Everything Is Connected. Everything Feeds Everything Else!
More On Purple Monarch Mind Control Programming
Hollyweird is controlled by a number of Secret Societies from the B'nai B'rith the Jewish Sector Of Masonry To The Jesuits/Illuminati! A man that has spent time with many Hollywood celebrities' in the world of Hollyweird shares his insight into The Corrupt World Of The Satanic Black Masonic Illuminati Slaves Like Jay Z, Rick Ross and various other celebrity puppets! He confirms they are all slaves and also claims all of these corrupt celebrities' have Demonic entities on them! While that is a FACT! Their is little we can do for these Slaves as most of them have been completely hijacked by dark force entities!
Hollyweird is controlled by a number of Secret Societies from the B'nai B'rith the Jewish Sector Of Masonry To The Jesuits/Illuminati! A man that has spent time with many Hollywood celebrities' in the world of Hollyweird shares his insight into The Corrupt World Of The Satanic Black Masonic Illuminati Slaves Like Jay Z, Rick Ross and various other celebrity puppets! He confirms they are all slaves and also claims all of these corrupt celebrities' have Demonic entities on them! While that is a FACT! Their is little we can do for these Slaves as most of them have been completely hijacked by dark force entities!
The statement above is not unique the American Rapper Professor Griff made similar accusations against Prince Hall Mason Quincy Jones in regards to what occurred with certain celebrities that were involved in the Music Industry, he claims Tupac and others were marked for death by the Masonic Hive Mind Dragon Program because they refused homosexual rituals!?
The content above isnt new, people have been speaking about this debauchery within Masonic Lodges for decades. Similar things were being said about Martin Luther King back in the 60s as can bee seen from the images below, it holds weight!!!
Its One GIANT Perverted Little Club!!!
Nathalie Augustina Trafficked, Raped and Ritually Abused
Nathalie Augustina was a Dutch-based supermodel in the 1980’s. She was confined to a mental hospital for revealing Illuminati depravity in her book, Today, at age 59, she is living in hiding but vows: “One thing, is that I hope is that I will be able to confront Keanu Reeves in public. He is my enemy and I will let everybody know what he did and who he is for real. If there is a god this will happen. If not I will get him as of 2-2-2022 the moment the portals open. Nobody Rapes me".
Henry Makow then reviews her book. Henry Makow Ex-Model Incarcerated for Exposing Illuminati Child Sacrifice.
"Nathalie Augustina was a MK-Ultra mind-controlled fashion model and sex slave who serviced politicians as a reward for their services to the super-rich Satanists that control the world. Her mind was compartmentalized by trauma as a young child and her sexual services were performed by another “alter.” She had no recollection of them, yet it was obvious that she had been used. She became pregnant twice without recollecting intercourse. She was offered millions of dollars for a baby but chose to abort them instead. She also had other psychic powers and functions in the netherworld of the CIA and Satanist elite.
The Illuminati depravity she exposes is consistent with Dutch banker Ronald Bernard’s revelations. The super-rich and royalty belong to a Satanist cult and engage in pedophilia, child and baby torture and murder, and cannibalism on a routine basis. Police and military intelligence enable these crimes and cover them up. Whistleblowers are murdered or confined to a mental hospital, in Nathalie’s case, Amsterdam’s Mentrum Psychiatric Hospital.
In the past, she was confined for two months in an isolation cell by “Dutch counterintelligence.” They tied her naked to a chair and quizzed her about “codes” which her normal personality cannot access. Then they took her to Mentrum where she was stripped naked and medicated. Her book was mid-wived by Robin de Ruiter, author of The 13 Satanic Bloodlines: Paving the Road to Hell. His Introduction provides an explanation of MK-Ultra brainwashing and how top modelling agencies are basically brothels. Bookers are pimps. Models who resist are disappeared. Here is a recent case.
Nathalie says that most 1980’s top models traded sex for fame and fortune. She claims she was drugged and raped by the actor Keanu Reeves. “Most movie stars are not only Monarch slaves, many are also slave-handlers; all live a double life.” Pedophile billionaire would fly world famous men to his “orgy island” where they would have sex with underage girls who were drugged. “Flight logs [include] Prince Albert, Bill Clinton and Donald Trump…the ultimate purpose: blackmail.”
"Nathalie Augustina was a MK-Ultra mind-controlled fashion model and sex slave who serviced politicians as a reward for their services to the super-rich Satanists that control the world. Her mind was compartmentalized by trauma as a young child and her sexual services were performed by another “alter.” She had no recollection of them, yet it was obvious that she had been used. She became pregnant twice without recollecting intercourse. She was offered millions of dollars for a baby but chose to abort them instead. She also had other psychic powers and functions in the netherworld of the CIA and Satanist elite.
The Illuminati depravity she exposes is consistent with Dutch banker Ronald Bernard’s revelations. The super-rich and royalty belong to a Satanist cult and engage in pedophilia, child and baby torture and murder, and cannibalism on a routine basis. Police and military intelligence enable these crimes and cover them up. Whistleblowers are murdered or confined to a mental hospital, in Nathalie’s case, Amsterdam’s Mentrum Psychiatric Hospital.
In the past, she was confined for two months in an isolation cell by “Dutch counterintelligence.” They tied her naked to a chair and quizzed her about “codes” which her normal personality cannot access. Then they took her to Mentrum where she was stripped naked and medicated. Her book was mid-wived by Robin de Ruiter, author of The 13 Satanic Bloodlines: Paving the Road to Hell. His Introduction provides an explanation of MK-Ultra brainwashing and how top modelling agencies are basically brothels. Bookers are pimps. Models who resist are disappeared. Here is a recent case.
Nathalie says that most 1980’s top models traded sex for fame and fortune. She claims she was drugged and raped by the actor Keanu Reeves. “Most movie stars are not only Monarch slaves, many are also slave-handlers; all live a double life.” Pedophile billionaire would fly world famous men to his “orgy island” where they would have sex with underage girls who were drugged. “Flight logs [include] Prince Albert, Bill Clinton and Donald Trump…the ultimate purpose: blackmail.”
Definition of civilization: Having an advanced or humane culture, society, etc.
Our so called "civilized" society is built on a monstrous Lie. It is not humane or advanced, it is a cold blooded, satanic hierarchical system built on the suffering and blood of mankind and the animal nations. All life forms on this planet are under attack from a perverted and insane consciousness, a debased mind set that has descended into the abyss far below the innocent realm of animal instinct. All of us that do not speak out against barbarism and cruelty in all its manifestations, are complicit in the ongoing destruction of our planet and its creatures. Sadly, many of us have become carbon copies of impostor consciousness, perverse in our thinking and blind in our ignorance and insensitivity. We play into, and give credence to a satanic system of debt, political choice, medical fraud, mind numbing fake news, planetary despoliation and, are in effect, accomplices and co-conspirators of inequality and oppression. People choose what they want to believe and ridicule those that think for themselves! The masses are considered sheep because everything they believe is an absolute lie. Cognitive Dissonance, Mind Control!?
Speaking of Children Suffering Builders excavating the site of Benjamin Franklin's former London residence recently discovered 10 corpses, four adult and six children. They were subsequently dated as coming from around the same period as his occupation. Some claim that this proves further that Benjamin Franklin whom was known to be involved with various Upper Echelon Masonic groups, as well as the UK's Hellfire Club, was a practicing Satanist who had participated in child sacrifices. THEY exist. YOU KNOW IT. They all have access to the Backstage. YOU KNOW IT. They read your mind. YOU KNOW IT. They ALL work together like bees. YOU KNOW IT. But the truth is that THEY DON'T TALK ABOUT YOU. THEY ONLY TALK ABOUT THEMSELVES! YOU KNOW IT! The point is : IF THEY DON'T RECOGNIZE THEIR SPECULATION ON YOU, THEN YOU DON'T RECOGNIZE IT, EITHER. Ask yourself : DID YOU SIGN ANY CONTRACT WITH THEM? WHERE IS YOUR SIGNATURE? AND THEIRS?
Do THEY have the power to control your life? ASK THEM! THEY will laugh at you. THEY will DENY the existence of this power, won't THEY? SO DO YOU!
The Illuminati use exactly the same methods as the locusts of Voodoo but the Illuminati are possessed by insectile chaos loas of the Archons. Kenneth Grant, occult expert and student of Aleister Crowley also wrote in his books about the insectiles that rule mankind. The Illuminati are possessed by dark energy/matter archonic insectiles, which are agents of the chaos god Yahweh and Mammon. This possession is total so the Illuminati are human vehicles for the archons rather than the parasitized humans which carry archon larvae. Alain Gossens, of the Karmapolis.be website has become something of a strategic partner of Open SETI, sharing interviews and articles and surveys in this field with an emphasis on Gnosticism and the works of Carlos Castaneda, here is one of his articles on Possession and Predation - Aliens, Flyers, Clones, and Reptilians: The Enigma of Extraterrestrial Parasites. Cults like the Masons and all Religions are designed to feed these entities on different levels. When these parasites are fully assimilated they use their hosts to steal energy from others! Mostly through the Sodomy of Children.
The fall of mankind is the result of this foreign installation, a dark energy/matter entity that has taken possession of human energy fields in a parasitic manner. Awareness has been destroyed and replaced with a pseudo consciousness that we all accept as being our own. Metamorphosis! This is an advanced form of RI, making any intended target an energetic zombie, by placing a servitor in the victim to control their thoughts and therefore their actions. In Chaos Magick magicians claim "servitors (also known as egregors) are created by deliberately budding off portions of their psyche and identifying them by means of a name, trait or symbol, after which they can learn to work with them? In Western Countries this condition has been taken to it’s logical conclusion, the foundation of the Anglo Demonic Reality.
In the early part of my development I had a difficult time attempting to rid myself of these unwanted parasites. When one attempts to cleanse using meditation, concentrating on inner silence, or the agglutinizing force that binds the energy body together, one finds these parasites can be removed, only to discover they will quickly return once normal matrix-like consciousness is restored. Exorcising these dark energy/matter parasites permanently requires one to damage all of them simultaneously ultimately destroying the hive mind connection. These rancid parasites are known to perch just above your energy body and are connected by an energy cable attached to the insectile whom controls the herd of docile humans which many are bound to through this energetic cable. The insectile is part of a hive that supplies energy to their hosts, inorganic beings (organic portals) as described by Castaneda in: The Art of Dreaming… "Thus once you rid yourself of one of these insectiles, more come along because they breed like flies given humans are seen as merely a food source". The Masses have been "Emotionally Hijacked" a term coined by Daniel Goleman in the 1990s.
The entire foundation of this realm was built upon darkness from the very beginning! Humanity has been trapped within this lower vibrational field of oppression for tens of thousands of years! The awakening process many are experiencing is another attempt from True Creator to Free its Children from this miserable Pit of Slavery! One thing is certain the history of our universe is a "River of Lies" down which the might and freedom of an all-powerful, god-like, immortal spiritual civilization ended and was lost in a Sea of Matter and Mortality!
The Most Infamous Story within these parameters is the Story Of Cathy O’Brien – Whom also experienced first hand the effects of Project Monarch whereby the minds of women/children are brutally taken over in order to provide pedophiles, politicians, criminals and practicing Satanists with willing sex slaves that could also double as covert operatives by having their personalities/memories switched on and off at will. The details of this horrific plan by the Elite to take over the planet through mass mind-control has come from the ex-CIA mind-controlled sex slave, Cathy O’Brien, and is described in harrowing detail in her book Trance Formation Of America.
After a lifetime in the clutches of the MK-Ultra Project Monarch mind-control program she became what is known as a "Presidential Model". A sex slave used specifically by the presidents for perverted abuse. Her abusers include the presidents Gerald Ford, Ronald Reagan (Reagan was also involved with PROJECT SERPO) the Clintons and George Bush as well as a host of other key U.S politicians. This was the beginning of the creation within Cathy’s psyche of a phenomenon known as Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD), now known as Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID). Monarch Recruits are referred to as a "slave" by the programmer/handler, whom in turn is perceived as the "master" or "god." About 75% are female, since they possess a higher tolerance for pain and tend to dissociate easier than males. Subjects are used mainly for cover operations, prostitution and pornography, involvement in the entertainment industry is notable.
Jay Parker grew up in a multi-generational family involved in the Masonic-Illuminati secret society, dating back to the 1700s. As a child he was a victim of Satanic ritual abuse. His mother taught him that 12% of America is generational satanic. When my mother in 63 told me that 12% of America is generational satanic, I really found it hard to believe. We went to regular church, and then of course in the afternoon we went to Church of the Marquee of Hell. But when you have a society where 800,000 children are disappearing a year, like here in America, and its not even in the media, its not discussed at all except among people who are researching the child trafficking and the horrific abuse that's going on from these dark occult... Can I say that we are in an insane position here?
I mean, this is insanity. 17 and a half million people dying of cancer because the cure is banned by the corruption of the pharmaceutical companies controlling the governments. This is genocide, and yet we're putting up with it. His expertise today is in healing modalities, and overcoming what he describes as the Satanic brainwashing that happens during the first six years of life. As an insider growing up in the Illuminati, he has much information to share about mind control and how the elite in the Illuminati control culture through the media, academia, the entertainment industry, etc. He claims that this control over people's minds is what allows 800,000 children to go missing each year in the U.S. and no one even bothers to question this. However, Parker believes people are beginning to wake up to the truth.
Access The Survivors Network for those Abused By Priests Here
Anyone that Ignores Or Attempts To Deny/Protect This Intel Are Probably Involved!
Free PDF On Child Rape And The Masonic Satanic Network By Jeremy James
Five Illuminati Child Trafficking Networks! Although there are many representatives of the hidden governments around the globe that cooperate with these evil forces and contribute as their proxies to the enslavement of mankind, they prefer to foster the idea that human beings are cosmic Robinson Crusoe, stranded by the odds of Nature on an insignificant planet, at the periphery of an unspectacular galaxy, amidst myriad galaxies in All-That-Is. While this camouflage may serve well the heinous plans of the Powers That Be, the readiness with which such lies are accepted by the masses is a clear indication that the basic idea of separation from the Whole still shapes the weltanschauung (particular philosophy) of most human beings in a profound way. The elimination of darkness by the light is achieved by establishing the condition of constructive interference and the elimination of all local conditions of destructive interference, where darkness and fears can no longer operate.
Most people are accustomed to a world that makes some sense, at least in their mind and that which supports their sense of false identity and false self. They may believe in a world based on continuity and logic, a predictable world. The individual or the public may cling to this belief system that makes up their world view in order to reinforce their ego identity and powers of resistance to not bend to the will of others superimposed narratives and agendas. Yet few ever recognize the true depth of the rabbit hole we are all contained inside. Alice in Wonderland Logic was created by the C.I.A to Avoid discussion of any serious issues by reasoning backwards or with apparent deductive logic which refrains from giving out any actual material facts! A slightly off-beat and idiosyncratic but gentle introduction to a unapproved topic or subject which for most 3D people, most of the time is safely relegated to the realm of fictional horror, ridiculous conspiracy theories or a similar mental pigeon-hole, so that life can proceed according to their delusional belief systems stuck within the matrix like consciousness. Which effectively means spiritually disconnected permanently!
Here is how we balance this: With light and with heart, with listening to our OWN hearts compass alone. For those of you who have been watching current events, on the internet exposing so much of the agenda to lock the connection to source and acceleration of the human aura, there is a period of time when it can all seem negatively overwhelming. The truth to this is when you put light on any dark situation the dark can no longer exist, the darkness can only exist if you give it a hiding place. Make your Aura Grow BIG with LOVE and increase the frequency within, Its a fight only true Warriors will WIN, Money wont save you and the EGO Will bury you. Blessings!
In regards to the Masonic Delusions of "Immortality". The mistake many so called Adepts have made when being offered Immortality is not considering these two things. We are already immortal and if we were not purposely made to forget that profound fact, we would know that. Just because you are immortal does not mean anything more than ye shall not perish, it says nothing of the details of your lifestyle in immortality. What does it mean to be locked in a perpetual cage for eternity?
Below is a short Audio Clip with three parts. The first part is taken from a Man being interviewed by Detectives in London UK. He is being asked to confirm all of the names that sexually abused him as a child! All of the names The Detective mentions are Freemasons. Mr Simon "Black Magick" Cowell from The UKs infamous X Factor Series is the first name on the list, Another Demon integrated into national television so millions worship a demon without awareness! The Second part is from Jeanette Archer a female that grew up within a Masonic Cult Family in the UK, and had horrendous experiences as a child. The third part is a testimony from a Former Witch in Hollyweird, United States about the Music Industry and Reptilianism/Satanism... And here is a copy of A Freedom Of Information Request On Masons To Police In Yorkshire UK
Anyone that Ignores Or Attempts To Deny/Protect This Intel Are Probably Involved!
Free PDF On Child Rape And The Masonic Satanic Network By Jeremy James
Five Illuminati Child Trafficking Networks! Although there are many representatives of the hidden governments around the globe that cooperate with these evil forces and contribute as their proxies to the enslavement of mankind, they prefer to foster the idea that human beings are cosmic Robinson Crusoe, stranded by the odds of Nature on an insignificant planet, at the periphery of an unspectacular galaxy, amidst myriad galaxies in All-That-Is. While this camouflage may serve well the heinous plans of the Powers That Be, the readiness with which such lies are accepted by the masses is a clear indication that the basic idea of separation from the Whole still shapes the weltanschauung (particular philosophy) of most human beings in a profound way. The elimination of darkness by the light is achieved by establishing the condition of constructive interference and the elimination of all local conditions of destructive interference, where darkness and fears can no longer operate.
Most people are accustomed to a world that makes some sense, at least in their mind and that which supports their sense of false identity and false self. They may believe in a world based on continuity and logic, a predictable world. The individual or the public may cling to this belief system that makes up their world view in order to reinforce their ego identity and powers of resistance to not bend to the will of others superimposed narratives and agendas. Yet few ever recognize the true depth of the rabbit hole we are all contained inside. Alice in Wonderland Logic was created by the C.I.A to Avoid discussion of any serious issues by reasoning backwards or with apparent deductive logic which refrains from giving out any actual material facts! A slightly off-beat and idiosyncratic but gentle introduction to a unapproved topic or subject which for most 3D people, most of the time is safely relegated to the realm of fictional horror, ridiculous conspiracy theories or a similar mental pigeon-hole, so that life can proceed according to their delusional belief systems stuck within the matrix like consciousness. Which effectively means spiritually disconnected permanently!
Here is how we balance this: With light and with heart, with listening to our OWN hearts compass alone. For those of you who have been watching current events, on the internet exposing so much of the agenda to lock the connection to source and acceleration of the human aura, there is a period of time when it can all seem negatively overwhelming. The truth to this is when you put light on any dark situation the dark can no longer exist, the darkness can only exist if you give it a hiding place. Make your Aura Grow BIG with LOVE and increase the frequency within, Its a fight only true Warriors will WIN, Money wont save you and the EGO Will bury you. Blessings!
In regards to the Masonic Delusions of "Immortality". The mistake many so called Adepts have made when being offered Immortality is not considering these two things. We are already immortal and if we were not purposely made to forget that profound fact, we would know that. Just because you are immortal does not mean anything more than ye shall not perish, it says nothing of the details of your lifestyle in immortality. What does it mean to be locked in a perpetual cage for eternity?
Below is a short Audio Clip with three parts. The first part is taken from a Man being interviewed by Detectives in London UK. He is being asked to confirm all of the names that sexually abused him as a child! All of the names The Detective mentions are Freemasons. Mr Simon "Black Magick" Cowell from The UKs infamous X Factor Series is the first name on the list, Another Demon integrated into national television so millions worship a demon without awareness! The Second part is from Jeanette Archer a female that grew up within a Masonic Cult Family in the UK, and had horrendous experiences as a child. The third part is a testimony from a Former Witch in Hollyweird, United States about the Music Industry and Reptilianism/Satanism... And here is a copy of A Freedom Of Information Request On Masons To Police In Yorkshire UK
There are Threads Coming From Survivors Of Masonic Persecution From Around The Globe Going Back 20 Years See More Here
ASLO LEARN MORE @ FREEMASONS THE SILENT DESTROYERS Spiritual Targets Have Existed Since The Beginning Of Human Slavery, I REFER To them as the True Enemies of The Anunnaki. To date I cant seem to reach full realization about any of this, Something is blocking the information, it feels like a black hole or a Giant Vortex, true spiritual targets are simply heavily oppressed from birth most dont even realize it, those that sense something is seriously wrong with their existence often wake up and begin discovering to much truth and annoy the hive mind hence the Targeting! Anyhow More Recently Electromagnetic Harassment Has Begun To Appear...
Electromagnetic Harassment is an extension of Mind Control Experiment's that have been in full effect for decades. Their are many layers and many programs being tested in a variety of ways, one of those experiment's is heavily invested in coupling the human brain with technology. These covert operations of coupling people’s brains to computers has been going on for decades, SÄPO Swedish Security Police were heavily involved in this stuff way back in the 70s. Transmitters were being implanted in people’s heads during routine hospital surgeries. Most commonly, these were inserted through the nostrils, using two-way radio communications. In the late 1960s, the potential and areas of application of telemetry were already being discussed by J.M. Delgado in his book Physical Control of the Mind: Toward a Psychocivilized Society: Thirty years ago, in 1968, Dr. Stuart Mackay published his Bio-Medical Telemetry, in which he outlined the potential of this latest science: Bio-medical telemetry has long been thought to be impossible by the majority of people and has been relegated to science fiction. The fact is that scientists developed this technology and brought it into our reality at least thirty years ago and started experiments with many unwitting people and since it has expanded exponentially!
We’re in the midst of a parasitic attack on our entire planet to literally change our fundamental operating system. Genetics and other concurrent chemical, biological and electromagnetic alterations to our selves and habitat are the weapons of choice. Amazingly enough, parts of humanity are being induced to not only do this to itself for whatever reward or reason, but the rest are entrained to readily accept it as scientific “advancement”. The implications are of course drastic and the potential consequences dire. Fact is these virus-like programs are already well underway and already infecting your food, air, water and are actively spreading in you, and me (MORGELLONS). So perhaps it’s time for humanity to wake the hell up and smell our altered reality and this invasive insidious influence on our besieged planet before it’s too late! Whatever and whomever these 'powers that be' are, they’re obviously working to establish an elite master race on top with a seriously dumbed-down transhumant fully-controlled server race at the bottom. If you truly cannot fully comprehend that much at this point, I pity you....
The upper echelons of Secret Societies know the truth about the origin of man and know we all are spiritual beings and thus immortal. They also know the masses are under mind control, they designed frequency suppression ! Secret Societies also know the truth about Prime Creator, they know we are all equal, but have distorted reality for their own nefarious purposes. People whom stumble upon to much truth are almost always ridiculed, slandered or even killed. Due to the Digital Age more are being Targeted than ever! Evil is losing control of their lies. (tips on surviving matrix ambushes and extracting knowledge and power from these challenges) The Harold Shipman Case was a more recent Prime Example of how corrupt the Masons truly are, The masonic hive mind dragon program denied Shipman was A Mason at every turn, until they were Out Smarted by a group of Solicitors that were pursuing compensation for the Families of shipman's victims!
ASLO LEARN MORE @ FREEMASONS THE SILENT DESTROYERS Spiritual Targets Have Existed Since The Beginning Of Human Slavery, I REFER To them as the True Enemies of The Anunnaki. To date I cant seem to reach full realization about any of this, Something is blocking the information, it feels like a black hole or a Giant Vortex, true spiritual targets are simply heavily oppressed from birth most dont even realize it, those that sense something is seriously wrong with their existence often wake up and begin discovering to much truth and annoy the hive mind hence the Targeting! Anyhow More Recently Electromagnetic Harassment Has Begun To Appear...
Electromagnetic Harassment is an extension of Mind Control Experiment's that have been in full effect for decades. Their are many layers and many programs being tested in a variety of ways, one of those experiment's is heavily invested in coupling the human brain with technology. These covert operations of coupling people’s brains to computers has been going on for decades, SÄPO Swedish Security Police were heavily involved in this stuff way back in the 70s. Transmitters were being implanted in people’s heads during routine hospital surgeries. Most commonly, these were inserted through the nostrils, using two-way radio communications. In the late 1960s, the potential and areas of application of telemetry were already being discussed by J.M. Delgado in his book Physical Control of the Mind: Toward a Psychocivilized Society: Thirty years ago, in 1968, Dr. Stuart Mackay published his Bio-Medical Telemetry, in which he outlined the potential of this latest science: Bio-medical telemetry has long been thought to be impossible by the majority of people and has been relegated to science fiction. The fact is that scientists developed this technology and brought it into our reality at least thirty years ago and started experiments with many unwitting people and since it has expanded exponentially!
We’re in the midst of a parasitic attack on our entire planet to literally change our fundamental operating system. Genetics and other concurrent chemical, biological and electromagnetic alterations to our selves and habitat are the weapons of choice. Amazingly enough, parts of humanity are being induced to not only do this to itself for whatever reward or reason, but the rest are entrained to readily accept it as scientific “advancement”. The implications are of course drastic and the potential consequences dire. Fact is these virus-like programs are already well underway and already infecting your food, air, water and are actively spreading in you, and me (MORGELLONS). So perhaps it’s time for humanity to wake the hell up and smell our altered reality and this invasive insidious influence on our besieged planet before it’s too late! Whatever and whomever these 'powers that be' are, they’re obviously working to establish an elite master race on top with a seriously dumbed-down transhumant fully-controlled server race at the bottom. If you truly cannot fully comprehend that much at this point, I pity you....
The upper echelons of Secret Societies know the truth about the origin of man and know we all are spiritual beings and thus immortal. They also know the masses are under mind control, they designed frequency suppression ! Secret Societies also know the truth about Prime Creator, they know we are all equal, but have distorted reality for their own nefarious purposes. People whom stumble upon to much truth are almost always ridiculed, slandered or even killed. Due to the Digital Age more are being Targeted than ever! Evil is losing control of their lies. (tips on surviving matrix ambushes and extracting knowledge and power from these challenges) The Harold Shipman Case was a more recent Prime Example of how corrupt the Masons truly are, The masonic hive mind dragon program denied Shipman was A Mason at every turn, until they were Out Smarted by a group of Solicitors that were pursuing compensation for the Families of shipman's victims!
Our Masonic Government And Their Hidden Agenda FREE PDF
Secret Societies are enslaved by their Anunnaki Slave Masters in a variety of ways. Demonic Oppression is certainly a factor however its only a small part of the bigger picture! The liar-archy puppets all have different curses and control mechanisms built into their level of operation. This false "reality construct" is so convoluted it would fool even the wisest of them! The Illusions are so convincing few can see past the deceptions. Every aspect of Spiritual destruction within this Phantom Matrix can be tied to Secret Societies and their Fake Gods! All of the Above is just the tip of the Iceberg... Those that ignore such things have no intention in healing consciousness!
The Masses are extremely Sick they have no intention in cleaning up their own mess, so it looks like the path will have to take its course....
Two FREE PDFs below install further insight from multiple perspectives....
Secret Societies are enslaved by their Anunnaki Slave Masters in a variety of ways. Demonic Oppression is certainly a factor however its only a small part of the bigger picture! The liar-archy puppets all have different curses and control mechanisms built into their level of operation. This false "reality construct" is so convoluted it would fool even the wisest of them! The Illusions are so convincing few can see past the deceptions. Every aspect of Spiritual destruction within this Phantom Matrix can be tied to Secret Societies and their Fake Gods! All of the Above is just the tip of the Iceberg... Those that ignore such things have no intention in healing consciousness!
The Masses are extremely Sick they have no intention in cleaning up their own mess, so it looks like the path will have to take its course....
Two FREE PDFs below install further insight from multiple perspectives....
While most continue to live in their world of illusions, The parasitic liar-archy continues to flourish, The Courts of Law are infected with a virus that doesn't even understand what law is. They choose when laws should be applied always at the advantage of themselves, crippling nations from within, poisoning the very well of the human race covertly, without remorse, On one hand Judges are being as lenient as they can be with Pedophiles, and with the other, they are kidnapping children from lower class families. This truly is the Age of Absolute Insanity! We need the brave, courageous, empathic, trustworthy warriors dedicated to truth and love for life, to rise to fill the void of getting the humanitarian messages back into circulation. Pay close attention and do not feed into the insanity of the psychological operations made against the people, stay calm, neutral and carry on with speaking your truth, living from your heart, and never accept any form of payment to be silenced!
Those that EXPOSE These Occultists are often Targeted as can be seen in this email from Cathy Fox!
See Dr Eric Karlstromms Site on Gang stalking, for further insight! And Our Other Page For Further Insight Into How Deep This Goes Here.
Those that EXPOSE These Occultists are often Targeted as can be seen in this email from Cathy Fox!
See Dr Eric Karlstromms Site on Gang stalking, for further insight! And Our Other Page For Further Insight Into How Deep This Goes Here.
End The Freemason Corruption Petition Sign Here
If one begins to recognize to many truths or even attempts to WARN the rest of the cattle, they could be targeted. There are quite a few souls that have broken down due to these methods, some have even taken extreme measures and decided to pick up Guns and start shooting people. The cases of Myron May And Aaron Alexis are two examples, these two have come up against the "Hive Mind" and couldn't process the information correctly and basically lost their head severely. It not surprising its a very serious reality shift and would kill most people, many have been known to commit suicide over similar experiences! Many claim those being targeted are simply people suffering from paranoid delusions. The General public except ridiculous delusions because they are themselves self absorbed low frequency parasites, that have very little awareness about anything in regards to how this reality truly operates. They have been engineered from birth to believe blatant lies.
The problem in regards to consciousness, frequency domains, spiritual dimensions, witchcraft and various other highly advanced control mechanisms, the general public know absolutely ZERO. They can only process information based on a 3D PSI Prison perspective. They are effectively brain dead. Indoctrinated to the hilt, but brain dead. Many are also targeted from within the system, its often subtle. It is well known they use Doctors and "Spychiatrists" often to eliminate any potential threats! Its the same corrupt medical employees whom are being used to supply bogus information to back up false CPS cases to remove children from families all over the West!
Colin A. Ross. M.D has some profound insight into how these people truly operate two of his books can be found below...
If one begins to recognize to many truths or even attempts to WARN the rest of the cattle, they could be targeted. There are quite a few souls that have broken down due to these methods, some have even taken extreme measures and decided to pick up Guns and start shooting people. The cases of Myron May And Aaron Alexis are two examples, these two have come up against the "Hive Mind" and couldn't process the information correctly and basically lost their head severely. It not surprising its a very serious reality shift and would kill most people, many have been known to commit suicide over similar experiences! Many claim those being targeted are simply people suffering from paranoid delusions. The General public except ridiculous delusions because they are themselves self absorbed low frequency parasites, that have very little awareness about anything in regards to how this reality truly operates. They have been engineered from birth to believe blatant lies.
The problem in regards to consciousness, frequency domains, spiritual dimensions, witchcraft and various other highly advanced control mechanisms, the general public know absolutely ZERO. They can only process information based on a 3D PSI Prison perspective. They are effectively brain dead. Indoctrinated to the hilt, but brain dead. Many are also targeted from within the system, its often subtle. It is well known they use Doctors and "Spychiatrists" often to eliminate any potential threats! Its the same corrupt medical employees whom are being used to supply bogus information to back up false CPS cases to remove children from families all over the West!
Colin A. Ross. M.D has some profound insight into how these people truly operate two of his books can be found below...
The deadly Industry of psychiatry is a major area of control for Secret Societies, they use it to control perception, information and silence any threats they may encounter, including protecting their own Cult Members that have been caught in the act in regards to committing horrific crimes against children like James Purnell from the BBC Network in the UK Below, Pedophiles are just Souls that are under full blown Demonic Possession of one demonic force or another, trapped in Lower Frequency Planes, in some cases they could have a variety of Dark Entities on them, Doctors deny the existence of these Dark Reptilian Entities so they can covertly protect the feeding farm. The Masses being extremely dumb down and docile just accept the Lie, keeping the Sheep contained, I have attempted many spiritual practices over the years in an attempt to clean this up, however I believe it is going to require many people, the weight is to heavy for one individual, it may need possibly tens of thousands!
The Problem is the millions of delusional clowns that protect this fiercely! They are guaranteed a place in Hell! From The Masons to The Rosicrucian's! Rosicrucianism has also attracted membership from the medical community for decades, and there is evidence it even recruits in the medical, and osteopathic schools. The Rosicrucian's, who like to track their history back to the alchemists, brag about their large numbers of medical members. AMORC indicates that at least 11% of its members are doctors. The Rosicrucian's also hint about their "secret" medical experiments and secret medical knowledge? That's the thing with Narcissists All They do is Speak About Themselves!
The Medical Mafia FREE PDF
Rosicrucian's And Freemasons Free PDF
They also covertly promote many disturbing agendas through these Organizations, slow and methodical, ways that don't attract to much attention. At a July 2013 pedophilia conference held at the UK’s prestigious University of Cambridge, "research experts" in regards to the perverted crimes against our youth concluded: “Pedophilic interest is natural and normal for human males. At least a sizeable minority of normal males would like to have sex with children. Normal males are aroused by children.” This is how they slowly burn this garbage into the collective psyche until the masses just accept it! And its also a clear indication many are in complete support of this twisted agenda! The Vigilant Citizen has some great information about the Corrupt Illuminati Puppets and their perverted ways also!
And History/Politics/Theory Also has some interesting Views!
The psychiatric field also utilized its latest edition of the DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) in a attempt to normalize the raping and sexual exploitation of children, by initially referring to pedophilia as a mere sexual orientation. The American Psychiatric Association (APA) has made its objective explicitly clear to the public, maintaining that the negative impact of child sexual abuse when adults have sex with children was overstated. Further they stated that, “The vast majority of both men and women reported no negative sexual effects from their child sexual experiences.” This is what i refer to as subtle trauma based mind control.
They also covertly promote many disturbing agendas through these Organizations, slow and methodical, ways that don't attract to much attention. At a July 2013 pedophilia conference held at the UK’s prestigious University of Cambridge, "research experts" in regards to the perverted crimes against our youth concluded: “Pedophilic interest is natural and normal for human males. At least a sizeable minority of normal males would like to have sex with children. Normal males are aroused by children.” This is how they slowly burn this garbage into the collective psyche until the masses just accept it! And its also a clear indication many are in complete support of this twisted agenda! The Vigilant Citizen has some great information about the Corrupt Illuminati Puppets and their perverted ways also!
And History/Politics/Theory Also has some interesting Views!
The psychiatric field also utilized its latest edition of the DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) in a attempt to normalize the raping and sexual exploitation of children, by initially referring to pedophilia as a mere sexual orientation. The American Psychiatric Association (APA) has made its objective explicitly clear to the public, maintaining that the negative impact of child sexual abuse when adults have sex with children was overstated. Further they stated that, “The vast majority of both men and women reported no negative sexual effects from their child sexual experiences.” This is what i refer to as subtle trauma based mind control.
Spiritual Leaders and those making headway in certain “unapproved” areas of public discussion, such as Extra-terrestrials, UFO’s, abduction cases, Alien Implants, the Satanic use of child sacrifice, pedophilia, Moloch insignia for SRA, and full disclosure of the true history of humanity - will often be targeted for victimization and subjected to severe Character Assassination Programs followed by dark force manipulation and demonic attacks on a multi dimensional level its purpose is to oppress and silence the target! This realm is filled to the brim with delusional idiots trapped within very low frequency domains. Meaning their Awareness can only process information based on their limited 3D senses, When thousands are exposing masonic traitors all around the globe and they are being ignored, ridiculed or even attacked we have reached the end of a very dark path, one that can only end in complete annihilation! Masonic puppets do their best to cover up their deceit, however many are beginning to notice something is certainly not right in regards to these people! This corrupt network is also heavily protected on numerous levels!
Human Trafficking Victim In UK Exposes perpetrators! Learn More On The Worldwide Pedophilia Agenda Here
From Forced Adoption To Criminal Fronts Disguised As Charities are all involved at some level. I have integrated many more podcasts, videos and stories into this site as irrefutable evidence! These Secret Society puppets are using the entire system to covertly enforce these oppressive agendas! Learn More On The Five Child Trafficking Networks Of The Masonic Illuminati. The Mind Controlled Masonic Puppet Judges are being manipulated to destroy Society from within by quietly abusing their power being extra lenient on these Monsters, and Masonic Doctors "Spychiatrists" are ignoring it completely and even attempting to justify it with delusions!? Bill Cooper has been WARNING people about The Masons Since The 80s!. He was assassinated by the U.S Navy in 2001! Milton William "Bill" Cooper (May 6, 1943 – November 5, 2001).
Even Priests are getting in on the Action and Exposing them and people still continue
to ignore the obvious! WARNING Shots are being FIRED Worldwide?
to ignore the obvious! WARNING Shots are being FIRED Worldwide?
Those that perceive this reality from a 3D Perspective will not understand it. However all of this is protected for only one reason, It creates endless forms of Energy. Energy is the true currency in this realm and those with the most power and wealth from Secret Societies to Religions are those that Harness the most Energy, And to create this Energy everything has to become corrupted. Sexual Energy is the most powerful. And these Cults understand that very well! This is the primary reason why The Jesuit Controlled CIA owns 75% of the Porn Industry! There is no end to the Corrupt JESUIT C.I.A Network they have engineered Mass corruption on a Global Scale! Read,
Tracy Twyman's C.I.A And Their Mind Controlled Sex Slaves FREE PDF And, The Secret Team The CIA and Its Allies In Control of the United States and the World by L. Fletcher Prouty. Americas Most Decorated War Hero James Bo Gritz Also wrote a Book that Exposed them all... The Book Was Called A Nation Betrayed! Also Look Into "OPERATION WATCHTOWER" !!! They are ALL filthy Capitalists!
Chemical Warfare, Severe Oppression Agendas, Fascism, Sexual Promiscuity, Gender Distortions, Drug Addictions, Fluoride, GMOs, BIG Pharma Poison, Vaccinations, Pedophiles, Witchcraft, Criminals, Religions, the homeless, Phony Wars, Fear, Rage all traumatic catastrophes and demoralization agendas have all been engineered by the Liar-archy to disrupt mass consciousness and generate huge amounts of energy for the Global Energy Harvest Agenda!
Its purpose is to reverse the human energy fields known as an AURA to the masses, effectively destroy it so OFF WORLD ENTITIES can penetrate there consciousness and manipulate them like puppets, most seem to think this has only occurred with Secret Society and Religious Puppets, Unlikely this is Global on every level. It has many purposes, limit perception, create confusion, make the slaves easier to control, however few can perceive where all of this is heading, The Ultimate Agenda, A World completely consumed by the Artificial Matrix. The technocracy and their technological landscape is being built to streamline/harness huge amounts of human energy! Think Transformers Movie Franchise. Hidden In Plain Sight!
Many of us believe that our incarnation at the time of the great shift of the ages is not a cosmic accident. With team light and team dark each vying for the collective souls of humanity I believe that source has marshalled it’s most "adept" spiritual warriors to incarnate at this time. We didn’t come here to be spectators. We came here to act on behalf of humanity as agents of change; to restore balance and freedom.
Vaccinations are a medical treatment in the form of an injection for the purpose of increasing immunity that is to be administered to an otherwise healthy individual. Many people are waking up to the unethical actions of the medical-pharma-CDC corporatocracy corruption ring, that are forcing many vaccination doses in untested combinations to be administered to healthy babies and children. Many of these controversial legislations that are attempting forced vaccinations, violates the very clear language in the Informed Consent section of the AMA Code of Medical Ethics. Informed Consent is directly related to preserving a human beings right to self-ownership, autonomy and the prevention of abusive conduct. Forced vaccination is designed to destroy the laws that protect informed consent and medical freedom, and all people should be mindful of this attack made against our human rights and our body. These actions are intended to return humanity back, to repeat the World War II timeline of the Black Sun Agenda when Eugenics, gassing undesirable citizens, and other crimes against humanity were perfectly legal and enforced by fascist nations seeking world domination, with the support of their Alien Overlords and their simple minded mind controlled puppets!
Additionally, live virus vaccines are grown on assorted human and animal cells collected from aborted foetal tissue, monkeys, cows, chickens, dogs, mice and other animals. The way many vaccines are produced is through cross-species viral contamination. When foreign DNA is injected into a human, the body’s immune response is to attack that foreign DNA. When that foreign animal DNA attaches to the human cells, the immune response includes attacking its own cells. Injecting these traces of multiple species DNA into the bloodstream also causes problems with DNA signalling in the body, with the human species original DNA. It is the confounding of human DNA language, designed to confuse communication in the cells. The human body cannot identify the original DNA signal when it becomes hybridized with multiple species, thus the cells are unable to recognize the frequency resonances of its true DNA parent. Forced vaccination is designed to destroy the laws that protect informed consent and medical freedom, and all people should be mindful of this attack made against our Human Rights and our bodily health. Recently there has been media spin promoting disease programming through the aggressive creation of fear and the push for legalizing forced vaccinations of children. ALL implemented By Secret Society's!
(Also See Psychological Operations and Media Manipulation).
Secret Societies have existed since the very beginning of human slavery. It all began thousands of years ago when man became hypnotized by the illusions of the fallen. The First was known as the "Brotherhood of the Snake", a secret society set up by an alien named Enki. The story is told in Sumerian scriptures, which go back at least 6000 years. It says man was created by draconian aliens, whom came to this planet to exploit its resources and possibly mine for gold! I hear many claim ENKI likes the human race. Two problems here this is NOT ENKIs Planet and he has no authority over the Spiritual Realms so his opinion is moot! See More On ENKI here! For further insight on a huge variety of these Alien matters and various other things also look into the Cassiopaean Logs Here!
ENKI/SATAN also Known As Vulcan, P'Tah, Zeus etc. Interesting to note "Zeus" was considered "Chthonic" the term chthonic (comes from Ancient Greek χθόνιος khthónios, "belonging to the earth", "of earth") designates or refers to the gods or spirits of the underworld , as opposed to celestial deities. Their is a complete list of names for the Nuburian 12 further down. These Reptilians are highly intelligent however their all dead inside, they have no heart chakra literally, just like their followers! They imitate humanity until you see through their bullshit, then they get angry! Masons behave the exact same way! Thankfully more are beginning to recognize this! The Sirian Annunaki reptilian hybrid being Sa’am-Enki was instrumental in assorted genetic modification and cloning experiments made upon the angelic human race, these experiments generated many species of Fallen Angelics, and cloned out other humanoid species to muddy the genetic waters in this realm, such as the history of the Neanderthals and the Nephilim. Sa’am-Enki IS a self-appointed Alien whom invaded and conquered planetary territory, where he designed many of the genetic hybridization programs made upon angelic humans in order to embed his particular synthetic genetic signature into the Nucleotides of human DNA!.
Thoth, Enki, Enlil Collectives are Annunaki hybrid Fallen Angelic that are from Nibiru and formed alliances with Necromitons, Odedicrons that serve Nibiruian interests in capturing territory on earth and in this Solar System. Most of their main harvesting networks are located in the United Kingdom, and thus they have a heavy presence in the land mass that is known as reptilian central. It has been brought to my attention to observe the recruitment and grooming techniques of the Thoth, Enki, Enlil Collectives which are Annunaki Fallen Angelic Hybrids. These groups are contacting their preferred male bloodlines on the earth for the express purpose of creating the next generation in the worshiping mind control program that the infinite Creator refers to as the building of "Enki's Army".
This entrainment technique for greater deterministic influence is a favourite tactic of self-serving hyper dimensional entities who find it profitable to enslave other souls. The more tangible they can make it, the less free will their target victims will have to resist. From our perspective of linear time, these entities come from a very negative probable future and are interacting with us in dubious but manipulative ways, which draw us into reinforcing their timeline, either by becoming them, serving them, or not being an obstacle for them. We know that these entities most commonly occur as the negative variety of Greys , Reptilians , Praying Mantises, as well as the Nordic alien factions . Not surprisingly, their method of operation is entirely consistent with the quantum mechanics of time travel. Through manipulation , rather than forcing their targets into spiritual enslavement, they are able to trap souls from timelines more exuberant than their own. A fascinating yet disturbing phenomenon happens to people who become overly paranoid, depressed, desperate, fearful in matters concerning the dark.
Alien abductees , conspiracy investigators, paranormal researchers, newbies to Matrix research - they are all vulnerable to heightening the object of their fears by getting too close and emotionally entangled. Fear projects one into a probable future of vulnerability, initiating a feedback loop that ensures one becomes vulnerable unless the projection changes orientation to something more emotionally and spiritually balanced. Those obsessively fearful of the greys will attract them, those obsessively paranoid of government control will welcome them, those who are usually terrified by the artificially synchronous nature of the matrix will be inundated by oddities. The feedback loop induces a downward spiral of self-reinforcement in which traumatic experience creates fear and fear creates new trauma.
The person is always free to choose transcendence and to get out of the loop. While negative emotional states block a negative future, a lack of resistance or enthusiastic support out of naivety does the same. For example, another way to increase the objective manifestation of negative aliens in your life is to happily support them, call them, encourage them to interact. While there is no fear at all, you still reinforce their timeline and therefore increase the amount of force they can use against you.
The interaction may even be of a "warm and fuzzy" nature, but if you ignorantly contribute to what turns out to be a hostile program, the circuit grows in strength. Beyond a certain point it becomes very difficult to break out, especially since the increased objectivity of the interaction gives them more avenues for hijacking, programming, implantation and control. This undermines their ability to resist. So these dark forces work either by emotionally dragging you into projections towards them or by intellectually tricking/oppressing you into supporting them, The Artificial Demiurge is a serious contributor to this enslavement program. The Author Of V.A.L.I.S (vast active living intelligence system) Phillip K. Dick began to have a similar theory at the end of his career that was related to the Artificial Demuirge?
Most serious academics and "Awakened" Souls are fully aware ENKI The Father Of Jesus Is the original SATAN. Dan Winters also Expanded further on this with, "The charge of Satanism is not entirely refuted either, but de Vere proffers that they are not worshipping Satan so much as honouring one of their forefathers, who they stick right in the family tree along with Jesus, David and the rest. "The Sabbatical Goat of the Black Mass was Chem Zoroaster," he writes, "one of the early ancestors of the ancient Dragon Families," and, "Satan was also called by the witches "Christ, son Dei." ... Jesus, heredity and the descent of the druidic dynasties... was devilish, because the descent of both bloodlines was from the Sumerian Enki who was the Akkadian Samael: the Roman Lucifer and thus the Catholic Satan."
Lionel Anderson The "Pleiadean" makes some interesting points below about ENKI And Planet X, Nibiru, a complexed subject I have been pondering on for many years. In regards to Aliens I trust them about as much as I trust the Government, However multiple perspectives on any subject are healthy. The dragon is a reptile, it is a reptilian, and reptilians are also the Nibiruan astral parasite Anunnaki gods, who have been poisoning and terrorizing humans for eons (humans can literally see everyday what they have done and they still don't acknowledge, they don't even care?) The mindset of the Reptoids and other invading species of the Anunnaki, is that humans are their personal property to be used as a resource that serves their domination agenda. The degree to which they perform benevolent actions towards humans, is the degree to which that action serves their enslavement agenda. Overall they are calculating liars and masterful deceivers, and will say anything that humans wants to hear, in order to manipulate the results to serve their agenda. Again Identical to Masons and various other Secret Society Pop Up Puppets!?
Interesting to note, NIBIRU was exposed by Dr Claudia Albers many years ago, Albers claimed Planet X (nibiru)
was directly above this realm? Albers even lost her Career in a University and was targeted with
DEWs for making those claims! Many have attempted to debunk Albers work, this clarifies it was probably truth!?
These parasites have Zero Power outside of this realm. Its Phenomenal how many have fallen for this garbage!
Do they actually believe these parasites have some sort of paradise waiting for them in the afterlife!? LOL
Disturbing statues of reptiles with humans Vigeland Park, Oslo, Norway!
Norway Is one of the most Satanic Countries In The World. Satanism Is literally Reptilian-ism
The Most Powerful And Charismatic People In This Realm Are Always Hosts For Parasites!
In This Realm Light Appears As Dark And Dark Appears As Light.
And then we have the Vatican and their unusual building! Most refer to this as a "conspiracy theory"
mainly because they are ignorant fools and understand very little! Satanism IS Reptilian-ism.
The Reptilian Roots Of Pedophilia
A stunning Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) report prepared for President Putin back in 2013, which is still circulating in the Kremlin today,
claimed that Pope Benedict XVI was forced to resign over Catholic Church fears that this 85-year-old leader of over 1 billion Christians was
“mentally and physically unprepared” to deal with the coming revelation about the truth of alien beings....?
Here are a few links for further insight:
The Dark History Of The Vatican Database
Satanic Black Mass At The Vatican
The Vatican Findings Of Malachi Martin
Satanism, Ritual Abuse And Paedophilia In The Catholic Church
Multiple Catholic Priests Exposed With The Practice Of Satanism
Mass Genocide Of Mohawk Children By UK Queen And Catholic Church
The Greenbaum Speech, Hypnosis In MPD And Ritual Abuse
And Of course we are already aware all Wealth, "Currency" Is Controlled by Darkness On Every Level,
Its directly attached VIA Symbolism to Ancient Talmudic Black Magick, Only those that have experienced
The use of Black Money Magick would comprehend that, You become a Magnet for Wealth!
The Lies Of The Serpent Are Advanced And Most Have Been Caught In The .NET!
Here is an interesting Article On Lilith, Inanna And Hillary Clinton By Peter Farley
I want to escape this realm of pure evil AND NEVER Return I WILL Never Worship These Fake Gods!
How Much Wealth Does The Vatican Own?
Why The Pope Is To Blame For Sex Scandals
The Authentic Form Of Catholicism has always been Ancient Egyptian Goddess Worship!
Exposure to true information does not matter anymore. A person who is brainwashed is unable to assess true information. The facts tell him nothing, even if I shower him with information, with authentic proof, with documents, he will refuse to believe it. ~ Yuri Alexandrovich Bezmenov
Anyhow It was said, the "Brotherhood of the Snake" was infiltrated by Draconian Master aliens and the knowledge was distorted to trap man instead of enlighten him. The Egyptian Era was in fact real "space opera", with aliens walking around among us, even taking the throne as pharaohs. By that time the Brotherhood had been infiltrated and it began to manipulate the masses, making them believe in false gods! They invented different religions/cults to keep man distracted from the true agendas of the Brotherhood. It was also a way to control people by not revealing the truth about their own Chakras, so people had zero chance of setting themselves free? Entire civilizations have been creating methods to heal "Chakras" for many thousands of years, The Toltecs (/ˈtɒltɛk/) a pre-Columbian Mesoamerican culture had built an entire belief system around it, you can learn more in Sergio Magañas Book The Caves Of Power FREE PDF!
A lot of Ancient knowledge has become corrupted, mostly because the human race are incredibly sick and morally bankrupt, they not only have very little insight to begin with, they also make all kinds of assumptions based on conjecture, most don't actually know anything. Religions/Secret Societies have hidden and inverted/perverted much of this Knowledge for Centuries, to keep the Liar-archy Power structure in place! ENKI told them they could all be "gods" ENKI just like rest of his parasitic lineage are all trapped in the lower dimensions attempting to hoodwink the planet with their delusions to keep the energy circuit live. Everyone else has just been trapped within the Reincarnation Soul Cycle Matrix for a eons. They could set themselves FREE, however they wouldn't, they love their enslavement! Fortunately humanity is slowly Waking Up! And the Powers that be are terrified! Hence why their PSYOPS are increasing daily, along with more Wars, There are always AGENDAS WITHIN AGENDAS!
The West Is Now Under The Most Oppressive Regime In History, Think Smart, Play Wide And Believe Nothing!
If you require a smart investment off grid The powers that be have always valued highly the PCGS MS-65
NGC and PCGS are the companies specializing in grading and certification, MS means Mint State!
The coin below is a $20 coin it is not the price, they are around $2000 to purchase!
Saint Gaudens and South African Gold Krugerrand are the most sought after!
Also Watch The World Debt Clock The Data Is Useful! Here is also the Cost Of Living Country Comparison Index.
The UK Is on the brink of destruction this has been signed in blood for many years, the amount of Psychological Operations taking place in that part of the Globe are unprecedented, Spiritual Destruction reached its peak many years ago and MI.666 have been creating endless diversions to prevent the masses from seeing the bigger picture. One clear example is the true story behind Stephen Christopher Yaxley-Lennon AKA Tommy Robinson (far right activist) who was recruited by MI.666 back in the early 90s, his handler is a lady called Sue Brown. Its not clear where he came from or why, but I'm positive they have dirt on this man. I had a video recording many years ago of a conversation between him and this MI.666 Agent (Sue Brown) in a police station somewhere near London, (The recording has been mis placed however I am confident another copy shall arise eventually and at that point it will be shown here) The conversation was muffled, however their was the obvious question, why would MI.666 be having a conversation with this young man? He wasn't a terrorist as far as I was aware? And now he is a millionaire that lives in Spain with Bodyguards???
The UK Is Going To Be Obliterated For So Many Reasons, If You Think That Man Is Going To STOP It Your An Idiot!
The Powers That Be Recognized Long Ago Their Covert Experiments have screwed up the entire population they cant fix it!
Civilizations Are Destroyed And New Ones Are Built Its An Ancient Song And It Never Stops Playing!
MI.666 were also caught speaking to Islamic Extremists in the UK, back in 2012 particularly the two that decapitated the Soldier Lee Rigby in broad daylight, one of them is sat in prison with no memory of what had occurred? Mind Control has to be considered! Charles Manson suffered a similar fate Back In The Sixties with the CIA. Charles Manson, was a programmed Monarch slave who received initial programming at China Lake, Mason lived with his cult only 45 miles north-west of China Lake at the remote Myers and Barker ranches. Scotty’s Castle in Death Valley, Bakersfield, Edwards AFB, and Papa Ludo’s Store & Tavern (with its secret underground programming center). Secret Societies are designed to allow all kinds of perversion for their children, they allow children to fornicate at any age and condition them to be silent about it, this is a subtle form of programming preparing them for the more advanced Akkadian-Hittite-Canaanite-Babylonian rituals in the future! Agendas within agendas!
In 1975, there was a man called Dannion Brinkley whom was struck by lightning and had a near death experience (I have my own ideas about NDEs far from the norm however I will leave that alone here) which he recounts in his book "Saved by the Light" During the twenty-eight minutes while he was officially dead, he was led by a spirit being through the dark tunnel to a crystal city. He was visited by thirteen beings who are described as light beings similar to classic ETs and angels. He recalls a total of 117 events showed to him on a screen which pertained to predicted events on Earth between 1975 and 2000. At the time of the release of his book in 1994, 95 of these events had occurred, including Ronald Reagan’s presidency, the Gulf War, the Chenobyl disaster and the fall of the Soviet Union. Events which have not yet occurred include American bankruptcy, and the development of chemical and biological weaponry to be used against France and mass destruction due to World War III.
One of the final visions he was shown was computer chip technology slowly infiltrating every aspect of our day to day lives. Ultimately the controller/owner of this technology would become corrupt and see the potential for world domination. Eventually a computer chip would be inserted under the skin of every member of the Earth’s population containing total information of everyone’s medical history, social status and credit rating which could be read by a scanner and fed to a mainframe. Governments would use these chips to control the population and could also dissolve the chips to release a lethal virus in order to avoid the costs of an elderly population. Those who refused chips would be outcasts from society, unemployable and untouchable by the System’s benefits.
These methods which they use to persuade us to imprison ourselves are very basic, yet awesomely effective. They engineer situations within our society up to the point where the public are so outraged that they insist on action from those in power. The powers that be (Brotherhood pawns) offer, "solutions", the very thing they wanted to impose. The public accept the proffered solution so the Brotherhood’s desires are implemented with full public support. For example, in order to give the police greater powers of arrest, detention and search-at-will to serve the Brotherhood, they manipulate society into creating more crime and despondency. The Highest levels of the Brotherhood including MI.5, MI.666 The C.I.A, FSB/KGB, MOSSAD etc have been the major factor behind all crime since at least the 1940s! Drug trafficking and Child trafficking go hand in hand, so even low level dealers on the streets work for child traffickers they are simply unaware, this energy can then be harnessed at the top!
Secret Societies Have Been Behind The Drug Trade Since The Beginning,
Ultimately That Puts them in the Realm Of Terrorist Group See Video For Insight!
Articles And PDFs From Insiders On The Elites Narcotics Management Programs
The brotherhood and their Army Of Liars and Thieves from the Masons, to the Rosicrucian's, to the Ordo Templi Orientis, The Knights of Malta, and many others whom are in fact the controllers of the underworld on a Global Scale. Which is directly connected to the Deep State Black Money Pit and The United Nations, Capitalism at its finest! Or aptly put Social Darwinism 2.0! Combined with Gen X Service To Self Conditioning to co-create in the Death Culture, with a touch of Moral Nihilism! So these Slaves keep fueling the Prison Banks with no intention of decoding this false reality! Reality is a program of beliefs we decode! We live in a Matrix system that can be described as a grid, a hologram, or a game composed of electromagnetic frequencies (EM). And the Powers-that-be including the ridiculously worthless Monarchies and a few of their "Chosen" Puppets possess The "Cheat Codes" to the entire program. And as long as the Brainwashed Masses ignore that FACT they would Never seek LIBERATION?
The "ROYALS" belong to VRIL, Their Rituals And Beliefs Most Definitely Belong To VRIL! Vril was the language spoken by the Atlanteans. From Aldebaran To Atlantis - Anunnaki. It has to do with blood types very specific haplogroups within specific blood types. The science is mind blowing I couldn't do it justice. However I believe this is why they are essentially White Supremacists whom hide behind many masks. The Original beliefs of the Odinists were based on similar views although many of them deny they are White Supremacists! The Masonic Ku Klux Klan was another offshoot of their ideology! The KKK was created by Scottish Rite Freemason Albert Pike!
The Vril Society The Black Sun And Dark Matter
There is a battle between the children of darkness and the children of light for control of this planet and human consciousness, (the latter being about liberation, the other being about complete enslavement) as well as control over the use of the human body and DNA. Recently, spiritual warfare has escalated on a Global scale, and those that are beginning to awaken back to the original state of oneness with the planetary consciousness, are able to feel the intense pressure we are enduring as this battle rages throughout the interdimensional planes, and at the moment, which is always hidden from mainstream media and lost to most people’s awareness is the true scope behind the illusions where most are trapped that would make them realize the events transpiring involve a massive war over controlling consciousness on this planet.
When the masses were "informed" by the "public dictators" the "Controllers", the unelected and elected representatives, that personal freedom and normalcy would not return to our lives unless we submit to their authority and participate in the mandated global vaccination programs we learned very quickly how docile Society has become. These vaccination campaigns of the 20th century were being led and funded by the Bloodline families headed by the Rockefellers, and were actually designed as chemical and Social Engineering programs for the Genetic Modification of Human DNA. These campaigns were engineered to interface with an assortment of other soft kill methods to implement a slow and invisible Eugenics program that would eventually lead to cybernetic control and transhumanist Agendas.
Eugenics are the basis of all racist pseudoscience determined to wipe away all human beings deemed "unfit," seeking to preserve only those whom conform to a Nordic stereotype. This ideology was behind the American eugenics movement's campaign for ethnic cleansing (mass genocide). One of the most alarming of the Elite’s doctrines is that of eugenics – controlling human reproduction in order to reduce the number of those that the Elite perceive as inferior to create a "master race" with desirable genetic characteristics. Eugenics had its highest public profile in Nazi Germany but the policies began a long time before Hitler and are continuing to the present day.
Despite the urban legends, the public vaccination campaigns since the early 20th century were designed by the Controllers for genetic modification purposes and as controlled medical experiments. Public health and eradication of diseases were not the actual goal of these mass marketing campaigns. Behind the public façade, they were supporting the agendas of directed evolution and Eugenics via the administering of synthetic compounds and Chemical Based Genetic Engineering, then marketing it to the masses as progressive science and medicine.
You're not prepared for the discussion about the NAZIs putting Hydra parasites into individuals during World War II. The underlying principle of these vaccination schemes is the same! Currently, the majority of medical professionals and patients are really unaware of the substances that are injected directly into the bloodstream during vaccinations. The delivery of a payload of neurological toxins is intended to genetically modify human DNA in order to circumvent the body's entire natural defense system and lose defense against harmful foreign invaders. Winston Churchill attended the First International Congress of Eugenics, which took place in London in 1912.
Eugenics policies are funded by the World Bank which, at the Rio summit, pledged to double the money available to compete with population control. Birth control is now forced on the developing countries through fear of economic sanctions. The extent of the population control towards which The Powers that Be are striving towards was revealed in the 1962/63 Report from Iron Mountain, a secret study group into controlling population without war. It sought completely artificial procreation to supersede the "ecological function of war". This was to include total control of contraception via water supplies and essential food stuffs so babies could only be conceived by those to whom a carefully controlled antidote had been administered. Such a system was apparently already under development… 35 years ago!
Between 1941 and 1943, at the same time as the "master race" mentality in Hitler’s Germany was being condemned by the rest of the world, 42,000 people were sterilized in the U.S. Five years later the Sterilization League/ Birthright Inc. established a eugenics Centre in North Carolina which began a project to forcibly sterilize young children whom were considered to have a low IQ. This was part funded by the Gray family, close friends of the Bush Crime Cartel.
George Bush was a major voice in the eugenics movement and was surrounded by like-minded people – Boyden Gray (his legal advisor) and William Draper III (head of fundraising for his 1980 presidential campaign). Draper’s grandfather had unsuccessfully urged eugenics policies on Eisenhower before convincing Johnson to adopt them. In 1969 Bush was involved in hearings into the "dangers of too many black babies" and when he became ambassador to the UN in 1972 he arranged for the Association of Voluntary Surgical Contraception (formerly the Sterilization League) to extend its policy of sterilizing young children with "low IQ" to non-white countries. This was further extended when Bush became president in 1988. The fascination of population control purveyed by eugenicists like Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood in the US also wanted to further the advancement of genetic knowledge to prevent the "unfit" from breeding.
The brotherhood and their Army Of Liars and Thieves from the Masons, to the Rosicrucian's, to the Ordo Templi Orientis, The Knights of Malta, and many others whom are in fact the controllers of the underworld on a Global Scale. Which is directly connected to the Deep State Black Money Pit and The United Nations, Capitalism at its finest! Or aptly put Social Darwinism 2.0! Combined with Gen X Service To Self Conditioning to co-create in the Death Culture, with a touch of Moral Nihilism! So these Slaves keep fueling the Prison Banks with no intention of decoding this false reality! Reality is a program of beliefs we decode! We live in a Matrix system that can be described as a grid, a hologram, or a game composed of electromagnetic frequencies (EM). And the Powers-that-be including the ridiculously worthless Monarchies and a few of their "Chosen" Puppets possess The "Cheat Codes" to the entire program. And as long as the Brainwashed Masses ignore that FACT they would Never seek LIBERATION?
The "ROYALS" belong to VRIL, Their Rituals And Beliefs Most Definitely Belong To VRIL! Vril was the language spoken by the Atlanteans. From Aldebaran To Atlantis - Anunnaki. It has to do with blood types very specific haplogroups within specific blood types. The science is mind blowing I couldn't do it justice. However I believe this is why they are essentially White Supremacists whom hide behind many masks. The Original beliefs of the Odinists were based on similar views although many of them deny they are White Supremacists! The Masonic Ku Klux Klan was another offshoot of their ideology! The KKK was created by Scottish Rite Freemason Albert Pike!
The Vril Society The Black Sun And Dark Matter
There is a battle between the children of darkness and the children of light for control of this planet and human consciousness, (the latter being about liberation, the other being about complete enslavement) as well as control over the use of the human body and DNA. Recently, spiritual warfare has escalated on a Global scale, and those that are beginning to awaken back to the original state of oneness with the planetary consciousness, are able to feel the intense pressure we are enduring as this battle rages throughout the interdimensional planes, and at the moment, which is always hidden from mainstream media and lost to most people’s awareness is the true scope behind the illusions where most are trapped that would make them realize the events transpiring involve a massive war over controlling consciousness on this planet.
When the masses were "informed" by the "public dictators" the "Controllers", the unelected and elected representatives, that personal freedom and normalcy would not return to our lives unless we submit to their authority and participate in the mandated global vaccination programs we learned very quickly how docile Society has become. These vaccination campaigns of the 20th century were being led and funded by the Bloodline families headed by the Rockefellers, and were actually designed as chemical and Social Engineering programs for the Genetic Modification of Human DNA. These campaigns were engineered to interface with an assortment of other soft kill methods to implement a slow and invisible Eugenics program that would eventually lead to cybernetic control and transhumanist Agendas.
Eugenics are the basis of all racist pseudoscience determined to wipe away all human beings deemed "unfit," seeking to preserve only those whom conform to a Nordic stereotype. This ideology was behind the American eugenics movement's campaign for ethnic cleansing (mass genocide). One of the most alarming of the Elite’s doctrines is that of eugenics – controlling human reproduction in order to reduce the number of those that the Elite perceive as inferior to create a "master race" with desirable genetic characteristics. Eugenics had its highest public profile in Nazi Germany but the policies began a long time before Hitler and are continuing to the present day.
Despite the urban legends, the public vaccination campaigns since the early 20th century were designed by the Controllers for genetic modification purposes and as controlled medical experiments. Public health and eradication of diseases were not the actual goal of these mass marketing campaigns. Behind the public façade, they were supporting the agendas of directed evolution and Eugenics via the administering of synthetic compounds and Chemical Based Genetic Engineering, then marketing it to the masses as progressive science and medicine.
You're not prepared for the discussion about the NAZIs putting Hydra parasites into individuals during World War II. The underlying principle of these vaccination schemes is the same! Currently, the majority of medical professionals and patients are really unaware of the substances that are injected directly into the bloodstream during vaccinations. The delivery of a payload of neurological toxins is intended to genetically modify human DNA in order to circumvent the body's entire natural defense system and lose defense against harmful foreign invaders. Winston Churchill attended the First International Congress of Eugenics, which took place in London in 1912.
Eugenics policies are funded by the World Bank which, at the Rio summit, pledged to double the money available to compete with population control. Birth control is now forced on the developing countries through fear of economic sanctions. The extent of the population control towards which The Powers that Be are striving towards was revealed in the 1962/63 Report from Iron Mountain, a secret study group into controlling population without war. It sought completely artificial procreation to supersede the "ecological function of war". This was to include total control of contraception via water supplies and essential food stuffs so babies could only be conceived by those to whom a carefully controlled antidote had been administered. Such a system was apparently already under development… 35 years ago!
Between 1941 and 1943, at the same time as the "master race" mentality in Hitler’s Germany was being condemned by the rest of the world, 42,000 people were sterilized in the U.S. Five years later the Sterilization League/ Birthright Inc. established a eugenics Centre in North Carolina which began a project to forcibly sterilize young children whom were considered to have a low IQ. This was part funded by the Gray family, close friends of the Bush Crime Cartel.
George Bush was a major voice in the eugenics movement and was surrounded by like-minded people – Boyden Gray (his legal advisor) and William Draper III (head of fundraising for his 1980 presidential campaign). Draper’s grandfather had unsuccessfully urged eugenics policies on Eisenhower before convincing Johnson to adopt them. In 1969 Bush was involved in hearings into the "dangers of too many black babies" and when he became ambassador to the UN in 1972 he arranged for the Association of Voluntary Surgical Contraception (formerly the Sterilization League) to extend its policy of sterilizing young children with "low IQ" to non-white countries. This was further extended when Bush became president in 1988. The fascination of population control purveyed by eugenicists like Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood in the US also wanted to further the advancement of genetic knowledge to prevent the "unfit" from breeding.
Everything that is implemented in this realm has a much deeper purpose, All Secret Societies are intertwined and few know the true extent of any of it. Currently it seems Earth will face utter destruction and enslavement by the Anunnaki, however Prime Creator holds the key Element of setting such plans to ruin, And this is the primary reason information is beginning to resurface on a global scale. The Anunnaki themselves appear to be originally Reptilian, however, they have blended with various life essences and thus their appearances vary. In addition the Anunnaki themselves seldom interact with humans directly, they use their underlings who are humans infused with Anunnaki genes and in that state they are wholly indebted to them and controlled by them through a mentally collective cellular connection.
Other names of the Anunnaki and their offspring are Anakim, this is why Anakin Skywalker is Darth Vader in the Star Wars Series. They are the Celtic Tuatha de Danaan Sons of Dan or the Danu. They are offspring and servants of Sumerian E.A. (pronounced Aya). This is why the new name for our planet became "Ea"rth, three wise men came from the "Ea"st, and the major Christian celebration was named "Ea"ster. They are the Sumerian EL, Akkadian ILU, Babylonian ELLU, and English ELF called by their worshippers the "Shining Ones" or is it the Sinning Ones?
They altered man, a downgrade, called them Lulu meaning "mixed one" and Adapa, "model man" who the Hebrews refer to as Adam. According to the Sumerian text Tiamat’s seas were full of souls that could be harvested. This is the hidden meaning behind the Fisher King and Jesus being called "the Fisher of Men". When Planet X divided Tiamat into two parts she released an ocean of souls or cosmic essence into the cosmos. The Greek version of Tiamat was Demeter which is where we get the term Diameter, the cutting or dividing a circle in two, or split. This is how we became separated from our other half. The Egyptians termed these parts the Ka and the Ba.
A considerably-revised history lesson with regards to our true human origins is in order for the majority of humanity, educate yourself, grab the sword of truth, and start swinging. What you will find is that the mechanism which has been used - and still is - to drive these agendas, is the unsavory, unholy topic of religion, Secret Societies And Religions Are One And The SAME Despotic Tree! And if look closely you will see they ALL behave the exact same way, I mean its identical. Humans choosing who is or is not a child of Prime Creator, Fortunately "humans" have no say in the matter! We are dealing with mind programming, brainwashing, phantasms, and memes that have been so deeply embedded into the collective human psyche from epochs ago, that breaking free of them will take a considerable amount (and ongoing) effort. Not only must we dissociate ourselves from the daily distractions which are designed to keep us oblivious to the bigger picture, but we must be prepared to do the homework in order to discover our true human origins and the ongoing agenda of social control which suppresses every aspect of spiritual truth and liberation.
Many prominent figures in the world, in many types of diverse roles, are not at all what they appear to be. Many have been placed into these positions because they are willing to do the bidding for the Anunnaki Remnants, whether they are conscious of this or not (some are under heavy mind control). This world has long been controlled by the Anunnaki and its Remnants, who have always ruled by fear, brute force and deception. Those who dare to go against the system are disadvantaged or removed from power or even society. This can be seen by the assassinations of several of the American presidents. Conversely, the British Prime Ministers do not share the same fate as their American counterparts because their positions were filled by Anunnaki Remnants or their representatives, such as Winston Churchill from the very beginning ...
Having said this, it is imperative that we bear in mind the Anunnaki remnants wear many disguises. They can appear to be a passionate proponent for peace, like Mahatma Ghandi, yet at the same time they are the very essence of deception. It truly comes down to bloodlines, If you are not a direct descendent of one of these bloodlines you are merely considered to be a slave! 33rd Degree Mason Boris Johnson the Ex PM In the UK. was a bloodline Mason direct descendent, his true name is Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson. The de Pfeffel family was a Bavarian-German family originally from Neuburg an der Donau in Bavaria.
Parliaments are tools for the Anunnaki, they run mystery schools, governments, and practically the entire globe. I have yet to find anyone who opposes this force. They are supremacist such as the ideas the Talmud discusses about Gentiles, thus if you are not in league with them, you are only a resource that can be abused. Christianity was hatched to seem as if it opposed all of this however it was just another plan to keep humans powerless thus continuing to stall anyone from activating by denying them true information about there own Chakras. Its all slight of hand.
Another aspect of the Anunnaki relevant here is their multicultural image. The Anunnaki have been written retroactively into all mythological systems, making them true transnationals. For example, they are integrated into the pages of the Indian Vedas, Babylonian myths, as well as the books of the Bible, and they are at the heart of ancient snake-worshipping cults worldwide. Moreover, they are literally seeded into the human genome through the Anunnaki negative engineering of the human race, interbreeding alien genetics into all peoples, "Rhesus Negative" Bloodlines, symbolized, for example in Genesis, as the saliva Jehovah mixes with clay to form the first man, Which is actually more Code that actually represents ENLIL downgrading the human genome VIA some kind of scientific experiment? Possibly...?
Not surprisingly, Anunnaki narratives have a lot to say in terms of the location, construction, and commodification of the self. Unlike traditional vampires who feed solely off a victim’s blood or soul, the Anunnaki thrive off of negative energies such as fear and aggression. These ETs drain individuals of their sense of wellbeing through the manipulation and absorption of libidinal energies and - ultimately - the theft of consciousness and agency. On the one hand, the location of the self that the Anunnaki attack seems closely linked to consumerist notions. For example, New Age self-actualization products as well as the market for energy drinks - even caffeine-enhanced water - not to mention designer drugs - are only a few of the new industries catering profitably to the very malady derived from Anunnaki domination.
Below is a podcast on The history of the "chosen people" called
Babylon Blood The Chosen People Of The Black Sun!
In the days of ancient Sumer, the priests of Anu (the father of Enlil and Enki) perfected and elaborated a ramifying medical science of living substances, with menstrual blood. It was known as "Star Fire". In the first instance, this was pure Anunnaki lunar essence called Gold of the Gods, it was considered to be an essential component to their lifestyles and it was fed only to the Kings and Queens of the Dragon succession. Women carrying the Anunnaki bloodline were kept in the holy temples and used as a star fire supply for the kingship line. These producers of the Star Fire were called "Flow-ers" and all were given the names "Lil-y" which derives from the name ~"Lil-ith", Cain’s twin sister and wife. In ancient Sumer, the key females of the Dragon succession were all venerated as lilies, having such names as Lili, Luluwa, Lilith, Lilutu and Lillette. There is a strong indication these Star Fire Ceremonies were the precursor to what is known as Adrenochrome today!?
The menstrual blood coming from the flow-ers was called the nectar of the goddesses. This was described as nectar being contained in the dew cup which was symbolized by the red cross within a circle. The kingship lines or the lines of Cain that fed from the star fire also used this symbol, which were the dragon kings, draconian's and the serpent kings of the Merovingians (Fisher kings of France.) After the Annunaki left and the Star Fire of the goddesses were no longer available, the priests devised a breeding program creating their own Anunnaki hybrid women specifically for the production of the Star Fire. These women were "milked" for their nectar and the kings of the succession were able to continue feeding off this supplement. These Flow-ers were given the name of "virgin priestesses", "virgin queens", "virgin ladies" and "ladies of the water". Later their titles became "temple prostitutes" and Scarlet Women. (audio Rothschilds breeding program)
Aleister Crowleys concept of the Scarlet Woman or Babalon was also based on the name for the goddess Bast whom became known as ISIS. Scarlet was chosen because it is the color of blood (also the color chosen for the cover of The Book of the Law). Blood represents the passage of the moon and the menstrual period. Bast's offspring were known as children of the moon, hence the name moon child. Bast, was known as the goddess of witchcraft and sexual magick in the Egyptian pantheon. Bast was glorified in ancient Egypt as the Sphinx. She had the loins of a lion, symbolized by the constellation Leo and the top half of a virgin woman, symbolized by the constellation Virgo. The Sphinx had breasts at one point, but these were defaced as the patriarchal culture established its foothold. The face was also altered at one point to look more like a chimpanzee. This desecration of the Sphinx prompts an important question: why did we get a chimp?
The answer lies in our genetics. Human evolution on this planet has been primarily restricted to the biology of the ape. It was said that Rh positive blood refers to the rhesus monkey genetics being present in the human system. Rh negative implies an alien blood type. Which clearly proves at some point in history at least two separate species had intermingled! The Brotherhood which controls the world today is the modern expression of The Babylonian Brotherhood Of Reptile-Aryan Priests and ‘royalty! Also look into the "Orion Queen" And the hive mind network? Below Is A Chart on where all of this evil originated, this chart doesnt come anywhere near the truth in terms of, whom each entity actually was in terms of consciousness, However it sheds light on their names and positions!
Arizona Wilder also claimed: "The Aryan bloodline are alien to this planet. Wilder wrote "There are 13 bloodlines from this kind of stock (the Merovingians being one), and all of them have to a greater or lesser degree the capacity to play host to the Shape Changer reptiles." The other 12 families have been identified as Astor, Bundy, Collins, Dupont, Freeman, Kennedy, Li, Onassis, Reynolds, Rockefeller, Rothschild, Russell, and Van Duyn, with the rest of the European Royal Families being categorized as Merovingian. Also Look into the Krupp Bloodline! And Reptilians and The Council Of 13 By Stewart Swerdlow!?
John Winston also wrote "The Anunnaki and the first humans had reptilian characteristics. They had faces that resembled frogs, with 3 fingers and 3 toes. The Anunnaki had shape-shifting abilities, and some Sumerian statuettes are definitely reptilian. Around 3,000 BC many ETs left Earth and the regressive ETs took over. (Dr Arthur Horn says that progressive ETs were responsible for cloning us but regressive ETs saw an opportunity to dominate and did so.) They have kept us controlled by distorting and altering our spirituality. The massive cover-up continues today, and Darwinism is part of this. They don't need the secret societies anymore, since they have the secret government". Henry Krane also wrote a very detailed book called Anunnaki: Reptilians History, Myths And Science! (2 Books In 1).
Mysterious Stargates From Around The Globe!?
Humanity's Extra Terrestrial Origins By Dr Arthur Horn
A French UFO group that Jacques Vallee was investigating should be stirred into the mélange. A Frenchman known as Claude Vorilhon while taking a pleasant hike in the mountains one day - came across a UFO hovering nearby, the craft had the Star of David with a swastika inside the emblem stenciled into its mainframe, A door appeared to open and a glowing childlike figure stepped forth from the craft. The child conversed with Vorilhon, bestowing a new name on him, "Rael," and informed the man, the reason he had been chosen to be contacted was because France was the birthplace of earthly democracy during the French Revolution. The being entrusted Vorilhon with the mission of building an embassy in which the aliens, which Vorilhon called the Elohim, could meet with dignitaries of Earth, Vorilhon, now going by the name Rael, insisted to his numerous followers that, "A world government and a new monetary system must be created.
And a single language will serve to unify the planet." Vorilhon was informed that humans had been created by the Elohim, godlike space travelers whom were also skilled in the art of DNA alteration and cloning. Vorilhon was now to assist the Elohim in preparing mankind for the final age of Revelation. Vorhilon-Rael went on to create a serious Cult that had tens of thousands of followers throughout the West and seemed to receive huge sums of money via donations from private unknown sources. The UFO Religious Cult was known as Raelianism!
A French UFO group that Jacques Vallee was investigating should be stirred into the mélange. A Frenchman known as Claude Vorilhon while taking a pleasant hike in the mountains one day - came across a UFO hovering nearby, the craft had the Star of David with a swastika inside the emblem stenciled into its mainframe, A door appeared to open and a glowing childlike figure stepped forth from the craft. The child conversed with Vorilhon, bestowing a new name on him, "Rael," and informed the man, the reason he had been chosen to be contacted was because France was the birthplace of earthly democracy during the French Revolution. The being entrusted Vorilhon with the mission of building an embassy in which the aliens, which Vorilhon called the Elohim, could meet with dignitaries of Earth, Vorilhon, now going by the name Rael, insisted to his numerous followers that, "A world government and a new monetary system must be created.
And a single language will serve to unify the planet." Vorilhon was informed that humans had been created by the Elohim, godlike space travelers whom were also skilled in the art of DNA alteration and cloning. Vorilhon was now to assist the Elohim in preparing mankind for the final age of Revelation. Vorhilon-Rael went on to create a serious Cult that had tens of thousands of followers throughout the West and seemed to receive huge sums of money via donations from private unknown sources. The UFO Religious Cult was known as Raelianism!
Most of the content above is all based on the fact most of the indoctrination camps and controlled perception learning bases consistently state "Sumer" was one of the first known Cities, Sumer was just another City that existed, it wasn't anywhere near the first. It seems Westerner's love to leave out many facts in their tales, especially when it comes around to Africa and its history. A Subject most seem to overlook in regards to these matters has to be the Nommo! The Origin of where it all began, from religions to occult groups, and the Dogon Tribes were aware of this knowledge tens of thousands of years before Secret Society's even existed? At least on this timeline!
According to African Literature The Nommo Go Back At Least 150,000 Years? Another indication History has been polluted! Most of this intel is wrote about by many ancient Dogon Priests, Credo Mutwa The Great Zulu Shaman also knew such things! Dogon tribes have myths that mention "humans" whom came to Earth from Sirius that go back thousands of years! It was said that Nommo whose sacred image dogons worship were the ones whom brought the aliens to Earth. The Nommo are described as a combination of a human and a snake with three couples of flexible extremities and a split tongue with a smooth shining body covered with some kind of green skin? The NOMMO were known as amphibians, and the Dogon name for them was "The Monitors", Others referred to them as "Instructors", or "Masters of the Water". The Ancient Greeks referred to them as the 'Annedoti', The Babylonians referred to them as Oannes! Annedoti In Ancient Greek means the "Repulsive Ones". A more generic and neutral term, I suppose, would be simply the "Sirians".
Sirius was also the most important star in the sky to the ancient Egyptians. Sirius was sometimes identified by the ancient Egyptians with their chief goddess ISIS. The companion of Isis was Osiris, Osiris was associated with Orion! An Egyptian papyrus says the companion of Isis is "Lord in the perfect black". This sounds like the invisible Sirius B. Isis's companion Osiris is a dark "god". The Trismegistic treatise "The Virgin of the World" from Egypt refers to the "Black Rite", connected with the "black" Osiris, as the highest degree of secret initiation possible in the ancient Egyptian religion -- it is the ultimate secret of the mysteries of Isis. Plutarch relates Isis to the Greek goddess Athena (daughter of Zeus).
Dogon mythology is extremely convoluted and I doubt their are many in this realm that truly comprehend it. Outside of the works of French anthropologists Marcel Griaule and Germaine Dieterlen, which began in the 1930's and continued until Griaule's untimely death in 1956, their isn't much to go on..One of the more insightful books available on this matter is The Master (Mistress) Of Speech By Shannon Dorey. Shannon has a great deal of insight into the original Dogon Cosmology!
This African connection with the NOMMO, raises a lot of serious questions and leaves very few answers, The Royal Africans that claim to descend from this culture have 360 Degrees and refer to The "Moors" As Spiritually Dead And Masonry as the Fallen corrupted 33 Degrees!? These Africans are also opposed to the Kabbalah and ABRAHAMIC ideology! They claim it is a lie based on false teachings? Why did the Masons steal and invert this knowledge? And why did they alter it so drastically? Was it so they could integrate their ABRAHAMIC Timeline Of Lies? Or are their even more sinister reasons!? This timeline is further distorted with the delusion the Zoroastrians were the first Religion on Earth! False information! Interesting to note the Dogon Tribes use Checkerboards and Adinkra Symbols!
Day of the Fish (Dogon nomos/Nummo) by Shannon Dorey pp 149,150,151. Cowries shells = The Word (frequency)
Amma = Ammon = The Hidden one. (Supreme God/Nummo) Androgenous/Dual. Octapus.
Corrupted seed = single sex being. Identifying the one eye with jackal nomos = Yawh = Smith God's.
Cyclops. Celestial Rams = Nummo = Ammon. All Seacreatures/cephalapod/Ammonites = Nummo
Nummo, Nomos in African language means water spirit. Humans = Nummo cellaphoid dna.
In the Dogon religion, the "Word" was a symbol of both DNA and all matter ejected from a red giant star.
The Nomos use what they call "water insects" (uv plasma funghal insects) to facilitate the destruction of the blue matrix of the jackal Nomos and those attached within the false reality. Yawh basically created the humans of Mesopotamia and lighter races which is why Caucasoid has R1b blood haplo. His symbolism = Rooster, Jackal, Ram and White fox. The Dogon mud building below with religious symbols shows the serpent on the left as it appeared in the Dogon Village, another important figure that appeared was the barankamaza dullogu (right and left of the serpent) it was said it was a water spirit sent to counteract the deeds of the jackal.
I have also been informed from a few sources Africa is Not actually part of the Matrix!? The Powers
that be also own many second homes in South Africa, And It is said by some they own the Binary Codes to the Entire Matrix!?
Day of the Fish (Dogon nomos/Nummo) by Shannon Dorey pp 149,150,151. Cowries shells = The Word (frequency)
Amma = Ammon = The Hidden one. (Supreme God/Nummo) Androgenous/Dual. Octapus.
Corrupted seed = single sex being. Identifying the one eye with jackal nomos = Yawh = Smith God's.
Cyclops. Celestial Rams = Nummo = Ammon. All Seacreatures/cephalapod/Ammonites = Nummo
Nummo, Nomos in African language means water spirit. Humans = Nummo cellaphoid dna.
In the Dogon religion, the "Word" was a symbol of both DNA and all matter ejected from a red giant star.
The Nomos use what they call "water insects" (uv plasma funghal insects) to facilitate the destruction of the blue matrix of the jackal Nomos and those attached within the false reality. Yawh basically created the humans of Mesopotamia and lighter races which is why Caucasoid has R1b blood haplo. His symbolism = Rooster, Jackal, Ram and White fox. The Dogon mud building below with religious symbols shows the serpent on the left as it appeared in the Dogon Village, another important figure that appeared was the barankamaza dullogu (right and left of the serpent) it was said it was a water spirit sent to counteract the deeds of the jackal.
I have also been informed from a few sources Africa is Not actually part of the Matrix!? The Powers
that be also own many second homes in South Africa, And It is said by some they own the Binary Codes to the Entire Matrix!?
The Dogon were also known as the Rainbow Serpents. Shannon Dorey, whom has a degree in Ancient Mythology also knows a great deal in this field, You can visit her website here! In 1989, a statue of an Indian woman with a fairytale creature having a pangolin head and a snake body was found in the Sipan Tombs of Peru. Judging by the ratio between the height of the woman and the creature, the latter was over four meters high. In Central America, legends speak about Quetzalcoatl, (original name NANNAR from the Nibiruian Council Of Twelve) a feathered dragon, whom appeared about three thousand years ago. Vadim Arskiy whom has been studying UFO and alien visits to Earth for many years is sure that dragons described in legends and myths were aliens whom came to this planet from the center of the Galaxy.
Many believe Nommo manifest as the Anunnaki! Some claim The True Rulers of this Realm Are Nommo Hybrids!?
Their are also many scholars that claim the Hebrew word Torah was a translation of the Greek Word Nomos!?
Many believe Nommo manifest as the Anunnaki! Some claim The True Rulers of this Realm Are Nommo Hybrids!?
Their are also many scholars that claim the Hebrew word Torah was a translation of the Greek Word Nomos!?
The issue with information is, we never truly know how much of it has been tampered with just to protect the powers that be, those that have researched the Vatican Vaults would be aware much of this Information has been under the stronghold of the Evil Vatican for many Centuries. And The Merovingians the natural successors of The Order Of Sion, are the true power behind its Golden Gates? The involvement of this early French royal house cannot be understated and indeed appears to be the link between all diverse factors. As far is known, the Merovingians descended from a Germanic tribe, the Sicambrians, whom were known as the Franks. They were also referred to as the Long Haired Kings or Sorcerer Kings whom bore classic tall, blond, Germanic looks, and from the fifth to the seventh centuries ruled parts of what is now Germany and France.
According to tradition, one Merovee also known as Merovech, whose parentage was unusual, founded the dynasty. According to ancient mythology Merovech had two fathers, one was human, the other was allegedly a sea creature, or at least amphibious; known as Quinotaur. Crowley also wrote: "The beast is the sea-goat or amphibious monster identical with Cthulhu, the Quinotaure or Bull of the Deep". It was from this heritage that the Merovingian reputation for possessing supernatural abilities arose. There has been much talk in recent decades about the shadowy “Prieure de Sion,” its relationship to the martyred Knights Templar, the lost sacred lineage of the Merovingian Kings of the Holy Roman Empire, and, most controversial of all, the bloodline of the godman whose sign was the Fish. The Merovingian lineage in legend is traced back to the Frankish King, Meroveus, rumored from early times to be the son of the wife of King Claudio and an aquatic being from beyond the known seas known as the “bestea Neptuni Quinotauri similis”. In the real world everything is balanced based upon particular blood types the rest are expendable!
This claimed blending of human and non-human genes might well be a precursor of alleged alien/human interfaces, inter-species breeding and harvesting fetuses. And this is not the only extraterrestrial connection; there is speculation by Gerard de Sede author of the book La Race Fabuleuse that there is a link between the Merovingians and the star Sirius. Although attributed with a range of magical abilities including clairvoyance, telepathy and remarkable longevity, they were also known to have healing powers much like what we are told about Jesus? Interestingly all those born into this Merovingian Lineage bore a common physical characteristic, a birthmark resembling a cross, which was sited either between the shoulder blades, or in a strange link with the Templars, over the heart, this birthmark set them aside from other, less well-favored mortals. Interesting to note The "Anti Christ" was said to have been born into The Plantard de Saint-Clair family back in the 70s, his name was Thomas Plantard!
According to some experts The secrets of Rennes-le-Chateau are equally incredible. It has been suggested that within the Rennes valley is encoded a message left to the Merovingians nine thousand years ago by the remnants of a lost race: known as the Atlanteans? According to Lynn Picknett and Clive Prince, the authors of The Templar Revelation, “…the Merovingian kings, from their founder Merovee to Clovis (who converted to Christianity in 496) were "pagan kings of the cult of Diana". Picknett and Prince got this information from the Dossiers Secrets of the Priory of Sion. Barbara Aho also refers to them as The Bloodline From Hell! In her book The Merovingian Dynasty, Satanic Bloodlines And False Prophets! Masonry seems to possess many distorted themes from the Merovingians possibly because of the Templars?
Tracy Twyman has already written of the connections between Lovecraft’s Necronomicon Mythos and the Merovingians in her article Dead But Dreaming: The Great Old Ones of Lovecraftian Legend Reinterpreted as Sumerian/Atlantean Kings. In his book Outer Gateways Kenneth Grant wrote: “In The Holy Blood and The Holy Grail, the authors reproduce the family crest of Clan Plantard, the contemporary representative of which was, until recently, the Grand Master of the Prieure de Sion, an Order which, according to Lincoln, dominated the Knights Templar and various other highly influential institutions which, at certain periods of history, included the Vatican".
The crest which supplies the key to the Current represented by the Merovingian bloodline and the Order of Sion, comprises the symbols of the Typhonian line of descent: the two bears, eleven bees, and the fleur de lys. This is the reason the "Bee Hive" is prevalent in Masonry however today it represents Mind Control Or The Hive Mind! Rainbows are also subtle symbols for mind control they were used to identify certain traits in children that were being programmed in MK-Ultra experiments by Nazi Scientists like Joseph Mengele (the angel of death)! Dr Laura Sanger does an EXPLOSIVE Interview with a Survivor from The Hitler Project below! Also look into Eugenics The Nazis - The California Connection about Rockefeller and the funding of Auschwitz Mengele’s early eugenics work. US intelligence also seized Mengele’s records re: torture of child abuse to create MPDs for covert purposes. Conditioning allegedly replicated in the Monarch program associated with various CFR members.
"The Milk Carton Kids and What the Nazis are Doing to them".
(Joseph Mengele, Hitler’s Evil Doctor is Alive and Well)
The Rainbow has long had an occult significance of being a great spiritual hypnotic device. Constance Cumbey, in her book The Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow, that exposes the New Age Occult Movement, correctly writes, “The Rainbow (also called the Antahkarana or Rainbow Bridge) is used as a hypnotic device (p.261). The Rainbow Girls the female youth Org of the Masons are all under some sort of Mind Control. I first came across how delusional these people are many years ago, a friend I knew since being a child started accusing me of all kinds after I shown her a few podcasts on Masonic child abuse! It shocked me to my core at first because I couldnt comprehend the magnitude of it! Since Ive have witnessed these attacks in many forms from every level of puppet in society just for exposing them? Here is a another description on the Rainbow City Here!
These Mind controlled puppets are everywhere in Society, They are true Masters of deception, Perfect Imitators Of The Light, dead robots, that lack compassion, sympathy and or any remorse for any of their deceitful ways, because they are spiritually dead, The Supreme Council of the 33rd degree of Masonry has also used the rainbow on the cover of their magazine. In a book teaching Druidism (Illuminati Druidism), Called the 21 Lessons of Meryln, the Rainbow is described as “A true sign of Magick it exists in both worlds at once!” Subtle Symbolism Exists All Around Us From Bees To Rainbows they both have Occult meaning, few have looked deep into that paradigm! Welcome To The Wizard Of OZ!?
Here is an example taken from a corrupt masonic business in The UK. The pillars on the doorway show a Bee on the left and the Star of David with the all seeing eye in its center on the right, although this one has been covered with some kind of sticker! Subtle Symbolism. The floor is also checkerboard! Anyone trapped within the Hive Mind is a dead entity, spiritually dead, however this isn't just Occultists, this has expanded throughout Society. Frequency Suppression is a serious factor, hence the calculated attacks on humanity from every angle. Controlled perception etc etc. The Powers that be are afraid of Frequency because they realize it carries heightened states of awareness. So they attack it! The "Beehive" Is subtle symbolism for the powers that be it represents quantum mechanics, Possibly Artificial Oppression!?
(Joseph Mengele, Hitler’s Evil Doctor is Alive and Well)
The Rainbow has long had an occult significance of being a great spiritual hypnotic device. Constance Cumbey, in her book The Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow, that exposes the New Age Occult Movement, correctly writes, “The Rainbow (also called the Antahkarana or Rainbow Bridge) is used as a hypnotic device (p.261). The Rainbow Girls the female youth Org of the Masons are all under some sort of Mind Control. I first came across how delusional these people are many years ago, a friend I knew since being a child started accusing me of all kinds after I shown her a few podcasts on Masonic child abuse! It shocked me to my core at first because I couldnt comprehend the magnitude of it! Since Ive have witnessed these attacks in many forms from every level of puppet in society just for exposing them? Here is a another description on the Rainbow City Here!
These Mind controlled puppets are everywhere in Society, They are true Masters of deception, Perfect Imitators Of The Light, dead robots, that lack compassion, sympathy and or any remorse for any of their deceitful ways, because they are spiritually dead, The Supreme Council of the 33rd degree of Masonry has also used the rainbow on the cover of their magazine. In a book teaching Druidism (Illuminati Druidism), Called the 21 Lessons of Meryln, the Rainbow is described as “A true sign of Magick it exists in both worlds at once!” Subtle Symbolism Exists All Around Us From Bees To Rainbows they both have Occult meaning, few have looked deep into that paradigm! Welcome To The Wizard Of OZ!?
Here is an example taken from a corrupt masonic business in The UK. The pillars on the doorway show a Bee on the left and the Star of David with the all seeing eye in its center on the right, although this one has been covered with some kind of sticker! Subtle Symbolism. The floor is also checkerboard! Anyone trapped within the Hive Mind is a dead entity, spiritually dead, however this isn't just Occultists, this has expanded throughout Society. Frequency Suppression is a serious factor, hence the calculated attacks on humanity from every angle. Controlled perception etc etc. The Powers that be are afraid of Frequency because they realize it carries heightened states of awareness. So they attack it! The "Beehive" Is subtle symbolism for the powers that be it represents quantum mechanics, Possibly Artificial Oppression!?
The Brand New Public Transport Co in The UK That Goes By The Name
"The Bee Network" Also Has My Mind Pondering!?
"The Bee Network" Also Has My Mind Pondering!?
The Merovingian Family Crest With Eleven Bees!
The motto incorporated in the crest reads Et in Arcadia ego (above image). Arcadia = 127, which is the number of the Egyptian Goddess Heqt who was typified by the "lower part of the back, or haunch". The two bears denote the Mother (Typhon) and her son (Set). The image of the bee pictorializes the buzzing or humming vibration peculiar to the Outer Ones, or their vehicles. Eleven is the number of Those who are Without, or beyond, the Tree of Death, thus identifying the Outer Ones.” The Outer Ones are also the Qlippoth or the Ancient Ones of Lovecraftian lore. Colonel Michael Aquino head of U.S. military intelligence, in the 70s and the admitted head of the satanic Temple of Set, claimed this deity identified in occultism was directly connected with Sirius. Aquino made no bones about the fact that he was the head of Anton LaVey's Church of Satan, known to draw many of its leaders from military circles!? Anton Levey actually cried on his death bed, begging "God" to forgive him!
217 is also the number of DBVRH, meaning a bee which is the specific symbol of Sekhet, whose name means a bee. Sekhet is another aspect of the Alien Set. There are eleven bees because eleven is the number of Magick and of the sephirah on the Tree of Death, called Daath, which opens portals to the backside of the Tree and to the Anunnaki/Reptilian Alien Controllers! Meaning one is opening portals to allow these off world entities to manipulate and feed off their energy! Some of them are aware of this! 217 is also the key number of Crowley’s The Book of the Law.
The word Set or Sut, means "black" This indicates not only the generative nature of this alien but also his association with the night-world, Amenta, far from being a alien of the heavens Set fell beneath the horizon and was recognized in later mythologies as the Lord of Hell, the Hidden Land. Some claim the negative Anunnaki are trapped, contained within the lower dimensions attempting to deceive the world with their illusions to bring them back into this realm! Its certainly possible!? This Alien Set is of supreme importance in Crowley’s Cult, being not only the name of the primal creative spirit but also the formula of sexual magick. Set was considered the “black god”. He was known as he who is below. The story is he was banished to the underworld by his “twin” Horus for killing Osiris....
The Nephilim were banished to the center of the earth because they corrupted human genetics by mating with the daughters of men and teaching them the “forbidden” arts. This could of been the precursor for the Rhesus Negative Bloodline. In some publications the Nephilim have been identified as the Fathers of the Merovingians.
Names of the Nibiruan Council Of Twelve In 13 Languages
UTU Is possibly ALLAH! Learn More Here!
The tomb of Marie de Blanchefort, hidden beneath the mountains of Rennes-le-Chateau hidden in its inscription reveals the coded words “Et in Arcadia Ego”, directly above the figure of an octopus etched down at the bottom. The octopus is, according to Priory of Sion member Paul Le Cour, a solar symbol used in Atlantis. It also contains the same symbolism as Arachne, the spider goddess, in regards to the number eight and the chessboard.
The tomb of Marie de Blanchefort, hidden beneath the mountains of Rennes-le-Chateau hidden in its inscription reveals the coded words “Et in Arcadia Ego”, directly above the figure of an octopus etched down at the bottom. The octopus is, according to Priory of Sion member Paul Le Cour, a solar symbol used in Atlantis. It also contains the same symbolism as Arachne, the spider goddess, in regards to the number eight and the chessboard.
January 17, as we know, is a date that recurs frequently in the Rennes-le-Chateau mystery. It is the day Marie de Blanchefort is recorded to have died, and the date on which Berenger Sauniere fell ill with a stroke, from which he died five days later. It is also the date on which Nicolas Flamel, one of the Grand Masters of the Priory of Sion, is recorded to have successfully completed his first alchemical transformation of turning base metal into gold, and the date upon which the Priory of Sion‘s “Children of Saint Vincent“ were created. Furthermore, it is the Feast Day of Saint Sulpice, and we know that the Priory of Sion took headquarters in the Seminary of Saint Sulpice.
Recently I have discovered even more interesting connections regarding this date. The Birthday Book of Saints, by Sean Kelly and Rosemary Rogers, says that January 17th is also the feast day of St. Anthony the Hermit, the patron saint of buried treasure has cropped up elsewhere in the Rennes-le-Chateau mystery. But even more astounding is that, in addition, this date marks the feast day of “St. Roseline”, whose name contains an obvious connection to the “Roseline” meridian (which, incidentally, runs through St. Sulpice in Paris). According to Kelly and Rogers, she was: “… the mind reading prioress of Provence. When she was exhumed in 1334, four years after her death, her body was perfectly incorrupt. The astonished cleric in charge was so impressed by the beauty of her eyes that he scooped them out and took them home.”
The details of this story clearly mimic the legend of Venus lying incorrupt within her tomb. The bit about the eyes being taken out connects with the idea of the “Watchers”, and with the story of the missing eye of Horus. “The spiral in my mind” may signify the Fibonacci spiral. On the tombstone of Marie de Blanchefort, at the top, we find the letters P and S, linked by a Fibonacci spiral. Furthermore, when an octopus expels ink into water, the ink makes a perfect Fibonacci spiral, another peculiar property of nature. Spirals in general, however, can also be seen as yet another representation of the labyrinth, or maze.
I put my hand to my mouth, instinctively biting my palm, maybe like Celebrities that have sold their Soul.
The above are Masonic “Signs of Horror”, when we witness masonic celebrity slaves raising the hand over the mouth and biting the palm, this is the sign used in Masonic ritual when re-enacting the discovery of Hiram Abiff’s tomb, and the involvement of the Priory of Sion in the Rennes-le-Chateau mystery.
“He has passed” is reminiscent of the phrase “he is there dead” from the Sauniere parchments (below) which in that case referred to the remains of King Dagobert being buried at Rennes-le-Chateau. The bones were probably laid there alongside those of his ancestors, going all the way back to the Cainites. The “flowery tomb” reference is in regards to the supposed “rose" (or “hidden sun”) within the tomb of the true Enoch/Hermes. This knowledge belongs to the Merovingians!
The text on this parchment, the shorter of the two, is a composite of different Gospel accounts of Jesus and his disciples eating corn on the Sabbath. The hidden message was discovered by Henry Lincoln in 1969. Some of the letters are raised above the rest on the line, and simply reading them in order gives the words:
Translation: To Dagobert II King And To Zion Is This Treasure And It Is Death!
This had attracted by far the more interest and attempts at interpretation. The Latin text is the account from John's Gospel (chapter 12) in which Mary of Bethany (believed by many to be one and the same as Mary Magdalene) anoints Jesus. As with the first parchment, certain letters are picked out - this time by being smaller than the rest - which spell the words REX MUNDI, Latin for "King of the World", a term used by Gnostic heretics such as the Cathars. If your a little more open minded and not completely trapped within one particular program or another then I recommend the book below it has some very interesting points of view.
Tracy Twyman the Author of many books that was Murdered By Secret Societies in 2019 for publishing to much truth in her excellent work, wrote much about these bloodlines, her content on The Merovingian Mythos and its roots in Atlantis goes into much more depth! It is believed Twyman was Assassinated for showing the truth behind the Cross Of Lorraine, that represents the two bloodlines of Jesus And Satan proving they both came from the same source!?
Also look into Rennes La Chateau The Parchments!
In a now famous poem by Charles Peguy, it states:
“The arms of Jesus are the Cross of Lorraine,
Both the blood in the artery and the blood in the vein,
Both the source of grace and the clear fountaine;
The arms of Satan are the Cross of Lorraine,
And the same artery and the same vein,
And the same blood and the troubled fountaine.”
Peter Farley also goes deeper on this Subject in his article on Lilith, Inanna And Hilary Clinton!
Allen H. Greenfield also blows the lid of all of these connections in his book The Secret Rituals Of The Men In Black
Allen H. Greenfields Secret Cypher Of The UFOnauts Free PDF
The Pyramids of Egypt are the portal to Sirius and also Amenti the Underworld. The Children Of Darkness
communicate in Symbols and Designs which are far more powerful than words.
There are many assertions that claim the Merovingians are the true descendants of Jesus? The Merovingians, Jesus and SIRIUS go hand in hand! Jesus was known as the Fisher Of Men this feels like it has some connection with the Sea, (the Christian story states Jesus became an ordained fisher when he entered the Kingdom of Heaven, I've never understood any of that, I firmly believe Jesus was A Druid that spoke about reincarnation, some claim Jesus simply represents the Sun?) And ENKI his father was known as Oannes which was the Babylonian term for the Annedoti! Apollodorus, described The Annedoti as "semi-daemons". See more in the Fable.
Likewise, researcher Andrija Puharich channeled the Ennead of Heliopolis whom apparently originated from Sirius, via Uri Geller and other mediums. We also find reference to Sirius and amphibians in Sumerian teachings who refer to these deities as Oannes there is also repeated mention of the number 50 which represents the orbital period of Sirius B and a dog headed entity representing the Dog Star, Sirius A.
Fritz Springmeier has his own interpretation on whom these bloodlines are in his article... The Real 13 Zoroastrian Bloodlines of The Illuminati.
Micheal Tsarion also speaks about a Female Illuminati And he exposes Masons. From the Illuminati to the Anunnaki!
According to Michael Tsarion’s analysis of thousands of ancient historical texts (mislabeled as mythological texts), and even the so-called Bible, these aliens were "cast down" here and quarantined for their monstrously evil acts here and perhaps throughout the galaxy - or at least in the area they apparently come from - Orion.
Some claim that these "negative" entities have been associated with some of the stars in the Orion constellation. Other sources claim that the Orion Nebula is a cosmic "doorway" to "infinity" or the realm of the Creator, which transcends the time-space-matter universe.
Some astronomers claim that a huge, beautifully-illuminated multicolored "light" has emerged from the "nebula" and is on an intercept-course with Earth, although at a rather leisurely pace and at this rate this "light" or "star" will reach earth approximately 3000 AD (give or take a hundred years). Could this have something to do with the prophecy in Revelation 21? Since the Draconian's are attempting to conquer the "heavens", they may have made futile attempts to enter the "Eternity Gate" and intercept the emerging "Light" ('War In Heaven' between Michael and the "Dragon"? - see: Rev. ch. 12).
This may explain the alleged presence of the Draconian's in the Orion constellation, although certain "human groups" have allegedly become curious of the "Eternity Gate" as well. The Orion open cluster itself is the base of a joint Reptiloid - Grey empire called the Unholy Six, which has been working out of NEMESIS in the SOL system. Many of the "planetoids" that have entered this system have made observable "course alterations" arriving from NEMESIS and the Orion-Draconian EMPIRE.
The movie, "Star Wars", was actually based on this Orion conflict. The empire attempted to dominate mentally, emotionally, technologically, and even devised ways to control using the psychic arts for an evil purpose. There was apparently a great spiritual Avatar that came forward and awakened the Orion people to the Law of Love and Forgiveness. This facilitated the beginning of a mass awakening for the civilization. Many claim there are parts of the Orion system that have awakened and parts that are still trying to dominate. One of those still trying to dominate in the Orion system is the reptilian race. Hence why many refer to these Anunnaki/Reptiles as The Negative Alien Agenda! These are those Worshipped By Secret Societies And Religions throughout our realm, hence why most are spiritually dead! There are many different types of factions, however they are communicate or are controlled by the same sinister forces! Here are a few other examples various covert groups!
The Black Lodge of Aviarian Adepti
MJ-12 ... The Black Lodge of UFOology
StarBuilders ... Space Alien "Walk-Ins" / New Age Authors
Unarius ... 50's-era New Age Space Alien Cult
Jessie Czebotar Originally Born to be Bred as A Queen Of Darkness for
The Illuminati Is Also an interesting Character, You can visit her website here.
Also Look Into The Great White Brotherhood!
The Origin of these bloodlines is far more complicated, and not all "elite cults" and "monarchs" are the exact same blood type, many believe their are many separate alien factions all vying for control at the top of the upper echelons and many types of consciousness!? Volume Two of Where Were You Before the Tree of Life? begins with these words, "The Men from Orion are the agents of what Barbara Clow terms "the big lie" - that Orion has engaged in a program of seeding walk-ins - Orion robots - on Earth." Living in an artificially induced "Leave It To Beaver" view of the world it's hard to grasp the sheer magnitude of what these words mean and their implication for Earth and what's going on right now for its inhabitants. "The Men from Orion have decided to commence their third battle, which is going on right now.&nbs